Disclaimer: I do not own the Greek Gods or any of the Myths I do not own Percy Jackson or the Olympian series. That belongs to Rick Riordan.

I have taken information gleaned from those books and some myths plus the attitudes of the Gods from some fanfic authors to get my opinions of the Gods. This story is just truly my own opinion and hopes of what should have happened. This is just about the Gods and not many of the demigods. It won't be based on the books. I'm going to make a family of Gods.

Okay this will have gay marriage, de-aging, bashing and knowing me most likely spankings after all there will be five children from 10 to 15 in this story. So with sibling rivalry, being young Gods and just normal kids I think you know there will be parental punishments along the way. Plus I would rather see a kid punished with a spanking than banished for years like the myths claim.


Chapter 1 Poseidon Has Had Enough

Poseidon walked into the throne room. He realized he was the last one to show up even Hades and Hestia beat him today. Well it couldn't be helped as Amphitrite had been acting like a total bitch again. He couldn't understand why he ever married the woman. It was the biggest mistake of his life. The only good thing from his marriage was his son Triton, but that woman was really ruining him. His son was becoming as big a stuck-up snob as his mother. He would have to find a way to turn his son into a nicer person, because he really didn't want to see the boy ruined.

He was glancing around the room taking in everybody's moods and actions when he saw something that made him see red faster than spending time with his wife. Everyone in the room was glaring at Apollo like he was a Titan or something. Some were showing total hate like Zeus, Hera and Athena. Others were showing hostility like Artemis, Dionysus, Ares and Aphrodite. That left the others glaring in disapproval not one of the other twelve Gods that were in the room with his nephew were showing him any support.

Poseidon could see the pain in the young God's eyes. He knew that it was him only knowing the others would make fun of him that was keeping Apollo from crying from his heart breaking. The kid had the biggest heart of all the Gods. He loved his family no matter how important or minor of a God they were, but they never seemed to give the poor boy a break. Apollo may be thousands of years old, but he truly was a boy at heart. That was why he portrayed himself as an eighteen year old. Poseidon knew he would probably have changed that more to a fifteen year old, but he thought the others might give him more respect if he looked like an adult at least. It didn't matter that Hestia and Artemis portrayed themselves as younger children they still got more respect than poor Apollo.

"What is going on here?" He demanded in his most powerful voice.

Zeus might be the King of Gods, but that was only because Poseidon normally didn't show this side of himself. Zeus could pretend all he wanted but he knew that Poseidon was the stronger God, so the man was now looking warily at his older brother. Some of the younger ones liked to think that wasn't true like Athena, Dionysus and Artemis, but the rest were in no doubt that when Poseidon used that tone he was a force to be reckoned with.

Poseidon glared fiercely around at each God. Apollo was looking down as if afraid to meet his eyes. This bothered him because when the lad did that he usually felt guilty about something. What most people, or he should say what nobody knew was that Poseidon and Apollo were very close. They were literally like Father and son ever since Zeus had banished them to Troy all those centuries and centuries ago. He had watched over the child and took him in hand as a father would. When they had gotten their godly powers back Apollo begged him to keep being his Dad. When the two were alone he actually called Poseidon, Dad and around others he called him Uncle P.

Poseidon took it upon himself to set rules and guidelines for the younger God, and if he broke them he punished him just as a mortal father would for his son. The same way he did all the years ago in Troy. In Poseidon's heart Apollo was his son and seeing everybody glaring at him had put the man's hackles up. He was very protective of the kid, his kid in everything that really mattered.

"I asked what is going on here and I expect an answer." The steel in his voice rang loud and clear.

He was looking at Apollo, but Ares was the one that spoke up. "The fool decided to play a prank on everybody. He said he had a new Prophecy. Some people took real offense to the words he said, and now Father is trying to decide his punishment for his traitorous words."

"What were the words and how do you know it wasn't a real Prophecy?" Poseidon asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Because there is no way that will come true," Zeus roared indignantly.

