"So, Coach Fairbanks was the one who taught her?" Peter questioned curiously.

Derek nodded as he followed him up the staircase to the second floor of the Graduation Hall. "Yeah, all those days I forgot her she was meeting Fairbanks at the pool for lessons. In exchange all she had to do was T.A. for her during her open period."

"Ell must have known Talia knew about her inability to swim."

"Ellie is always thinking ahead."

"Yeah in knowing you'd be an idiot," Peter grinned, Derek smacking him the head with the Graduation pamphlet.

"Derek! Peter!" Ms. McCall called with a wave. Peter had been found out last year by Mr. Stilinski, but after finding out about the weird werewolf thing his son and his friends were involved in, he didn't question it. Peter didn't mind; this meant he could go out and about more often now.

They made their way over to where Mr. Stilinski and Ms. McCall were sitting with other family members. "Hello Derek," Mr. Stilinski said as he hugged him. "Can you believe he actually made it?"

"He worked hard for it sir," Derek smiled. "They all have."

"Hurry, the ceremony is going to begin any minute," Ms. McCall hushed as she coaxed them to sit.

They all settled down, overlooking the empty seats below where the graduates were to sit. Then, the music began to play and out filed the red gowns. "Do you see them?" Mr. Stilinski questioned.

"There's Boyd and Erica," Peter said with a motion of his head.

Derek waved, the blonde glancing up with a smile and blew them a kiss, Boyd grinning brightly from next to her. "Look, look! There's Scott and Isaac!" Ms. McCall cheered before snapping pictures of the two. "Hi Scott! Scott, up here! Scott!"

None of them needed to hear the 'Oh god' Scott muttered as he quickly switched places with Isaac who was waving up at them. "He's redder than a tomato," Peter grinned.

"I wonder where Stiles and Ellie are," Mr. Stilinski questioned as more students flooded the building. Finally they spotted Stiles and Ellie, Stiles practically skipping to their seats. "That's my son," he chuckled. "Stiles!"

Ellie saw them first, gently poking Stiles who began waving like an idiot. "You do know you're dating that right?" Peter whispered, Derek shaking his head with a fond grin.

The ceremony began with the Principal's speech, followed by their class valedictorian and teacher of the year. The band and choir played a song, and then finally they were lining up to walk across the stage for their diplomas. When the pack's group filed out to line up backstage, Peter pulled out the camera and handed it to Derek. "I figured since we missed Ellie's first graduation, we'd make up for it during the second."

Knowing he was right, Derek followed Ms. McCall and Mr. Stilinski to the railing. As soon as Boyd stepped out from behind the curtain, they began to snap pictures. All of them had specially lensed cameras, a Christmas present from Stiles. Erica came out next with a wink and a wave, Isaac and Scott right behind them with a grin to the stands. Ellie came out with a smile, but as soon as Stiles came out he stumbled, landing on his backside. The entire pack could be heard roaring with laughter, Mr. Stilinski shaking his head as Derek bit back a laugh and continued snapping pictures. Like usual, Stiles bounced back up and shot to his feet, waving at the crowd in hopes they couldn't see the flush in his cheeks. After getting their diplomas and shaking the principal's hand, they all returned to their seats. With a closing speech, and a final bow from the students, they were dismissed with a toss of their caps and cheers from their friends and family.

After filing out of the building and back outside, they waited on a patch of grass for the pack to come back out. Sure enough there they were, all smiles as they walked up the pathway towards them. "Congratulations!" Ms. McCall cheered as she kissed them all, immediately going back to snapping pictures.

"Hey dad," Stiles beamed as Mr. Stilinski pulled him into a tight hug.

"You did it son," he sighed. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. I guess all of that late night studying paid off, huh?"

"Uh huh, studying," Ellie coughed, Stiles sharply elbowing her.

Peter pulled the little girl into his arms and squeezed. "Happy second graduation kid."

"Yeah thanks considering you missed my first one!"

"We had scheduling conflicts," Peter muttered, Ellie rolling her eyes.

"We are proud of you though," Derek cut in.

"Thank you," Ellie said before hugging him.

They stood around for pictures, asking another parent to get a group shot of all of them together. A picture of their family. They took single shots, partner shots, sibling shots, and couple shots. As Ellie made to take a picture of Scott and Isaac, Isaac swooped, catching Scott's lips as soon as the camera snapped. "Yes!" Ellie cheered, Scott's face a bright red. "Stiles it's on film!"

