Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm not going to lie when I say that this really helped me to bring my motivation back! I'm sorry this chapter took a litte longer because I had few issues going on and it was hard for me to find a time to sit down and type my ideas away into this story. Also, I had to re-read my past story to make sure that the connecton between the previous and this chapter would make sense.

I'm on a time crunch because now I have to be somewhere but I usually reply back to everyone who left comments and feedback because believe it or not, I care about every single readers. Hence the reason why I decided to continue this!

On my next chapter, I promise to speak out to everyone who left the comment. I have to run out now after publishing this!

Thank you again and enjoy!

Only the sound of the clock ticking in a large room was produced while Luka kept his silver orbs glued to the sleeping pink haired boy. It was clear that he was worried sick for Yuki ever since the whole incident at the amusement park happened. Tears of pure sadness that poured out from Yuki's eyes were something that Luka had difficult time watching. That scene was playing over and over again. What did Luze do to the God's Light?

'But Yuki was acting a little strange during his training,' Luka thought to himself as he slowly and ever so gently reached his hand out to stroke Yuki's hair. Deep inside, the Duras was hoping that the sleeping boy would wake up with a warm smile but it didn't seem like that would happen anytime soon.

Everything happened so fast when Takashiro came to the amusement as soon as Tachibana made the phone call. People's memories were getting erased in order to forget everything that happened and to prevent any strange rumors along with news headline. Other guardians were told by Takashiro to search the area in order to see if it was possible to capture at least one of their enemies to ask some questions about what exactly happened with Yuki. Influenced with anger, Luka wanted to join this hunting but Toko quickly stopped Luka just in time.

"You should stay with Yuki-chan. He.. he really needs you despite his unconscious state. So please..." Toko whispered with tears in her eyes. The thought of Yuki going through some unknown pain also brought fear to the girl.


Luka rubbed his forehead as he tried to put pieces of puzzles in his head. Yuki's strange behavior during the training, his twin brother's appearance and the God's Light chanting some unknown spell when healing Hotsuma.

"-ka... Luka..."

"What was that blue light that Yuki was creating..." Luka accidentally muttered his thought out loud and wasn't aware that someone also heard this comment.

"Blue light...?"

It was then when Luka finally realized that it was the voice that he wanted to hear ever since he came back to the Twilight Mansion.

"Yuki...! You're awake." He immediately called out his former lover's name while coming closer to the boy. "How are you feeling? Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?"

Numerous questions were thrown at Yuki who responded with a soft smile displayed on his lips. A smile that could also calm down the worried Duras.

"Luka, I'm fine. Please don't get anxious over me," said Yuki but this certainly didn't satisfy the other.

"You don't need to pretend or conceal anything, Yuki. After healing Hotsuma, you were in great pain. I saw you shedding tears while muttering few things." Luka was unaware that his hand was already lightly stroking Yuki's cheek. "Is there something I should be aware about?"

"..." Now it was Yuki's turn to fall silent. Luka's sincere voice with that last question... how could the God's Light put up with another poker smile and lie that everything is alright? "Luka I.. I don't know."

Yuki answered with a muttering tone as the unknown voice echoed in his head when the pink haired boy was healing Hotsuma. It was as if something was trying to take over him and this was when the images of his friends, no.. his family members from the Twilight Light mansion dying in front of him flashed through his mind. The scene of blood splashing everywhere in a battle between Luka and Reiga fighting also haunted Yuki's memory yet again. He knew those were not real and it never happened but it was too realistic. As if Yuki was seeing into the future. Wait.. was this really the future? Was using this new healing power that Yuki somehow received opens door to seeing a dark side of the future? If that was the case then... then...

"It's okay, Yuki."

Yuki's eyes opened widely when the voice caught his attention.

"You don't need to have answers for me right now. All I want to remind you is that I'm here for you. I will take your pain and your worries because I don't want you to be the one who will end up carrying out the most burden."



A long silnce fell between them and Yuki felt like his mind was blank for a couple of seconds. All those horrible images were erased completely, blurred out when he heard Luka's statement.

And this was it.

Yuki felt like something deep inside him was triggered as he sensed his eyes turning teary. The guilt of not wanting to tell his secret since the training started and not informing Luka about this strange voice that the God's Light heard during the time of Hotsuma's recovery process was eating him away. He kept it as a secret because Yuki hated feeling too dependent and needy. He hated the fact that he cannot take care of his own conflicts. He hated himself for being too useless at times like this, not being able to fight along side of other guardians and only causing more problems.

