Chronicles of Absolution: Their Eyes Once Watched God
Chapter 1
It was grey in the sky and the outdoors of the tall grass prairie and floodplain vegetation were normal in terms of what the wildlife and plant life did, which was minding their own business. It was quiet and folks were minding their own business. Few would even suspect things running foul in a place like this in Kansas.
Angela crept forward as she peered through the brush. Her quarry was in sight as he was squatting over something and drawing in the ground. She gave a slight smirk of a smile as she squatted as still as the grass itself. She had been tracking this one for some time now in between the jobs that came their way. It was just a matter of finding out if it was luck or coincidence that they were traveling in the same direction though the show up at Truman High was something else.
One of their jobs carried them back to one of the schools that Sam and Dean had attended when they were kids. As it turned out there was a haunting that was related back to the days when Sam was there and the events that followed that led to him for once not being viewed as the freak and ended up with a bully being called Dirk the Jerk.
Angela stayed on the back burner for this since there really was no teaching job that was temporary for her to assume that was more of her forte. Plus she figured that it was more of a personal thing for the boys and mainly Sam. She could sense that school held a lot of meaning for him. Eventually he told her about it when she commented that he seemed thoughtful about this place.
It had become habit to be what Sam called being polite with him. Mostly it was to try and hide the fact that she had seen him take off with Ruby that night in Sioux City. She had accused him of spying and eavesdropping and the same could be said for her though her memory came up short of any feelings of being pissed off about that from either of the boys. Still she felt that it was right to do considering that she had a job to do.
It was natural that the boys would want in and Castiel being the mouthpiece of his superiors between them and Sam and Dean, they had their own thing going on. It was a burden that they didn't need at this point. So she didn't say anything about her plan to track down the seals that were actually mentioned in esoteric texts. Sam had claimed to Ruby that he didn't know where they were but she had the means to find them. The key was in the texts.
Bobby she didn't cut out of the loop and she knew that he was growling and bitching and moaning at her for hiding again from the boys. When she showed him the basics of the texts and the consequences of certain 'trials' for some of them, he gave her the stink eye but he also understood what was going on. He chewed her out for a good five minutes before agreeing to help her in translations. It had been a back and forth between them in mysterious phone calls and emails with the occasional joke in between.
Cary was her biggest source. She knew that she really couldn't take much of what he said at face value. Everything was a business transaction and he was a demon after all. He wasn't one high up on the pay scale but he had his uses to both sides. It was a matter of making him see what the better deal was. Thanks to Crowley's teachings, she had learned how to do that and was able to get some fairly reliable information.
The current target was one that he gave her. It seemed that Lilith was looking for the special seals but seemed to have some trouble. Dead languages as well as having a Rosetta stone format really could bite you in the ass if you weren't sure of what you were doing. In this case her target had a piece to translating a difficult passage and the word was Lilith was scrambling too and the race was dead even.
Angela peered through the brush and eyed her target accordingly. It was a classic hunting method. Even the most primitive animal used this approach. She inched forward slowly, careful not to bend the grass or make any unnecessary noise. She stole quietly and inched closer.
She paused just a moment when the target looked up. She controlled her breathing to make sure that she didn't sound like a heaving elephant. She narrowed her eyes as the target looked around and slowly reached for the weapon at her belt. She had to be ready just in case she had to give chase and to be frank she looked forward to that if it came.
The target looked around and frowned, his dark ebony skin was a stark contrast to the outdoors and the clothing that he was wearing. He was thin but muscular, the type of body that spoke of someone who had lived a life of athletics. That meant that he would put up a fight or flight and that was dependent upon which one he would obey.
Angela watched as he moved out of her line of vision looking like he was going to get something. She had spotted a car that was rather beat up but it looked like something he would drive. He was heading in the direction of the car. Still she inched a bit forward to be in a good position to pounce on him when he came back.
She waited but even she knew that he had been gone for too long. She frowned but didn't move. That was a rookie mistake to suddenly stand up and look around. That left you vulnerable to attack. She didn't know if she was being watched for if there was the slightest chance that she had been made. Her gut though was saying that something was off. She would be patient and let it come to her and then she would make her move.
It came when she sensed someone behind her. She tensed her muscles but didn't indicate that she knew something was up. She was ready for the overhand strike and whirled low and brought her arms off to block the strike. It hit where she crossed her arms at the wrists and allowed her to grab the end and hold fast. It didn't prevent her from standing up though to gain better leverage.