"No fucking way," Stiles gaped, sharply snagging the camera from her.

"And when was I going to hear about this?" Ms. McCall questioned with a raised brow.

Scott couldn't say anything, jaw dropped, as everyone burst into laughter again. "I have a surprise for you," Derek cut through the excitement as he nudged Ellie. "Come with me."

"What?" Ellie questioned as Derek took her hand and began to lead her to the parking lot.

"Come on Stiles!" Derek called, Stiles excitedly following with the others right behind them.

They weaved through the crowds of students and families before stepping onto the asphalt of the lot. Ellie saw it before Derek even said anything, her grip tightening around his hand as she gasped. Her Chevelle was sitting there, shining in the sun like it had just come out of the dealership. "You finished her?"

"Yeah," he smiled rather smugly. "I said I'd fix her before graduation, didn't I? Stiles pitched in too."

"More like handed you tools," Stiles chuckled.

Ellie was in shock, removing herself to run her hand over the hood that had once been smashed in; the windshield had been fixed, she had brand new tires, and the Argent's awful spray paint was gone. Instantly she turned and threw her arms around Derek's neck, squeezing. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You deserve it, Ell."

"Alright, now who's up for a party!?" Peter exclaimed, Erica and Isaac whooping in agreement.

"Oh wait! I promised Coach Fairbanks that I'd say good bye. I'll meet you guys there, ok?" Ellie said.

"We'll wait with her and meet you guys back at the house," Derek said, Stiles sliding up on top of the Chevelle.

"Alright, see you in a few," Scott waved.

"I'll be right back, promise," she said, shoving her cap and diploma into Derek's arms before sliding out of her gown and throwing it at Stiles. "Five minutes!"

The two watched her as she quickly ran back towards the building, her white and teal summer dress bouncing about her knees. "I bet you ten bucks, if she wasn't a werewolf, she'd be on her face into those heels."

"I agree with that. She was never a graceful pup," Derek chuckled. "So, you're officially graduated now."

"I know right? Can you believe it? Not going to lie, after I found out Scott was a werewolf, and after all the chaos these past few years, I didn't think I'd make it."


"Do you know how hard it is to study and finish homework, let alone projects, when there are rogue alphas, kanima, zombie werewolves, and other crazy things of legend coming to life around you? It's pretty fucking hard. Especially dating the hot and sexy alpha who is always throwing himself into danger."

"Can't say your life isn't exciting."

"HA! Funny. Funny guy," Stiles snorted. After Derek threw his arm around him, he let out a sigh. "You're lucky I'm sticking around here for college."

"We talked about this; you don't have to stay in Beacon Hills, Stiles."

"Pssh, do you know how boring other colleges are going to be? Without werewolves biting at my heels, I'd be out of my mind every second of every day of my life."

Derek couldn't help his laugh, kissing his temple. "I can't argue with that."

They made small talk after that, watching as the crowds of students began to disperse and disappear. Minutes ticked by, and after twenty minutes Stiles nudged Derek. "Hey, isn't that Coach Fairbanks?"

He pointed at the tall blonde woman making her way to the parking lot, speaking to a few of her students. "Where is Ellie then?"

"Come on. I don't like this feeling," Stiles muttered. They threw Ellie's things into the Chevelle before making their way back into the hall. It was mostly abandoned, a few stragglers walking passed them as they went. "Do you smell her?"

"She's here somewhere; her scent is getting stronger."

They made their way into the main hall again, the metal chairs where the graduating class had been sitting picked up and removed, leaving the entire bottom floor open. Stiles followed Derek whose nose was in the air. "Anything?"

Derek shook his head as he glanced around. That's when something slammed down roughly on the stage, a body flipping back a few times before rolling off onto the floor. "Ellie!" Derek exclaimed, instantly at her side.

"Go, go!" Ellie shoved him, sharply moving him back just in time for a stack of metal chairs to rain down where they were just standing.

"What the hell is going on?" Derek demanded, fingers lightly brushing the healing slices across her chest.

"Let's just say someone's angry she wasn't invited."

"Mom," Derek whispered.

"Hello, darling," Talia smiled as she made her way to center stage. "I'm glad I was able to come and see everyone at their graduation. Today was truly special."

"I told you to leave, Talia," Derek grit out, his eyes glowing red in warning. "This is your last chance. Leave now or we'll put you six feet under."

Talia however shook her head, clicking her tongue in disappointment. "That is no way to speak to your mother," she warned, her eyes glowing gold as her nails began to lengthen. "Looks like I'm going to have to teach you your manners, all over again."

