A/N.: Okay, don't even start on me, I know I should continue and finish my already existing stories, but this is exactly why my profile says that anyone is free to continue them. That said, I won't abandon them, and try my best to finish all of them.

Anyway, Enjoy!

Harry felt as if he had been forcibly apparated to the moon, or maybe even farther. He felt groggy, his head and his whole body hurt. He didn't remember anything and couldn't concentrate enough to even try to think. The only thing he registered after at least ten minutes of coming back to the world of more or less living was that someone was poking him on the face.

He grunted, signalling his semi coherent state, but when he tried to open his eyes, he had to shut them fast, because the light hurt his eyes and made the pounding in his head worse. Next he tried to move his limbs a bit, cautiously this time, and got the distinct feeling that he wouldn't want to move, not if he was not a masochist and he was decidedly not.

The poking didn't cease, so he resolved himself to at least open his eyes no matter how slowly or how much it hurt. As he worked, he thanked God, Merlin and any and every mighty being for his decision to take an eyesight correcting potion in the beginning of his eighth year. At that time it was more of a declaration that he didn't have to go back to the Dursleys, along with moderate but new casual clothing, that he got himself as a present.

It didn't matter what happened to him, he was sure his glasses wouldn't have survived it, and he would be as vulnerable as a newborn deer calf. Not that he felt particularly strong at the moment, mind you.

He managed to open his eyes enough to actually see, and waited for the picture to clear. What he puzzled him. The one poking him, STILL, was a small child of maybe five years, and he was in a bloody forest with trees so great he was just able to make out the lowest branches, and all above his head was a mass of green.

When he finally had enough, and deemed his aches bearable, he caught the kid lightning fast by his middle, and proceeded to tickle the little shit till he could only gasp for air and laugh. The kid looked so surprised and maybe frightened before he seized him, he wanted to laugh too.

As it turned out, once he got moving, he didn't hurt as much, even if he was still a bit stiff. After extracting his revenge, and making the child positively shriek with laughter, he flopped back to his back next to the little blond.

"Ojisan, what are you doing here?" Harry knew the kid was talking in another language, but it felt like when he was listening to snakes, he got the feeling that he shouldn't understand, but he did anyway. This didn't help with his trepidation. Where the hell was he, and how did he get there? "Why are you lying here? And what are you wearing? It looks so weird, you know! Where are your weapons? Or are you civilian? Aren't you hungry? You know I saw you in the morning here first after some explosions, or whatnot was in this area and when I looked around and came back, you were still here and didn't wake until just now. I was here or more precisely there" he pointed to an area a little away that seemed like a meadow, with a pair of stumps at one side, and a little stream at the other "training, because I'll start my ninja training next year and all…" Here he had to stop, not being able to talk through Harry's hand, which was on top of the kid's mouth.

It was a lot to take in. So he was here for some time, in a strange place where he sticked out, like a sore thumb. Ninja were totally normal if the way the kid talked was any indication, and they bred them from an early age too. At least he understood the language.

"Okay kid, I'll answer, but I can only do that if you shut up a bit, okay?" He cautiously took his hand away, and heaved a sigh, when not new questions and statements came forth, before he started speaking though it dawned on him, that he didn't even know the little tyke's name. "My name is Harry. What's yours?" He asked, not sure he wanted him to start speaking again, but deciding it was only polite to introduce themselves first.

"I'm Naruto-ttebayo! (1)" Was the answering shout.

"Uh, come again? I didn't catch that."

"Naruto." It was accompanied by an 'are-you-stupid-or-only-your-hearing-is-bad-old-ma n' look.

"Hello Naruto, I'm Harry." But it didn't come up right, it sounded more like 'Harii' (2). He shrugged, after all, he had already heard his name hissed this at least vaguely resembled to the original. "Now, back to your questions. I'm hungry all right, but I don't know this place. As for how I got here, I'll tell you when I remember it. And if I remember well, you asked me if I was a civilian. I'm not exactly, but after looking around, I'll be able to tell more." The most pathetic part was, that he really tried to answer the questions to the best of his ability.

Naruto was staring into his eyes for what seemed like forever, before nodding to himself, and taking Harry's hand. "Come on then, the village is just on the other side of my training ground. I'll help you." And he grinned brightly, but somehow Harry felt that this kid was older than his physical age. Harry couldn't but smile back warmly.