He bit the bottom of his own lips in order to keep himself under control but it seemed like Luka also caught his behavior.

"Yuki.. do you need some time alone?" Luka asked, thinking that it was his own fault for causing the God's Light to produce respond in such way.


Yuki's sudden loud voice, something that even the Duras is not used to with hearing, immediately caught Luka's attention.

"I'm.. sorry for raising my voice. I.. I don't know what came over me and.."

With Yuki's voice trembling, it was a huge stab on Luka's heart as the Duras leaned forward in order to wrap his arms around his past lover.

"Yuki, don't apologize."

"Luka, I'm not being helpful..! I'm getting scared easily, crying like a child and.."

"Your tears are an important symbol that you care deeply about people who are dear to you. It is not shameful to sense fear."

Yuki kept his silence as he listened. Luka's soothing voice was very effective as Yuki tried his best not to let his tears fall. Using this as a chance, Luka continued to comfort him with the best of his own abilities.

"And you're being helpful, Yuki. Do you recall all those people you risked your life to save back at the amusement park?"

"...I do..."

"Hotsuma is thankful that you went against his words and still continued to heal the injuries. I don't want you to have an idea that you're getting in their way or that you're not being helpful. Please remember this for me."

Yuki was about to reply with a small gratitude to Luka but the mention of Hotsuma's healing scenario caused the God's Light to remember what Luka murmured to himself when the pink-haired boy just woke up. Yuki took a deep breath as he gently pulled himself away from the Duras in order to ask the question again.

"Luka, about the blue light... what did you mean by that?" Yuki tilted his head as a visible perplexed expression was adorned on his face. At this question, Luka wasn't sure if it was the best time to talk about this so he tried to keep the topic as simple as possible. He shifted his silver colored orbs away from Yuki unintentionally, probably because of worries, as Luka continued on with the explanation.

"When you were using your powers to aid Hotsuma, you were glowing in shades of blue. Normally, and even during our past lives, you produced colors that reflected of yellow or gold. But it was different this time. And the spells you chanted while healing, I wasn't sure what language you spoke in also, Yuki."

His point of view was still away from Yuki so this time, it was Yuki's turn to return the comfort that he received from Luka. Maybe hiding this from the most important person was not the smart idea to go. The rush of guilt sank into his heart since he was lying to Luka all this time about being okay and that everything was under control.

"Luka..." Yuki called out the other's name while gently placing his hand on the side of Luka's cheek, slowly turning to that they were both facing each other. Yuki smiled weakly mostly because he was also confused with this whole situation and he had to admit, the exhaustion was still weighing over his body. "I have something to tell you but.. please, please promise me that you will not let other people know about this.. I don't want to cause another panic attack since we already have other things to worry about at this moment"

The way Yuki started out his sentence made the Duras worry sick to his stomach. But he was asking for a favor which required Luka to act like everything is okay with Yuki and not let anyone into their little secret. With a small nod, he parted his lips to give an answer that the other person was waiting.

"You have and you will always have my full trust and devotion to you, Yuki. If this is a secret you wish for me to keep it safe from any members of the Twilight Mansion, I will keep it. You have my word." To make sure that Yuki doesn't have to worry about this trust issue, Luka placed his hand on top of Yuki's hand which was still resting on the side of his cheek. Placing that hand down, the Duras turned Yuki's pale hand over before pressing his lips on top of the hand, a symbol that he will keep the promise no matter what.

When the God's Ligh felt Luka's lips on his hand, Yuki couldn't help but to smile warmly and at the same time, he was a little surprised at Luka's this form of behavior. It was new but Yuki was quickly drawn into it. It was as if the boy longed for this type of affection for who knows how long and he didn't know why he felt this way. And on top of that to make the situation more confusing, Yuki would have sworn that he felt his heart making a loud beating noise before he calmed himself quickly.

"Ah, thank you... I am happy with the response you gave me, Luka." He replied as Yuki closed his eyes to arrange his sentences carefully before processing everything that happened from the training to the incident at the amusement park. "Is it.. is it possible for our powers to also change?"

This also made Luka very curious as he tried to understand but failed to have an answer. "What do you mean, Yuki?"

