A/N: And so we come to the final 'round'! There MAY be an epilogue...but if there is, it will be a little while away. If/When it does come, we hope it's worth the wait ;)

Thankyou so very much for fighting with us, it has been an absolute blast from our end! To those who have taken the time to review...hugs to you...it really is great knowing that we've got our corner covered; that people don't mind us adopting these great characters for a short while to do with them a few of the things that we think...maybe...some day...they might be capable of.

By and large, this is a truly great fandom to be a part of. And we know some people think that this coming season will be hard...and no doubt it will. But we also know that the best rewards come from the best fights. Hang in there Sam/Andy shippers - those two are meant for one another. And sooner, (or maybe later), they will figure it out...and we'll ALL get the very best of what that partnership (and fight) brings ;)

Happy Rookie Blue Season 4 premiere day to you all!

Co-written with dcj

Disclaimer: We don't own Rookie Blue

'Title Bout'

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." - Muhammad Ali

When they get outside, Sam is leaning up against his truck arms crossed. His eyes are closed and his head is tilted back resting against the driver's door.

"You waiting for someone?" Andy calls out from a few steps away, turns when she hears Oliver muttering something at the same time, "…ing for your rookie?"

She furrows her brow, not sure she's heard him right. "What?"

"Nothing," he mumbles, waves her away as he side steps towards the front of the vehicle.

Sam had heard the door open and close, was hoping it was her, but wasn't sure if she'd come after him that quickly – they'd barely gotten back together let alone worked out the specifics of how long it might take him when he needs to… figure things out.

He blows out a breath of relief, glad that she's here. There's a sheepish smile on his face when he opens his eyes. "Well, Peck did say that someone would need to get you home."

"Taking care of everyone," Oliver mumbles out, resting his hands on the hood of the truck before dropping his head on top of them.

Sam furrows his brow first at his friend and then over at Andy. He really hopes that had not been her Plan B.

She answers the unspoken question with a shake of her head, holds her hand up to show off the set of keys she wrangled from Oliver on the way out the door. "The boys were doing shots."

Sam huffs out a soft chuckle; Oliver's always been a bit of a lightweight.

"I can't really…" Andy waves her hand over to Oliver who's slid down the front of the truck and is trying to tie his shoe, actually ends up with his ass on the ground. "Maybe I should drive him home," Andy proposes regretfully; it's not really what she wants though… she wants to end the night with Sam... "You could follow me? Maybe drive me home after so he can have his car in the morning?"

Oliver's left his car behind before and he can do it again, Sam decides. Because he's not letting Andy out of his sights and he won't leave Oliver behind. "Come on, Buddy," Sam beckons, slips around the front of the truck and helps Oliver to his feet a little. "We'll take you home."

"What about my car?" Oliver worries as Sam escorts him around to the passenger side and opens up the back door.

"It's not going anywhere," Sam assures him as he watches him fumble in. He waits as Oliver wrestles with the belt a little, makes sure he's got it all secure. "You can get it in the morning," Sam tells him as he shuts the door.

"Okie, Doke," Oliver replies then lets his head falls against the window.

Andy's already sitting in the front seat so Sam jogs around and jumps in. Looks back at his friend and then rolls his eyes a little at Andy. "And here I thought that was going to be you tonight."

Andy giggles as she slaps at him across the chest. He grabs her hand and holds on tight, wants to say a whole lot of things about how glad he is that she's there.

"How come I don't get shot gun?"

Andy purses her lips and tries not to laugh. She's seen Oliver tipsy before, but it's like his whole personality is amplified tonight. She bites her tongue on the response that almost slips out: this is my seat. Instead, she teases; "I don't think Sam wants you to barf on his console, Oliver. He needs to see where he's going, okay?"

Oliver reaches an arm across, makes an attempt to pat Andy on the shoulder. "Now I'll just barf on the back of your head, McNally," he tells her around a hiccup. "How you think he's going to feel about that, huh? Although, maybe it'll be an excuse for him to -"

"Oliver," Sam interrupts, sternly. He does not need his drunken buddy filling in blanks to images that have already built up in his mind. He shakes his head and sighs. "You, my friend, have T minus ten to sober up a little. I'm not having Zoe pin the blame on me for the state you're in this time around."

Andy whips her head around to face Sam properly, wonders if that's what Izzy meant that time…She knows the guy is no saint, but the influence he and Oliver have over one another…how different the two men seem to be…it intrigues her. Their friendship is something she'd like to see at play more often.

"Never you mind, brother," Oliver gurgles. "Zoe knows exactly how I might be turning in for the night, we discussed it before. As it turns out, this 'compromise' thing really does work."

Sam looks in his rear view mirror, rolls his eyes at his friend. Somehow, he can't imagine Zoe being completely enamored with Oliver in the state that he's in. Still, it's good to hear that his buddy is happy, and things are working out. He knows how important Zoe and the girls are to Oliver, how broken he was when he lost what he had. Sam and Andy may not have the extensive history or the children…but…she is…he can't bring himself to think about losing her again.