"The words please," Poseidon demanded again.

Hestia spoke.

"The Sea shall claim the Sun for their own

The Hearth shall reclaim her throne

Wisdom shall be de-throned

Death will claim it as his home

The new King shall be the God of the Sea

The Sea, the Dead and the Sun shall be the new Big Three

The new King will leave his Queen in the dust

They will Rule over a world more just!"

"Apollo, look at me son." Poseidon said more gently than he had said anything since he had entered the room.

The blond God raised his eyes to meet the green eyes of the one person he loved and respected above all others.

"Apollo, why would you play a prank like that? You are the God of Truth and Prophecies, so why would you make a mockery of those things?" The Sea God asked sternly. Poseidon didn't really believe Apollo would do such a thing, but he was going to make sure on the smallest of chances he was wrong.

"I didn't play a prank, but Father and the others don't want to believe it is a true Prophecy, so it makes them feel better to accuse me of lying and playing a prank." Apollo told him in a subdued voice.

"You know what I will do if I find out you lied to me." Poseidon gave him a hard look.

The sun God blushed beet red but answered anyway. "I know, but I swear I'm not Dad."

Everyone looked at Apollo like he was crazy except Poseidon. When he heard the boy call him Dad he knew Apollo was telling the truth. This was the first time in more than two thousand years he had made the mistake and called him that in front of others, but it was how he always talked to Poseidon when he knew he was in trouble for something. It was also his way of saying he wouldn't lie to the man about something so important.

"So it seems we have a new Prophecy in play." He said as he nodded at Apollo to let him know he believed him before walking to his own throne. He smiled when he saw his boy relax and send him a grateful look.

"You cannot be so idiotic to believe any of this is real Barnacle Beard." Athena snapped angrily.

"Why not?" Poseidon gave her a knowing look. "Is it because you know the Prophecy says you will lose your throne? You don't think Hades deserves a throne on the Council more than you? He is the oldest of us and one of the most powerful. Or maybe it is because you don't think Hestia deserves her throne back instead of Dionysus? Why is it of the six of us that are the kids of Kronos, Zeus has managed to replace two with two of his children? Married one and had an affair with another, so he has children with two of them. That leaves me as the only one he has no control over like that. Aphrodite could have been free of his influence but making her marry Hephaestus took care of that."

They were all looking at him in shock. None of them knew what to say but that was okay because Poseidon wasn't done.

"That is like Hera. He married and keeps cheating on her to keep her from taking her position on the Council serious or for any of us to take her serious, because she is always complaining about his affairs or the mortals. Mortals, that I might add that we need, if we are to continue to exist. She resents his children whether they be demigods, Gods or her own children with him. Thus making her somebody, that nobody likes because of her hateful attitude." Hera glared hatefully at the man. "You can look at me like that all you want Hera, but I'm only speaking the truth."

"I do not have a hateful attitude." She snapped, but she was now glaring at all of Zeus's children on the council with hostility. "Defend me you ungrateful brats."

"Who do you want to defend you Hera? The son you threw off Olympus as a baby? Or how about the son that had to watch you and his Father give the woman he loved to his brother to marry? Oh I know you want the five step-children that you are always cutting down to defend you. You might get the girls to, but that is only because you do treat them a little nicer than the boys."

"You don't know what you are talking about." Hera shrieked, but he ignored her as if she was of no consequence.

"Now let's go to Demeter. The other sister Zeus slept with and had a child with. He then tricked that child into going to the Underworld where she ate a pomegranate seed and got stuck there. To make Demeter grateful to him he fixed it so the girl could come back six months of the year. But this also gave her something to take her mind off of things that happen that she needs to pay attention to. So instead of her taking her spot on the Council serious she is always complaining about Hades so nobody listens to her anymore." Poseidon explained while examining his fingernails.

The woman mentioned looked like she had been sucker punched. Did Zeus really have something to do with her daughter being stuck in the Underworld?