She and the target stood locked and looking at each other. Their eyes were narrowed and ready to fight. The target made the first move and brought up his foot to kick her. She lowered one arm to block and the weapon was yanked out. She was ready though and jumped back with her hands raised in the combat ready position.
The two flew at each other and exchanged a volley of open handed strikes, some punches and kicks. All had various degrees of success of being blocked. Some made it in on both sides and were mostly body shots. Angela swung hard and gave a punch to the target's face. His head whipped back from the strike and he looked at her as he rubbed his chin. He countered though with harder strikes.
A back hand caught her across the face. Angela staggered back to take a breather and rubbed where she had been hit. She so did not want to explain that later but her blood was up. She charged forward and skidded to a stop when the target pulled out a staff and twirled it. The grasses whipped down like a helicopter blade would.
Angela narrowed her eyes and drew back into her defensive posture. She glanced at the bracelet and noted its reaction. She could also feel Absolution on her back pulsing. She wouldn't go there yet and she still had her chakram ready to go. She rotated her wrists and drew back into a basic position, the same one Onigen had taught her.
The target twirled his staff and lunged forward to attack. Angela dodged and used her arms to deflect the stabs the staff made until she brought her leg up and wrapped it over the staff to prevent it from moving. The counter move laughed her into the air and she twisted her body to twist in the air and throw her chakram.
The target deflected it and the chakram landed in the dirt hard. He turned to look when he heard the sound of Angela landing but she was not there. He turned and found her up close and personal. She was inside the attack range but he didn't give up and moved to strike and gave an open palm strike with a bit of power behind it.
Angela flew back from the force and landed face down. She gave a slight grimace but she didn't have time to grovel in pain. The target brought his staff down to strike so she rolled on the ground to avoid the blow. She was ready for the next move which was the sweep of the staff and she pushed her body up using the strength in her arms and legs and lifted herself in a twisting motion and landed on her feet. Her surprise maneuver was using her abilities.
With a palm thrusting motion, the wave of telekinetic energy hit the target and he landed on his back winded. His staff flew from his hand and landed a bit away from him. Angela walked towards him. With a smooth motion she outstretched her hand and the staff flew to it. She felt the wood smack her palm. It was good wood. She twirled it as she approached the target where he was lying on the ground trying to catch his breath. She angled the staff in a position to deliver a damaging blow.
The target looked up at her with narrowed eyes. He took in her look in return and took a deep breath. They stared at each other for a full minute when the target said, "You've gotten better."
Angela gave a wry smile as she removed the staff and held out her hand to help him up, "I could say the same thing about you." She then greeted him in Swahili, "I see you friend."
He responded in kind and accepted the proffered hand, "I see you."
Angela smiled as she held the staff. She twirled it a bit and handed it off. "I see you go back to the weapon you know best Jamal. I bet it has come in handy from bush hunting."
Jamal grinned and took his staff back. He twirled it and shrunk it down saying his spell chant. "Only when the warrior princess is around and even then extra diligence is needed. So how is it that you were able to find me?"
"The usual," Angela replied as they walked towards where Jamal had been waiting. They came across the clearing and she noticed the paraphernalia around. She raised her brow and glanced at him, "Looks like you had been intending to give a call."
"In the position I am in, I know when to call in the cavalry," Jamal replied, "I guess I should be thankful that you still have your means of finding things. It was always your strong point especially when it concerned my side of the tracks."
"I'm on that side too since," Angela gestured towards her body to indicate what she meant. "Besides I think you are a better person than me. You are after all a descendant from the Champion Tundarai and you know what came from that."
"Don't try to argue semantics Shifa'," Jamal said as organized his gear. "You are a Champion of those that remain nameless. It was seen by the juju man."
Angela gave a slight smile at that. She looked around. The time had come to bite the bullet and get to what they had been talking about. She switched to Swahili just in case someone tried to listen. She said, "And it is the line of juju men the reason why I have sought you out."
Jamal looked at Angela. He understood what she was getting at. This was not merely a social call. This involved something that was more likely on a big picture, cosmic scale. He nodded and replied in Swahili, "The wok of the juju man is complex and the question must be asked."
Angela nodded and replied, "We need to talk but not out in the open."
"I know."
