In a dark cloak she was holding in her arms the only thing that was dear to her. The thing that warmed the heart in a difficult moment and calmed her with only a look. But she had to give up on this, as when she tried to escape, he always found her. Here and now, a woman stood, keeping her eyes down and waited for his decision. She wanted what he was offering, and she wanted it now, regardless of the price.

"She is beautiful." his voice interrupted her thoughts and her eyes caught the barely perceptible interest in his eyes.

"Are you sure about your decision? Everything has its price, and this is mine."

"Everything has a price. Yes." He had repeated it to her for a few months, and she now mimicked his words. But learning them did not change their meaning, that he had already decided her fate.
Still clutching the bundle, the woman just nodded. The hooded man smiled so sweetly and for a moment she thought she could just run away. But the thought of what he would give her, handcuffed her body, not letting move. She finally looked up, glaring into his eyes.

"I'm ready to make a deal. I want it. You're well aware why I've come to you, right?"

"Yes," he just uttered, smirk still not left his face. "I've been waiting for. You. And your little girl. What did you call it?" - He asked, not taking his eyes off her baby.
"Regina ... her name is Regina," she said softly, surprising herself with how broken by feelings she was for her daughter.
"Great name, it is worthy of such a beauty. She has your eyes."
"Yeah ... probably ..." woman muttered, she pulled her cloak tighter around her, as if this could protect Regina from danger, escaping from his sight.
"You'll get my book, and in return ... in his eighteen-your daughter will be mine" he said simply.
His words plunged her into shock, although she already knew very well that this is what he wanted, hearing the words still shocked her. She pressed firmly to her breast Regina and looking carefully at her peaceful face, she realized how difficult it would be to accept the offer. Eighteen years ... it is a long time, she thought. And with that thought, the desire to have the power back again, captured all her over emotions and smothered and demanded satisfaction. She already knew the answer.
He understood that look in her eyes without words.
"Meet me in 18 years, Cora," he said, dissolving into the air.
"Yes, Rumpelstiltskin."
On the ground, a few feet from her, was a book, framed by gold, with pink crystal heart-shaped. Cora rushed to it, clutching it in her arms like a second child.