Summary: 'We're born with millions of little lights shining in the
dark, and they show us the way. One lights up, every time you
feel love in your heart. One dies, when it moves away.'

When they died, all of my lights died too. It's strange
to think that it only took a pothole and a handful
of red M&M's t start turning them back on again.

A two-shot inspired by Passenger's All The Little Lights

The Sun Newspaper, England, November 18th 2007

On Saturday the seventeenth of November emergency services were called out to a devastating car accident in the Hamptons, New York. Witnesses were scarce but first reporters on the scene told of an overturned, crushed black BMW SUV reportedly owned by multimillionaire and world famous actor, Michael Newton, well known for his roles in films such as the romantic comedies The Ugly Truth and newly released Sydney White. Authorities aren't forthcoming with exact details as yet but is believed he was travelling with his soon-to-be parents in law, director Charles Swan and his model wife, Renee. It is not yet known where his fiancée of three years, musical sensation Isabella Swan, or their young son, Andrew, are.

Thus far it is believed that there has been fatalities. We wish to send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the Swans and Newtons and we are sincerely hoping to hear good news from the NYPD soon.

All The Little Lights

Part One

Wind howls, rain beats the windows and a sharp clap of thunder frightens away any animals that might have been venturing out into the elements. Trees bend in the gales, strong enough to withstand the battering, but only just. It's a surprisingly violent storm for the residents living alongside Lake Tahoe, and a sudden flash of lightening illuminates the shape of one such person in the french doors of her luxury cabin. Her expression is dark, haunted, torn apart by pain most people are lucky enough to avoid throughout their lifetime. This particular young woman has seen her fair share and then some, so a simple storm like this doesn't phase her at all. In fact, it's a welcome distraction. Especially after the day she's had. Quickly pushing thoughts of her turmoil away she moves from the windows to the kitchen where she pours the fifth cup of coffee today - it will suffer the same fate as the others, sitting untouched until she pours it away to make a fresh one just for the cycle to repeat.

The clicking of a scruffy tan mutts claws on the wooden floor turns her head for a moment once she's again at the windows overlooking the lake. Chocolate brown eyes met eager, pleading blue ones. Hers glaze over slightly, lost in memory and anguish. She can almost hear him asking for his dinner, an adorable lilt to his voice as his hair flops into his eyes yet again. A clap of thunder drags her from her thoughts, closely followed by the dogs surprised yelp as he nestles his small body against her legs, sitting on her sock-clad feet. "Come on, Pup. I'll get you your dinner." The mismatched pair move toward the kitchen together. Pup watches as his beloved mistress opens a can of his favorite dog food, pouring it onto a small plate before adding some biscuits and a couple of the gravy flavored dog treats he wags his tail so often for. Almost as soon as the plate touches the floor he is upon it and the food lasts mere minutes in the face of his rumbling tummy. Once he's finished eating he curls up in his basket next to the cooker while his mistress cleans the plate and puts it back where it came from. A few seconds after she sits down in an armchair in the great room Pup joins her, curling his wire-haired body into her lap before huffing out a contented breath and falling promptly to sleep. It isn't long before his mistress joins him, the pair staying in the same spot until the light filters through the large windows the next morning.

~ AtlL ~

"Pup!" The eager dog rushes to her feet as soon as she calls him, sitting with his tail whipping side-to-side and bright white teeth flashing in a doggy smile as she clips his tan leash to a matching, thin leather collar. "Time to go," she adds, patting his furry head before sliding on her gray, textured duffle coat followed by a pair of plain black galoshes. Then the duo leave the large cabin and head out into the cool, early morning air with rain falling sporadically and the fresh scent that always accompanies it filling their lungs. Watching the sun rise above the lake gives her the same feeling of longing as it has for the past five years, each time she sees it making her ache for the lost presence of the two who should be at her side to watch it with her. Pup often yaps his delight at being allowed off his leash so she doesn't notice that anything is amiss until a happy giggle joins his cacophony. As soon as she hears it her body tenses, spinning at the same time that it wants to root itself to the spot.

Her eyes immediately find her mischievous dog bounding around a little boy dressed in a bright yellow duffle coat not dissimilar to her own. The boy has a crop of sunny blond hair poking out from beneath a green beanie and an exultant, lop-sided grin on his face as he bends down to pet Pup, laughing his happiness for her to hear twenty feet away. Her mind is so stuck on the fact that she had expected to be alone that she doesn't see the boy's father approaching through the forest until he's there, beside his son with a bemused yet fearful expression plastered across his face.

