This is the first ever Skip Beat fanfic I have written. Don't hate me if you don't like it! I'm still getting to grips with the characters. All constructive criticism is appreciated, y'all now where the review box is.

Warning: Rated M for very mature content and a heavy drizzle of lemon. If you are under 18 I advise you to press the back button now.

Disclaimer: However much I'd like to tie Ren up and stuff him in my closet, I don't own him or any of the Skip Beat characters. Nor any of the story line etc. etc.

The locks had well and truly been smashed off the box, Kyoko fumbled with the cold metal trying to put them back into place but the rusted and worn metal had been rendered useless. Suddenly she was falling, darkness was enveloping her entire body and her heart felt like was swelling inside her chest crushing her lungs against her ribcage, robbing her of what little air she managed to suck in before the unexpected fall. Her back slammed into cold grey concrete. She could breathe. It hurt, it burned. Tears seared across her pale cheeks, it was so hot; like fire was swimming through her veins. She arched her back at the excruciating flames that hugged her body. She cried out the only word that came to mind.


Tsuruga Ren awoke with a start. He looked to his side to see Kyoko shaking, tears streaming down her delicate face. His heart started pounding in worry. Her back arched and he could see sweat beading at her brow, her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gulped in air. He shook her gently trying to wake her from her night terror.

"Kyoko! Kyoko wake up!"

Her eyes fluttered open and met his face; her pupils were dilated and unseeing. Her mouth opened but no sound came out. She tried again her voice was ragged and dry.


Ren let out huge sigh of relief. "I'm here. You're okay."

"Ren?" She asked again. His heart felt like it had fell through the bottom of his stomach. Couldn't she hear him? Her eyes were wide open. He shook her gently again as he took deep breathes in order to keep his own panic at bay. Her hands blindly grabbed at his chest, gradually her breathing began to slow and her limbs became limp in his arms. Was she falling back to sleep? Ren's eyes scanned her softening features and relief washed through him. He lay next to her and gently brushed the damp hair that stuck to her forehead off her face. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself close, snuggling her head into his chest. He lay frozen, afraid to move in case she would let go. He felt her sigh and her body complete relax. Almost inaudibly she muttered.

"Thank you, Ren." He could help but smile; she could even make him happy in her dreams. "I love you."

He felt like 10,000 volts of electricity had shot through his body. What did she just say? His arms wrapped tighter around her tiny body as he bit back a lump in his throat. He wondered how someone as pure and innocent as the frail frame beside him could ever love such a monster as him. He didn't deserve her. He knew deep down that the girl he loved deserved more and when they woke up in the morning they would be Cain and Setsu Heel and none of this would have happened.