Poseidon didn't give her a chance to talk though. "Now on to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love that nobody takes seriously, because Zeus and Hera made her marry Hephaestus instead of the man she loved. She is known for cheating on her husband, so why would people think she knew anything about love, if she couldn't even marry for love? This made her become a laughing stock to those that should worship her."

"Ares the God of War, why should people respect him? When the thing he is God of he has to share with Athena? It makes it look like his Father and Mother don't take him serious enough, but more like treating him like a child that is playing at war instead of the God of War. This means he doesn't get the respect he deserves, and not getting that respect makes him act out and cause more fights."

Ares and Aphrodite were looking as if they both had been hit over the head with a frying pan held by a Titan. How had Poseidon known that was how they felt?

Poseidon continued with his narrative. "Dionysus is known for being a God of more than one thing, but he is mainly known for being the God of Wine, now his Father in his great wisdom has decided he should not be able to use this Godly power for a century for punishment for chasing a wood nymph. That kind of makes him a laughing stock among the Gods. And this is the God who was allowed to take one of the Original sixes place on the Council and this tends to make all of us not be taken as serious as we should be."

He turned to look at Hephaestus. "You my nephew also get no respect even though you are a genius when it comes to your Godly domain. You are made fun of because your wife cheats on you with your brother, a brother that should be looking out for you. You also have the stigma of your own mother throwing you off of Olympus. The one thing you do have in your favor is the fact that your treatment by your mother shows how horrible the King of Gods is when he can't even keep his own wife and Queen from hurting their child together."

"Thanks for saying I was a genius Uncle." Hep said with feeling. He had rarely gotten compliments in his life. He had always felt unloved and under-appreciated which was why he hid out in his forges most of the time.

"I'm only telling the truth my boy." Poseidon smiled kindly at his nephew. "Who wants to go next?"

"What makes you think any of us care what you have to say?" Athena demanded snidely. She hated to see that her most hated rival was saying things she knew to be true.

"Athena it is. You are a laughing stock my dear niece. You are supposed to be the Goddess of Wisdom, but you show how dumb you really are by your actions."

Athena stood up as if to attack the God of the Seas.

"Sit down Athena. I know you think you are all so powerful, but the truth is I could wipe the floor with you in a second." Poseidon told her as if her actions were not worth his time.

"Then why don't you prove it?" She demanded angrily, but she sat down when she saw the glare her Father was giving her. The look he was bestowing on her made her realize that he truly thought Poseidon could do that.

"Because you really are not worth the effort." He informed her. "Truthfully of all on the Council you are the least of my worries. Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. You try to take your brother's domain by claiming to be the Goddess of War and thus making both you and Ares look bad. You say you are a maiden Goddess but have more children than Aphrodite, again making you and Artemis look bad this time. It makes you look like you are too stupid to know how babies are made when you still claim to be a maiden."

"I am a maiden." She screamed hotly. "My children..."

Poseidon talked over her as if what she had to say was ridiculous. "Artemis, you I have no respect at all for."

Artemis looked at the man as if he was an idiot, and his opinion didn't matter because he was a man.

"Yes I know you are supposedly the Goddess of so many things. You are a maiden that was interested in one of my sons. A son you killed I might add. You talk young girls into leaving their families to join your Hunt not caring about the families they leave behind at all. You are the Goddess of childbirth but will never have a child because you are a maiden. You are the Moon Goddess that is one good thing in your favor, but it doesn't make up for the one thing I despise you for the most. And believe it or not that wasn't even killing my own son though for that alone I lost all respect for you. No it is how you treat your twin, the one man that has loved you and tried to protect you his whole life. You act like you are better than him. You sneer at him and treat him like crap. You blamed him for Orion's death even though you were the one to shoot him with arrows. Yes he had some credit for that, and he was punished for his hand in it, but you never admitted your own guilt in the incident. You are really not worthy enough to wipe his feet in my opinion. Apollo is worth a hundred of you. You hit him, call him names and shoot him with arrows just because he likes to have a little fun. You show that you have no love of family or loyalty at all by your actions and words. You act like because you are a female that you are more important than us mere males. You are probably the reason mortals are sexist as they try to make up for your attitude."

