This is a short fic about Arya and Gendry being tumblr users who one day, decides to meet each other for reasons. This is also what I've been working on when I'm not busy with life and Arya and Gendry's Wedding fic. It'll probably be around 3-4 chapters long :) Vulgarities were thrown in here and there...

All rights to GRRM, I own nothing.

Arya Stark was not a stalker.

And she was pretty sure that he was the only straight guy who she shared a mutual follow with.

She took a quick glance at the time on her laptop.

8:35 pm.

And as always, aound this god-sent time, his icon would grace the miserable blue of her dashboard.

Although it technically wasn't a picture of him, (but of an illustrated bull), she just could not, by the life of her, stop feeling the annoying flutter of the damn butterflies in her stomach as they flapped their obnoxious little wings against the weak walls of her insides.

She knew it was not ideal to have a legitimate crush on someone from the Internet, who, for all she knew, lived in freakin' Narnia. (Or he could've been a 40-year-old man and or murderer)

But she found she couldn't help clicking on his 'Read-More's on the personal posts he so frequently made, and reading all his rants, arbitrary posts and about the things that made him happy that day.

She felt like a classified stalker; but this was the Internet and if he posted his personal posts into this virtual void of cat gifs and tom hiddlestones and pizza, then he meant for them to be read by people of the Internet (who she was an active member of).

And there was nothing wrong with that.

They had only communicated once, back when he had followed her and she had thanked him for the follow, to which he replied (very adorably):

No problem. Your blog is cool :)

And that was it. Instant infatuation triggerred.

And right at that moment she decided to check out this nice person's blog and by Gods, when she clicked his,"tagged/me", she practically choked on her tea.


She had wheezed those words exactly, coughing manically between each word.

The guy was utterly gorgeous.

His eyes were these magnificent Sapphires that drank the sun in, illuminating them to a bright, electric blue that made it difficult to unlatch your eyes from his. It brought out his dark lashes and thick eyebrows and she was so completely invested in the way his smile looked so goofy and yet so tantalizingly sexy she would nip at his lips if she could. And that mop of raven hair that looked like a shaggier copy of Darren Criss'; the hours she could spend threading her slender fingers through them JFC.

Arya was breathless just looking at him.

His selfies, to her, didn't seem to be cringy, and instead, they were of him showing his followers cool and funny stuff he stumbled upon, with him just being partially in the picture.

She coughed her way through the 10 pages, growing more and more self-concious as she did. On the very last page, there sat an anon message, asking for a picture of him.

She liked that picture the most.

He smiled a different kind of smile. It was crooked, and shy and he looked like he might have laughed just seconds after he took it.

His features were overwhelmed with a shy, friendly comeliness that made her insides itch.

Boy was he handsome.

And the things she would do to him.

Seven hells tone it down a notch, Arya.

She shook her head, dizzy with the acquaintace she had made with a gorgeous sex god, as she returned to his home page to read his bio.

She chastised herself for being so creepy. Yes, she had her fair share of good-looking mutual followers, but it was odd how this one in particular struck her hard.

But then again, he could already have a significant other and he also lived in….


And then it was gone.

That tiny sliver of hope vanished into thin air. Of course he had to live so fucking far in the South.


Kings Landing City was at the other end of the country, right above Dorne!

Sighing in obvious exasperation, she read through his bio again, allowing the information to settle in properly, and learned that his name was, Gendry.

And he was 19 and majoring in Sculpting and Visual Arts at Red Keep University.


Arya Stark sighed heavily.

Who was she kidding? She didn't have the slightest chance with him at all.

"Oh Gendry, how are you a tumblr user and so gods damn attractive?" She sighed again, this time to his icon.

Since they were on mutual follows, they would ocassionally like and reblog each other's posts and she was glad he hadn't found her insanely annoying to unfollow her just yet.

One time an anon had asked for a picture of her, and of course, she had to be her dumb self and replied with:

Not this, that's for sure.

With an image of Beyonce looking fabulous as hell on stage.

Why can't I be BEYONCE? UGHHH

Sh remembered how she had somethered her face with a pillow and screamed into it until Sansa barged in, a portable hair curler in one hand, two fingers gripping tightly onto the end of hair currently being curled.

Her eyes were wide, and her mouth ajar, thinking she had walked into a tragedy-stricken Arya.

Well it had been a tragedy.

She broke out of her trance, and thought of her insanely hot follower no further, and continued scrolling through her dashboard, sullenly.

His icon appeared again, and she saw that it was one of his "Read More"s.

And there at the bottom of the post, in that tiny grey text accomapnied with a hashtag, was, Winterfell.


Arya perked up from her position, her back straightening and her eyebrows shooting up as a sudden rush of excitement overcame her. She placed her macbook on her lap, eyes wide with anticipation, as the base of her baby seared through her slacks.

