"Um, Tom…I know I've been tough on ya, but I mean it…when I say… that I…I" With each word Allan said, his face came closer and closer to Tom's. "I lo-"

"Allan! Allan! Where is Baggahar? I told Mr. Hubbs it was in Morocco, but he don't believe me!" a latino woman with a thick accent asked. It was Carlotta, the boss's gal. Now Allan may be the captain, but his boss was still Sakharine, and technically her. It still amazed everyone of how she would stay loyal to an old bag like him. Maybe it was the beard?

Tom and Allan just stared at her. How would it look threw her eyes, a naked captain leaning over his first mate in bed?

"Well…I'm I gonna get an answer or not?" Carlotta asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Um…aaa…" Allan started. He was amazed at how well she was reacting to this shocking scene. "Um, well…I don-"

"Yep, you're right. It's in Morocco." Tom answered as quickly as possible.

"Thank ju, Tom. SEE I TOLD JU, BUT JU NO LISTEN TO ME!" Carlotta screamed to Mr. Hobbs down the hall. She turned back to the two men, rolled her eyes, then left them alone. After she shut the door, Tom and Allan both snapped back into reality.

"So, um…what were you saying?" Tom started.

"What? Oh, yeah." Allan said, his face turning bright red. " I lo…I lost my hat and came back to get it." He said sternly. Allan snatched his hat from Tom's head and started to gather his clothes.

"Really? That's it? Nothing else?" Tom asked with a smirk as Allan put his clothes back on.

"Yes. Now as your captain I order you to shut up and go to sleep." Allan commanded as he fixed his captain hat.

"Aye-aye" Tom responded. He fluffed his flat pillow and pulled the thin blanket over his body. "Are you sure that there is nothin' else you wanted to say?"

"Absolutely." Allan grumbled back.

"Alright then. Goodnight. I love you." Tom yawned as he turned to his side. He closed to his eyes and started to fall asleep. Allan looked at the ground for a while, then clenched his fist and squeezed his eyes out of fright for what he was about to do.

"Goodnight. Lo-love you too." Allan quickly mumbled before opening the door and slipping out. Tom couldn't help but smile like a fool, he was starting to crack Allan's hard shell.

Once he shut the door, he leaned back on it and slowly slide down. He lightly closed his eyes and a small grin formed on his face as he realized what he finally had done. He felt as if a giant weight was taken from his shoulders. 'Ya did it Al. Now only if you could do it when he was awake.' When that horrifying thought appeared, the mood was killed and he opened his eyes. To his disappointment, most of the crew was staring at him. Some confused by his lovey-dovey expression, others trying to hold back smiles and chuckles.

"What the hell are you all lookin' at?! Don't you all have somethin' you should be doin'!"

UCF2580 says…

Hey there J

I felt this would probably be better as a One-shot so I changed it

This alternate ending includes my sister's OC Carlotta

She could be found at starfire59