They made their way to the clearing, where little Naruto flitted here and there, collecting… weapons. "Mind telling me about those?" He asked, fearing that the kid would stab or slice himself with them. He didn't but he seemed clumsy with them.

"Hmm?" He looked up. "These? They are just my kunai and shuriken." He held up first an elongated and then a star shaped weapon. "They can be thrown, but kunai are used in close combat too." He was obviously cleverer than an average five years old. So why did Harry have a feeling that it was more a bad than a good thing?

"So you train with these?"

"Yeah, mostly throwing, but I'm not very good. I saw others training with their clans, both in chakra use and taijutsu though."

So he didn't have a clan, most likely no family at all, Harry was eerily reminded of his own childhood, wondering if he looked so old too. "Could you tell me about chakra a bit more?" He sat down, more to take them to the same level than resting, even if he still felt his body strain a bit.

Naruto went back to him, and sat down before him. "From the scroll Jijii gave me, it is from physical and spiritual energy, you mix them, and you can do things with them. It said that with hand signs you can use jutsus, but with just chakra you can stick to things like walls, or manipulate your body, or … I don't really know. Lots of things." It was still more than he expected.

"Can you show me?" He didn't know how, but if he could learn, he would fit in better.

Naruto stood up again, and brought his hands together and squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating. Harry felt it immediately, this energy. It was like magic, but heavier, more solid. Harry remembered that it was two energies mixed, so he rose to his knees, going a bit closer to examine it. When he got in contact, he could isolate the two types, one felt more like water, the more solid and heavy part, the other like air, light and fleeting, just like his magic. It was curious, but in theory he could learn with training his body if he didn't have some already.

"Thanks, you can stop now. Would you do something for me?" Harry asked, again wary, but this would decide his next course of action, and if he would have to be a shopkeeper or could be more.

Naruto opened his eyes, and looked expectantly at Harry. Harry slowly pulled out his wand, still not sure how a piece of wood survived when he felt broken first awakening. "This, is a wand. Most likely you didn1t see one before, and please don't tell others about it, or anything connecting to it." He waited for Naruto's nod, before continuing. "I want you to wave it, but please don't point to either of us with it." He was serious, still remembering how he blew up a vase when trying out for his own. "Don't channel chakra, but don't fight it, if you feel energy taken, okay?"

Naruto felt like an idiot. Really. Waving a piece of branch, it just felt stupid. He did it anyway, not knowing what to expect, but he felt funny, like it was pulling something from him. And when he finished the wave, the tree he was pointing at, suddenly bowed and started twisting. It stopped after a few seconds, looking extremely loopy. Naruto stared wide eyed, while Harry had a small smile on his lips.

"What was that? What just happened?" The blond rounded on the wizard. Harry couldn't tell if he was panicked, angry, excited, elated or just plain shocked. Harry couldn't tell if he, himself was feeling one or more of those feelings. He took the wand, and slipped it back to its holder under his robe and strapped to his bicep.

"That was the proof that I can become a ninja." He smiled, and was delighted to see it mirrored on the blond's face. "You said that chakra was from two kinds of energy right?" He got a nod. "Well, from where I come from, we use just one of them, but I think with training, I can gain that too. How did you feel when waving the wand?" He wanted to confirm his theory after all.

Naruto here got contemplative. "It was strange, like it was pulling something out of me."

"Can you remember how it felt compared to your chakra?" Praying time!

Naruto closed his eyes again, arms crossed, humming now and then. "It came from around my chest, but when I use chakra it is more complex, from all over my body, concentrating in my belly." How the hell was this kid even only five years? "Oh, I know it used the spiritual energy right? And the physical is the one I feel all over my body, right?"

"Yes, that's what I think too." Harry looked up, seeing that the sun started to descend in the sky. It would be dark in an hour. "We should get going."

The blond jumped up, while he stood more slowly, and started dragging Harry to what seemed like a cliff… with spikes and bumps? When they got closer, it was clear that the village was in the hollow, under the mountain they were on.

Naruto turned to him, when they were nearing the edge. "This is Konoha. And these," he pointed to the bumps and spikes "are the faces of former Hokage, from the first, who formed the village, to the fourth." He swept his pointing finger from right to left. "They are the strongest ninja in the village, and that is the Hokage tower. That's where Jijii works. He says he always have to do paperwork. Something about his bane of existence or another." This kid was too coherent and informative to be five. It just wasn't possible.