"Hey…speaking of compromise," Oliver continues. "How 'bout we stop for hot dogs?"

Sam squints, looks in the mirror again. "How is stoppin' for hot dogs 'compromise' Shaw? What do McNally and I get outta that?"

Sam continues to watch the expressions on his friend's face change, like he's thinking out the response that will entice the other two the most. "Uh. We all get hot dogs?"

Sam frowns. Suddenly he's reminded that McNally has probably not eaten a single thing since lunchtime today aside from that apple flip he got her. Neither has Sam, but he's not really that hungry for food. He just wants to drop their third wheel and get Andy all to himself. But. Sam clears his throat, glances at Andy. "You hungry, McNally?"

Andy bites into her lip. She hadn't thought about food until Oliver mentioned it. And now her stomach is threatening to growl. She used a lot of energy in the fight, (before and after it too). She twists her mouth, doesn't want for Sam to have to keep taking detours.

He smiles at her though. "I take it that's a yes?"

She shrugs high. "A little…but…" she lowers her voice. "I mean…I don't want us to drive around in circles all night."

"Good point, McNally!" Oliver holds an index finger up high, swivels it around to get everyone's attention with whatever idea he's going to come up with next. "So. We head to that joint that's a street over from yours…get ourselves some food…give me a chance to freshen up for my lovely wife…then Sammy drops you off, then he takes me home." Oliver nods proudly, pleased with himself for coming up with such logistical brilliance despite the fact that his brain is still in an alcohol-induced fog.

Andy's eyes widen, and she bites again on her lip. That…is not a good idea in her books. It's terrible in fact. Sure, it makes sense…it's just. Well, she was kind of hoping that at the very least, Sam would be able to walk her to her door; that they could take their time in saying goodnight. She had even hoped that maybe he'd stay a while…

Sam catches McNally's expression out of the corner of his eye; her face is probably the mirror of his. Although, his frown comes earlier than hers. He's going to have a word with Oliver about this later. What is his friend even thinking? One minute his buddy is basically sending out invitations to a McNally-Swarek wedding, and the next he's disrupting their…night.

Sam narrows his eyes, trying to send some vibes to the back of the truck. He can't see Shaw's face in the darkness, so he's not sure if he's joking or not –

Oliver rests his head back against the window, smirks a little as he thinks his own private thoughts. He's assuming he'll get a resounding 'NO!' from the front of the cabin any minute now. He does want the hot dog, but beyond that…well, he's probably as determined to keep McNally and Swarek together for the rest of the night as they are…almost. He wants proof though. All this hard work he's put in this past couple of weeks. He wants evidence to suggest that they're going to do the hard work now.

"I don't think so," Sam huffs eventually, keeping his eyes fixed to the road. "For starters, there's a diner not far from where you live…and…and I…" Sam clears his throat. He berates himself. Why should it be so hard to confess what he really wants to do? He swallows. Tries again. "And I want…need…to talk to Andy some more."

Oliver smiles freely, leans forward in his sleep. "Oh, okay brother, I get it. Give the McNally a long kiss goodnight. I can understand why you want to take her home last." He inspects the blush that McNally has spreading across her face, those big eyes of hers are glued to the road and she's not moving an inch. All told though, she looks pretty pleased with what Sam said before.

Oliver keeps his eyes fixed on her, despite the fact he's talking to Sam still. "But you'll come pick me up in the morning right, drop me at the Penny so I can pick up my car."

McNally's dropped features are a dead giveaway as to what she thinks of that particular idea. There's disappointment for sure. Oliver wishes Sam had been looking in her direction, but his friend has a glazed over expression and is continuing to watch the road.

"Why?" Sam practically snaps. "You're a two car family. Zoe can take you. Besides…I…I might be busy in the morning. Got things to do."

Oliver's eyebrows climb to the roof of the cabin. He's going to tease a little more, figures he deserves it, but Sammy appears to be losing his patience and at this rate Oliver might find himself walking to get his hot dog and go home. He nods. Tries to save face a little; "I guess she can drop me there before taking the girls to dance lessons …"

Andy chews inside her cheek. She's struggling to contain the grin. Is really, really happy that Sam seems to want to spend some more time with her tonight. She's a little nervous and cautious though, wonders what he might have on tomorrow morning…not that she's expecting –

Still. She wonders if in the future she'll have to talk to him about his morning habits, let him know she would like him to stick around longer than a quick kiss goodbye. She focuses on her breathing, decides that she will talk to him about it if the situation arises, for now she really shouldn't be jumping ahead of herself.

"Great," Sam interjects, his voice prissy to even his own ears. "That's settled then. Now, about that hot dog...how about this for compromise: we go to the diner near yours, I buy us all a hot dog and then take you home. See to it that Zoe tucks you in."