"Stiles get out of here," Ellie warned as Derek let out a protective snarl.

"I'm not going anywhere," Stiles deadpanned. "Not this time.

Ellie watched him hesitantly. When Stiles gave her a look of determination however she nodded, returning her attention to Talia. Talia lunged first, hitting Ellie square in the chest before Derek knocked her in the side. Stiles watched from the side lines as Derek and Ellie took the woman on, but he could tell Derek was holding back. No matter how psycho the woman was, or how many times she tried to kill Stiles or Ellie or his entire pack, Talia was his mom. A mom he'd spent most of his life without. Stiles couldn't say he wouldn't be doing the same if the roles were reversed. Right now beating Talia was on Ellie's shoulders, and Stiles knew she wouldn't hold back to protect him and Derek.

Ellie suddenly got a good hit in, Talia roaring as her claws slashed across the back of her knees. Derek took the moment to grab her by the front and launch her across the room, her body slamming roughly into the wall. "Stay down Talia," Derek hissed as Talia started to stand up.

"No. I won't stand by and watch you ruin your life," she spat.

"How is he ruining his life? Tell us why you're so against what he is doing."

"Full-blooded werewolves are next to none in this world, and we're a dying race. You can give the bite all you want, it doesn't mean they are meant for our world," Talia said. "That is why I couldn't believe you had mated with a human, let alone a boy." When her eyes grazed over Stiles, Derek let out a growl of warning. "You were supposed to keep the Hale legacy alive, but instead you're rubbing it in the dirt."

"Things aren't the same as they were when you were growing up, Talia," Ellie attempted to reason with her. "Half-breeds and humans can do a lot more nowadays. And Stiles, he-"

"I won't hear it! He can do nothing for my boy! I would have even considered accepting you, a half-breed, being his mate but a human boy?"

Ellie rolled her eyes, but before she could snap back Derek stepped forward. "Do you know what happened after our family was killed? Living in North Carolina was isolating. Ellie was the only one who stood by my side and helped me; a half-breed protected me, supported me, when none of the full breeds would. When I returned to Beacon Hills though, I lost that after Peter killed Laura. I had no one, no family, no friends, and I was so angry and withdrawn from the world that I couldn't even keep my pack in line," he snarled, Talia dropping her glance. "But then, Stiles was there. I was a dick to him, still am sometimes, but he never backs down when I need help. Whether or not I even ask for it. He's saved my hide more times than I can count and he's human. A human who wormed his way into my life and suddenly it was like someone turned the lights on." Stiles' cheeks flushed when Derek flash a small smile at him. "He makes me better. A better alpha, a better leader, a better person, and I love him."

Stiles felt like his heart was going to burst into his chest and it took all of his will power not to run over and kiss him breathless. Talia however was staring at him, slack jawed with an emotion they couldn't quite read. "Please Talia, just go," Ellie begged. "Stop this."

She was silent for a long time before, to their disappointment, she shook her head. "This has been my mission since the day I decided to take this path."

Suddenly Derek and Ellie let out a snarl of warning, multiple men pouring into the hall around Talia. Stiles immediately recognized them as hunters, taking quick steps back to line up with Derek and Ellie. There were five of them including Talia, Stiles' heart thumping in his chest as his hand tapped the knife he had in his pocket. Then, they charged. The hunters immediately went straight at Derek and Stiles, Talia meeting Ellie on the side with a clawed swipe. Derek was attempting to keep the hunters distracted and away from Stiles, but to his horror one slid by. He desperately attempted to pull the man back, but the other three had a good hold on him. Stiles sharply took a few steps away from the man as he watched him pull a blade from his belt; at least the dude didn't think he was worth a bullet. He managed to dodge the first swing, and the second, before wiggling his knife from his pocket. It was a ducking and stabbing fest after that, but Stiles had to admit he felt pretty powerful right now. Instead of being the kid in the corner he was taking a hunter head to head and hadn't been stabbed yet!

That's when Derek appeared over his shoulder, grabbing the man and slamming him into the stage with so much force you could hear his bones snap. He let out a scream of agony before Derek knocked him unconscious. "Hey, I had him!" Stiles argued.

Derek's eyes faded as he bit back a smirk. "I know."

Two of the hunters were still standing, both Derek and Stiles jumping in to disable them. Talia and Ellie were still going at each other's throats, her heels discarded in the corner somewhere. Ellie punched Talia across the jaw before kicking her in the stomach. "You can't out power me," Talia warned.