"It's because.. I'm asking this because I feel like when I'm using my powers, it doesn't feel like it belongs to me anymore. During the training with Hotsuma, the sharp pain I felt when I used Halo Wall.. that seemed a little off too. And you said that I was speaking in an unknown chanting spell when healing Hotsuma-kun with blue lights? The memory of me doing that is very vague but all I can remember is someone's voice, telling me to mix its powers with mine."

Luka's attention was at its highest as everything that his past lover spoke to was all new to him. A voice inside Yuki's head? Was this the start of his Yuki slowly losing his sanity just like in their horrible past? But that wasn't possible because Yuki hardly used his powers yet. The power of God's Light should not have taken its negative effect.

"The voice..." Yuki continued and Luka nodded to show that he was listening. "The voice told me that its name was Esruc and.. it suggested to me that I should mix its power with my own in order to increase the healing time faster to help Hotsuma-kun."

"I don't know but the healing process was definitely faster."

"It's not just the healing, I feel completely charged both physically and mentally!"

Luka recalled those two statements that were made from Tsukumo and Hotsuma. So from what Luka can understand, it looks like some unknown force helped Yuki but he wasn't quick to conclude this as enhancing the power of God's Light. Actually, the Duras thought of the complete opposite. The name Esruc sounded somewhat familiar and this seemed like something that Luka heard while he was in the Crosszeria Clan, which is never a good sign.

"Esruc..." Luka muttered but Yuki was sharp enough to catch this. He was worrying Luka so he quickly decided to change his tone of voice in order to make their converstation not so serious.

"Maybe.. it is an opening door to new powers. The new power helped Hotsuma-kun a lot faster in so many ways. My original power could have took too long and this might have caused him to suffer from the blood loss even more."

Yuki swiftly went on, speaking about all the positive result from this new power.

He didn't bother to mention about the blood that he coughed up because of this.

He didn't even dare to mention about what horrible scenes that he was forced to watch when borrowing this power.

Yuki just.. couldn't. He wasn't sure if he would be able to watch Luka's facial expression becoming more worried by the second all because of him.

"I was always the odd one from this mansion," Yuki made a soft laughing noise to try to display it to Luka that everything was, again, alright. "Like how I'm the only one who cannot seem to remember the past battles. This could be one of those cases. I could be gaining an additon of new powers that could save many of our friends and families' lives during the future battles." Then Yuki formed a smile that only seemed bitter-sweet in the eyes of the Duras. "..I could finally become more useful, fighting along side with everyone."

And this was when Luka just had to stop listening to Yuki's words. He was supposed to be doing all the comforts to the poor God's Light, not the other way around. Luka, of course, was able to see through Yuki's made up words and expression. Noticing that Yuki was having trouble keeping his body straight upward while sitting on the bed because of tiredness, Luka came closer, only to place one hand on Yuki's back while placing the other one lightly on the boy's shoulder. It didn't take any effort for Luka to make the God's Light lie down, back on the comfort of the bed. But he didn't pull away after that. Instead, Luka continued to hover over Yuki, his eyes studying the pink haired boy slowly before brushing his thumb over Yuki's cheek, as if to wipe the invisible tears.

"Don't use that power again until I find out what's going on. And I promise, I will keep this as a secret."


Now, it was Luka's turn to give a warm smile towards Yuki in order to make the boy feel safe.

"Yuki, the level of someone's importance doesn't have to do with how useful they are. All that matter is how dear they are to other people. You are a treasure to everyone here. For me, you are the reason why I continue to exist."

And from that last sentence, Yuki couldn't restrain his sorrow any longer. Everything came crashing down as the mask he wore seemed to beautifully vanish. His eyes were flooding with tears as Luka held him closely and allowed his dear one to continue crying. But those were not only the tears of saddness and worry because deep down, Yuki knew that he was also crying from happiness. Even though he wasn't making much contribution so far, he still had people who cared for him. He still had Luka...


...for now.

How was this chapter so far? It's been some time since I wrote about Yuki and Luka but I have to admit, it was fun, no doubt!

Someone asked about my update status. Usually when I'm not too busy, it should be once every two week but if I am busy with things, it might be around once a month. But if my muse is serisouly high then yes, I guess the update can get faster too.

I hope to hear feedbacks from my readers as always!