"And then you drop McNally off..." Oliver practically sing-songs.

Sam sticks his tongue inside his cheek. He's got a read on the situation now. Ollie may be tipsy, but his buddy knows exactly what's going through Sam's head.

"And then we all get a good night's sleep," Andy blurts out, her cheeks on fire as she tries to prevent Oliver finishing his sentence.

Sam looks over at her, hiding a small smile as one eyebrow goes up. He thinks McNally wants to do some more talking before she sleeps, hoped she wanted a kiss goodnight ...or not to have to say goodnight at all, but he probably shouldn't presume.

She doesn't really help to clear up his curiosity either, the eyebrow she angles back at him is more the kind that suggests she just wants him to drive.

By the time Sam pulls up near the diner, he's well and truly in need of more air.

Between McNally fidgeting beside him and Oliver humming When I'm With You in the back, he's not sure how much he can take. He practically jumps out the door.

He's a few paces around the front of the vehicle when the other two step out; the opening and closing of doors loud against an otherwise quiet night.

"Should you be walking?" Andy asks, holding on to one of Oliver's sleeves. He's still tripping over his feet a little, and she's worried he might fall over again.

Oliver looks down at the hand Andy has on his elbow and gets a glint in his eye. "Aw, that's sweet, McNally. Thank you for your concerns over my safety." He points a finger at her hand. "But I think Sammy wants that."

Andy rolls her eyes. She can't help but giggle though, the butterflies in her stomach still hard at work every time she even thinks about the fact that she's allowed to touch Sam again...wherever and whenever she wants...

She feels her hand being plucked off Oliver's arm. "He's right," Sam tells her, tugging her closer to him. "Besides. I wouldn't mind seeing him fall on his ass again right about now."

Somehow the three manage to get inside the diner without any major incidents –

Sam on a mission to get food in McNally's stomach and shut Oliver up. Oliver's main objective to put something in his stomach. And Andy just wanting to keep being this close to Sam.

"My treat!" Oliver says, holding his arms up as they walk through the door.

After several minutes of silence because of the shock, Sam manages a few words. "Twice in one night?"

Oliver grins. "Consider it payment for the ride. Now you kids go find us a booth. I'll get us the dogs."

Andy all of a sudden feels like a fourteen year old; out on her first date...being chaperoned by her cop father...

"No smoochin' though," Oliver calls out over his shoulder. "This place is PG."

Andy giggles a little as she watches Sam roll his eyes. Soon enough he's tugging her toward a 4-seater right near the window though, collecting napkins and condiments along the way.

Andy slides into the seat first, Sam nestling in close beside her as soon as she's settled.

They sit side-by-side, waiting. The pair of them wearing small smiles as they watch Oliver give animated instructions to the bored waitress who is taking his order.

"Maybe we should do a runner," Sam mutters. "Leave him here. Let him have all the damn hot dogs he wants." He's got one hand on the table, the other is under it on Andy's thigh. He skims his fingers down to her knee as he talks, squeezes gently –

The gesture is definitely the most intimate one between them in the past eight months, Andy is sure her heart just skipped a beat.

She turns her face in his direction, catches him looking at her. He doesn't bother averting his eyes though, just keeps staring...

Sam is really, really done with just looking at McNally and holding her hand. He's generally a patient guy, but this is torture. Touching her has just made it worse. He just wants to kiss her, try and sum up some of the things he hasn't yet said...

When she smiles at him he takes his chance. Thinks 'to hell with Shaw's rules'. It's not like he's going to maul the woman in public, he'll just get his mouth on hers, kiss her quick and light, because he's missed doing just that. And she's right there, has got her hand on top of his again, and she's watching his mouth. He slides the arm he's got on top of the table in her direction and leans in –

"No smoochin', I said," Oliver bellows, goofy grin on his face as he puts two giant hotdogs in front of Andy and Sam. "Got the rest of your lives to do that," he explains, sliding into the bench seat across from them.

Andy jumps a little at the interruption. She was pretty sure Sam was going to kiss her just then. And it didn't need to be a big thing, but she was looking forward to it nevertheless. Was hopeful that it would relieve this...tension...that seems to be continuing to build up.

She looks at the tray in front of Oliver. He's bought himself two hotdogs and two lemonades. Right about now she could use a cold drink herself.

Oliver slides one of the cups over in the direction of Andy. "Figured you two could share a drink, I ran out of cash."

"Oh yeah?" Sam enquires casually, lifting his arm out from underneath the table so he can put it around Andy's shoulder. "You couldn't sacrifice one of your hotdogs?"

Shaw shakes his head, takes a mouthful of bun and comes up with mustard all over his mouth. "Stop whining, start eating, Sammy. We don't wanna be here debating this stuff for the rest of the night."