I'm not stalking. I'm not stalking…this is just…concern? This is anything but stalking…

She clicked the link as her heart pounded wildly with fervid anticipation.

And there it was.

/Guess who's going to Winterfell?!

So as a treat for winning the Art competition in Braavos, my whole class is going to winterfell to visit The Wall. (The great sculpture crafted by the hands of Mother Nature herself)

So if any of you are from the North, I'd like to know a few things about Winterfell (bc their wikipage has nothing on tourist hotspots)

So anyone?

Can't wait! X

There were 14 likes on that post alone, and Arya was too excited; a rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins, and Arya could not properly process why the fuck her fingers were typing away into his askbox.

As she typed out a reply, her head filled itself with montages of them walking side-by-side through the Godswoods and falling madly in love. And then she hit send.

It was only when she saw the message disappear, and, "Thank you! Your question has been received!" did she realize what she had done, and broke out of her reverie.

'NO! NO! NOOOOOO!" She yelled, fists pounding on the lumpy matress. Arya was almost expecting Sansa to barge into her room like she had the many times Arya went into a full out paroxsym.

But given how she was on tumblr every day of the first few weeks of summer, her family members had probably grown accustomed to her outbursts.

But still, it would be nice for them to show a little concern…I could be murdered at this very second...Psshh how rude

Arya hugged one of her pillows close to her chest, and bit into it, regretting what she had done.

Gods, I replied so fast!

Oh gods he's gonna know I've been creepin' on him…unnnnhhh…

Oh my gods Arya why did you do that? Next time please just don't do anything UGH WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!

When she started gagging, Arya threw the pillow away and tried her best to forget what she had just done.

This was her problem. She was so impulsive and reckless and-


Sitting up, Arya tried to guess how Sansa would best react to something like this. She would probably reply with another message and apologize? Or would she refresh her dash and wait it out and reply with the perfect answer like only Sansa could?

Yeah…maybe she would refresh her dash…alrightey then...Here goes noth-


And there it was. The little red bubble with that little tiny '1' in it, that she rarely ever saw.

Shitshitshitshit tits bugger bugger fuck fcuk cuntY CUNT TWAT and BALLS.

She slammed her Macbook shut, flinged it onto a bunch of pillows, and buried her face between her knees as she rocked herself back and forth in a fetal position.

You're so dumb, you're so dumb, you're so dumb!

Maybe it's not from him…Maybe it's a curious anon…yeah. Maybe it is...

But Arya seriously doubted that.

She took a deep breath, and despite the strong feeling of shame and regret, she willed herself to open her laptop, and click on the little message icon.

Arya Stark was anything but a wuss.

She braced herself.

And there was his icon.

Okay Arya, calm down. STOP. FUCKING. SMILING.

The grin was everpresent on her face, and she knew there was no way she could hide it or get rid of it. Composing herself, Arya read his reply.

/Hey! I got your reply. That would be so cool! I'm game for anything! I'll be in Winterfell for three weeks so I'll see you at this thing called,'The Maiden's Fair?'

You're pretty cool, but how do I know you're not a creepy old guy? Kidding…I've read your text posts – HE READ MY TEXT POSTS JFC- so I'm pretty sure you're not a creepy guy?

Would be nice to know what you look like though. X

She gulped. And Arya realized just how parched she was.

But she thought no more of her thirst, as her mind instantly flipped through a mental photo album of the pictures she had been in.

And her selfies were just – No.

Arya doubted Gendry could be a creepy old guy himself and came to the realization that this topic could buy her some time or at least stall the exchange of pictures (although she knew very well what he looked like).

The Internet has a dark side, and he might be a lurking pedophile in search for teenagers with odd obsessions for cats, chocolate and British men.

And so she replied with:

/You're not getting a picture of me just yet. How do I know you're not a creepy old guy yourself, Sir Gendry? ;)

She leaned back, surprising herself with how flirtatiously coy she was being.

Suddenly confident, Arya hit the send button as her stomach did annoying somersaults that drove her lazy butt out of bed.

She could not stop smiling.

Arya found herself grinning and pacing in her room despite herself. She was just so completely overwhelmed with euphoria.

Six minutes later, she refreshed her dashborad and there was another message.

It was only a word.

Just one word.

Yet the suggestionw as enough to make her insides do a complete flip, in a hyper-excruciating slow motion that made her suddenly hungry.

Nope. No. Out of the question.

She rubbed her eyes, beads of sweat already forming on her forehead and Arya dragged herself to her mirror to study herself.

Her face was long; in Sansa's words, her features were rather sharp and she looked like one of those ancient wildling queens.

Arya had snapped at her for that.

