Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series, books or characters

A/N: I am really sorry for not updating this story before. Truly I am but I was really busy with Created. My girlfriend has made me read Twilight so that I could give her ideas for her stories so I was also pressed for time. On top of that I have my own studies that need to be done. After all I need to mantain my GPA of 4.

I also want to explain the poll that I have started.

So it is about which story should be my main focus. So if you want to see this story updated more often then vote if not then *Shrug*. I am not trying the pressure you to vote though.

The more votes each of my story gets the more likely it will be updated often. The story with the most votes will be updated the quickest out of all of them.


POV: Percy

I scurried to my room quickly and started to pack the nessessarities for the upcoming trip.

"Percy" My brother called, I ignored him. "Percy!" He said again more forcefully and I stopped


"Percy, we are going under the sea with dad." He reminded me "We don't need to bring anything" I face palmed and groaned. "No sweat, I know that you are nervous." I nodded

"Yeah, it is just that dad has never needed our help for much before." Even though he has always needed as much help as he could get, I added.

"I totally understand" We walked towrds the lakeshore and Chiron met us there.

"Percy and Triton" He shook our hands

"Do you know how to get there?" I tried to look confused but I am not sure if it worked

"Yes, our father just Imed us with directions to his palace." Triton lied smoothly gods why couldn't I lie as smoothly as Triton

It is because you are always Mr. Nicey Nice Triton answered in my head

Thanks I thought

Your welcome I faced him and he grinned slightly.

"Okay then, I suppose that you can leave but come back as soon as you can." I didn't know why Chiron was so desperate to have us here.

"Okay, tell the campers that we will be back" We waded into the water and then slowly, as the bottom deepened, we started to swim before diving under the water. We raced towards the palace in a hurry to help our father.

"What do you think he needs our help for?" I asked worried

"I don't know, but I think that we should hurry and find out." It was obvious that Triton was slightly upset but I ignored it. I knew that he didn't mean to be rude he was just worried. I nodded to show him that understood and I quickened my pace and sped towards the palace, double time.

"Dad!" I called out

"Dad!" Triton joined me in calling our father. I zoomed towards the throne room and stopped in front of the closed doors. I didn't know what was waiting on the other side but I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out. "Percy, snap out of it. Don't let the fear over take you."

"Uh, yeah" I tried to focus and Triton opened the doors with a heave. It was easy for him to say. He could exactly die but I could.

"Dad!" He called out

"Triton!" Poseidon came towards us, confused. "Percy!" He yelled happily when he saw me. "Why are you guys here?" He seemed generally confused

"Dad, don't you know?" He shook his head. Triton gave me a quick but worried glance. "Dad, you called for us to return here." Triton informed him.

"No, I don't remember doing so." Poseidon argued

"Dad, you did."I added trying to help out a confused looking Triton.

"I do not remember doing such thing." I felt sorry for him, he looked so confused at the moment.

"But" Triton stuttered "But, you IMed us and said to come because of Oceanus."

"I did?" Dad scratched his head in confusion and shrugged "Well, I don't need you here anymore so I guess you can go back."

"Oh, so we went all that way for nothing." Triton complained

"Yeah, I guess so. But dad, he seemed kind of off."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Didn't you notice that dad didn't have his Trident?" Dad loves his trident and usually didn't go anywhere without it.

"Yeah, but he might have misplaced it." Triton waved my suggestion off.

"I guess." I wasn't sure though "Whatever, lets just get back to Camp Half-Blood so that they don't start to worry."

"I agree with you brother but they wouldn't worry" At least I hope that they didn't worry. "So when are you going to leave me at Camp Half-Blood alone?" I changed the subject away from the mystery, that was our father.

"I will only leave you when you are ready for me to leave you" Triton assured me

"I am not sure, you might be stuck there until I die." I informed him

"I assumed that much but you never know." He wiggled his eyebrows "Someone might catch you eye, one day." I groaned, talking about the subject of love was something I did not enjoy.

I don't know it just seemed like to much work. You have to go through all that work and then usually people break up and then you have just wasted all that time, when you could have been doing something totally awesome.


"I mean it Percy." Triton turned serious "I know that you think love is a waste of time but when you find the right person then you will finally understand what I am talking about."

"You mean never" I tried to end the conversation

"What ever lets you sleep better at night." He rolled his eyes just as we arrived back at Camp Half-Blood.