"Got that right," Sam murmurs, fingers finding their way into McNally's hair. In fact he'd be happy to trash his hot dog right now and get back on the road –

But Andy's already started hers, a few huge mouthfuls that match Oliver's stroke for stroke and she's halfway through.

Sam looks on fondly as she washes some of the food down with a large slurp of lemonade and then slides the cup over to him. He smiles and takes a sip, takes a bite of his hotdog and puts it back down on the table; decides to save the rest in case McNally is still hungry after she's finished with hers.

"You two should come for dinner at our place one night," Oliver suggests as they're finishing up. "We didn't get to do that...before."

Andy feels her heart rate pick up again, thoughts of double dates and couple type things making her feel both anxious and excited at the same time.

"Always with the food, Oliver," Sam says, grinning as he stacks up their empties on the tray. He looks over at Andy, checking in. "Can't speak for McNally. But yeah...sounds good to me."

Andy breathes out quietly, smiles at both men. "I'd really love that."

The drive to the Shaw home is quiet in comparison to the rest of the night. Mainly because a full stomach seems to have tipped Oliver over the edge and he's now fast asleep.

"Great," Sam says, disbelieving as he pulls up to the kerb. "Gonna have to carry him inside."

Andy bites down a grin and a giggle, gets out of the truck and opens the door, helping Sam to unbuckle their colleague and gently shake him awake.

Oliver wakes with a loud snore, mumbling incoherently something about 'young love' and 'doing his part'.

"Okay, buddy," Sam drawls, nudging one of his shoulders underneath Oliver's armpit and half-lifting him out of the truck.

Andy gives herself a moment to take in the scene; Brothers in Arms. She smiles small. She already knows how deft Sam is with lifting some weight...has carried her to certain places more times than she can count –

Still. Oliver is a little chunkier than she is.

She steps in, gets underneath Oliver's other arm, providing enough balance to help with getting him up the stairs to the door of the house. Sam glances her way once or twice. He doesn't say it, but she reads the expression on his face; knows he knows she's had some practice with moving inebriated people about.

"You guys are the best," Oliver yawns, finally propped up straight without assistance. He smacks away Sam's hand which is making an attempt to search for Oliver's keys. "I got 'em, I got 'em," he huffs, although clearly he hasn't.

It's while he's searching another pocket that the front door opens, Zoe standing there with her arms crossed but a small smile on her face. She laughs a little, raises one hand and dangles what Andy assumes to be the things Oliver is currently looking for. "Texted you earlier about this, honey. You gave your house key to Izzy yesterday, remember?" She smiles at Sam and Andy, shaking her head. "He'd forget his head if it wasn't screwed on."

"Hey, Zoe." Sam greets Oliver's wife with a smile. "I, uh. I'm sorry if we've woken you up."

Zoe smiles, rubs at Sam's shoulder. "Not your fault my husband's a lightweight."

Andy remembers she's got Oliver's car keys in her pocket, reaches in and pulls them out to hand them to Zoe. "Hope you don't mind…we left his car at the Penny…"

Zoe looks over at Andy and nods. "Hi Andy...uh...that's…that's more than fine. Hey. You two want to come in for a coffee or something? It's the least I can do..." She looks back at Sam. "Making sure he got home in one piece. Thank you."

Sam would any other time, figures it's polite to accept offers from Zoe when she extends them. He glances at Andy, hopeful that she sends him a sign that the right answer is 'no'. He's greeted with her very best deer in headlights expression –

Sam clears his throat to answer, nudges Oliver further inside the door. "Thanks for the offer, Zoe. But. We'll, uh...let you put this one to bed. It's been a big day for us all..."

Zoe nods, smiling, taking Oliver by the hand. "Maybe some other time..."

"They're coming for dinner," Oliver announces, more awake as he leans in and gives Zoe a kiss on the cheek. He pulls his head back realizing that should have been a question. "Uh...would that be okay, sweetheart?"

"Of course," Zoe replies nodding. "I'll check our calendar tomorrow, send this one to work with a note next shift that he's on," she tilts her head at Oliver and gives Andy a wink.

Andy smiles back; pleased that this encounter with Zoe is one where the Shaw's seem to be in a much happier place. "I'll make sure he passes it on, Zoe. I really look forward to it."

The two women exchange another smile before Zoe reaches around Oliver's back, starts steering him to where she wants. "Me too..." she turns to Sam. "Thanks again, Sam. Enjoy the rest of your night."

Zoe waits until Sam and Andy have walked down the stairs before she makes a move to go inside. She leaves the porch light on as she watches Sam open the passenger side door, observes his face and gestures as he helps Andy up into the cabin. She smiles small and lifts her hand in reply to a final wave he gives.

Andy is the woman Oliver has been spruiking as 'the one' for Sam for a while...she followed the progress with some eye rolling when she heard they split up. As she watches them drive off now, she actually feels really happy for Sam, hopes for his sake that he is happy...and this time it's for keeps.