"Christ, Ry, what did I tell you about running off?" The boy's father scolds heatedly, covering up his fear of losing him by showing his anger. His son ignores the question completely, however, far too enamored with his new friend to care about his father's warnings.

"Look, Daddy!" he cries as Pup jumps up and plants a sloppy kiss on his dirt-smudged cheek. "He's friendly and he likes me!"

The dad's ire softens at the cheerful boy's declaration. He's fine. He's here. He's ok. He reminds himself before spotting the young woman standing stock-still, her eyes fixed on his son and the dog. So that must be the mutt's owner, he deduces. Gathering himself so as not to appear as frazzled as he was moments ago he moves toward his son, gently coaxing him to his feet. Then he quickly dusts down his trousers before straightening the beanie on his head while the dog beats a hasty retreat back to his mistress behind them. "Riley, you can't just grab other people's dogs, ok? Shall we go and introduce ourselves?" Riley nods eagerly, stretching onto his tiptoes so he can see behind his dad only to let out a whine.

"Daddy, they're gone!"

"Huh?" Expecting to turn and see the dog and his owner perhaps walking toward them, Riley's dad huffs out a surprised breath when all that greets him is Lake Tahoe and the forests surrounding it. The young woman and her excitable pooch have vanished into thin air. "Maybe they were in a rush somewhere." The man's eyes flick down to his gold Armani watch and he hisses through his teeth, scooping Riley up onto his shoulders effortlessly. The movement makes him squeal, warming him completely. "Speaking of rushing, Nana's gonna be waiting at the house for us if we don't hurry up."

Riley giggles, tugging his dad's mess of copper hair as he begins to take long strides back the way they came. "Can we see the dog again, Daddy? He was really cool! D'you think he likes football? I bet he-"

"Calm down, buddy," his dad chuckles. The tops of Riley's ears pink, but not from the chill in the air. "I'm sure we'll bump into them again sometime. Nana's throwing us a party too, remember. Maybe his owner is one of our new neighbors."

"Hopefully." Riley paused, cocking his head as a cheeky grin stole across his face. "Hey, Daddy?"

"Yeah, Ry?"

"Can we get a dog? I'll look after him and do everything so you don't hafta, promise!" The five year old's enthusiasm made his dad chuckle, but refuse the idea all the same, just as he had all eleven times Riley had asked for a dog before. Hell, he was still getting used to being a dad after five years - God knows how he'd handle a dog as well, because he knew it would be him that ended up looking after it when Riley got bored and wanted to watch his favorite cartoons without the dog barking, or when his new football got chewed to bits by his once-beloved puppy.

"Ask me again in thirteen years and I'll consider getting you a dog." Riley was sort of content with that answer, not making the connection between his age now and the fact that he'd be eighteen by the time that thirteen years was up.

~ AtlL ~

A week later Riley is shipped off to his Nana and Grampa's in Tahoe City while his uncle Emmett helps his dad get the the great room ready in preparation for the housewarming party his grandparents are throwing in his and his dad's honor. The brothers are night and day in regards to appearance - Edward, Riley's dad, and Emmett. Edward has a riot of copper-penny colored hair and emerald green eyes while his older brother by a year and a day has sandy blond curly hair and baby-blue eyes that he passed on to his seven year old twin daughters, May and April. Emmett inherited his looks purely from his father, Carlisle, and Edward got his mom's coloring.

As the brothers work in tandem to set up the decorations Emmett quizzes Edward on how it's been living here so far. He shrugs, smiling a little at the memory of taking Riley out on a boat yesterday afternoon. They caught enough fish to eat for dinner and had a bonfire on the rear deck with chocolate and bananas for dessert. "It's great. Riley loves it here already." He comments simply.

"The kid's insane, bro. Awesome, but batshit crazy." Both men laugh heartily as Emmett fills Edward in on the couple of hours he was looking after Riley alone a few days ago while his wife -Rosalie- picked their daughters up from school. Riley had disappeared from the living room in the few minutes it took his uncle to use the bathroom and by the time Emmett found him ten minutes later he'd wrapped himself almost entirely in toilet roll to make himself into a mummy. Apparently it's what he wants to go as for Halloween in a few weeks. It's news to his dad, who'd thought until now that he wanted to go as Spiderman. Not so much now, it seems.

