A/N: This is just the Prologue so its kinda short.

Update Note: Rachel's name was changed to 'Ronda' for a personal reason, but also because there is another Wreck-It Rachel and even though mine was first, I don't want the two characters getting mistaken for each other.


The plastic covering to the new game was slowly peeled away from the arcades owner, Mr. Litwak. He hummed softly, in what sounded like approval for the task, and then polished the new joy stick with a damp rag. After plugging in the new game, he turned proudly to the game it was set up beside 'Fix-It Felix.' While Ralph had seen a lot of knew games come in to the arcade, he had never seen Mr. Litwak more pleased.

"Thirty years that games been there." Litwak said to no one as he turned and left the arcade.

It was 12:18PM on a Sunday which meant the arcade was closed for the day, but it seemed that this new game had showed up earlier than expected so it had to be set up. It also meant that the video game character's couldn't leave their games to inspect it until after Litwak left. Luckily, the man didn't linger too long. And the second the door clicked closed and an 'All Clear' was announced did everyone go to their screens and take a look outside to see what the new game was.

"Alright, lets see what we're working with." Ralph said, waltzing over to his screen.

He stopped just behind the Fix-It game's hero-Felix, who was the first to see this new game. Being the polite giant he was, Ralph had planned on simply waiting his turn and-

"Um Ralph- You might want to take a look at this." It honestly was Felix's concerned tone that had Ralph push him out of the way, honestly.

A very large picture of a girl holding a large sledge-hammer was plastered on the side. She wore a green tank-top with an orange and red plaid jacket, and a brown skirt with suspenders attached to it. Her eyebrows were knitted together, but her sinister smirk made her look more playful than mad. Though, that messy red ponytail just made her look insane as all ever.

The larger man's eyes widened when he saw it. Printed next to the character's opened mouth was a word bubble and above her, her name was printed was bold letters.

Wreck-It Ronda.


Instantly Ralph made a break for game central station. He momentarily forgot the layout of the station in his sudden rage, but soon was back to heading for that new game. Ralph was once again stopped, however, by a small figure running into him knees at full sprint. It didn't hurt, but Ralph still knew who it was before he even saw her.

"Ralph! Ralph! Did you hear about the new game!?" Vanellope cheered from her spot on the floor. "The one with the chic on the side of it, with the big letters and all that!? Did ya-?"

"Yeah yeah. Its a rip-off of my game." He muttered. "I was just about to go over there to, um-..."

"Talk with your daughter?" Vanellope finished the sentence with a smirk.

"Daughter? What are you talking about kid?" Ralph asked.

"I read the summary info on the other side of the new game." She said with a shrug. "Apparently this is a modern upgrade to your game. Apparently after 30 years and a crap load of video game fanfictions, the APPARENTLY creators thought it would be a good idea and- Ralph?"

Ralph was already halfway to the new game, running faster than he thought he could run ever. His pixel heart was hammering in his large chest and everything else was numb with shock. While he always wanted to have some little codes running around, he never expected one so soon. Or one that old already- Even if she was just plugged in.

"Where are you headed?" Ralph grunted in frustration. He was in such a hurry that he had forgotten about the surge protectors.

"Wreck It Ronda." He answered quickly.

"Are you carrying anything with you?"

"No sir." He answered bluntly, tapping his foot and then quickly cut off the next question with a quick. "I only have one thing to report and that is 'I hate you'."

"I get that a lot sir. Enjoy the game." With that last mutter Ralph quickly rushed through the portal and into the game.

Very first thing he noticed was that the new game had a similar set up to Fix-it only the game seemed more 3-D, like it was in Sugar-Rush or Hero's Duty. A large red building stood in the middle of the game like the old game, but instead of a garbage heap next to it a medium sized shack much like his was present. It was a lot like his game the only difference was not a character was in sight.

"Um hello?" He called, but was answered with an empty silence. "Hello? Ronda? Nice-landers? If there are any in this game?"

Just then he felt something hard hit him on the back, but due to his size it hardly phased him. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes met with a familiar set of hazel ones.

"Who the heck are you?" A female's voice shot out.

"I'm Wreck-it Ralph. And I'm guessing you're Ronda." He answered.

As he turned fully around to see the girl, he was honestly surprised by her. Her sledge hammer (which must have been what she used to hit him with) was resting on her shoulder, but it was about twice her size. She only came to about his second shirt button. There wasn't any way she was his daughter with those dimensions.

"Wreck-it Ralph you say?" She smirked. "Nice to finally meet ya dad."

