Zoe let the last bits of sleep slide off her like a cocoon. The heaviness in her eyes the only obstacle left between her and the waking world. In a minute, she'd be back to that normal life of crime and questionable morals she'd been keeping for the past several months. Something off was nagging at her brain, though, that she couldn't quite figure. Maybe it was the fact she wasn't wearing her ratty old nightgown. She didn't mind though, she hated that thing anyways. No, that wasn't it. Er, well, all of it.

Zoe turned over, finally allowing her eye lids to open. Wash. For a moment, Zoe was confused, but then she remembered and oh boy did she remember. Each touch and sound imprinted through every inch of her body. They'd done it last night, reached that point of no return instead of retreating back like they'd been doing for weeks. Now, though, as Zoe watched the man sleep, she felt no remorse. She smiled to herself, keeping time in the steady movements of his chest. There'd be time for justification later, maybe moments of weariness, but then she inched closer. Zoe basked in the combined heat of their bodies. She felt an infinity pass in that moment, walls of empires crumbling to dust. All that was left, as the dust cleared and the new day began, was Zoe. Pure and unadulterated and content. And it was all because of him.