"What about that dog he mentioned? You find out who's that is yet?" The reminder of the woman and her dog that he and Riley bumped into a week ago has Edward scowling as he adjusts his backwards Red Sox cap and takes a mouthful of Vitamin R. Every time they'd gone out hiking Riley had been on the lookout for the scruffy little mutt and his silent owner and not once had they seen them. Edward had even asked his closest neighbor, Shelly Cope, a kind, retired school teacher, if she knew who it was and had gotten the enigmatic answer of 'you'll know her when you see her'. It had bugged him at the time and it still did now.

"Nope, she's a mystery. I reckon she was just a tourist or somethin'." He comments eventually, getting back to work with his now empty beer can tossed into the trash bag. His brother eyes him for a moment, shaking off the feeling he gets that something weird is going to happen regarding this 'mystery woman' and her pooch. "Anyways, how'd Rose's scan go this morning?" Abruptly Emmett's attention is shifted to his unborn son's sonogram scan this morning. His wife is almost twenty eight weeks along and he can't wait to meet his little boy after four long years of IVF treatments to get him here.

The brothers spend the rest of the afternoon mucking around and setting up for the party the next day, alternatively. When their mom, Esme, arrives at seven pm with Riley, May and April in tow she praises their efforts and trades Riley for Emmett, kissing her son and grandson before leaving for Emmett and Rosalie's house in Tahoe City where she'll drop them off before returning home to her husband. It's the anniversary of their first meeting today so she knows Carlisle has something special planned. He always does, sentimental man that he is.

"Good day, buddy?" Edward asks, ruffling Riley's hair as he sits at the stool in the kitchen watching the noodles boil on the stove with hungry eyes.

"Yep. Good day, Daddy?" He asks in return, true to the routine they've created over the past few weeks. The grin on his dad's face is enormous, just the title 'Daddy' enough to make him warm and fuzzy inside these days. Seeing his little boy smile and play is the best thing he's ever known, confident in the belief that moving them both out here was the right thing to do.

Edward leans his elbows against the counter and smiles, "definitely a good day. And it's even better now you're home. Movie night tonight, right?" Riley nods excitedly, yelling that the noodles are done as soon as the timer dings beside him.

"Can we watch Spongebob again? Er, please?" For you? I'd watch Spongebob every night for the rest of my life, son. Is what Edward thinks as he dishes up a plate of chicken noodles for his son.

Instead, he answers, "sure, buddy. Spongebob sounds great." And it does. It really does.

~ AtlL ~

"I'm sorry, Jasper, I don't feel up to it." The ease with which the line comes is a testament to how many times she's used it over the years. Of course, to her friend and twin brother, Jasper, it's lost.

"Isabella, don't even think about ducking out now. You're going and that's that. Alice even bought you a dress from work. Didn't she drop it off?" Jasper knows full well his fiancée did, because she'd called as soon as she'd pulled out of the driveway to worry about his sister, to comment about how she was still quiet, still holed up in her cabin with only the dog for company.

Isabella sighs softly, turning her head to glance at the clock on the mantle. Quarter to five, it says. "Alice came over, yes. Jasper..." Sitting at her feet Pup's tail thumps once against the dark wood floor, the word 'Alice' meaning treats are on the horizon. Whenever 'Alice' is mentioned treats usually follow right after. He fixes mournful eyes on his mistress as she gazes down at him, shaking her head slightly in acknowledgement of his recognizing her future sister-in-law's name. "You know I don't like parti-"

Jasper huffs, using his free hand to adjust the pale pink tie Alice put on him before they left their house in Dollar Point. It matches his pale green shirt, according to her. "Isabella, you don't like anything related to leaving your house except walking the dog."

"Pup." She automatically corrects. Another tail thump, this time in recognition of his name.

"Pup, then. Why do you still call him that?" Isabella sighs quietly, remembering when Pup turned up on her doorstep almost three years ago bedraggled and looking not unlike a drowned rat. He'd been dubbed 'Pup' then and it had stuck even when he outgrew it and turned into a leggy terrier-type mutt.

Isabella eventually murmurs, "it suits him, I think."