"Trust me, it's not about power," Ellie smirked, attacking her again. Sure enough Ellie was getting the upper hand, shoving her claws in all of the weak spots she knew about. As soon as she kicked in her knees and made to punch her again however, she heard Derek's roar of pain; a hunter had stabbed a knife into his thigh. "Derek!"

Talia took the moment of distraction then, slashing her claws through Ellie's side. Then she grabbed her by the throat, claws digging into the sensitive part of her neck, before throwing her into the opposing wall with such force, the wall crumbled. Rubble collided around her, multiple pieces landing on top of her and rendering her unconscious. Stiles and Derek finished off the last of the hunters, looking up just in time to see the last piece of wall fall. "Ellie," Stiles gaped, Derek almost instantly at her side to pull her free.

Ellie however didn't open her eyes, but at least he could still hear her heartbeat. "I'm sorry son, but she knew the consequences."

Derek handed Ellie over to Stiles as soon as he caught up, finally standing to face off with his mom. "I gave you a chance to leave, but you didn't stay away. Instead you came back to try and finish the job, but I won't let you," he growled low in his throat, claws growing even more as he began to wolf out.

Talia matched his stance, her claws extending as her ears began to grow to a point. "Let's see what you've learned, Derek."

Stiles watched Derek attack first, his mom right there to meet him. He looked more confident this time, more determined to stop her before someone else got hurt. "Come on Derek," Stiles urged.

It had been a long time since he sat back and watched Derek fight, but it was nothing like before. There was more power in his swing, more thought into his attack; he really has grown as an alpha. It was almost an even matched fight, both sides getting their kicks in. Suddenly however Derek pulled an Ellie move, getting behind her and kicking her knees in before slamming her into her face. He put a knee into her back and a hand to her head as he growled into her ear. As he raised his clawed hand for the kill, Talia's squirming stopped beneath him. "Finish it," she grit out. "Finish it!"

Stiles could see the emotions running across Derek's face, hand hanging in the air. Derek didn't want to do this, Stiles could see it flashing in his eyes. But, as the alpha, he has to protect his pack. Before he knew what he was doing, Stiles set Ellie down onto the floor and quickly scrambled to his feet. He made a dash towards them and just as Derek finally made a swing, Stiles grabbed his wrist. "Stop!" he exclaimed.

Derek stared at him, eyes still glowing brightly. "What are you doing?"

"You can't kill her," Stiles whispered, grip tight. "I know she's trying to kill everyone, I know she wants me and Ellie dead, but she's your mother. I saw what killing Peter did to you, how it ate you up inside and I can't-I won't watch that happen to you again."

Slowly Derek's eyes returned to normal, his claws retracting. "You remember that?"

"Of course I do," he smiled. "You might have been a brooding asshole, but I always knew when you were in pain and it killed me not being able to do anything about it."

After taking another glance down at his mom, Derek let Stiles pull him standing again and lead him a safe distance from Talia just in case. The woman slowly pushed herself standing again, wiping blood from her healing cheek. Instead of attacking again like Stiles had expected, Talia stared at him. "You stopped him," she whispered. "Why?"

Stiles shrugged. "Because I love him, and I knew that if he killed you it would be the biggest mistake of his life. Yeah you basically abandoned him and his sister, and you tried to kill his pack, but you're still his mom. And no matter how much he loathes you, he will always love you."

Talia looked surprised as she listened to the boy, finally looking at Derek. "Is this true?" Derek nodded but said nothing more. "All this time I thought I was doing what was right for the Hale family, for you. In reality however you have been doing that all along haven't you? I thought humans and half-breeds could never stand up to alphas, but you have taught me differently."

"So what will you do now?" Stiles asked.

"Leave. I need to find myself again, reevaluate my life, and come to terms with what I have done. The choices I have made," she whispered. "Then, maybe, I might be able to come back here and join your lives." Derek gave a stiff nod, Stiles taking his hand with a sharp squeeze. "I love you, son. I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me."

With a final smile Talia left, walking through the main doors of the hall and disappearing. Derek finally let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Thank you."

"I did what felt right."

"Like I said before, you're always right there to save my skin."

"Mates, remember?" he said, waggling his eyebrows.

Derek couldn't help his laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Some days I swear the moon was drunk putting us together."

"I was the one who probably gave him the liquor."