"Naruto, ah, don't get me wrong, but how old are you?" He got a strange look.

"I told you I will start at the academy next year. I'm seven." Yep, better, but still too intelligent, and it worried him, fearing the why's and how's. And this meant he was too small.

"And I said that I'm not from here kiddo, how should I have known? Hmm?" He picked up the kid by the waist, throwing him over his shoulder like a bag of rice. "Now let's get down! Be careful, I don't want to drop you!" Harry saw a twisting road on his left, and started walking. Naruto on the other hand squirmed like a handful of worms, until he got free from Harry's hand, but instead of falling or jumping down, he climbed up and took a seat on his shoulders, tangling his small fists into Harry's shaggy black locks. Harry didn't mind as long as the kid was okay.

They made their way into the village, and the streets. The moment they entered though, there was a masked person, most likely a ninja in front of them.

"Identify yourself!" was the non-too-gentle command. Harry pulled out his wallet, and handed his driving license over. He knew it was worthless here most likely, but he couldn't resist. He was rewarded, when he could see the blank look in the eyeholes of the mask, and the ninja had the aura of confusedness rolling off him. He straightened, and started again "I said…" but was interrupted.

"That IS my identity card, but it might be easier if I see your leader, or someone I can clear my stay with." He was hard-pressed not to laugh, and with Naruto silently shaking on his shoulders, it got harder by the minute.

"Come with me." The ANBU Cat, not that either youth knew this, said stiffly, before leading them into the tower, and requesting audience with the Hokage. He deemed it necessary, and easier. If he needed to be taken to T&I, there were more comrades there too.

"Come in." Came a scratchy, old voice from the office. They obeyed, Naruto still perched high, apparently immensely enjoying this new, because it had to be new, experience. As they filed in, first the pair, then their escort, the third looked up, and as a sure sign of strange, didn't go back to his paperwork to multitask. He looked at the ANBU, and only said "Report."

He stiffened, assuming his pose and giving the meagre information he possessed. "Hai, Hokage-sama. I was patrolling the outer skirt of the village when I spotted him. He gave me this as identification." He handed over the little plastic card.

'What is this? Is this a language? And what material is this?' And so on, the questions went through the old man's head, but he didn't voice any of this. He had to be strong and know everything, or seem like he did to successfully lead a village filled with ninja. "Care to explain …?"

"Call me Harry. And I'd be happy, but I know little myself, so please bear with me." Harry took back the card, slipping it back into is wallet and that into his back pocket. "I don't know how I got here, but I came most likely in the morning. Naruto here found me, and was kind enough to wake me, right brat?" He teased, squeezing one of his legs gently to make sure he didn't take it the wrong way. He was rewarded with a snicker. "From what I've seen, which is not much as we were just entering the village, and what I've heard I'm most likely from another universe, timeline, planet or reality. I don't really know, once I remember more, I'll be happy to share though. Ah, we confirmed that I could be able to use chakra, but I don't know much about it as of now. Ummm, what else. Eh, I'd like to stay for the time being and I'm" when he heard Naruto's stomach rumble he laughed a bit "we are really hungry." He finished.

"He can stay with me! Please Jijii!" Naruto was bouncing now, voice so pleading Harry was glad he didn't see the face. It was more than likely to be deadly with huge eyes and a pout and everything. He again was hard pressed not to laugh seeing the horrified, 'I-know-already-I'm-doomed-but-I'll-fight-a-bit-an yway' look on the Hokage's face.

With a heavy sigh, the greying man agreed, before Harry saw a glint in his eyes. It was not like Dumbledore's were, not the mischievous twinkling that never left the old wizard's eyes, but an 'I've-got-an-idea' twinkle that he masked expertly the next second. Harry was just too well trained with his former mentor. "All right, Naruto, he can stay with you. And as a welcome of sorts, I'll pay for your first meal here." He threw a pouch to Harry, who after seeing the old man's eyes flash upwards, smiled and thanked him. After that, they said their goodbyes, and set out.

