A/N Hello! This is a time travel story... I know names will get confusing later on, with all the repeated names but hopefully I'll be able to get it all sorted. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and the cover picture belongs to ~Sudekka ( ).



I sigh as I watch James and Fred use their 'signature' prank on some innocent first years for the tenth time this morning. I turn to look at my cousin, Roxanne, as she rolls her eyes at our brothers.

"Guys! You're sixteen!" I say, helping a first year to their feet.
"Lils! You can never be too old for pranks!" they laugh, almost in sync. The portrait hole opens and Albus crawls in, followed by Rose, Hugo and Alice Longbottom. I look at Albus with an exasperated expression and he nods turning to James.
"Hey, James…" he sighs "How about we don't terrorise the first years?"

James sighs and flops down onto the sofa moodily. I give Rose an awkward side hug from my seat by the fire and smile at Alice who sits next to me.
"James, do you think you could tutor me in charms?" Hugo called from beside the fire. James chuckled.
"I think Rose could probably do better than me" he smiled at his cousin, who glared back at him.
"You only know that because I have to tutor you." Rose smirked.

"How about lunch?" Fred asks, jumping to his feet. Everyone nods and we all head in the direction of the Great Hall. As we made our way down stairs, we meet up with Scorpius Malfoy, who is Albus' best friend.
"Hey Scorp," I say smiling, he smiles back at me turning to look at Rose and I sigh inwardly. Of course, he only has eyes for her. My thoughts are disrupted by someone grabbing me from behind, lifting me slightly. With a squeal I turn to see Teddy Lupin.
"Don't do that!" I say slapping his arm, "Teacher or not, I won't hesitate to slap you!" he chuckles as does everyone else, I smile and continue walking.

The conversations soon turn to Quidditch and the discussion became heated. The Gryffindor team is over-flowing with offers of participation from our family. And it helps that we work well together… sometimes. Fred and James are the beaters, very good too. Albus wanted the position of seeker, like our dad, but was beaten by a seven year. Alice and Roxy are chasers. I had hoped to fill the third place but made a slip up at the try-outs and just missed. I got snapped out of my train of thought as I see a discussion, so far had been held off to the side, between James and Teddy become heated. Teddy was whispering to James and I moved cl oser to hear the conversation. No one else had noticed the commotion so they weren't really looking at us.
"James, I told you to give that to me!" Teddy whispered harshly, trying to pull something from my brothers' hands.
"Just because you are a teacher, doesn't mean you can tell me what to do!" James's voice was louder than Teddy and he drew some attention to himself from the crowd in front of him. I saw a small gold object slip from his fingers and it was as if time had slowed down and the glint of the gold seemed to hang in the air for a second before it hit the ground and shattered, fragments of it flying in all directions. James yelled out as it did so and our eyes connected as everything went black.

A Time Turner


I opened my eyes to see a familiar classroom. It was the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. How did we end up here? I look around to see the sun shining brightly through the window, early morning?
"What happened?" I ask to the room as everyone starts to wake. I see Teddy rub his head as he helps Rose to her feet. He looks around, a confused expression on his face. I quickly count the people in the room, making sure we haven't lost anyone. Rose, Scorpius, Albus, Fred, James, Teddy, Hugo, Alice and myself… the only one missing is Roxanne… where was she? Before the time turner was dropped I remember her running off in front of us. Does that mean she did not get... get... what did happen here? I look at Teddy.
"I don't know…?" He said slowly "but... weren't we in the hall? Not the DADA classroom?" I heard the whispers start around the room and I became increasingly worried as they became louder.
"QUIET!" Teddy yelled over the top of the chaos just as the door opened and four boys poked their heads in.
"Who're you?" Teddy said, slightly agitated, but it still managed to sound polite.

The tallest of the four, who looked ridiculously familiar, chuckled and stepped forward into the room.
"I think I have more right to ask you that?!" he said turning to the brown hair teen behind him. I looked at him and he smirked at me, I turned away as I felt my cheeks flush. Teddy stepped forward, he held out his hand.
"Hello, I'm Ted… We're new here and a woman told us to get comfortable but we were wondering whether or not we could see Dumbledore… please?" He said, and I hoped he had guessed the time period right. The first boy smiled and nodded.
"Yeah sure! Follow us!" he said walking out the door, he quickly reappeared and shook Teddy's hand, chuckling. "Sorry! I'm James Potter" he said and I suddenly knew where I recognised him from, pictures of Dad in school.

James continued the introductions:
"That's Sirius Black," he said pointing the brown hair teen, then he nodded to the smallest of the four, introducing him as Peter Pettigrew and last was the fair haired boy who seemed more shy than the others, "and this is Remus Lupin." James finished smiling. I looked at Teddy, quickly stepping forward and wrapped his hand in mine. He smiled down at me and followed James out of the room. I could tell he was hurting because every couple of minutes he would look over at his 'father' and wince. Everyone else followed quietly and soon we formed a silent pack surrounding Teddy and Albus.

James Potter and his friends were whispering in front of us, looking back every now and again. I could tell they were confused and maybe they didn't believe our story? Slowly but surely, the young Sirius Black made his way over to Alice and started to chat her up, she giggled and blushed at something he had said and I saw Hugo's jaw clench as he walked up between them. I was startled by James, my grandfather (which is weird to say), as he came up next to me.
"You know..." he started smiling at me "you guys aren't the only newbies to the school…" I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked, subconsciously laughing at the first words I said to my Grandfather. He laughed and looked over at Sirius:
"Yeah, seven new Gryffindors and a Ravenclaw arrived late last night" he said, Sirius turned around at this and added "wasn't there a Slytherin with them?" James nodded. I looked at Teddy, a question in my eyes but he just shrugged his shoulders.

James turned to look at Teddy one more time and said "Nice hair man!" and smiled. Teddy ran is hand through his turquoise locks and smiled back.
"Thanks," he said softly. He looked at Remus and seemed to build up the courage to ask "Hey, what year are you guys in?" just loud enough for him to hear. Remus looked up, as if surprise that he was being spoken to.
"Uh… 5th," he said quietly. So that would mean… 1975? Wow that's a long way to travel. I looked up at Teddy and he must have been thinking just about the same thing.
"Here we are folks!" James said pointing to the eagle gargoyle leading to the Headmasters office. "We'll see you around I guess!" He smiled and grabbed Sirius's arm dragging him away from Alice and a scowling Hugo. Teddy looked at the statue and then at Remus, who was smiling at his friends' behaviour.
"Now what?" Teddy said softly, I could see Remus step forward to give the password but the statue jumped aside before he could.
"The Headmaster is expecting you…" the statue spoke as we all looked at it in surprised. One by one we walked past the statue and thanked it before making our way up the spinning staircase.

"Enter," called a voice from the opposite side of the door, before Teddy even had a chance to knock. He looked at Rose, who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time, she shrugged and opened the door apprehensively.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! I know I'm so late in updating, there's just too much happening right now but I promise I'll get better! If I haven't already said it, this all belongs to JK Rowling J