With a roll of his eyes Derek gave him a chaste kiss before releasing his hand and walking over to where Ellie was lying. He knelt down next to her, grasping her shoulder and shaking her firmly. "Ellie. Ell come on, wake up. It's over," he called. She made a small noise but made no other movements. "Ellie?"

That's when Ellie moved, grasping the front of Derek's shirt before sharply dragging him down onto the floor next to her. He winced as he landed on a slab of rubble, Stiles gaping in shock. Ellie however simply curled into his side, grip tight around his waist as her head tucked into his chest with a content sigh. Almost instantly Stiles burst into laughter, Derek snorting at him. "Cuddling complex, remember?" he teased.

When they finally returned to Ellie's house everyone was waiting anxiously. The trio explained what had happened in the hall and how Talia left, this time for good. Most of the pack was unconvinced, but at least for now the woman was gone. Once they were sure their alpha was alright, the party commenced. Even Mr. Stilinski managed to ease his sheriff side, letting them 'drink responsibly'. Stiles knew he was secretly grabbing everyone's keys though, Ellie hiding them in-wherever her secret places were in this house. An hour into the celebration Peter turned the music on, Erica grabbing Boyd's hand and dragging him out onto the dance floor, Isaac and Scott right behind them. "Come on Stiles!" Ellie exclaimed, grabbing the skinny boy with ease from where he was sitting with Derek.

The celebration went into the early morning. Erica and Scott were the first two out. Isaac was curled around Scott on the couch, Boyd dozing off next to Erica in front of the fireplace. Ms. McCall and Mr. Stilinksi had left some time ago, Peter going to bed around midnight. "Have to say, best graduation party ever," Stiles grinned, enjoying his little buzz.

"You've never had a graduation party," Derek reminded him, still nursing a beer.

They watched as Ellie quietly cleaned up around the drunk, and thankfully sleeping, guests. At least this was going better than Stiles' eighteenth birthday. After she was sure to grab all of the garbage, glasses, and bottles, she let out an exhausted sigh and collapsed in the empty chair at the bar with them. "Today was long."

"Sorry my mom threw you into a wall," Derek muttered.

"Seems like a family tradition by now," she said, Derek sighing as he shook his head. Ellie gently pat his thigh. "I'm not mad about that though Derek. Yes, I wanted to wring Talia's neck, but Stiles knew it wasn't right. Not for you, not for her, not for anyone, and I'm starting to agree with him. Although I am mad she ruined my dress."

"I'll buy you a new one."

"I'm holding you to that. You two try and behave please," she warned, kissing their cheeks as she passed. "Good-night."

"Good-night Ell," Derek said, Stiles waving. They sat in a comfortable silence for a good while before Derek gently nudged him. "So, did you know about Scott and Isaac?"

Stiles nodded. "Not officially, but Ellie and I had our suspicions. Then I saw them kissing after one of our hangouts and that kind of sealed the deal."

"I had no idea."

"Like I'm surprised. You have a hard head and never notice anything. Like how much I liked you."

"It's not that I didn't know, I just didn't want to believe I deserved someone like you," he said without looking down at him.

"And now?"

"I'm starting to warm up to the idea," he smirked.

Stiles punched him in the arm. "Stubborn. Come on, I am ready to crash. Are you?"

"Do I sense an innuendo in there?" Derek questioned, finishing off his beer.

"Isn't there always an innuendo in everything I say to you?" Stiles grinned. Derek sighed, tossing his bottle into the trash before sliding an arm around Stiles' waist and hooking him over his shoulder. "What the hell!?"

Derek carried him into his room, closing the door before dropping Stiles down onto his bed with an ungraceful thump. He then slid out of his shirt, Stiles immediately following his lead before dragging him down into a kiss. Stiles never got tired of this, and he highly doubted he ever would, even when he's sixty he's going to want Derek like this. His hands slid up those abs carved from rock before digging his fingers through his hair to pull him down closer. With practiced ease Derek slid over him, his lips finding Stiles' neck before he ground down against him, earning him a breathy moan. After a few minutes, his hand running up Stiles' side, he eased his hand down his stomach. With a flick of his thumb he unbuttoned his jeans, Stiles immediately helping him kick them off before leading his hands further down. All it took was a brush from Derek's fingers and Stiles was practically a pleading puddle beneath him, his hips bucking up into his hand. "A little needy today?" Derek grinned into his neck, nipping light at his earlobe.

"Again, have you met your-nng-yourself?" Stiles panted.