Artemis sat there with her mouth gaping at the man. How could he say those things about her? It was Apollo's fault that Orion was killed. Dhe noticed her Uncle wasn't even giving her time to say anything in her defense.

"Hermes is the God of Messenger, Travelers, Medicine and Thieves. Do you know being the God of Thieves wipes out all of the good you get from the others? Who would want to honor a God who thinks thieves are good?"

Hermes couldn't help feeling hurt by his Uncle's words. Was it true what he said though? He knew that he thought it was great when his children acted like thieves. It was the only one of his Godly powers his children really took from him. He was the God of Medicine while Apollo was the God of Healing but Apollo's kids were the only ones that used the Godly power to help others. He needed to think about this.

"And no for the most important of all of you as far as I'm concerned, he is more powerful than any of you realize. The Sun God, The God of Prophecy, The God of Music and Poetry, The God of Healing, The God of Truth and the Protector of Boys and you all treat him like crap. You think just because he likes to have fun and joke around he isn't worthy of your respect. I will tell you I think he could take any of you in a fair fight. Trust me my drachmas would be on him. He is the God of Prophecy and Truth, but when he tells you one you accuse him of pranking you. Isn't that just like you all to look down on him and treat him like he doesn't matter at all?"

Poseidon sneered at the rest. "Well I for one believe him. What was the first line of that Prophecy again?"

"The Sea shall claim the Sun for their own." Hestia said again.

"Aww... yes," Poseidon nodded as he snapped his fingers.

They all looked at him to see him staring at Apollo. They all turned as one to the blond God. He had a green trident lit up over his head. Apollo looked up and saw the trident, and he couldn't help the tears of happiness that leaked out of his eyes, as he jumped up and ran towards Poseidon. He threw his arms around the older man in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, Dad." He sobbed into the man's shoulder as everyone looked on with their jaws hanging open in shock. All Apollo could think was his wildest hopes and dreams had finally come true after thousands of years. Poseidon really was his Dad now.

Poseidon rubbed the young man's back in soothing circles. "You are welcome my son. I should have done this a couple of millennium ago. You have been my child since we were in Troy together. I love you, Apollo and I am proud to call you my son."

"He is not your son, he is my son." Zeus shouted as he leaped to his feet pointing his lightning bolt at the two Gods that were hugging.

He shot a bolt of lightning towards them. Poseidon used one hand to push the younger God behind him, as he stood and aimed his trident towards the King of Gods. The beam of lightning and a stream of blue light that shot from the trident met halfway. The beam from the trident was more powerful and pushed both the bolt of lightning and itself into the God of the Sky. Zeus screamed a horrible scream of pain as both beams caught him in the chest. His lightning bolt flew from his hands and landed in the hands of the God of the Sun. A golden glow surrounded the Lightning Bolt, and it changed shapes before everyone's eyes. It was now in the shape of a golden arrow.

"Dad, why did it do that?" Apollo asked in confusion, his eyes staring at the arrow in his hands.

"It looks like Zeus has lost his weapon of mass destruction. I would say it has claimed you as its new master." Poseidon smiled approvingly at him.

"That is not possible." Athena denied what was in front of her eyes. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't. She couldn't help feeling a small measure of fear when she realized that Apollo's new Prophecy seemed to be coming true before their eyes.

"Why not because it didn't choose you as its new owner? I think it is starting to work on another line of the Prophecy." Poseidon smirked at her. He knew that she already figured that out, but he couldn't help rubbing in it. The woman had been a pain in his ass for thousands of years.

"You mean this one?" Hades asked. "The Sea, the Dead and the Sun shall be the new Big Three."

"That is the one that I'm talking about brother." Poseidon acknowledged with a nod. He and Hades exchanged a look of understanding and something more, but Poseidon wouldn't let himself get his hopes up.

