Chizuki hadn't gotten any sleep since Shikamaru left her room, which she was kicking herself in the ass over because she realized it was his plan to keep her guessing and tired, (she 'discovered' after thinking through all possible scenarios). And it worked! It always worked on her! And there was no doubt he was smug in his bed just waiting for her to limber over and spill her guts. "Damn it! Ok, be strong, don't put up with his bull today, and don't let him touch you!" 'For God's sake don't let him touch you… You'll be on the ground and right under his stupid thumb like he wants you, gotta get the advantage in this battle!'

She meandered down the stairs into the kitchen, to her surprise mom and dad were not there, nor was Shikamaru to her relief, breakfast had however already been made.

"They're on a mission for the next few days."

"Eeep!" she jumped turning quickly to a smug, smirking, Shikamaru. "Grrr…" She thought for a quick moment before realizing how much danger she was in. "Oh… shit."

"That's right Chi… it's just you and me today. And tomorrow. And probably the two days after that."

"I can always leave."

"Where would you go?" he laughed, though she could certainly leave and her announcing it made his chest feel like it just got hit with a sledgehammer.

"I don't know. I like camping." She mocked his smug grin while slapping some rice in a bowl, rather violently.

"Relax, you have until… let's say sunset, to tell me who you were dreaming about last night."

"Why are you so interested?" she asked pointing her spoon at him.

"Because I want to know."


"I'm interested."

"In my dreams? Or the fact that I have hot dreams and you wanna know who's in them because you're jealous and you want them to be about you?"

'Damn she got me. But she's only assuming she has no proof.' "No."

"Pshh, right, then what is it?" she asked cockily.

"I'll tell you my interest if you tell me who made you all hot and bothered last night."

"Mmm-! Don't say it like that…"

"Isn't that what happened though? You fell asleep obviously thinking of doing something unladylike and it worked into your dreams."

"What if I was? You're never gonna know who was makin this 'hot and bothered'." She gestured to herself.

"You want bet on it?" he challenged.

"You really think you can do this don't you?"

"I know I can." There was a long uncomfortable silence, full of judging.

"Well I guess you're just gonna have to try your hardest, cause I'm not telling you anything."

"Not yet at least."

"Pssh, whatever... leave me alone so I can eat you shirker."

"Why would I leave you alone?"

"Huh?" she said quietly.

"I would hate for you to fall asleep you might wake the neighbors."

"WHAT!? You ass you don't have neighbors!" she yelled.

"Hey don't be so loud." He said sticking a finger in his ear. "Don't be a drag Chizuki."

"Ugh! So that's your plan? Be really annoying and piss me off!"

"I said I'd give you until sunset last night… unless you forgot because you thought you were still dreaming about me."

"Oh please you should be so lucky, maybe I was dreaming about Kiba." She said arrogantly. Bam, there went that sledgehammer again.

"Why would you? You barely know him." He had made his way over to the table with his own rice.

"Well why would I dream that way about you?" Bam, another…

"How should I know? All you girls are so complicated it's annoying, all your scheming and planning and for what? A man-puppet to control for the rest of your life?"


"Ya know if that's what you really want maybe Kiba is the guy for you, I'm sure he'd be tied to your apron strings in no time."

"You know Nara, I'm gonna try really hard to view that as a compliment, so that I don't have to smack the shit out of you." She got up as calmly as possible and walked out of the kitchen with her head held high.

"Women…" he said, another blow had been dealt, so much sharper than before, more painful, because this time it wasn't about what she had said, this time it was what he said that made him hurt. Maybe deep down his heart knew something he didn't realize yet, he had let her walk away. 'Stupid pride…' he wanted nothing more than to run after her and do everything his dreams made him think of, but he was letting her leave instead... 'Why do I feel like a coward…?' "Hey! I'm going to town, I'll be back tonight."

"Why come back at all!?" he heard her shout from the other room.

"Grr.. because I live here!"

"Ooooooooo well aren't yo-." Slam! "Jerk…" Chizuki pouted. 'Why's he being so difficult? Is he really upset about what I said… I mean he doesn't really want… me. Right?'

'Well what if he did?' a random, forbidden thought entered her head.

'I guess… if he did want my dreams to be about him he would ask if they were, and would be upset if I told him they were about someone else…'

'So then maybe you should tell him the truth?' She didn't answer her stray thoughts any longer, she brainwashed herself with TV for the day.

When Shikamaru returned to his house he was ready to apologize, swallowing his pride almost as soon as he left. The lights were off and the shadows of sunset had made their home in the corners of the room, and he was greeted by the sweet smell of frying dough and baking noodles, and the sound of violins soon added by a piano, and a man's soothing voice.



"The whole day through." Chizuki's light voice soon added to the harmony.

"Just an old sweet song,"

"Keeps Georgia on my mind."

He moved slowly and quietly to the kitchen watching as she moved slowly swaying in place to the syrupy sound of the man's voice.

"A song of you,"

"Comes as sweet and clear,"

"As moonlight from the pines." Shikamaru walked behind her slowly putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Other arms reach out to me." He joined her slight swaying, resting his cheek near her temple, 'What am I doing? How do I explain this one… No… forget it, I don't care anymore, it's too much trouble to bounce between lies.'

"Other eyes smile tenderly." He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close.

"Still in peaceful dreams I see," As he began to nuzzle her neck she slowly brought up her hands touching the back of his neck, as she gently refused to let him stop his affections.

"The road leads back to you." A silent understanding glided in the air around them, it was the last point of return, the breath before the leap, one last excuse could be made now and only now.

"I said Georgia," The sound of the music humming through them and throughout the room compelled deeper feelings to surface.

"Woah Georgia," Deeper than pride, greed, or lust.

"No peace I find," It was love.

"Just an old sweet song," Shikamaru came to realize that if he didn't show her his feelings, he would hate himself, even if there was a slight chance that by doing so she would hate him.

"Keeps Georgia on my mind." And even in all the chaos, one thing he was certain of, was that her body language at this moment did not show any form of hate he knew.

"Woooaaahh Georgia," But there was always the chance that she was tearing herself apart as well, attempting to sort through a maze of feelings and urges.

"Ohh Georgia," He sighed into her, sending waves through her making her slip tender fingers in his hair, beckoning him to do it again.

"No peace, no peace I find." Chizuki almost wished to open her eyes, but the fear of it all vanishing resolved her wishes.

"Just an old sweet song," It was as if time slowed for a brief moment, long enough to let the pair of them savor each other's company, thousands of slight minuscule movements happening in only seconds.

"Keeps Georgia on my mind." The tightening of his arms, her fingers twitching, the swaying and tensing of muscles, and the smallest push of his hips into hers.

"I said just an old sweet song," Before it all became too much for him, he decided there would be no return, not for him… he kissed the pulse on her neck before raising his fingers to her chin to kiss her lips.

"Keeps Georgia on my mind….." As the final sounds of the music began their fade he pulled from her velvet lips.

"I was dreaming about you…" She finally confessed.

"I know." He slipped away from her and as she started to feel helpless and used, he switched off the oven pulling out the unfinished dinner. Confusion welled she had thought it was his plan to seduce her into telling, until she realized he had no plan at all other than the one he was about to finish.

He took her hand gently in his and ambled to his room, to his bed, to the place where everything began.

And they lived happily ever after, basically.

I may add a lemon one day, but right now I'm not strong enough haha, I may be almost nineteen but still can't talk about the dirty without blushing madly, I promise that I tried but I couldn't do it yet haha. But if you ever see this in the recently updated section after the date 8/30/13 then there's a lemon.