"Right, well...anyway, are you almost ready? Alice says we're ten minutes away." Realizing that she probably won't get out of at least making an appearance at her new neighbor's housewarming party Isabella sighs again, telling her brother that she'll be ready in ten minutes. Jasper says his 'see you soon' quickly before she can change her mind, hanging up the hands free device and exchanging a relieved high-five with Alice. Meanwhile, Isabella contemplates the fact that this will be the first time she shows herself properly to her neighbors in the five years she's lived here full-time. It's a somewhat startling thought and as she moves from her spot on the sofa where she has been sitting for much of the afternoon to her bedroom on the first floor Isabella tries to figure out what made her say 'yes' to Jasper's insistent nudging. Of course, there's been plenty nudging before to attend functions, especially since he teamed up with Alice. She's quite the social butterfly, her job as a fashion designer shining through in the creative and occasionally eccentric way she dresses. That eccentricity is the exact reason Isabella won't be wearing the dress she brought over earlier. It's silver with sequins and beads that shimmer in the light, so far from Isabella's comfort zone it's unreal.

Deciding that denim will do fine for an informal housewarming party Isabella pulls on a pair of simple, dark-wash skinny boot-cut jeans. After a few minutes of looking through her closet she finds a jewel-toned, sleeveless silk blouse and a white blazer. Despite her reluctance to attend the party at all pride dictates that she at least look nice if she feels miserable. Years of conditioning make it easy to portray polite enjoyment of a boring function so in that respect Isabella is covered, and now, dressed the part, she feels ready. A swipe of mascara, a little moisturizer and hair tied back in a neat chignon later and she's patiently waiting for her brother to pull up outside in Alice's red Porsche Cayenne. Pup is content in his basket with a bowl of food, a few treats and his favorite toy -an old teddy bear from Isabella's parents' attic after one of their twice-annual clear outs- so Isabella isn't worried about leaving him for a little while. To soothe her frayed nerves she has half a glass of red wine before rinsing the flute and placing it back in the cabinet just as Jasper toots the horn outside.

With her trusty Alexander Wang Diego bucket bag over her shoulder Isabella steps into white patent leather pumps, calling a quiet goodbye to Pup before locking up the house for the night and meeting her brother at the bottom of the steps to the driveway. His eyes roam her outfit curiously, for a brief moment wondering where her usual t-shirt and sneakers have gone and then deciding that he doesn't care. She looks more like her old self and for that, he's happy. "Ready to go, sis?" He asks, chivalrously holding out his arm for her to take. She does, and the pair walk to the cherry-red Cayenne together.

"As I'll ever be. Evening, Alice." As ever Alice is excited to see her almost-sister-in-law, for once approving of her clothing choices.

"Oh, Isabella!" She smiles widely, Tinkerbell-like as usual, twisted in her seat so that she can see Isabella in the back. "You look great! Doesn't she, Jazzy?" Alice adds as Jasper climbs back into the drivers seat and ignites the engine. Rolling his eyes indulgently he hums his agreement, turning smoothly out of the driveway onto the road toward the Cullens' new house. It's only a short drive but Alice peppers Isabella with questions until Jasper gently reminds her to breathe, the cue he often uses when he suspects that his perky fiancée is getting to be too much for his sister to handle. The grateful glance she shoots him a moment later in the rear-view mirror makes him grin to himself.

~ AtlL ~

At Edward Cullen's house the party is in full swing already. Esme chose to have it a little earlier so that the numerous children in attendance could enjoy it too, meaning that Riley is currently making lots of new friends. His identical twin cousins are embarrassed that he is charming their friends but adoring when he does something sweet, which makes Rose and Esme laugh whenever they spot the pair cooing over him one minute and scowling the next. Edward himself is busy greeting everyone and desperately trying -and mostly failing- to remember all of their names. Shelly Cope - nice old lady, lives at the old green house down the street, three cats all called some variation of the name 'Robert'. Jim Davids - bit creepy looking, awful wig, wants to sell me a beat up Cadillac. No thank you very much, Edward thinks as he watches him walk away to chat up his aunt Debbie. Jessica and Tyler Crowley and their two children, Betsy and Niall who are ten and seven respectively - bit snobbish, cute kids. Jessica's definitely a cougar and at least ten years older than me, Edward grimaces, gulping a glass of champagne before joining his dad and Emmett at the make-shift bar for a break.

Eventually he rejoins the train of people he's yet to meet, checking in with Riley every now and then to make sure he's ok. By five-thirty Edward's ready to take his son and hide 'til everyone's gone. His house is overflowing with people, children running all over the place and women gossiping about his marital status and where he came from, etcetera. With a beer in one hand and Riley on the other hip Edward meanders around, glancing at people and trying to punch their names into his memory. Jim - weirdo. Shelly - seems nice, little gossipy. Jessica - avoid at all costs. Fairy-like wom- hang on. Edward pauses and turns slightly, wracking his brain for the name of woman heading toward him with a curly haired guy trailing behind her.