Finally Derek wrapped round his shaft, jerking him off before brushing his thumb over that sweet spot in the tip, earning him that shudder he loved so much. After that Stiles couldn't hold back the stream of oh god faster and Derek. Stiles was reaching the brim, heart racing in his chest. Before he could however he grabbed Derek's hand and pulled him up, swinging himself around to shove the older down onto the mattress instead. "Can I help you?" Derek smirked.

"You're going to be a lot of helping," Stiles said before sharply ripping his pants off, Derek helping as he lifted his hips, his dick springing free almost instantly. Stiles didn't waste any time, his need throbbing between his legs. He wrapped his lips around the tip before swallowing it whole, Derek throwing his head back into the pillows. Stiles pressed his thumbs into Derek's hips to keep him planted, finding a rhythm as he bobbed his head. The alpha's breath was short and quick, and Stiles still couldn't believe he could make this beast of a man feel like that. He quickened his pace, using his hand to squeeze the base, Derek making a delicious growl low in his throat. Just as he could feel Derek beginning to swell he pulled back with a pop of his lips. He ran his hands up Derek's side before burying them back into his hair and slamming their mouths together, Derek's nails dragging down his back. After a few minutes Stiles managed to pull himself away, hand digging through the nightstand. As his attention was lost trying to find the bottle of lube, Derek took the opportunity to wet his finger before gently easing it into his opening. Stiles shuddered, falling forward with an arch of his back. "Jesus-fuck!"

Derek worked him open, Stiles finally managing to his hand working again. At least enough to grab the bottle from its hiding place. Derek continued for a few seconds, adding another finger before finding his prostate, pushing it with the pad of his index finger. Stiles let out a moan, forehead falling into Derek's neck as his dick twitched. He let him continue, beginning to rock back into the touch in an attempt to get him deeper. Finally he couldn't handle it anymore. "I need you. Now. I need you inside me before I freaking explode," he snarled.

Of course Derek was grinning ear to ear as he obediently grabbed the bottle from him. He prepared Stiles, and himself, just in time for Stiles to line him up with his hole, Derek's hand grasping his hips to keep him steady. Slowly he eased himself down, muttering multiple fucks as he did. As soon as Derek was swallowed whole, Stiles instantly began to move. Derek kept his grip tight around him as Stiles quickened his pace, practically slamming down on top of him. "Fuck, you're tight."

"Faster, please Derek, faster. Fuuuuck," Stiles threw his head back, running his hands through his hair.

Derek followed his commands, holding Stiles up before beginning to thrust up into him. Stiles bit his knuckles to hold back a shriek of pleasure. Jesus fucking Christ; he swore Derek was bigger every time they did this. Soon Derek could feel himself getting close and released one of his hands to grab Stiles' length and pump him. Stiles leaned forward, resting his hands on Derek's chest to fill himself with the alpha all the while relishing the touch. His body was hot and his heart was ready to burst and every inch of him just felt so fucking good. "I'm going to-I'm about to cum," Derek grit out.

"Me too, don't stop. Don't fucking stop," Stiles begged.

It wasn't much longer before Derek gave one final thrust up into him and came with a grunt, Stiles following him mere seconds later as he exploded down onto Derek's chest. Stiles attempted to catch his breath for a few seconds before flopping down on top of him, not caring about the mess. Derek ran his hands up and down his back soothingly, his head falling against his. "You ok?"

"I'm perfect. So god damn perfect," Stiles sighed with a blissful smile.

They lay like that for a few more minutes before Stiles removed himself, rolling over onto the other side of Derek. Derek grabbed the tissues from the nightstand, cleaning himself before grabbing the sheets and tossing it over both of them. "So, good graduation huh?" Derek grinned, nosing into Stiles' jaw.

"Like I said before, best graduation ever."

Derek slid his arm around Stiles' waist before pulling his back into his chest. Stiles was practically asleep already, stifling a yawn as he laced his fingers through Derek's. "Thank you again, for today Stiles."

"I knew it's what you needed. Nobody is ok after having to kill someone they care about, and I've seen it happen to you too many times. I never want to see you like that again, that's all."

Derek nodded, kissing the base of his neck. "So, what kind of terror do you think we'll face next?"

"Knowing you alpha boy, Godzilla will probably show up wanting to be the next alpha," he scoffed. "But, whatever or whoever it is, he's going to have a wall of hell to get through before they can touch you. Especially me."

"They'll have the hardest time beating you."

"You bet your sweet ass," he grinned.

"I love you, Stiles."

"I love you even more, Derek Hale."