But again, life just couldn't be easy, but as Harry was used to it, it didn't even surprise him. What he didn't pay attention to before was that people were staring and whispering. They didn't even do it like he was a stranger; he didn't feel the curiosity, but hatred and scorn. What made him more concerned and angry was that it was directed to the little blond. This just spelled trouble and he would not stand at the side lines when a whole village treated Naruto like the Dursleys did him. Oh no, and he would have fun beating some sense into idiots if the need arise.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wasn't sure he made a wise decision, but he was sure he would do it again, seeing how happy Naruto became. The stranger was honest, even if it was too odd to comprehend. And he would have a light guarding. Now you ask why light? He could ask for heavy guard, at least one ANBU trailing the man all times of the day. He could have a medium guard, with focused, but long distance guard when he was awake. He chose instead to only notify every ANBU that was on duty, or started after this moment, that they had a guest, with description, and an order that if there's anything suspicious they should report, or apprehend him. The ANBU would go about their jobs like any other day, but look out for him.

It was easy. He chose this, because Naruto trusted the man to carry him. The blond seemed naïve, and maybe even stupid to others, but that was a front. He knew animosity, hatred and everything in between intimately. If Naruto trusted his man, he would give him the benefit of doubt. (3)

And so, Sarutobi didn't hesitate to give out his order to the still present Cat who disappeared instantly.

Harry was seething. When he saw a restaurant that looked good, he turned and approached it, even as he felt the blond become rigid. If he was right, which he didn't want, they would leave fast, but he hoped for a nice meal there instead.

Of course he wasn't that lucky. The moment they stepped inside, everyone froze, some horrified, some practically frothing in the mouth and second later the owner stiffly informed them that they didn't have any free tables. Harry didn't need more, and strode out of the two-third filled place.

He went to the nearest alley, a dark little nook with nobody in sight and coaxed Naruto from his shoulders. He didn't let the kid down however.

Naruto looked like everything was okay, that it was normal. Harry knew the feeling, and as he already had the child in his arms, he hugged the blond as hard as he dared, saying sorry, promising that he wouldn't expose him to this if he could help. As he murmured, he felt the rigidness leave Naruto, it was something he didn't even notice until now, meaning the little blond always, or even before he picked him up was so bound up, then came the shaking, and the sobs, as Naruto started to cling to this stranger that did more than even the Hokage had. (If not materially, but emotionally.)

It was nice to feel protected for the first time in his life. He felt that he could trust in Harry, that the man cared. They stayed there until both felt lighter and calmer.

"We should go home, and I'll cook something if you like." Harry said, brushing off the remaining tears with his robes. They were ruined anyway. The blond consented easily, and led them to a little rundown place. When he looked around seeing the various empty cups and other trash littering the floor, he sat down on a chair, settling Naruto in his lap.

"Okay kid, while I go out to buy the ingredients, you should clean up a bit. What do you say?" It was not a command, and not a request, but it still was clear that he should do it, so he consented. It was no big deal, he was already a semi-tidy person. He didn't just leave about everything. What could spoil, left a stain or could smell bad, he chucked into the trashcan, cleaning the apartment as a whole only once in a while, but it was manageable this way.

Harry, after walking with Naruto had a general idea of the people and the clothes, so he glamoured himself into a bland man, not too different from himself. From there, it was a pleasant evening. He got everything in a nearby shop, and Naruto helped cooking. He was constantly talking or asking things, but luckily it was more about the village and their meal and why do you do it this way and why not do that before this.

They set the table together, again Harry coaching Naruto, and ate. Naruto held up the conversation even when they had a bath, together in Naruto's request, but with Harry in boxers and up until they settled down on Naruto's bed, Harry on his back, with Naruto resting his head on the strong (for a civilian) shoulder curled up at the raven's side. Harry was glad he had a bottomless charmed backpack shrank in his robe. He was obviously planning to travel somewhere judging by the clothes and other things, he just had to remember. Harry chose a pair of simple sleeping pants, while Naruto dressed in swirl patterned pyjamas and the most adorable beaver hat Harry ever saw.

He was glad the kid was the one to find him. It almost seemed fate, and with his luck it was a hard and rocky one too. Oh, well.

They both drifted into deep, relaxing sleep.


(1) I won't use Naruto's dattebayo otherwise, but I wanted to at least show that he used it, I just can't write it into English script and still make it sound good. So you just have to excuse me for this.

(2) No, I won't spell it like that, but they'll pronounce his name like this.

(3) After a time Naruto put up a protection not to let others hurt him anymore. What he didn't know didn't hurt. This created his idiot persona, but it is not even half developed by this time (because I say it!), so no orange but thin clothes, no goofy but not really happy grin but aged before his time and intelligent because he has to be Naruto. He isn't happy, but the cruelty really hit him in the academy, and then came the whole package with pranks and all.
