-Chapter 1: Entrance exam!-

"Oh man, I can't believe I over slept!" Screeched a boy Sprinting down the sidewalks of Domino City. The boy wore a black school uniform with a red undershirt, and on his arm was his duel disk. The brunette boy was in such a rush that he didn't see a man with tri-colored spiky hair walk into the path he was running, so he collided with him.

"Ouch...sorry about that..hey wait a minute I know you" The boy said looking at the man.

The man chuckled a bit "You're a duelist" the man stated

"That's right" the boy said confidently as he picked up the cards he dropped

"Before, you head to you exams take this, I've got a feeling it belongs with you" the man said handing the boy a card.

"Winged Kuriboh, wait how'd you know I was he-" the boy stopped realizing the man had vanished "that was weir- THE EXAMS!" the boy shouted taking off in a sprint towards his destination.


"C'mon Jay, where the hell are you?" a boy with dirty blonde short hair said looking around

"Mr. Kaiba, we can't hold up the testing much longer" a man in a black said walking up to the boy

"For the last time, call me Austin, and don't worry he'll be here soon...I hope" Austin Kaiba said looking down the street. A moment later a familiar head of brunette hair came into view "By the skin of his teeth as usual" Austin said with a smirk on his face.

"JADEN! Hurry up man you turn to duel's coming up!" Austin shouted

Jaden reached his friend and hunched over holding his knees "Dude...you'll never...guess...who...I ran into" Jaden said gasping for air

"No time! you've got to hurry before they skip you" Austin said push Jaden through the doors

"Alright, alright quit your shoving!" Jaden replied laughing

As the two boys walked into the stadium a duel between the prompter and a kid with black hair had just ended. The black hair boy was the winner after using ring of destruction to finish of the last bit of the prompters life points.

"Wow, that was a great duel" came a voice from behind Jaden and Austin "I was sure he was gonna lose"

"Hey, I'm Jaden Yuki and this is Austin Kaiba" Jaden said facing the short bluenette

"I'm Syrus Trues- Did you say KAIBA!" the boy shouted in shock

"Whoa, chill out little buddy, I'm just a normal person like you" Austin said trying to calm the bluenette

"Oh quite the contraire Mr. Kaiba, your dueling skills are leaps and bounds ahead of anyone here" came a British voice from behind them "Bastion Misawa" the boy said sticking his hand out to the three

"Just call me Austin, and yeah nice to meet you" Austin said shaking Bastion's hand

"I'm Jaden Yuki" Jaden said "And I'm Syrus Truesdale" Syrus chimed in

'Truesdale? I know that name from somewhere' Austin thought to himself "Will Jaden Yuki please report to duel field #5" a voice said coming over the speakers.

"Well, I guess I'm up" Jaden said a grin growing on his face as he walked to the field

"Welcome young man, I am , and I will be your prompter for the exam"

"Cool, get your game on" Jaden said activating his disk

"My what?" Crowler asked dumbstruck

"It's a catch phrase" Austin said sighing

"Well, we might as well head to the boat Crowler is gonna win anyway" A girl with dirty blonde hair said

"Alexis, did you not see who he walked in with?" A older boy with teal hair said

"What does it matter Zane?" Alexis asked

"Alexis, he walked in with Austin Kaiba the son of Seto Kaiba, he doesn't hangout with people unless their talented duelists" Zane said in a emotionless tone

"So what, are you saying that he could beat Crowler?" Alexis asked looking down at Jaden

"It's worth the watch" Zane said with a smirk.

"Okay, so you win, which you won't, and you're in" Crowler explained

"We'll see about that teach" Jaden said confidently

"Let's just start" Crowler sighed

"Fine by me" Jaden said 'FINALLY!'

JADEN LP: 4000


"I'll start" Crowler stated in a dull tone "I set two cards and activate Heavy storm"

"Why'd you destroy your own trap?" Jaden asked

"Simple, to get two wicked statue tokens that I'll sacrifice now to summon Ancient Gear Golem (Atk: 3000)" Crowler said as a towering monster appeared behind him "Your turn Mr. Yuki"

"Nice move teach, but I'm still gonna win" Jaden said drawing his card

"Yes, Yes of course you are" Crowler replied sarcastically

"I activate polymerization to fuse Avian and Bustinatrix in my hand to bring out Elemental Hero Flame wing man" Jaden said as his two monster jumped into a vortex and reappeared as one "Then I play Fake hero allowing me to summon any monster in my hand with E-Hero in its name, So meet Blade edge, then I'll follow up with card of sanctity which lets us draw till we both have six cards in our hand" Jaden said as a warrior in a gold suit of armor with blades on his arms appeared while he drew his new cards "Man, I didn't want to win so soon" Jaden sighed

"Please, I think you've gone mad my monster is still stronger then both of yours" Crowler sneered

"How's he gonna win?" Alexis asked looking to Zane

"Well considering he just used every card in his hand before card of sanctity, He's got a complete new hand which means he's most likely got your answer in his hands" Zane said with a smirk

"This guy has a real future here" Alexis said with a smile while Zane just nodded

"See Crowler the duel isn't over till the last card is played, so let me show you what I mean, I activate the field spell Skyscraper" Jaden said as a large city erupted from the ground and surrounded them "Now Flame Wingman attack his Golem!"