"That is not true." Zeus shouted as he stood again. The pain evident in his face from the blasts he had received from his bolt and Poseidon's trident. "Return my bolt at once Apollo." He snarled angrily at the boy who had been a disappointment to him his whole life.

Apollo started to hand the golden arrow to Zeus, but Poseidon put his hand up to stop him. "If it is your bolt take it from him." Seeing his younger brother pause he added. "Unless you are afraid that it's his, since a God can't take another God's weapon."

"I'm not afraid. That is my bolt." Zeus growled as he wrapped his hand around the golden arrow.

His eyes almost bugged out when he touched the item. The scream that followed was worse than when he had been hit by the other two weapons. His hand was turning red then black as if being burnt to a crisp from the power of the sun. He jerked his hand back in clear pain and disbelief. How could this have happened? That was his lightning bolt, his item of mass destruction not Apollo's.

"I guess that proves that it is now the weapon of the Sun God." Poseidon couldn't help smirking. He was glad to see his son had finally gotten a little payback for all of the times Zeus had hurt the boy.

The other Gods and Goddesses in the room were looking on in utter astonishment. Poseidon couldn't help noticing that Ares and Artemis were looking at the arrow with jealousy. But he decided to ignore it for the moment. It was time to work on the Prophecy some more.

"Dionysus, I have a proposition for you." He was giving the younger God a calculating look.

"What do you mean Poseidon?" Dionysus asked him still looking at the arrow in his half brother's hand. He was shocked beyond belief what he had just seen. He was a little jealous that Apollo was the one that got to cause their Father pain. He would have liked to be the one to have done that to make up for some of the pain the man had caused him through the years.

"You heard the Prophecy. It says I will be the new King." Zeus's head jerked up as he glared at his older brother. "I will promise that as soon as that happens I will rescind your punishment/banishment to Camp Halfblood if you will return Hestia's throne to her now." He noticed the man looking at him with mistrust. "You know you do not enjoy being on the Council, and I will even swear on the River Styx to end your punishment as soon as I am named King."

A roar of thunder could be heard as the promise was accepted by the river. Dionysus's head jerked to look out the window nearest his throne. He was shocked at what Poseidon just promised him and even more shocked that the River Styx accepted the promise, because it showed to him that Poseidon really was going to be King even if some of the others didn't want to believe it yet.

"Fine, Aunt Hestia if you want your throne back you may have it." He said standing up and walking to the side of the throne room.

"Are you sure Dionysus?" Hestia asked hesitantly. "Yes, she had felt she had made a mistake when she gave up her throne but at the time she felt it was the only way to keep peace. Was it possible she really could be on the Council again?

"Yes Uncle Poseidon is right I really don't enjoy being a member of the Council. Father never lets me vote the way I want anyway. He is always threatening me to make me vote how he wants." He told her with the utmost sincerity.

"I, Hestia reclaim my throne on the Council of Twelve. I swear this on the River Styx."

Thunder was once again heard outside the throne room and the throne changed to show a picture of a fire burning on the backrest.

"Well that seems like another line of the so-called fake Prophecy has just be fulfilled." Aphrodite announced. "The Hearth shall reclaim her throne." She was wondering if the Prophecy really came true if it would be possible for Poseidon to let her divorce Hephaestus when he became King. The thought gave her more happiness than anything had in more than two thousand years.

"Well three lines of eight have already come true." Ares agreed with her. "Which shall we work on next line three or line five? Both can be accomplished with a vote." He couldn't help the smirk he shot at his Father when the man glared at him so hatefully.

"Should we de-throne Zeus's favorite child?" Hephaestus questioned. "The one that tries to make the rest of us feel stupid and unimportant." He had always hated that he and Ares were the full children of the King and Queen of Gods, but Athena was given more respect by both of his parents.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." Artemis exclaimed.

She was still remembering what Poseidon said about Athena making her look bad by claiming to be a maiden but having lots of children. She may be mad at Poseidon at the moment, but she had always thought it was hypocritical of Athena to have children while being a maiden.