It was roughly twenty minutes later and some ten or so miles down in a ramshackle shed that they stood. Angela took a look at the place that Jamal had made for himself. It looked like crap on the outside but it wasn't the case on the inside. It brought to mind the adages of not to judge a book by its cover and of course hiding in plain sight. She looked around at the collection of weapons and books of lore that had no doubt been collected over the years.
"I hope you still have a taste for tea. Coffee is motor oil in general."
Angela turned from what she had been looking at in the direction of the kitchen and replied, "Oh I still have a thing for tea. I'm the old fashioned broad in my little party."
"Ah yes the Winchesters," Jamal replied as he walked into the room carrying a tea tray. It contained a pot of tea and the milk and sugar along with some pastries to enjoy with the tea. "There has been much in terms of what has happened. One interesting tidbit was about a devil's gate and supposedly the taming of the seven deadly sins."
"Why am I not surprised," Angela replied as she came to join Jamal at the side table that held the tea tray. She accepted the cup of tea and held it in her hands like she would a little bird. "Seems like the trail we leave behind…" She gave a slight shake of her head and took a sip.
"Both sides are talking," Jamal admitted as he poured his cup. "Funny thing is the other side assumes that I'm all in."
"Which is why you are pretty much the spy," Angela replied with a slight smile.
"And why you sic your stoolie on me."
"As if the demons would let me waltz in and ask for you," Angela countered, "They'd just as soon as try to string me up as they did in the old days and that was hard enough trying to keep a low profile."
Jamal chuckled and then spoke in Swahili, "Shifa' it is no secret that you are running around and doing what both sides have been preaching in school. Of course the details are blurry since some of your actions are questionable."
Angela replied in kind, "You mean that I am not one to conform to tradition. Don't be a flatterer Jamal. It's beneath you." She grinned to indicate that she was teasing him since he was the most polite demon she had ever met.
Katherine was something else. Angela knew that there were at least a few crazies in every species of creature within the supernatural. That was the way of it. She could even argue that she was a freak and a crazy for the dhampirs since she had abilities that were not part of the repertoire of the vampires though being a healer was something that seemed to be a random thing in spite of the phrase 'It's in the blood'.
Jamal was chuckling as he took a sip of tea. He called it his English habit since the English seemed to have a profound fondness for the stuff. It was better than coffee and it was only because the first couple of cups tasted like motor oil or petrol as the English called it. He knew his old friend from way back and an interesting adventure in a war torn country known for its pirates and arms dealing through a warlord. He replied, "It's not flattery if it's the truth Shifa'. So now to get down to what you really sent that lackey of yours after: what do you need?"
Angela held the cup of tea in her hands like she was cradling it. She looked at Jamal and said in Swahili, "I need one of the pieces you collected from the ruins near the mines."
Jamal became serious. "You know that has been perpetuated to be a myth. The city said to exist but no archaeological evidence of any kind. Why do you want to dig that up?"
"I need the piece to help translate. The seals are being broken."
Jamal put his cup down and started to walk in a pacing fashion. He wasn't sure of what he wanted to do with this but he knew that he had a choice here and at this point it was a serious debate. Of course he wasn't going to give anything to the other side unless he was working them for some information. Some of the best pieces he had come from the fact he had played them and taken it for safe keeping. The orders certainly found his services valuable.
Looking at the nearest shelf, Jamal could read the tomes based upon the category. His personal collection was related to his heritage. He was of the juju clans and he was good at the witch doctor thing even though he wasn't human. Still he had some obligation to what she was asking for. He spoke in Swahili, "You know that there was a reason we never told the orders about that place."
"And Hollywood went on the speculative thanks to an author," Angela replied nodded that she acknowledged what he was getting at.
"The city fulfills some of the fantasies that men have and some defy them. Like many things though it was lost."
"Not at all that dissimilar to what happened with Atlantis and most people still think it is a story except for those that have pieces from them."
Jamal nodded and replied, "Ah yes the chest that you keep. Tell me, does the magic still work on it?"
"You know it does," Angela replied with a slight raised brow. "Atlantis arts are extremely rare and unless you are Fortune 500, you have little chance of getting a piece of it unless you go looking for it yourself." She put her cup down on the tray and stood up straight. "I know you have your qualms about the city."