Ralph stood a little dumbstruck at first, but then slowly began to nod. He must have looked some trace of confused because Ronda suddenly reached out a hand and pulled him closer to her.

"You seem a lil lost old man and I understand- your game is an outdated one and mine's has a new story line, so let me sum in up for you." Ronda said, pointing to the game's screen with her sledgehammer. "Look up at the screen."

The game began like the Wreck-it Ralph game, showing an overview of his story and who the characters were but then its images soon blurred away and were replaced with a bar reading '18 YEARS LATER'. An icon of Ronda suddenly appeared in between a Ralph Icon and the Icon of an unknown woman. Suddenly Ronda's Icon turned tall and 3D, closely resembling to how she looked in the game.

"I'M GONNA WRECK IT!" Her yell sounded like one of the scream bands Ralph had heard on some of the Gamer's Ipods when they would come in (Think he heard two called Flyleaf or Within Temptation) and was done in unison with her game self.

"So in the long run, you got married after some time of doing your job, had me and then I took over." Ronda said. "And Thus, Wreck-It Ronda."

"Right right. Say, does your mother live here?" Ralph asked, seemingly more interested in the female Icon then in Ronda.

"Nah, shes just an Icon on the game. She doesn't really exist. Kinda like in Hero's Duty-the chick's Fiance never really existed." Ronda said with a shrug.

"Well I guess that tr- Wait, how did you know about Hero's Duty? You haven't met Tammy yet." Ralph asked her, giving his daughter a questioning glance.

"Made by the same software company. Did you know game character's can jump around in their creator's laptops to?" She asked. "Plus, you're not the only one who has a successor."

"Oh no?" He asked, scratching his head.

"Nope- YO, F.3! You in here?" Ronda called out as she looked around at the completely deserted area. "Eh, guess not. You'll meet him later than, probably went exploring."

"Is F.3 his real name?" Ralph asked, suddenly growing very confused.

"Nah, but it sounds better than Fix-It Felix the third, now doesn't is?" Ronda scoffed as she lifted her hammer again. "But we're the only two characters in the game to change. All the nicelander's are the same people as they are in your game."

"But wouldn't they be different characters because their part of a different game." Ralph asked but suddenly regretted it when Ronda threw down her hammer.

"Do I look like I freaking know!? I'm a new game! I have no idea how this stuff works all I know is that the other nicelander's don't change and don't have children so to me they are the same characters as they are in your game!" Ronda cried out. "Now, no more questions!"

"OK, OK, I get it. Geez." Ralph muttered.

"Yeah, you better get it." Ronda muttered as she picked up her hammer and slung it over her shoulder.

"Watch your tone, missy." Ralph muttered under his breath. "You sound like Vanellope."

That apparently caught Ronda's attention. "That little girl from Sugar Rush? Oh! Shes so cute! I've been dying to meet the Sugar Rush gang! Their so adorable!" She cried out and raced towards her game's exit.

Ralph rolled his eyes as he followed his daughter out of her game and in the direction of SugarRush, not noticing two sets of eyes watching them leave.

"Geepers- she left the game..." One of the voice's muttered.

"Don't worry, there are Surge Protectors, she can't harm anyone with those guys around." Another, much younger voice whispered back.

"I hope you're right, kid." A woman's voice sighed.

"Come on guys, she isn't that bad... Um, without her hammer that is." After this the voice's went quiet as three figures stepped out from behind the building.

One was a young teen, slender in size with dirty blonde hair and large blue eyes wearing a white T-shirt and a blue unbuttoned, long-sleeved, shirt over that and dark washed jeans, in his hand was a blue cap and a golden hammer. The two figures that stood beside him were Nicelanders Gene and Mary. They looked exactly as they did in their old game only slightly older. They were a third of the teen's size.

"We should follow her though..." The teen muttered as he quickly raced off for the game's exit after the two Wreckers.

Meanwhile, Ralph finally caught up with Ronda in Vanellope's game. When he got there, he saw that the two girl's had already met each other and were eagerly buzzing each other with questions.

"How come you're not ugly like Ralph?" The president asked the older girl.

"I get my looks from my mom, why are you a president?" Ronda shot back quickly.

"Princess sounds to frilly for me." Van answered just as quick. "Can I bust something up with your hammer?"

"Hell no! I doubt you even be able to lift it. This hammer is like the hammer of Thor! Only those worthy enough can pick it up." The teen said in an all to serious tone.

"Woah! Really?" The younger girl's eyes were wide with wonder.