"Okay I call for a vote. Who thinks Athena should lose her throne? Raise your hands please." Poseidon called out.

He and Apollo had their hands up instantaneously. Hestia, Hephaestus, Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis and Hermes raised their hands as well.

"Eight to four so Athena is no longer one of the Council of Twelve." Poseidon announced. He tried to keep the smug tone out of his voice, but catching a glimpse of her face he must not have succeeded.

The throne Athena was sitting on glowed a bright red and threw her from it. Said Goddess jumped to her feet glaring at all of those that voted against her. "I will make you pay for this." She screamed hysterically. This wasn't right next to her Father she was the most important of the Council.

"Hades please reclaim your throne." Poseidon said ignoring Athena in the process, but giving Hades a warm smile of welcome. He had always hated how the other man had been treated, and it didn't have anything to do with the special way he felt about the older man he tried to convince himself.

Hades walked to the throne and saw the backrest now had a picture of his Helm of Darkness on it. He sat down and for the first time in a long time he felt like crying. He was home at last. He had never thought this would ever happen. He couldn't help smiling a real smile at both Poseidon and Apollo for making this moment happen for him.

The Gods and Goddesses were looking at him in wonderment. It had been millenium since they had actually seen Hades smile a real smile. Some of them had never seen it at all and had believed the man couldn't smile.

"Well lines three and four have now come true." Hermes smiled at the sight of his Uncle sitting on his new throne.

"Wisdom shall be de-throned

Death will claim it as his home."

"Demeter if Hades will offer to allow Persephone to leave the Underworld if she wants to will you vote for me for King?" Poseidon asked with a knowing smile. He had his fingers mentally crossed that Hades would agree. He tried to convince himself it had nothing to do with the fact it would mean that Hades didn't really love his niece if he said yes.

"He won't do that." She told him sadly afraid to get her hopes up.

"Hades?" Poseidon turned to his older brother.

Hades looked at Poseidon for a long minute before turning to Demeter. "I will give her the choice is she wants to go I will let her, but if she wants to stay you cannot blame me anymore. It will be her decision I swear on the River Styx." Hades vowed solemnly. He didn't say that he was hoping she would say yes. The only reason he had married her was because he couldn't stand being alone cut off from all of his family and loved ones. He had also felt it was a way to get back at one of his brothers and sisters for throwing him out like that.

Demeter looked at him in wonderment. "Thank you. I can live with that. I will vote for you to be King Poseidon, as you have already shown that you care about what we Gods and Goddesses want, so I know you will also be as caring for the mortal world as well. And you're right we need the mortals if we are to continue to exist and not fade from existence."

"If you are King will you allow me and Hep to divorce? " Aphrodite questioned Poseidon. "I know neither of us are happy with being married to each other." She had the most serious expression any of those in the room had ever seen on her face.

Poseidon looked to Hephaestus. "Is that what you want to nephew?"

"Yes Uncle it would make me very happy." The disfigured God told him. He smiled to reassure the man he was speaking the truth.

"Then I don't see what the problem would be." Poseidon smiled encouragingly. He knew that three people would be happier if the two could divorce, and it had nothing to do with their votes but the chance to end a loveless marriage.

"I'm the Goddess of Marriage and I'm the only one that says whether they can divorce or not." Hera snapped furiously. She did not like the way things were going. She knew if Poseidon was made King her reign of Queen would be over.

"Well when I become King if you are going to keep up with this attitude I may make you the Goddess of Sewage since people's feeling don't seem to matter to you and sewage has no feelings. So I would suggest you change your attitude mighty fast." Poseidon boomed in his powerful voice again. "And you might as well know when I become King I will be divorcing my wife as well, because she is nothing but a shrew hence why I have affairs."

He gave her a knowing look which made her think he was blaming Zeus's affairs on her. Hera's mouth was gaping open like a fish from Poseidon's realm. It wasn't her fault the man wouldn't stay faithful. She was his wife so no matter what he should be faithful to her. The niggling doubt in the back of her mind was saying well maybe if you weren't such a shrew and actually had sex with him more than once a century he might be faithful, but she told it to shut up. It was all Zeus's fault.