"You must be Edward Cullen. I'm Alice Brandon, soon-to-be Swan, it's great to meet you. And you must be Riley, right? Well aren't you a handsome fella?"

"Uh..." Edward trails off, not knowing what to make of the whirling dervish currently chatting to his son like they've known each other for years instead of seconds.

"Sorry about that. Trying to slow her down is fruitless, I'm afraid." The curly haired guy behind...uh, Alice?..grins and holds out his hand for Edward to shake now that Riley's scrambled down and is towing Alice off toward the Foosball table. "Jasper Swan, that one's," he nods toward where Alice last was as they clasp hands, "fiancé. Welcome to the hood, man."

Edward nods and quickly swallows the rest of his beer, tossing it in the trash can a few feet away before grinning at his new acquaintance. "Thanks, great to meet you too. Uh, she always like that?" Jasper Swan nods, his blue eyes twinkling with mirth and the love he obviously holds dear for his future wife. "Right. Noted." The two men laugh, the start of a friendship beginning already in the light of Alice's interesting penchant for getting over-excited about parties. In her black, white and yellow color-blocked sheath dress she stands out among the more conservatively dressed women showboating from their husband's arms but to Jasper she's the most beautiful woman in the room, as always. It's then that he notices the suddenly empty space at his side where his sister was minutes ago. A quick glance around reveals neighbors he recognizes and ones he doesn't - but not Isabella.

"S'it just the two of you or d'you have any kiddos running about?" Edward asks then.

"No, just us for now, but my sister's around somewhere...doesn't matter, I'm sure she'll come introduce herself at some point." If you're lucky, he adds in his head. "Your boy, he's five?" The two men chat for a while, laughing about how news sure spreads fast until Alice returns to them with two fresh beers and a happy smile firmly in place. The two become three and it isn't until Riley returns to Edward telling him that he needs more soda for the fountain that they split up to socialize with the rest of their neighbors.

"C'mon Daddy! Everyone's thirsty!" Riley complains, dragging Edward along with a fist wrapped around the hem of his blue and chocolate brown checkered shirt. Edward grins, rolls his eyes and bites back the retort that there's only one kid standing near the fountain and that's his fifteen year old paternal cousin, Jada. After hearing stories about her hellion ways for the past few months from his mom he doubts very much that it's soda she's after, not that he can say that to Riley with his big mouth.

"All right, chill out buddy, we'll get there eventually!" He swoops his son up into his arms and blows loud raspberries on his rosy cheeks, the physical manifestation of his exertion and excitement. Riley snorts loudly and tries to slap his face away to no avail, giving his dad the stink-eye when he finally sets him on the kitchen counter while he fills a jug with more soda.

"You're mean sometimes, Daddy. Really mean."

Edward stifles his chuckles, "oh yeah?" Riley nods firmly. "Would a mean daddy give his kid chocolate cereal for breakfast if he's good?" Riley's eyes widen comically, making his dad laugh.

"You promise?" At Edward's nod his son fist pumps the air, grinning boyishly beneath his mop of wild blond hair and brilliant emerald eyes.

"Here ya go, buddy. Careful not to spill." Handing Riley the half-full jug of soda he helps him down, ridiculously happy with himself when he pauses to fist-bump him and announce that he's, "the best dad, ever". "That's all I wanna be, buddy," Edward murmurs, smiling as he throws away the empty soda bottle and heads back out into the crowd.

~ AtlL ~

Edward is enjoying a debate on the pro's and con's of owning a boat on the lake versus renting one with his dad when Riley bounds up to him, eyes wide and filled with un-shed tears. "Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" Riley's lip wobbles precariously and Edward's heart skips worriedly, terror clouding his mind. "Riley! Tell me what's wrong!"

"I di'nt mean to, Daddy, honest. I tripped on May's foot and I just di'nt see her!" He crumples, hiccuping sobs shaking his small frame as he launches himself into his dad's already waiting arms. Just then Alice rushes over, worry in her hazel eyes when she reaches the duo.

"Is he ok?" She asks, placing a hand on Riley's trembling back over his gray Burberry t-shirt.

