Kanker Sisters 2.0
Last time the Ed's told how they were enjoying the Sid effect from their little outing. The also enjoyed not being Kanker for the last two weeks. Unknown to the Ed's the failed Kankers had been out-of-town in the hospital after a Wedding brawl for the flowers. Now the Ed's head into the heart of the K pit.
May get the door already! I'm in the shower you get it lee. Man you two are useless I got it! Marie open the door partly do the fact she was topless. Ya what do ya want….Dream boat. Hello Ma Marie we came to ask you and your sisters something. Two things love muffin who is we? Edd looked to see he was a loan. Curse my so called friends. If you're here to pop the question? Just hand over the ring and pucker know it about what happened three weeks ago. What about it cute? Well as you can tell by looking at me Marie it had side effects. My build muscle mass and hair have changed. Mm not seeing it you still look like mine. She was happy to see his fear face just from their little talk but soon. Edd's will and strength were fading fast. When Marie saw that, she come up with a plan to see how much he change. Edd started to speak once more like I was saying I came to see the physical changes of you and your sister's bodies. Marie's face turned so red it shamed the color. As what he said replay (translated from smart guy to pevry guy) I want to see you and your sisters naked. Edd mind started to flash code red after thinking what he said and how she could take what he said. She stepped from behind the door letting Edd she who she now looked. Her hair was blue with red waves over her practical eye. She was now about 5'7 shooter then Edd who was now 6' body shape now one only see in video games (ya that hot).She still had on a pair of cargo pants that hanging from her hips. That showed off her panties straps. That when he noticed she was topless and pasted out.
Her sister walked up to the door. Hay Marie who was at the door. It just my man he pasted out seeing me. Were our boy then there no way here alone? He did but only to see if we were ok not seeing me for two weeks did a number on him. Whatever Marie Lets go May it time to pound some love out of are boys. Two other Kanker stepped out their home. May look the first she look leaner and she had almost lost all the goodness in her movements. Just liked Ed she was now acrobatic .Her body was unchanged from the game but luck was on her side as she was now getting out of her award phase in life. Lee was on a different wave. She was now a die ringer for a human Carmelita not counting her shirt which was still white with red dots. She even had a shock pistol on her hip.(ya Eddy is a die man.)She cheeked the charge as her and May walked off to hunt their Eds down like dogs.
[In the park ground zero of the events]
Man this is the 20th time this year we had to fix this park. I hear ya what do those kid do here. I was this one kid with a hat running tell he was too weak to keep up with his pals. Then out of no were hi picks up some trash and make a ride as he was got to be making that up. Hand to god then they crashed in to some dirt. If anything you just said true I hope that kid does not go nuts one day. Unknown to the chatty workers they were being watched by a beast no of this world. {And no I not a mole mutant!} It watched them entail it was ready to go for the kill but was knocked into by Ed and Eddy running from the had knocked it out cold as he see it pulled it off Ed and tossed it at the fallowing Kankers. As then turned into. Eddy did not see the complete missed toss. The four came to a dead-end. The two Eds saw their numbers were up. So they started yell their normal line before the get cankered. No I'm too young and handsome .Stay back evil soul eat monsters from the 6th world of zombies. Lucky and unlucky for them .The Monster they ran over and tossed got up and followed them into the dead-end lane. It growled at them. Ed yelled the beast name as he grabbed Eddy in fear May hug up to Ed the same way. Metal head! Lee was so shocked her eyes showed. (Yes it just go real)She saw it drooling as it look at them. As if it to pick who it would eat first. When it eye stopped on Eddy. Lee snapped out of her days and thought about her shock pistol. She shoot it putting it down in one shoot but keep shooting till it was smoking .(metal head jerky mmm good).Eddy was the first to talk (no shock I know). Nice shooting tax. Thank little man it show your woman more than a hot body and cute face. Right anyway we need to get that thing to shock head their maybe more. Ok but first it time to thank me for saving your but cute. No let me go you Kannnnker!