Ron P.O.V

I can't believe that Viktor Krum is at our school. It's unbelievable. I really like him but Sophie is the only one who knows.

We managed to get 3 of the French girls to sit at our table because Sophie is fluent in French but all the Durmstrang students are sat with the Slytherins. Is it just me or is Viktor looking at me?

You see me liking Viktor goes back to when I first saw him on the cover of a Quidditch magazine. _

I was searching through the magazine to see if there was anything about the Chudley Cannons, the only thing about them was to do with their constant losing streak. And he was there on the cover.

So I did the first thing that came to mind and I asked Sophie who he is, the response I got was 'Viktor Krum, he is the youngest player on the Bulgarian international team' the only thing running through my mind was, he is gorgeous. I have never seen anyone like him. It later turned into an obsession; I had to have any magazine with him in it. I soon realised that I had fallen in love with someone I had never met.