"God damn son of a bitch!"

Itachi sighed. Ah yes, he just LOVED pissy younger brothers first thing in the morning...

"Love you too foolish brother."

"Like hell you do! What the hell did you do with my contacts!?"

Itachi blinked a few times.


Sasuke looked at him dully.


"I know, I'm freaked out too."

Sasuke yelled in annoyance as he ran back upstairs to go look in his room once again. Sasuke lived in a pattern, in the morning he'd get up at 7:30 sharp, get dressed, put his contacts on, eat a tomato cheese sandwich, go to school, come home, do homework, eat, shower, take off contacts, and go to bed at exactly 10 a clock. If something disturbed this pattern in anyway it would mess him up for the rest of the day. Today was no exception. Where the hell where his contacts? Sasuke KNEW he put them on his dresser last night.

Itachi began to pounder then smiled. Naruto. He was here juuust long enough that he may of in fact taken them. Playing along with Naruto's little game, he went upstairs to look for the spare contacts in the bathroom and remove them before Sasuke noticed. Much to his surprise Naruto must of already of taken them because they weren't any there. He then walked into Sasuke's room.

"It would appear you're out of contact lenses."

"WHAT!?" Sasuke began to panic. He needed his contacts. He ALWAYS had his contacts. "I-!" Sasuke paused placing his palms to the side of his forehead then bringing them down in a chop like motion "store." And refocused his attention to a new goal. Grabbing his jacket he was about to head out but his brother blocked his path.


"Hmm, no."

"Why the hell not?"
"Well for starters…your still in your pajama's." He noted as he pointed at his brothers attire. "Second you have proscribed contacts. The one's in the store won't help you."

"Well they're better than nothing." He then tried moving to the other side to get past but Itachi merely blocked his path yet again. Sasuke growled in frustration. Today was just not his day. He then looked up at him angrily. "Itachi I need to go!"

"No, you need stop zeroing in on this one thing and realize that there is another alterative."

"Oh? And what would that be?" Genius? Sasuke added in his mind.

Itachi merely pointed on his dresser, following his gaze Sasuke then realized what Itachi was getting at.

"…I am NOT wearing those."

"You don't have much a choice."


"You will miss most of your first period."

"I don't care!"

Itachi sighed as he took hold of Sasuke's shoulder and walked over to grab the glasses.

"I am not wearing those!" Sasuke squirmed. But no matter how hard he tried Itachi never let go. Not even as he headed down the stairs and to the front door.

"Oh yes, yes you are."

Naruto merely smiled as he saw Sauske being dropped off by Itachi. He was wearing them, he was wearing the glasses.

"I hate you, I hate you SO much." Sasuke growled as he slammed the car door. Itachi merely smiled as he drove off. He says that now, he thought, but Sasuke well come around to thanking him…someday.

Sasuke then took the glasses off and started walking towards the school. Naruto pouted.

"Teme, put those on."

"Put what on?"
"You're glasses."

"I do not need them."

Annoyied Naruto then stretched his leg out and Sasuke tripped falling to the ground. Naruto leaned over him and looked at him dully.

"You were saying?"

"…you did that on purpose."
"Wouldn't of mattered if you wore your glasses since you would of saw that and avoided it all together."

There was silence then he sighed.
"There's no wining this, is there?"

"No." Naruto then offered him his hand "No there is not."

Sasuke took the hand and got up. As he began dusting himself off Naruto then reached down into Sasuke's butt pocket to grab the glasses. Sasuke froze and blushed. If only the pants weren't in the way… Naruto then opened them and placed the glasses on him.

"There." Naruto smiled as Sasuke's vision began to clear "Much better."

Sasuke looked down in embarrassment. That smile was damn sexy, and he was so close…

The bell rang and both the boys jolted. How long had they been staring at each other? Naruto leaned back chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So like, we should get going."


They then walked side by side of each other in awkward silence. Sasuke let out a shaky breath, thank god there weren't that many people in the halls now. But…the minute they went into the classroom he was sure everyone was gonna notice.

Or so he thought.

"Holy shit guys! Did you guys lose a bet or what?"