"Not really. Do you know what happened?" Edward's heart races and his mind is filled with all kinds of horrible scenarios in which his baby boy could have been hurt, all of them quashed when Alice quickly assures him that everything's fine, Riley just spilled some soda on Jasper's sister. Apparently he was trying to get past May and April and he tripped, sending bubblegum-blue soda flying all over her white blazer. Edward was torn between wanting to laugh and cry. Christ, the things that had gone through his mind when Riley burst into tears like that... "Hey, Riley? Are you calmer now?" Pulling back to look at his dad Riley hiccups one last time, wiping his red-green eyes with a small, balled-up fist. He nods timidly. "You're not in trouble, ok? I promise. Did Alice say what happened right?" Another nod. Edward sighs, throwing Alice a grateful half-smile. She gently pats his shoulder before rushing back off into the crowd, presumably to see her almost sister-in-law. Right now Riley is Edward's first priority, so he stands up and leaves the main hubbub of the party. With his son perched on the kitchen counter he cradles his face in his hands. "Are you all right? You didn't hurt yourself?"

"No, Daddy, but that nice l-lady looked up-s-set!" At the reminder of his accident Riley promptly burst into tears again, making a damp patch on Edward's shoulder as he shifted him to his chest. "I's sorry, Daddy!" It took another five minutes to calm Riley enough to hand him over to his Grampa Carlisle, and by the time Edward found Jasper again he was too late - Alice had driven Isabella home and would be returning in a little while to take Jasper home. With the assurance that his sister wouldn't be mad, Jasper gave Edward his word that he'd apologize for him and ask if he could manage any bills to get the blazer replaced or repaired. Shortly after when Alice returned the two men exchanged numbers and the promise that they'd go out for drinks or something soon. Alice kissed both Edward and Riley -who had since returned to his dad's arms- on the cheek before leaving on the arm of her fiancé, again reassuring Edward that Isabella really wasn't angry with either of them.

When Edward tucked his tuckered out son into bed in his nautical themed room later that evening he said a little prayer that he'd bump into Jasper's sister at some point to apologize. It wasn't until he climbed into his own bed next door to Riley's room that he came to a very enlightening realization - he hadn't actually met this Isabella yet, so she might very well be the mystery woman with the scruffy mutt.

~ AtlL ~

Back in the safety of her home Isabella threw the blue-stained blazer away, changing into soft gray cashmere leggings and one of Jasper's green Dartmouth t-shirts to sleep in. Pup followed her with a wagging tail to her bedroom where he hopped neatly onto her bed, curling into her stomach atop the cover while she burrowed beneath them to think over the eventful evening. At least I got out of staying for the whole thing, she muses sleepily, the headache tablets she took on arrival home starting to kick in and make her feel drowsy. Her last thought before unconsciousness takes her is good riddance to that ridiculous blazer. I never liked it anyway - it was a belated eighteenth birthday gift from an estranged aunt.

~ AtlL ~

Pup cocked his head to the left, then to the right, ears pricked and tail raised in an exclamation point of alarm. Rain pattered softly against the windows, the open curtains spilling effervescent moonlight across the polished floors of the cabin. Deciding to investigate what had woken him just as he was about to catch the rabbit he'd been chasing in his dream, Pup stretches from his basket, shaking his fur out so that his simple blue disc tag jingles on his collar. His claws tap-tap-tap on the floor as he trots purposefully through the kitchen doors to the living room. The smell of his mistress leads him to the sofa and the antique coffee table beside it. On the table stands a half-empty bottle of Chateauneuf du pape, the abandoned glass glinting in the light inches away. Pup's nose tells him that there's a fresh trail recently walked by his mistress so he wanders off in search of her, smelling the salt of her tears long before he reaches the bedroom door.

Pushing it open with a sharp nudge of his nose he sniffs, spotting her laying diagonally across her Queen-size bed. Pleased to see her he hops up beside her and nuzzles her face, gentle in his attempts to clean the dried tears from her cheeks. Passed out in a cried-out, alcohol haze Isabella doesn't acknowledge Pup, but when she wakes in the morning to find him snuggled against her chest she does give him an extra handful of treats, thankful for the unconditional support he offers.

