A/N This is set after they defeat Jack, and everyone is alive. Please review!
Jade woke up in a sweat. She had yet another bad dream about the horrorterrors. While she grew more familiar with them over the years, she was still not completely comfortable when they decided to "contact" her. This dream was one of the more troubling ones she's had. It was almost as if they were… warning her about something. As she sat up in her bed, she pondered over what they were trying to communicate. Unfortunately, Jade could not read them as well as Rose. Whatever it was, it was… unsettling.
Shaking these thoughts from her mind, she rustled from under her sheets; putting on her fuzzy dog slippers that John had given her as a birthday present. She moved to her bathroom, getting ready for another day of fun filled activities with her human and troll friends. They all lived in an apartment complex, their rooms connected to a hallway that led to the common living room and kitchen. After they had defeated Jack, they decided to settle at John's planet, and made this building. Jade had planned to spend the day with Eridan and Tavros, they were going to explore the vast oily oceans in search of sea life, one of the only things Eridan didn't want to wipe from existence.
After she was done brushing her teeth and slipping on her favorite Squiddlejacket she made her way to the door. She hummed a tune that Dave had made a while ago as she opened her door. She was meet with quite a surprise.
He was leaning in the doorways as if he owned the place. His eyes lazily glanced to hers, revealing a dangerous glint. A crooked smile crept up his face as he adjusted himself so he was standing looking down at her, with an intimidating height of 6'4. She took a hesitant step back, an alarm going off in her head that this is what the horrorterrors were warning her about.