

Gahhh I'm sorry this has taken so long D:

I've been very very busy what with work and school and partying (maybe not the last one) and I've been rather pushed for time

I hope you all don't hate me too much :( and that this chapter sort-of-maybe makes up for my absence …

Owl City: If My Heart Was a House

You're the sky that I fell through

And I remember the view

Whenever I'm holding you

The sun hung from a string

Looking down on the world as it warms over everything

Chills run down my spine

As our fingers entwine

And your sighs harmonise with mine


I can still feel your heart

Beat fast when you dance with me

Circle me and the needle moves gracefully

Back and forth

If my heart was a compass you'd be north

Risk it all cause I'll catch you if you fall

Wherever you go

If my heart was a house you'd be home

Damn. Damn damn damn damn damn.

This was not good. Not good at all.

I gazed out into the dining room, and the long table that ran the length of it. At this very moment, it was seating every other member of our little group. Coach Hedge was positioned at the head, face growing so red it looked as though he were about to have an apoplectic fit. I could practically see the smoke emanating from his ears. To his right was Piper, clutching Jason's arm. Neither of them seemed to see me, gazing instead, directly at Leo. Hazel and Frank, however, had chosen me as their target. Hazel's expression was a little concerned, but, as her eyes met mine, I could see that it was also soft and understanding.

This. This was not good.

'What do you two think you're doing!' Coach Hedge roared. 'The rule is no canoodling! First this morning, now this! How am I meant to do my job when you hooligans keep disobeying the rules?!'

He rose to his little goaty feet, and stormed towards us, brandishing the wooden cudgel he seemed to take everywhere. Planting himself firmly before us, he gave a threatening look, made slightly less effective by the fact that he was a full foot shorter than either of us.

'Punishment is necessary! Drop and give me fifty!'

I stared stonily at him, somewhat confused as to why he seemed unconcerned that the relationship currently being conducted was between Leo and I, and was concentrating more on the fact that it was happening at all. From the corner of my eye, I could see Leo watching me, expression nervous and unsure. Obviously, he wasn't convinced that defying Coach Hedge was a good idea.

Luckily, any need for me to make a further decision was halted by a gentle hand laid upon the Coach's shoulder.


She had risen from her chair, silently stepping towards us, until she stood here now, gazing at me with unreadable eyes. She directed her words at the Coach, but I knew they were intended for me.

'Coach. Maybe just … let this one go. I'll handle it – you should go outside and keep watch. There's no-one up on deck at the moment, and we never know when our enemies might attack.'

He harrumphed a little and shuffled his hooves, glaring down at them, but I knew he would do as she asked – he always did. The Coach had a bit of a soft spot for Hazel, and she knew it.

'Alright then …' he conceded, bottom lip pushed out in an expression that came very close to a pout. 'But only this one time, you hear me? If this happens again …' he let this sentence trail off as he glared suspiciously at the space between my boyfriend and I. Just in case we had somehow managed to misinterpret the message, he shook his club threateningly, eyes narrowing.

I chose not to make any sort of reply, but Leo nodded slowly, and that seemed to be enough to please the rage-filled satyr. Head held high and club swinging, he stomped to the door, making certain to walk between Leo and I. Cracking the entrance open, he jumped through, already on the defensive- just in case any monsters had infiltrated the ship in the whole two minutes during which our conversation had taken place.

As soon as he disappeared from view the silence grew heavy. Hazel still stood only metres away, eyes trained on me, until I couldn't take the weight of her gaze any longer, and glanced up to where the rest of the crew sat. None of them looked particularly deterred – Frank, a little awkward, maybe – but that was it.

Unsurprisingly, Leo was the one to break the silence.

'It's not what it looks like, I swear.'

The words stung a little, the knowledge that he'd rather deny our relationship than face up to the others with it. I knew it was what we needed to do, to keep face, but it seemed harsh that he could say it so casually.

I glanced over at him, to see his mouth opening again – he was stopped however, by a quiet admonition from Piper.

'There's no need to lie about it Leo.'

Jason broke in after her, catching on to the tail end of her sentence.