But Sansa, had pointed out how her eyes were the most highly appealing feature she had. They were large steel-gray doe eyes that made her look gullible. And the long lashes that framed them were unnecessarily long, she thought to herself.

Her lips were thin and chapped, her dark brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail (and not in the effortless sexy way mind you). The bridge of her nose were speckled with very faint freckles, and you would have to stand very close to her, for you to see them spreading all the way up to her cheekbones.

All in all, Arya had a boring face. At least it was to her.

She knew she was at least decent looking, decent enough to attract the eyes of Ned Dayne, but it didn't stop her from being a tad bit insecure. Living in the shadow of Sansa had its downsides. And Arya was in too happy of a mood to feel like a human stain right now.

As she studied herself, his reply kept echoing in her head.



But then again, wihtout it she couldn't reach Jon who was on one of his expeditions in the Land of Always Winter, (at least that was what he liked to call it, that pretentious little shit)

She removed the slim rubber band that held her thick hair together and tried her best to comb it down and make it look civil. Having quite enough with it, she put down her comb and was halfway putting on some chapstick when a sudden realization washed over her.

Although Arya would not let a person from the Internet see her like that, it was pretty ridiculous that she was making herself look pretty for someone she didn't know. Sure he was handsome as all hell, but really?

Arya was better than this. She won people over with her fiery personality and people were okay with her not primping herself up most of the time. SO why should she do it for him?

He's no one special…if we became friends I want him to see and appreciate who I am, as I am.

She settled back onto her bed, and sent him her Skype ID and the next thing she knew, Arya was staring straight into his icy blue stare.

Okay maybe I should've put on some eyeliner and a little bit of lipgloss, ahh fuck…

His hair was a disheveled mop of black, and it looked hot in the messy kind of way. He was grinning a damn crooked grin and Arya caught herself in the little box at the side of her screen. She looked okay, not as bad as she could have, but she didn't care.

Arya felt herself smiling back at this sex god, feeling a blush creep up her neck.

"Hey. I'm Gendry. But I guess you already knew that." He laughed, his eyes crinkling.

Oh gods his laugh…it could end wars and bring world peace it was a euphonious heavenly sound of puppies playing on fluffy clouds JFC. She realized it kind of turned her on and instantly she felt her cheeks flush, hotly.

"See? I'm not a creepy old man! I'm just a seventeen year old girl from tumblr." She teased, trying to steer her attention away from her blushing self.

He chuckled. Oh gods the angels are playing harps through that chuckle.

How am I socializing?

"And I'm not a creepy old man either!" He affirmed.

"Or… a creepy old guy has you at gun point and he's forcing you to read off a card as we speak." She gasped playfully.

Arya Stark, are you flirting?

He laughed again before replying.

"You're funny. But I ensure you; I do not have a captor here. See?"

He was gone from her screen and in his place was a swirl of grey walls dedecked with band posters.

His taste in music was exquisite. But what she couldn't believe was how she was looking into the room of this good-looking bastard, where he sleeps, possibly shirtless, at night.

UGH…no stop…

"See?" His husky voice broke her reverie of inappropriate thoughts.

"Okay…I believe you…for now. " She replied coyly, wiggling her eyebrows as she did so.

"Well, we shall see then. So see you at The Maiden Fair then? I'll be in Winterfell next Tuesday, so you can see me personally and come to the conclusion that I am in fact a nineteen year old teenager, and not an Internet creeper." He laughed.

"Alrightey then, Sir Gendry, nineteen year old teenager and not an Internet creeper." She replied.

"Alrightey then, Lady Arya, seventeen year old girl from tumblr." He responded, matching her coyness.

There was an awkward silence between them both, until Arya mentioned one of the bands she saw on his wall and then they rocketed into that subject, bringing them – for Arya until, 2 in the morning and Gendry, 4 am in the morning.

"Oh gods, I have to tell you about the time I went to their concert with Jon, I can't believe I forgot! I'll talk to you soon? It's like 4 am where you are." She replied sheepishly, guilty that she had not taken their tme difference into consideration.

"Nah, it's okay. But yeah, I'm pretty beat. I loved talking to you Arya. So, talk again soon?" He yawned, and gave a small smile.

"You betcha." She grinned.

"Goodnight." He bade her, with a wink.


It was like a star had exploded inside her, strewing a million tiny flecks of it inside her. She was bubbling with so much euphoria it was impossible to go to sleep. Arya was tossing and turning in her bed, smiling like an idiot, with her stomach tickling with delight.

This has been a good day- nay - a briliant day.

Arya Stark concluded as she feigned sleep until it finally got hold of her.


Thanks for reading!

Reviews would make me so happy I would do a dance, tape it and show it to you.. (no don't make me tape it)