It's quiet in the truck when they get going again. It's the first time they've been alone-alone together since the locker-room and discussions about wanting to be more than friends and trying again and rules...

Andy puts her hands under her thighs to stop herself from fidgeting. She has no idea what's going to happen next...how the rest of the night will pan out. She sucks in her lip trying to think of the best thing to say in the moment. She knows what she wants...but she's feeling a little shy about...saying it. And she knows they're meant to be talking...it's just...she's feeling exhausted; physically and emotionally. She doesn't want to put anything out there that might get rejected –

"Ollie and Zoe...they're in a better place now, huh?" is what she comes out with instead.

Sam looks over at her and smiles. He nods, caught up in his thoughts about how things have changed for his friend...how things are changing for himself. He doesn't want to rush anything with McNally, doesn't want to do anything wrong or stupid, doesn't want to make mistakes before they even have a chance to get started again. "They're working at it every day, or so Oliver says."

Andy nods. "Yeah," she replies quietly. She smiles. "Gives you the sermons too, huh?"

Sam laughs a little. "Wouldn't be Ollie if he didn't." He clears his throat in an effort to clear his mind, considers asking McNally whether she just wants to be taken home, walked to her door. Or whether she might want to make plans for that drink he still hasn't managed to buy for her. She's got to be exhausted; it's been a huge day. He is as well. But, he really can't get over this feeling; he wants to be with her...doesn't even care if that just means she falls asleep in his arms.

He breathes deeply. He's going to have to come out with...something...they're not that far from her place now and he wants to know what he's up against. (Going home to bed alone feels like the worst thing in the world). "I still didn't get you that drink," he says quietly. The words feel like they came out of no place, he doesn't even know why he said them out loud.

Andy's head whips around. She scans Sam's face as best she can in the dark of the cabin. Furrows her brow. If he's suggesting they go for the drink now...well. She's just really tired. She'll do it, because if he asks, she doesn't want to say no...but she doesn't really like the thought of them being back in some crowded bar. "I..." she squeaks. "It can wait until tomorrow night...or the night after," she says a little breathlessly. "I mean...we're not in any hurry, right?"

Sam keeps his eyes on the road, blinks a couple of times. Not in any hurry. No. She's right. Of course she wants to take it slow. They're still figuring this thing out. Still. They've got to start some place. He wants to keep talking and listening and –

"But, I mean. If you asked me. I would go...we can...if you want...we can go to that bar that's a block from me...tonight...or...whenever you think..." Andy's words come out in a rush. Sam looked disappointed with her response before, and she wants to make sure that he knows it's not the 'having the drink with him' that's the problem, it's just that it's late and she really wanted them to – "or you can come up with me when you drop me home...we can have a drink there..."

It's Sam's turn to whip around now. In fact, the truck almost swerves. "You want me to come up?"

"Do you wanna come up?" She counters. "You don't have to...I mean...you're probably really tired too...and..."

Sam shakes his head, laughs through a cough. He smiles at her crookedly. "I thought you might be...I..." He stops himself from talking in circles. Decides enough is enough. Figures this is his chance, she's opening another door…the next 'round' has begun. He blows out a breath. "Yeah...I'd like to come up."

Andy grins, a little on the shy side, but her whole face is lit up. "You wanna come up tonight?"

Sam nods back, quicker than he normally would. No hiding how eager he is. "Yeah. Yeah. I do."

She grins some more, even brighter if that is possible. "And we can talk some more...maybe...maybe make plans for, um...some time when I do actually let you buy me that drink?"

There's something in the way that she asks the question that fills the truck with a whole new level of anticipation. Sam can't stop thinking about all the drinks he wants to buy for her. So many drinks there is not enough time –

It's when he sees the Seven Eleven that he decides he's going to start now... right now. He manages to flip on the turn signal just before he veers into a parking lot and pulls into a spot right in front of well-lit building.

When he turns off the ignition, Andy looks out at the store and back over at Sam - and then at the store again. She starts to giggle a little, "I don't mean to be high maintenance or anything, but I was kind of hoping you meant more than a slurpee."

She's teasing… sort of. She knows he's not proposing that; at least she doesn't think he is. But either way, whatever drink they decide on, she wants it to be special. If they're going to start this, she wants to do it right. Give it the due it deserves.

Sam tucks his tongue into his cheek, but doesn't say a word. He just shakes his head and jogs around the front of the truck, letting the grin break free about half way around.

When he opens the passenger door, Andy's mouth is opening and closing and she actually scratches at her head. Sam starts to chuckle, loves being the one to throw her off guard for a change. He holds his hand out in front of her and waits.

Andy furrows her brow but doesn't make any move to take his lead. "Sam, what are we doing here?"

Sam smiles, doesn't answer, just reaches across and clicks open her seat belt. He can feel her watching him as he leans in. When he looks down at her, he realizes just how close they are right now.