'It's not like you really can, anyway. Pipes and I always know when you're lying. You'd need a better poker face than that.'

From the corner of my eye, I could see him deflate, sinking back onto his heels. The movement was equal amounts dejection and relief, and I could help but wish I was reassured so easily. Sure, they didn't seem like they were about to perform an exorcism, but they weren't exactly thrilled about it either.

The silence crept back in, until Hazel was forced into the position of breaking it. She stepped forward again, then stopped suddenly, seeming to remember that I wasn't one to generally be comforted by physical affection.

'This … I must admit that this is a little strange for me. I mean; this wasn't something that people really talked about at all when … well, let's just say that when Coach Iris-messaged me screaming bloody murder because I'd been 'Off canoodling with Valdez' I was more than a little confused –'

Here, with a snort, was where Frank cut in. 'You were confused? God, I was trying to wrap my head around when you'd had the time to be off 'canoodling' since we'd left the ship.'

Shuffling my feet awkwardly, I looked over at a spot on the distant wall that was seemingly the same as the rest of the ship but, somehow, absurdly fascinating.

'Well, let's just say that we were both confused. We messaged everyone – we couldn't get on to you or Leo, but Piper and Jason had no idea what was going on either, so we decided to meet back here early.'

'Which is when Coach explained what he'd seen.' came Piper's voice. 'And we realised that if it hadn't been any of us, that only left … well, you two. No-one could really believe it, but then we realised that you had both been missing at the same times rather a lot lately. And well, I suppose what just happened sort of makes it even more obvious.'

I curled my fingers into fists, clenching them at my sides. How was everyone taking this so calmly? I had expected a lot more screaming in horror, and confinement to airtight-rooms. But … no one had even baulked at the idea of Leo and I together. Hazel, I could tell, was somewhat shaken – there was a slight quiver to her voice, and her hands wrung themselves together. Her face, however, showed no sign of judgement or disgust. She was confused, and perhaps a little concerned that she hadn't realised earlier, but that was it.

Leo cleared his throat, and I glanced quickly at him, to find that he was staring straight ahead, making certain not to look at any of the room's current occupants.

'So, ah, you … none of you care? It doesn't … freak you out, or anything?'

Jason rose at his words, chair scraping back as he pushed off from the table. Gently pacing around the curve of the table, he came to a stop in front of Leo, expression sincere.

'Did you really think it would? I mean, obviously I'm a little confused by the fact that you two would have enough in common to start a relationship, but hey, I'm not judging.'

'Same goes for me.' came Piper's call.

'Me too.' put in Zhang.

Finally, Hazel nodded, a soft smile on her face.

'As long as you two make one another happy … I'm fine with it.'

That – well that was a lot to take in. All the hours I had spent stressing, freaking out over the fact that they might wise up and realise what was happening … it appeared that they had all been completely pointless. Leo's fear of someone seeing my many charred shirts, all the unnecessary excuses just to get some alone time in a broom cupboard – and we could have just come out with it right at the start?

I took a chance, glancing to the side, wondering if my boyfriend had the same thoughts running through his mind. He looked a little stunned, as though someone had smacked the air out of him … but I could see jus the hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, and, as though he could feel my eyes on him, he glanced up, out gazes locking.

As soon as our eyes met, his entire face transformed, grin splitting across it, eyes widening and shining, mouth opening slightly. I could feel my expression moving to, curling up into a smile.

We could be together.

We could be together.

Finally, we didn't have to worry about being caught, someone walking in on us, or noticing that we'd both disappeared at the same time. No more sneaking around, no more clandestine meetings. And while there was a certain sense of sadness that the thrill of the mystery, the fact that no-one realised what was going on right under their noses, was over, the feeling which had taken its place was far better.

A small laugh broke into my thoughts, and I turned abruptly to see Hazel gazing at me with a smile gracing her face.

'To think, that of all people, it would be Leo who makes you smile …'

So broke off, and I had to acknowledge how absurd the situation must seem to her. No-one else had been aware of just how deep the connection between Leo and I was. We had maintained a frosty demeanour around one another – a tenuous alliance, in order to convince everyone that there was nothing between us, and never could be. To see us going from that frigid manner to this … well yes, it would seem a little odd.