"They are not to be taken lightly Shifa'. Men have killed over trying to find the city. Others died from the elements and to the secrets that remain buried. Ancient magic dwells there…"
"I know friend of mine," Angela replied using the Swahili term for friend. It was probably low of her to play on the friendship they had but Jamal had been the one that taught her that. He did tell her that only in the extreme should she use it. "What I need is a piece to translate one of the seals."
"It all comes back to the seals. You know the First is looking for them."
"And I know that there are hundreds of seals and she only needs to break 66 of them." Angela paused a moment. She could feel her temper start to rise and realized that she was letting her emotions get the better of her. She knew that she had a lot more patience than this and wondered if it was just the fact that she had heard whispers that another seal, one of the special ones, was on the verge of being located. She was anxious to find out what it was and how to stop it. "But you and I both know that there are a few essential seals that need to be broken or could be broken and give her a distinct advantage once they are broken."
"I am well aware of that old friend but what good could you hope to accomplish from that? The last one that was like this, the seal was broken anyway. It was only by the fact that you had the leash that controls the dogs in your grasp that you were able to do it." Jamal stared long and hard at Angela. He was well aware that his eyes had reverted to that smoky grey that was unnatural. It was a distinct feature of his lineage but also an indicator he was a demon.
"That was regrettable and I nearly died for that and it caused me to have two very worried brothers hovering over me, thinking I was going to die." Angela felt like she was defending herself but then again she had been doing that for some time. She was always defending her actions to someone else.
"But it is as was told the beasts were held at bay."
"And I regret that I couldn't stop it." Angela felt her throat convulse as she admitted her regrets.
Jamal looked at Angela long and hard and finally said, "You have many regrets; enough to last several lifetimes and not all of them your doing."
"But I did have a hand in those events. It is the way of things Jamal," Angela replied raising her arms in a sheepish manner. She became serious and added, "I am being serious though Jamal. I need that piece from the city. It is the key to translating what is in the Epistles of Joshua."
Jamal saw that his friend wasn't going to budge on that one. He knew what she needed and she didn't even have to specify by name. He had the piece in his possession and had the feeling that one day she would come for it. He kept hoping though that it wouldn't be needed but it looked like it was. He could no longer deny that the time had come and it appeared that things were going to go a lot faster.
The piece she was referring to was a cipher key of sorts. It was a means of translating from one language to the next. It was extremely useful and popular with the ancient kingdoms in that when the nations outside their borders came, they had a means to translate treaties and the like. The system was older than those kingdoms however and the one he had dealt with the dead languages that weren't even spoken in ancient times.
Jamal was well aware that the special seals were written in languages older than the known ones, even the known dead languages. One rumor held that it was a mutated form of Enochian. If that were the case, she could have called on her winged friend to help in that area. Since she was looking for the cipher, that meant that rumor was what it was, a rumor. He asked, "The Epistles of the warrior of Megiddo?"
Angela kept her gaze firm even it was to Jamal's back, "Yes. That warrior and prophet."
Jamal nodded, "I know what you seek."
"Will you let me have it?"
Jamal turned from where he had been staring. The expression was serious on both their faces. "Poor choice of words old friend… for you above all knows that such things cannot be possessed."
"I am well aware of that considering that the piece is not any cipher but the headpiece of the Megiddo Plain." Angela knew that by having this conversation in Swahili eliminated the potential for misunderstandings. Even though it could be poetic and subject to multiple meanings, she knew the correct phrasing to get what she needed to the forefront. She was willing to play along with the language in their conversation though. "You and I both know that the current name is the evolution of its original to what is coming."
"Indeed." Jamal nodded and went to another shelf. He pulled out a book and opened it. It wasn't a book but a box made to look like one. He looked at it and slowly removed it and held it up by its chain. A slight wind seemed to rustle when he did. "Can you answer me the question of whether or not the earthbound angel will try to stop events to come?"
"I will try," Angela replied in all honesty. She knew that she was playing with Fate but she cared more about the greater good of the people. "The headpiece please." She held out her hand.
Jamal nodded and slowly put it in her hand. It was done now. She had accepted the burden of that piece and the magic connected with it. He could only hope that she would be able to live till the end. "I wish you well Shifa'."
"As with you, old friend," Angela replied with a slightly sad smile.
"Take care of your friends. He cares more than you can conceive."
A/N: Welcome back folks to the next episode of Chronicles and here we have what appears to be a secret meeting between Angela and an old friend that is low and behold of demon descent. What seal are they talking about? Keep watching for more Their Eyes Once Watched God...