His eyes dip down to her lips of their own accord; he swallows hard when her tongue peeks out to wet them.

Her voice cracks a little when she squeaks out a question. "A-are you sure this is what you want?" She'd really just like to go home and talk… and maybe not talk a little too.

"Yeah…this is what I want." Sam's voice is soft but the conviction is strong, and with the way he's looking at her, Andy knows for certain that it`s not all about what they'll find behind the doors in front of her.

She shivers. It has nothing to do with the cool night air but entirely to do with Sam's breath across her cheek and the possibility of… everything. And she wants it all… whatever he's offering. She's ready to just reach out and hold on tight and let him lead the way.

She looks up to Sam with a ready smile and he looks content, happy… and is that a little…smug. She'll go anywhere with him, but her eyebrow has a mind of its own, immediately tips up in challenge. "You gonna make it worth my while?"

Sam clears his throat, can think of a lot of things he might be able to do to make it worthwhile but not one of them is appropriate for the occasion… location, wonders what she might… "What did you have in mind?"

Andy drops her eyes before looking back up at Sam from under her lashes, there's just a faint tinge of pink on her cheeks. "I'm just saying…" she shrugs a little, tilts her head to the side in question. "I mean, Oliver's not here anymore and…"

Sam realizes very quickly what she's getting at. They've been interrupted all night, more than once by the man she just mentioned. And right now there is no one there that is going to stop him from doing what he's wanted to do all night.

Certainly not Andy because she's already started closing the distance between them and Sam is more than willing to meet her halfway. Wants nothing more than to get his lips on her for the first time in… forever.

Sam leans in the last couple of centimetres, kisses her soft and slow, once, twice, three times. He doesn't think he could've possibly missed her as much as he did, but the kiss…her lips…her breath…her…everything. As soon as his mouth is on hers…yeah, he never, ever, wants to miss her again.

He hears her sigh in contentment, isn't completely certain that he doesn't sigh a little himself. But… he has to…

Reluctantly he lifts his body away from hers. He just has to. They can't…he can't…he needs to follow through on his idea. If all goes according to plan, they'll have all the time in the world to…do everything…anything they want to do.

He feels her body move with him and it makes him smile. When she groans because she can't seem to catch up to him, he laughs out loud. "Come on," he urges, reaching for her hand. "I didn't bring you here to make out in the parking lot."

"Oh no..." she wonders in mock disbelief, "You mean this isn't your big make out spot? You don't bring all the girls here."

"Well…" Sam purses his lips, quirks his eyebrow a little. "…not since high school anyway."

Andy laughs loud at that, can just imagine teenage Sam Swarek trying to impress the ladies with a Super Big Gulp.

Her laugh chokes off almost immediately; she shakes her head, wants to get that thought out of it right now. "So if you didn't bring me here to make out with me… and I mean I already invited you up to my place so..."

Sam pulls Andy up out of her seat and lets her tumble straight into his chest. He leans in and kisses her once more. "Trust me." He keeps tight hold of her hand, intertwines their fingers as he steers her towards the door.

When he ushers her through, the only people in there are a bored store clerk and two guys in hoodies lurking by the coolers. They both jump when the bell over the door rings, but skulk back into the corner when they see the couple enter. One of them has his hands shoved deep into the pocket of his jacket; the other is practically vibrating.

Andy eyes Sam warily, doesn't say a word. He looks from her over to the two guys in the corner again, blows out a slow breath. He's got his service weapon in the truck; didn't want to take it into the community centre. Kind of wishes he might have tucked it into his waistband when they went to the Penny.

He purses his lips, hopes that maybe just their presence might put a damper into whatever plans these two may have. That and… Sam walks purposefully towards them. He feels Andy stiffen beside him, gives her hand a quick squeeze.

When they're a couple of steps away, Sam notices that one of them looks a little worse for wear…black eye, busted lip. He's just a kid and he looks away when he notices Sam's scrutiny; the other boy, a little older, steps out in front of him, almost protective.

"Do you mind?" Sam greets, tipping his chin towards the refrigerated section behind them.

"Not at all," the older one answers, edges the other out of the way so Sam can see past him.

Sam is just nodding his thanks when the door slams open against the bell. He jumps at the sound, immediately pulls Andy in behind him; if anyone…

He shakes his head. Not going to happen.

He checks on the kids that were just beside them; they look like they're about to wet themselves and Sam is cursing the universe, wonders what kind of trouble they might have gotten themselves into.

He feels Andy peeking out from behind him. He's about to tug her back in when he hears a giggle escape her lips. He looks up at the door, smirks a little himself as she ducks her head into his chest and he just... He can smell her shampoo and her…God, he just really likes having her there.

Sam tucks a hand around her head and pulls her in even closer, drops a kiss on the top of it. He nods at the lady at the door, who returns it curtly before turning to the two boys beside them. "Terrance, Curtis... in the car NOW."