Jason gave a short bark of laughter too.

'Yeah, can't say I'd seen that one coming. Really. Not at all. But apparently I'm not quite as perceptive as I give myself credit for. I'm just surprised that Pipes didn't notice. She's the resident love guru.'

I flushed a little at his use of the 'l' word, but luckily everyone had turned to Piper, and completely missed the slight pink stain that suffused my cheeks. She had raised her hands defensively, shrugging.

'Hey, don't blame me. It's not like I was looking for anything. I was more concerned about them killing one another than snogging.'

An instant silence fell over the room at that comment, and brows furrowed as everyone seemed to consider, for the first time, just what Leo and I being in a relationship meant. My ears began to burn as Frank gave a little shudder.

'Please tell me we really don't have to discuss this. Hazel and I manage to keep our relationship to ourselves – surely everyone else can do the same.'

I coloured even further at the thought of Hazel – my little sister – and Frank engaging in half of the activities which Leo and I took part in. I shot a panicked glance at her, only to discover she was just as red as I felt.

'Frank!' she hissed furiously. 'Don't just say things like that.'

Laughter broke into the conversation, and I turned to find Leo, staring at all of us and chuckling.

'God, you all look so panicked at the thought of conducting relationships with one another. Frank; you really shouldn't say those sorts of things around Nico – he looks like he might pass out if he has to picture you and Hazel together.'

Grimacing at the mental images his words re-conjured, I shot him a pleading look, a silent 'please stop this now.' He wasn't the only one who caught it – Hazel noticed, and her face became thoughtful.

'Well, I better go check on Coach Hedge – just to make sure that he hasn't burned the ship down. Frank – come keep me company.'

She started out, sending Jason a pointed glance, as Frank joined her, and the two of them pulled the door open. Jason obvious got the not-so-subtle message, and straightened, brushing imaginary dust from his hands.

'Yeah, Pipes, we should probably go to … you know, just in case they need any help. Coach can get pretty out of control sometimes …'

His girlfriend rose, fully aware of what was going on. Making her way over, she halted momentarily before Leo, whispering something into his ear that made him go bright red. He was still stammering as she swept out, Jason hot one her tail.

The door swung shut behind them, it's dull 'thud' revealing to me the enormity of the situation.

Leo and I were alone.

They had left us alone.

Suddenly awkward, I shoved my hands into my pockets, gazing at my shoes, the ceiling, the walls – everywhere but Leo's face.

It was sort of hard to ignore him however, when I hear soft footsteps, padding over to me, until his face hovered just inside my line of vision. His expression was awkward and shy – the most uncertain I had ever seen him since that very first night.

'Hey.' came the soft voice, almost a question. 'You okay?'

Gazing at him, at rise and dip of his nose, the dark, dark, brown of those eyes, the way his curly hair tangled just near his ears, a sudden surge of feeling swept over me.

He was mine.

And now – now I was allowed him.

Stretching forward suddenly, hands slipping from pockets to twine my fingers through his, noses bumping against one another, I brushed my lips over Leo's own.

'Better then.'

So maybe I hadn't admitted the true extent of my feelings to him, and maybe we hadn't yet overcome every obstacle we would have to face – but that was okay. Because now, as my boyfriend pulled me back into him, mouths slanting against one another, I knew that it would work out for the best … because we had all the time in the world


So, uh, that's the end.

I hope it was okay and that you aren't all going to come stake me or something because I sort've didn't give enough (any) warning.

But, on a slightly more serious note, thankyou so much everyone for supporting me while writing this story. All the incredible reviewers, and everyone who's read this far – I really couldn't have written this much if it weren't for you. I never originally intended to make this a full story (so much for a 4 chapter one shot) but it's been incredibly enjoyable doing so, and I'm veryveryvery thankful to everyone

I'm sure I'll write more Valdangelo in the future (the curse of the OTP is inescapable) but this story will always have a special place in my heart *tear*

Gosh now I'm getting emotional so I'll just stop and say I hope everyone has enjoyed this story and thank you all so much :)