Naruto was hollering with laughter. Even Sasuke tried holding in a snort. Neji was dressed as a slutty cowboy, Kiba wore a leather coat with the word Queen Bitch written in the back in hot pink and in cursive, and Shino wore a dog collar with dog ears and tail to match. They looked so ridiculous that no one even seemed to notice Sasuke wearing glasses. Which wasn't surprising considering how much attention they were bringing to themselves. Heck, even some random chick came over just to take a picture.

"Ten Ten, you are such an ass." Neji grumbled.

"Why thank you." She did a little bow then got up looking around. "Where's lover boy?"

"...Lover boy?"

Ten Ten smirk devilishly.

"So you haven't seen him either, huh?"

All the boys looked at her confusingly until they saw Gaara walk into the classroom. Their eyes grew wide.

"Holy shit." Sasuke was the first to respond. On his forehead was a tattoo. A fricken tattoo.

"That...that looks painful." Naruto followed up.

"What is that?" Kiba looked over at Gaara confusingly as he tilted his head.

Shino decided it wasn't worth paying attention to and decided to pull out his textbook and read. Not entirely sure what to do, Neji speed walked towards him, grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.

"Are you alright?"
Gaara rolled his eyes.
"It's just a tattoo."
"Just a tattoo my ass." Neji glared at him "It's on your fucking forehead for the whole world to see. I mean seriously, why there?"
"That was the dare." He shrugged. "Sides, it's in Japanese, no one here is gonna get what it means."
Neji sighed
"I can't believe you actually did that."
"...you mad at me?"
Neji looked up and rubbed his thumb across the tatoo.
"Honestly I don't know. I know I should be for future reasons, like for your chances of getting a decent job and what not … but I guess I'm more shocked about the fact you actually did it than anything else. Cause I'd sure as hell would never do it."
"Do you hate it?"
"I really shouldn't be encouraging this…. but I got to admit, it actually suits you."
Gaara smiled.

"Well, I think that dare of yours suits you too." Neji stopped rubbing the tattoo and looked at him dully.
"Seriously? You're going to ruin the moment with that?"
Gaara full out grind.
"Couldn't help it. All I could think about was how badly I want you to ride me."
Neji full out blushed as he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I can not believe you actually said that out loud."
Gaara chuckled as he pulled him into a hug.
"I told you I was bad."

While Neji was struggling to escape from Gaara's embrace, the other boys had remained in place still staring at the door from pure shock.

"Do…do people seriously do that? Tattoo there faces like that?"

"Well, I know girls do that so it looks like they're wearing permeate make-up, but other than that I'm not to sure." Kiba commented out loud. "But I bet it looks really cool." he then smiled goofily "I wanna try it."

"No." Shino commented sharply never once taking an eye off the page.

"Why not?" Kiba asked annoyed leaning towards him.

Shino smiled and pinched Kiba's check "Cause I would hate it if something where to happen to that cute little face of yours." Kiba pulled back and rubbed it as Shino went back to reading his book. Kiba growled. He didn't need Shino's permission. He could do whatever the hell he wanted.

Sasuke then glanced over at Naruto.

"So…those whiskers on your cheeks, they're not tattoos?"

"…Oh wow, you really do need to wear your glasses." He then grabbed Sasuke's hands and brought them to his checks. "Do you feel the bumps? They're scares."

Sasuke blinked a few times in bewilderment.

"Black scares?"

"Yeah…" Naruto glanced away "lets not get into that."

"Gaara I said knock it off!"

Naruto then glanced over Sasuke's shoulder and saw Gaara and Neji walk into the room. Naruto frowned. Regardless of how bad his and Neji's relationship was, it still hadn't change the fact that Gaara had stolen Neji from him.

"Naruto?" Naruto glanced over at Sasuke. "It's over, move on."

Naruto sighed.

"Easier said than done."

Kakashi then walked into the classroom and everyone took their seats. As the lecture began he felt his butt vibrate. Confused, Naruto digged into his pocket, took out his phone, and read the text.

RedAdventure : You can always kill him in the game.

Naruto laughed. Yeah, he guessed there was always that. Besides Neji looked a lot happier. He then smiled as he glanced over towards Sasuke, and who knows maybe he would be too…