The two boys scramble as quickly as they can and run out the door with who Sam and Andy assume is a none too pleased mother.

Sam can feel Andy still chuckling against his body and when she looks up, her cheeks are pink and her eyes are shining. She slides her arm around Sam and stares up at him with those big doe eyes of hers. Even dares to bat her eyelashes at him a few times.

"If you keep looking at me like that…" Sam shakes his head, blows out a long, slow breath. He drops his chin down to kiss her once more before he turns her around to face the selection in front of them.

He does a silent and cursory glance across one single shelf. There's not a whole lot in terms of brand variation, but at least they have one of each type.

She looks at him and then back at the bottles, her eyes widen as she realizes where they've stopped. "Sam?" Her heart is racing a little as she recalls an early morning conversation when things were stupid… and complicated… and perfect…

Sam's heart is beating out of his chest too. He can see that she's right there with him, back in that loft, when they were stupid… and careless… and deliriously happy. And he just knows… knows that he wants to be there with her… when it matters… when it doesn't… when…ever.

So when he thinks about having that drink and granting themselves this chance to move forward, this is the only way that makes sense. The chance that she gave him first time around…the first time everything in Sam's world felt utterly…right. He sucks in a shaky breath, exhales out…

"Grapefruit or Cranberry?"

Andy can't speak… she's just… her eyes are tearing up and the lump in her throat… she just can't believe that he would… it's the perfect choice… he's perfect…

And she knows she'll do whatever he wants, but she kind of hopes he means for them to drink it later…much later…as in tomorrow morning. But as long as he comes home with her, she'll take whatever she can get because she knows that there is a tomorrow and the next day and…

Sam's watching her, taking in every emotion that crosses her face and he just… "Andy, what do you want?"

You. It's at the tip of her tongue. She'll even drink the grapefruit if it means she has him. But she doesn't say it, really doesn't have to because he can see it… and feel it.

He reaches past her, tugs on the door and pulls out a well-recognized jug… because he knows her, knows what she likes… what he wants to give her… and that's everything she wants…

"Orange," he announces, holding the thing up like it's the championship belt.

Andy smiles a watery smile, finally finds her voice. It's a little breathless but… she has no doubt, doubts she will ever again… "I love you."

Sam blinks a couple of times, swallows once or twice, and his smile is well on its way to watery too. He doesn't even know if he can form the words, but there is no way he is not going to try. He takes a step, slides a hand around her back to pull her in close, gets his lips right up against hers. "I love y…"

Andy jumps a bit as a throat clears behind them. Sam rolls his eyes but steps back a little, lets his hand drop from her back but just enough to grip her hand.

He offers a quick apology to the scowling woman as a blushing Andy starts tugging him towards the checkout –

Sam stops up short.

Andy turns back confused; they really needed to get out of there. He needs to get her home and….

Well. What else could…

Sam takes a deep breath, tugs her back in his direction. He bends his knees a little, until his eyes are level with hers. "I want… more."

"O-kay," Andy agrees. He's already taken her breath to the point she can't think…or argue… The word 'more' spins around in her head a few times leaving her giddy. She can do nothing but stare at his back, let herself get tugged along behind him as he heads to another refrigerated section.

She watches on with foggy, wet eyes as he pulls out some eggs and cheese and bacon.

And she knows he told Oliver he'd be busy in the morning, but he was buying… those were for breakfast… and surely he wouldn't… he said he wanted to come over… would he… did he… Andy swallows hard. She feels like a dozen boiled eggs were just stuck in her throat. "Is that for… um… are you going to…"

Sam looks around, takes a couple of steps to the end of the counter and sets the items down before he takes both of Andy's hands in his. She can see that he's swallowing at some lumps as well. And when his mouth opens…when he clears his throat…Andy's whole world stands perfectly still -

"Andy….I want you to ask me to stay."

His eyes are the warmest, darkest and most beautiful things. And every feature of his face is softer than she's seen ever before. Andy opens her mouth to…do something…she's not even sure what.

Sam shakes his head, urging her to understand. "I'm not expecting anything; I just… I want to wake up with you… have breakfast with you."

(…every day for the rest of my life).

"You want to stay?" She doesn't mean to sound surprised, but she is. It's not that she didn't want him to, or that she hadn't been hoping for exactly that, but she just wasn't sure he was ready yet.

Sam squeezes her hands, looks straight into her eyes; wants her to see exactly how much he wants that -

"I do."

Andy's done with talking. Everything that's been said…is already enough…at least for one day –

She uses her hands to pull him closer. Waits until his chest bumps into hers. She tucks his hands behind her back before she slides her own up his arms and around his shoulders…

She tilts her face and smiles small, lets him see the tears in her eyes. And then she pushes up to her toes, just enough.

"Stay," she whispers right against his lips before she presses hers against them.

