Someone reading this who hasn't read the Four Swords manga? (if you have you can skip this) Then here's a bit of an informant; the four Links have nicknamed themselves for their respective colors; Green, Red, Blue and Vio (because he didn't like Purple and Violet was too girly). They also have different personalities. Green is the focused and motivated one, Vio is the smart one, Blue is the hotheaded and aggressive one, and likes smashing things with his hammer, and lastly, Red is the innocent and optimistic one. Well, there ya go! Read on!

No-one's POV

Red, Blue, Green, Vio, and Zelda were in the Four Sword Chamber. They were a little sad because they were about to put the Four Sword back into its pedestal and become one Link again. As the four were saying their goodbyes, Green happened to look up and his eye caught on something gold and shiny hanging on the wall.

"Hey, what's that?" he asked, pointing to it. It looked like some sort of instrument. Zelda saw what he was pointing at and lifted it gently off the wall. "This is a harp of ages," She explained, showing the red, blue, and gold instrument to them (1), "Don't touch the strings," She warned Blue, who was just about to pluck one, "Who knows what will happen. It's a magical instrument designed to send people through time."

"Oh," Blue said.

"Why is it here?" Vio asked.

"It was put here a long time ago, though I'm not sure why," Zelda answered, "Maybe because not so many people come here, and someone didn't want it accidentally or purposely getting used. It's dangerous, messing with timelines, especially the past. Who knows, one tiny little thing you might do may drastically change all of the future. It's better not to mess with that sort of thing."

Zelda moved to place the harp back on the wall, but unexpectedly, one of the nails supporting it fell off. Zelda reached to grab the harp before it hit the ground, at the same time accidentally hitting a few of the strings. Time seemed to slow down, leaving no sound but that of the ringing notes of the harp. It was beautiful but eerie at the same time. Zelda gasped.

A bright light filled the room, and the four colorful Links had a strange, warping sensation. It did not make their stomachs feel very great. This lasted for a few moments, then the light faded and they dropped onto something wooden with several loud thumps.

"Ouch!" Blue complained as Red fell on him.

"Aaah!" Green yelped, and landed on the two. Vio fell on the very top of the dogpile, and Blue groaned.

"I don't feel so good…" Red groaned, putting a hand on his stomach and turning a little green.

"You are not throwing up on me! Get off!" Blue grunted, trying to shove everyone off of him and get away from Red.

"Everyone please calm down, so we can get out of this knot without much of a problem," Vio said. Eventually, after Red had his hat pulled off, Green almost getting skewered, Blue getting his hand stepped on, and everyone else getting bruises from Blue swinging his hammer, the group untangled themselves and stood up. Green straightened his tunic and stared at his surroundings.

"Um, guys," he said, "I don't think we're in the Four Sword chamber anymore…"

1- In case you had a sneaking suspicion, yes, this is indeed the harp from Oracle of Ages. I know it's a different timeline and all, but for the sake of this story, it exists anyway.