I know, I know, I know, people wonder where the hell I've been. Justifiable.
Late November my son was born. I took a break to help my wife handle being a new mother, while working 40 hours a week in my retail job. Christmas shopping sucks when you work retail. Believe me. After that, I was back in class, taking three english classes while still helping with the baby and working. Time to do anything besides work was non-existent. Fast forward to May, I start a new project writing a novella approximately 40,000 words in length.
Quite by accident, a friend read this and made some recommendations. Seeing as I'm still on suspension (week 6, unpaid) I have plenty of time to write. Seeing as my other project is now complete, I have plenty of time for this. But it's going to get a massive makeover. This will make more sense in about two weeks. I promise. Those of you my faithful reviewers and readers have not been forgotten.