She wishes she could keep her eyes both open and closed at the same time. Wishes she could see what she feels…the way his whole body relaxed, right before his hands went lower and lifted her an inch off the ground. The kiss is softer, warmer, happier, and more persistent than ever before. His mouth is careful and gentle, but determined too. It's not just six or eight months of waiting pouring out in this moment…it feels like a lifetime of relief.

She could stay right here for a long, long time, under neon lights and a heating system that blows without any warm air. Stay with the background noise of the store clerk popping gum that punctuates some 80's ballad sung by Celine Dion. Andy will stay if it means this is where Sam's going to be –

Sam squeezes tightly, wants to hold this moment as long as he can. It feels like it's taken a lifetime to get here, and in a way…it really has. He loves this woman more than one kiss or bottle of juice could ever show, and there will never be enough bacon and eggs in the world. He just wants to try and show her that he means what he says –

He wants to kiss her, hold her, have her, and let her have him, and never let go. The concepts of wrong time and wrong place don't even enter his mind. Well, not until he hears a sound that isn't coming from either of them –

He's not sure how long he's been wrapped up with Andy before they hear a cough from somewhere beside them. He slides McNally back down to the ground gently, tucks her in under an arm and wraps her into his chest.

He looks up to see the cashier sliding his items down the counter. The woman is staring unabashedly at them, her hands on auto-pilot as she reaches out to the eggs.

"Do you have everything?" she inquires awkwardly, chewing loudly around something blue in her mouth.

Andy's still tucked in against Sam's chest. He drops his eyes down to catch hers. Smiles a little when he sees her eyes gazing back. He chews into his bottom lip, considers what could be possibly missing. He's no expert when it comes to breakfast dates, but they've got a good start with all that they have. Only then he remembers there's something else they're probably going to need, especially if they stay up talking all night. "You have coffee right?"

Andy nods, still a little breathless from the kiss. Right now she can't think clearly about contents of her pantry, but coffee is not something she tends to forget to keep in plentiful stock. She wishes she were more coherent though, because she'd like to be able to discuss purchasing supplies for lunch and dinner as well (for the next forty years).

Sam nods once, definitive. So, they've got breakfast covered…only then he realizes there is something else missing. He spots the solution to his problem out of the corner of his eye. "We'll take this too," he tells the cashier as he picks up a newspaper and lays it on the counter.

Andy frowns. "You don't need that; I already get the Sun." Only then things start to dawn on her…other morning routines of times in the past…

Sam shrugs, purses his lips. "I like the Globe and Mail."

Of course he does. Andy just grins up at the lady. "I think we've got everything we need now."

Sam tucks his debit card back in his wallet as they're headed out the door, slides his free hand into hers.

"You know it would have been a lot cheaper at the grocery store," Andy rebukes, almost skipping as she swings their arms between them.

"Oh yeah?" Sam shoots back, rolling his eyes. "Gonna tell me I should've bought the turkey bacon too."

"It is better for you," she practically sings, silly grin on her face as she steadfastly keeps her eye on his.

Sam shakes his head but the smile is not far behind. He's pretty sure he could spend the next forty years or so fighting with her about bacon… papers… yoga… whatever.

He tugs on her hand, spins her in close as they get to the truck. He tucks her in between his chest and the door. He feels her body relax instantly, takes a deep breath as her hands find their way up to his shoulders again. He watches her face as her smile turns from mischievous to…happy, and then he smiles back –

He thinks of her out there in the ring tonight, the way she fought, the way she adapted to every challenge that was thrown by Cruz. How she tried to be gracious, and have fun with it at first…then stepped up to the plate. How she really listened and took advice. He thinks of how she throws her punches most of the time, makes every one count…when it matters the most.

Whenever they've been in the ring together before, they've often found it so damn hard to read one another's styles. But those bouts when they did take their time to figure it out…those were fights that Sam will never forget. They were fun and teasing, passionate and unpredictable, but enduring –

Their different, but complementary styles, made them that way.

Sam loves the fighter that McNally is. He loves her.

And as they stand here in the cool air, streetlights flickering, he knows this is it. He could win every purse, every title, every championship…

None of it would matter if he didn't have her.

This fight is the fight. This time they are going for 10 rounds (and life). They will make it despite the blood, sweat and tears, or the times they are knocked down and out. Because he knows that they'll get back up again.

Sam knows now that it's about the fight itself, not who won or lost. So. He will keep fighting. And so will she.

She hasn't taken her eyes off his in the silence, just waits and reaches up to stroke at his cheek. She doesn't look scared or worried, only curious…and maybe excited at what he has to say next.

Sam mirrors her gesture, puts a careful hand on her cheek; rubs a thumb under her eye. He leans in slowly, gives her nose the slightest nudge with his. He keeps his mouth moving though, kisses her cheek, her lips, then moves it across to her ear to tell her very seriously:

"Nothing is better than this."

The End.