"Nah, go ahead a break something." Ronda said, handing the girl the handle of her sledge. "If you can pick it up, its pretty heavy."

The black hair girl smiled widely and grabbed the handle.

"Woah! You mean it!?" She yelped as she looked up.

"Sure, thats what the hammer was made for, go beat up that tree over there." Ronda said, pointing to a nearby candy-cane tree and watched in amusement as the little girl shakily picked up the heavy hammer and tried to run over to the tree but fell on her way there due to the hammer's weight.

Ronda laughed hard and walked over to the girl and helped her up then snatched her hammer away.

"Here, let me do it." She said as she swung her hammer like a baseball bat, shattering the tree into shards with one blow. "Maybe when you're older I'll let you try it."

"Hey girls." Ralph called over to them as he ran the rest of the way over to them. "Whatcha two up to?"

"Hey Ralph, your girls actually pretty cool. Shes not lame like you." Vanellope teased as she pointed to the shattered tree.

Ralph ran his fingers through his tangled hair and looked at the two girls, suddenly feeling a bit frightened when he thought of the destruction these two kids could cause.

"Um Ron. Hows about we take your hammer back to your game? You don't really need in other games." Ralph said, trying to sound calmer than he actually was.

"But Ralph, what if we have another Cy-bug attack?" Vanellope asked with a laugh as she saw the man's face drop. "Come on Ralph, we're not going to go destroying stuff just for the fun of it."

"Yeah daddy, I'm not that much of a villain. I don't smash stuff for fun, its just in my game." She said in a baby voice and batting her eyelashes that were framing her puppy dog eyes while jutting out her bottom lip. "And Vans right! Cy-bugs daddy! Cy-bugs!"

Ralph sighed and cupped her face with one of his large hands. He smiled softly at him then ruffled her hair. Something in him just felt like parenting was a natural thing to him. Or maybe it was his fear of Cy-bugs. One of the two made him trust her.

"Alright alright. But no smashing things unless its an emergency." Ralph said sternly as he wagged a finger and both girl's who nodded their heads in unison, keeping their crossed fingers hidden behind their backs.

He smiled and the two, both who turned around quickly and took off down the pathway leading into the rest of the game. He watched them as they ran and then slowly behind to follow behind them, feeling a bit old now compared to the two females.

"Race ya to the friend of trees that we can bust up!" Vanellope exclaimed, but skidded to a stop as she and her new friend swiveled on their heels then took off in another direction, just as Sour Bill was coming in that very direction, causing a collision.

"Sorry Billy. Didn't see ya there." Van said as she got back to her feet and dusted herself off.

"No one ever does President, I was actually just coming to see you. It would appear-" He paused as his eyes slowly caught sight of Ronda's legs and slowly trailed up until he saw her face, and her Hammer! "Oh dear. Please tell me there is not another one..."

"Sour Bill, meet Wreck It Ronda." Vanellope introduced the two.

"Sup Bill?" Ronda greeted with a flash of a rocker symbol, making the green ball visibly cringe.

"Miss. Wreck-It, I think I speak for all of Sugar Rush when I ask that you please refrain from bringing that- Weapon, with you the next time you enter our game." He said glumly and sternly.

"Oh come on Bill! Ronda's cool!" Vanellope whined. "And as president of SugarRush I think I speak for all of us when I say that you're a boring sour lump!"

"Well that may be true miss, but you seem to recall what the first Wreck-It did to this place?" He asked in his monotone voice. "Which is why I think it be best if- Oh great, they've both left... How typical."

"Sorry Bill but I was gonna die of boredom if you kept talking!" Ronda called over her shoulder as the two ran out of sight in the forest of candy-cane trees.

Ralph was a few fields away from them but still following them but was stop when he to ran into Sour Bill.

"Oh hey Bill." Ralph mumbled as he passed by but was stopped by the green ball's hand grabbing his own.

"Look Wreck-It, I want to make one thing clear, while in SugarRush Wreck-It Ronda is under your watch and should anything go amiss you will be held responsible for it as well as her." Sour Bill said sternly. "Is that clear?"

Ralph grunted and ran his fingers through his hair for the second time that day and nodded.

"Now your daughter has already destroy one of out trees, a tree that I have to go clean up now. So if you'll excuse me." With that being said he walked away from the older Wrecker, who turned in the direction of the forest the girl's had been running to a few minutes ago.

"Its only one tree. Besides, whats the worse she can do in SugarRush?" He asked just as a patch of trees could be seen crashing down, making the man pick up his pace to a fast run. "Apparently that."