"I call for a vote to make Poseidon the King of Gods." Hades announced. "All those in favor raise your hands."

To Poseidon's shock everyone but Zeus and Hera raised their hands. He couldn't help feeling a little touched the others would all vote for him. Yes he believed Apollo about the Prophecy but he didn't expect it to come true today.

"It is official Poseidon the God of the Seas is now the new King of the Gods. Let a new Just Ruling take effect from this day forward." Hades shouted out in a magnified voice that was heard all over Olympus. All the minor Gods and Goddesses turned to look towards the throne room in shock at the announcement. "Poseidon take you vow of acceptance."

"I, Poseidon hereby swear from this day forward I will rule over the Gods and mortals in a fair and just way. So I swear this on the River Styx."

Thunder boomed for five solid minutes. It was so loud nobody could talk inside or outside the throne room. The minor Gods and Goddesses hoped this meant that they would now get more respect. Poseidon was known to be the fairest God in his dealings with others whether they be Gods or mortals. They were all hoping this really meant life would be better for them all.

"My first official business as the King of Gods is to denounce my marriage to Amphitrite, and to denounce the marriage of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. So I swear it on the River Styx."

Two more loud sounding booms of thunder were heard. Aphrodite got up and ran over and kissed Poseidon. Those outside the throne room were staring at each other in shock. A divorce had never been allowed among the Gods before because Hera had always refused to allow it to happen and now to know that three of the Gods on the Council were getting divorced was unbelievable to them.

"Thank you for making me so happy." Aphrodite sobbed into his shoulder not even caring about her make up for once.

"I'm not kissing you Uncle but I thank you too." Hep smiled happily. He was hoping that maybe he could finally find somebody to love. He thought about the one woman he had always cared about for a minute, but he shoved the thought aside afraid to get his hopes up. It was hard though because now there was a chance she would be free too soon. She was the only woman who never looked at him like he was an ugly abomination.

And to everybody's amazement Ares walked over and shook his Uncle's hand while thanking him before taking Aphrodite in his arms and kissing her passionately.

He then went down on one knee. "Aphrodite will you do me the honor of becoming my wife. I promise to love and cherish you for all of eternity if you do."

"Yes! Oh yes Ares." She squealed throwing herself in his arms and kissing the man until he thought his head would blow like a volcano. The clapping and wolf whistling that accompanied this could be heard outside the throne room.

Hermes decided to take everybody's eyes off the couple who looked like they were going to be getting down to business right there in front of them all by saying.

"Well it sounds to me like this Prophecy:

"The Sea shall claim the Sun for their own

The Hearth shall reclaim her throne

Wisdom shall be de-throned

Death will claim it as his home

The new King shall be the God of the Sea

The Sea, the Dead and the Sun shall be the new Big Three

The new King will leave his Queen in the dust

They will Rule over a world more just!"

He grinned at Apollo. "That everybody thought was a prank has already come true in one sitting. Good job Apollo!"

"That is my wonderful boy" Poseidon boasted as he gave the younger God a hug.

Apollo couldn't help the beaming smile that was more brilliantly alight than the sun at the moment. He had Poseidon as his Dad and King. He put his new Sun Arrow in his quiver and to everybody's astonishment every arrow in the quiver now looked like the sun arrow. They had no idea why for sure, but Poseidon had a funny feeling Apollo was going to need some practice in using control when to use his arrows. That or he would need another quiver for his other arrows because he knew the sun arrows would be items of mass destruction.

There is a link on my profile that will show you The God Family that Demonic Hope put together for me. I will also be adding another link later to show them individually.

This story is different from my others but one thing remains the same. I love stories of families and people having a real chance at happiness. I hope you enjoyed it.

Now I just have to keep five stories being updated. At least I have another chapter for next week for this story to be updated.