This is the beginning of a new story focused on Jane and Thor. I really have no Idea where to take this, so if you could please send me reviews I will actually be able to write. Thanks a bunch for reading!

I headed to the kitchen to find Thor and Steve fiddling with the cellphones we got them. I hung in the doorway to hear. Steve was trying to teach Thor some stuff about texting, and it was rather comical.

"Natasha explained it to me. A text is like a letter you send to somebody, but, um, instead of mailing it, it is through your phone. And they can read it and reply instantly. And you can read it anywhere." He said.

Thor nodded. "I see. This 'texting' is quite the Midguardian phenomenon."

I noticed Thor was wearing a red flannel. "Hey Paul Bunyan." I said as I walked in. "Y'all trying to figure out your cellphones?"

Thor just looked at me confused.

Steve however, jumped from his seat. "I understood that reference!" He said excitedly.

I laughed. "Way to go big bro." I said and sat down.

"Beth, I have been taught in the ways I texting, but what are these 'phone calls' I hear about?" Thor asked.

"That's when you can talk to somebody through your phone just like a normal conversation, but you can be on the other side of the world to have it." I explain.

Thor thinks for a moment. "Could I use one to call my Lady Jane?" He asked, bashful.

"Of course." I reply. "Thor, have you not talked to Jane since you first met her?" I ask.

"During the attack on New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent her to a distant observatory to be safe. I was not able to communicate with her then, and I know not of her current location." He explained, growing sad. "Perhaps you could help me find her?" He asked.

"Of course big guy." I reply. I look to the ceiling. "Hey Jarvis?"

"Yes Miss Beth?" He responded. "You do know that you are not required to gaze at the ceiling in order to summon me?" He continued, a hint of amusement in his electronic voice.

"Of course I do. It just seems more fitting to do that." I reply. "Could you please look up Jane Foster's location and contact information?"

"Right away Miss Beth." He answered. "It is printing out of the downstairs office printer as we speak."

"Thanks!" I say and drag Thor and Steve to the office.


Thor grabbed the warm sheet of paper and gazed at it in his giant hands. "It says she is here in New York!" He exclaimed. "We must go to the Staten Island Observatory. Are you available to join me on my quest to find Lady Jane?" He asked Steve and me.

"I have nothing planned." Steve replied.

"Me neither." I said.

"Then let us be off!" Thor announced. "Let me retrieve Mjolnir!" He said and began walking away.

"Whoa there Thor..." Steve said and grabbed Thor's shoulder. "Beth and I can't fly."

"Can you pilot the Quinjet?" I asked Steve.

He smiled. "Of course I can."

"Then let us be on our way!" Thor exclaimed as we followed him to the underground hangar.

Won't take but a minute!