"Hah, he's weaker and will be destroyed"

"You'd think that, but see when Skyscraper is out if my E-Hero is weaker than your monster he gets a 1000 point power boost" Jaden said with a smirk

"He what!" Crowler shouted, as Flame Wingman charged the Golem and ripped right through its chest "Well, I still only lose 100 life points so even if you attack with Blade Edge I'm still in this"

"Sorry, I forgot to mention my Flame Wingman's effect, when he destroys your monster you take you monster's attack points as damage" Jaden said with a smile "Now Blade Edge, go give Wingman a hand and end this duel" Both monsters attacked Crowler directly causing his Life point reader to hit zero.

"That's Game" Jaden said striking his signature pose with a wink

The announce came over the speakers again "Congratulations Mr. Yuki, and welcome to Duel Academy"

Crowler then walked across the field to Jaden "I'm very impressed Mr. Yuki, you're an excellent duelist" Crowler said extending his hand to Jaden

"Um...Thanks teach" Jaden said while shaking Crowler's hand

"You will be assigned to the Slifer dorm, but once we start classes you'll be given the opportunity to advance to Obelisk Blue" Crowler said as he walked away.


After Jaden's victory the boys headed for the ship and boarded it. They had finally set off for the island after an hour or so of waiting. Austin stood on the upper deck with his piercing blue eyes resting on the open waters of the ocean. If he stood next to his father you'd think he was a clone, except Austin's hair being a dirty blonde color, that almost looked brown.

"I was wondering when you'd come talk to me" Austin said to the person walking up behind him

"It's been some time since I've seen you Austin" Zane said standing next to Austin

"The last time, I saw you was when I met Atticus at my father's banquet, you never mentioned you had a little brother" Austin said his gaze still on the ocean.

"You never asked, and the reason I'm here is to talk to you about Atticus" Zane said also looking out at the ocean.

"Have you heard something new about his disappearance?" Austin asked hoping that Zane did

"No" Zane replied with a bit of disappointment in his tone "But, his sister just joined the academy with hopes of finding him still on the island"

"We can't drag Alexis into this Zane" Austin said turning his gaze at Zane

"I know, and we won't, we don't need her to get hurt trying to find him" Zane said

"Just means we'll need to find him before she decided to take it upon herself" Austin said looking back out to the ocean.


Jaden was still looking for a seat down in the rows "Excuse me miss, would you mind helping me find a seat" he asked the attendee

"Of course sweet heart" the older woman replied

"Well, here's an open one if the young lady doesn't mind you taking it" she said looking to a girl with dirty blonde hair

Alexis turned to look at the boy "I don't mind" she said with a friendly smile

"I'm Jaden Yuki" Jaden said taking the seat offered

"Alexis Rhodes, your duel was great by the way" she said

"Thanks, I was actually hoping I wouldn't win so fast" He said with a sheepish smile

"Maybe you just need more of a challenge" she offered

"I-" Jaden started before being interrupted

"Hey Slacker, this area is for Obelisks only" a boy with spiky raven colored hair said

"Go away Chazz, I said he could" Alexis said

"That doesn't matter" Chazz said still not pleased

"Look how bout you just cool your ego" Jaden said with a leveled tone

"WHAT DI-"Chazz started shouting

"I suggest you take his advice Princeton" Austin said walking in with Zane

"Why should I Kaiba" Chazz spat

"Because you little mutt, he's my friend, and I don't think I need to remind you of the last time you disrespected a friend of mine" Austin said emotionlessly

Chazz gulped a bit "Fine, your highness I-"

"Go, before you put you same something you wish you didn't" Zane added

Chazz growled, then turned away and stormed off "Thanks Aust" Jaden said

"No problem Jaden" Austin said with his usual cheery smile

"I still don't get how you can do that" Jaden said with a chuckle

"My old man taught me well" Austin said with his own chuckle "I see you've already met little Alexis" Austin said with a smirk

"Oh yeah, wait how do you know her?" Jaden asked

"You wanna tell him Alexis?" Austin asked

"I'm Seto Kaiba's god daughter" Alexis said

"Oh, that's cool, so who's your friend Austin?" Jaden asked

"Oh him, that's Zane or 'The Kaiser' as his fan club calls him" Austin said with a chuckle

"The emperor?" Jaden asked

"Yeah he's the top duelist at the Academy...well was y'know since I showed up" Austin said with a cocky smirk

"Is that a challenge Kaiba" Zane said with his own smirk and raise of the eyebrow

"Yes, but Later" Austin replied "I'm taking the first week off from dueling so I can be fresh for the freshman duel" He said folding his arms behind his head

"The Freshman Duel?" Jaden asked

"Yeah, the freshman with the top entrance score, duels the freshman of his choice" Austin said "So you up for it Jay?"

Jaden smiled "I'm always up for a duel"

"Good" Austin said before he and Zane walked off to find seats.

"So, I guess you got more of a challenge" Alexis said smiling at Jaden

"Oh, I did" Jaden said oozing with excitement "Just wish I didn't have to wait a week for the duel him"

Alexis giggled 'Since when do I giggle?' Alexis questioned herself.