While she pours herself the customary bowl of healthy cereal Isabella recalls bits and pieces from the nightmares that drove her to drink the previous night. Handsome smiles, honey-sweet caresses, and a sparkling diamond ring. Oatmeal-covered hands, gummy grins and tufts of chocolate brown hair that won't be tamed. Unstoppable giggles, overflowing hearts and a the crushing loss of everything. Tears prick at red-raw brown eyes as she feels a pair of phantom arms wrap around her torso, warmth that she'll never feel again seeping into her heart only to rush away quickly with the sound of a knock at the door, closely followed by Pup's excited yapping. The sound of his claws tapping on the floor grows silent as he reaches the door, running back to the kitchen where Isabella is frozen seconds later. He looks up at her as though encouraging her to open it - her feet won't move.

Jasper or Alice would have called ahead to warn her if they were coming over, and besides, both of them are working away this weekend. She vaguely remembers something about a fashion shoot Alice has put together in New York that Jasper is photographing for her portfolio. Another knock heralds another round of Pup's barking - it finally snaps Isabella from her haze long enough that she takes a few hesitant steps toward the kitchen doors, her cereal forgotten on the counter.

Finding a surprising burst of courage Isabella manages to make it to the door, opening it after a steadying sigh only to see the back of a man walking down the drive to the road. Immediately she recognizes the slightly hunched figure of Edward Cullen, her newest neighbor, and the little boy just ahead. A quick flash of his profile from the party he threw a month or so ago flits into Isabella's mind as her eyes catch an envelope sticking out of the top of her mailbox. Pulling it out quickly she reads the short message asking that she call him so he can arrange to reimburse her for the likely-ruined blazer. Her heart thumps unevenly as she looks back up, his tall body almost at the bend in the drive. Guilt at not phoning him like Alice has been suggesting knaws at her. He obviously feels very bad about the accident to have trekked all the way out to Swan Hide, her cabin which is named rather ironically.

"Wait, Mister Cullen!" In a split second decision she'll regret later on Isabella slides on a pair of black sneakers, ignoring her gray duffle coat in lieu of catching up to Edward. Pup sees her intention and flies down the steps, yapping delightedly all the way. The pair run down the gravel drive after Edward and Riley, the sound of Pup's barking alerting them to their arrival a few seconds before he launches himself into Riley's surprised, but overjoyed, arms.

"Hey! It's you!" he cries, plopping down on his butt as Pup covers his face in sloppy kisses and Edward looks on in bemusement. He hears footsteps then, rapidly approaching, turning in time to catch Isabella before she face-plants the driveway. Her foot caught a pothole in the road and sent her flying into a hard chest, a pair of strong arms steadying her careening body with an oomph.

"Sorry!" She chokes out in embarrassment. Edward inhales deeply, the strawberry scent on her shampooed hair so close to his face stirring desires he'd long ago decided to push from his psyche.

"It's fine, honestly, Miss Swan," he manages through a suddenly tight throat. "I think it's supposed to be me apologizing anyway. I'm really very sorry about your jacket. I'll pay for whatever repairs it needs or to replace it." Riley grins to himself cuddling Pup against his chest as his dad slowly releases Miss Swan, smiling at her lopsidedly in the same way that he uses to make his Nana melt.

Her cheeks flush fire-engine red. "I didn't like it anyway, honestly. It was an unwanted gift a few years ago I hadn't gotten around to throwing away yet." Her eyes dance close to Riley, not quite touching him. "Your boy actually did me a favor by giving me an excuse to get rid of it, the ugly thing." Looking down at Isabella now Edward couldn't help but be sure that on her, nothing could be ugly. She had almond shaped eyes in the richest chocolate brown he'd ever seen, a cute button nose above plump pink lips he abruptly ached to taste. The secrets she concealed in those big doe eyes of hers made him more than a little curious. Emmett's short description of her appearance after the party didn't do her justice, not by a long shot.

"Hi Miss Swan, I'm Riley Carlisle Cullen and this is my dad, Edward Anthony Cullen." Riley shoved himself between the two now-silent adults and stuck his hand out for her to shake, emerald green eyes shining bright with excitement. As Isabella forced herself to look at the young boy she found that he had a charming, cheeky grin that matched his father's perfectly, the single dimple on the left of it making her feel warmer than she had in a long time. While it hurt tremendously to look at the boy she was surprised to acknowledge to herself that is wasn't as difficult as it usually was.

"It's nice to formerly meet you, Master Cullen, Mister Cullen." Edward watched with a grin as this mysterious woman gently took his son's hand and shook it, her face warmed in a pleasantly rosy blush as her lips turned up in the slightest of smiles.

Riley's ears tinted red as he remembered spilling his drink on this lady who was, in fact, as nice as she looked. "Um, I'm real sorry about your jacket, Miss," he mumbled at the floor, kicking a little dirt with the toe of his turquoise galosh. "I di'nt see May's foot and I tripped over."

To Isabella's immense surprise she felt a pang of sorrow for Riley as he became visibly upset about his accident at the party. She bent quickly to his height and paused, unsure as to what she should say. It had been a long time since she'd spoken to a child like this, so close and with foreign emotions taking over her mind. "I didn't really like the jacket anyway, you know?" Pup, sensing his new friend's sadness, sat pressed against Riley's muddied legs and leaned his head up to lick his hand in comfort. "And it was only an accident, so I promise I'm not mad." Edward smiled, seeing that Isabella was a little nervous about talking to Riley but trying to reassure him all the same. He wasn't sure whether it was because she didn't like children or whether she wasn't used to them, but something about her wary demeanour made him want to know more about her. Lost in thought trying to remember if Jasper had mentioned his sister having a partner, he missed what was said next between his son and Isabella, tuning back in as Riley dug in his pocket with a big smile and pulled out a handful of red M&M's - his favorite candy.

"D'you like M&M's, Miss Swan? These are my favorite ones 'cause they're red and red's my favorite color. I can share them with you though 'cause you're nice, right Daddy?" Riley barely spared him a glance but Edward nodded confusedly anyway, shocked at his son's out-of-character offer to share his candy.

"I don't really eat candy, Riley, but thank you. You enjoy them."

"You don't eat candy? Why not? Are you 'lergic? My friend Parker back in Boston is 'lergic to peanuts so he can't eat them or he gets all puffy. Do you get puffy when you eat candy?" Riley asked with a sympathetic tilt of his head. He couldn't wrap his five year old mind around not being able to eat candy. The idea was abhorrent to him.

Edward stifled a chuckle, waiting to see what she said. He had to admit -even if it was only internally- that he was curious to know anything and everything about this woman, especially as the strange sensation of feeling as though he recognised her from somewhere began to creep up on him.

An oddly discordant laugh bursts free from Isabella's lips before she inhales a shaky gasp. As though a mask is lifted, gone is the almost-smile on her face, in it's place a look of abrupt panic. Edward and his son share a worried glance, watching as she stands quickly and takes a large step backwards. Pup scampers to her, letting her scoop him up against her chest without fuss. "I need..." she trails off, emotion choking her breath as memories assault her mind. "I've got to go. Goodbye." The Cullens watch her turn tail and jog back the way she came just minutes ago. The muted thud of her front door behind her echoes out into the forest, scarpering a small flock of birds in a neary tree.

"Did I say something rude, Daddy?" Riley asks with a furrowed brow, taking his dad's proffered hand as they begin the walk back to the road where they parked the car.

Edward's mind spins as he tries to work out what happened to scare her off like that - he comes up with nothing. "No buddy, she must just have realized she was running late for something. You know what women are like, they need lots of time to get ready for stuff."

Riley side-eyes him suspiciously. "You sure?" His dad's slightly distracted nod satisfies him so he lets go of his hand and runs over to the trees, gathering pretty leaves dropped by the trees to herald the start of fall. Even by the time the pair arrived back at home Edward hadn't come to a conclusion regarding Isabella's sudden disappearing act.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the front door, Isabella sank to the floor and cried guiltily into Pup's sandy fur. It had been a long time since she'd found herself indulging in her adoration of children and their fascinating minds. Nearly five years, in fact. When she was younger she'd seen herself with a troop of children of her own, perhaps with her deep brown eyes or her father's dark curls. Now, at the age of twenty-six, that dream was farther away than it had ever been. The acknowledgement in her mind that she had been almost enjoying herself a few moments ago dug into her frail heart like a knife might slice through butter. Who was she to laugh and have fun when there were two people close to her heart who never again would? Believing that behavior selfish of her Isabella resolved to keep her distance from Edward Cullen and his adorably disarming green-eyed boy. It would be better for everyone involved, she reassured herself as she lifted her body from the floor and moved toward the bathroom to clean her face. After all, what would either Edward or Riley want with a broken shell of a woman like her? She had nothing left to give them, everything lost the very same day that a shiny new BMW careened from the side of a hill in the Hamptons containing two elderly Swans, an actor worth much more than millions of dollars to his adoring fiancée and a dark haired toddler with his mother's chocolate brown eyes.

So, thoughts so far?