This is rather strange, considering that this is a Mass Effect fanfic, but…

I have never played Mass Effect. XD

But I did research it a lot. YouTube videos, wikis… and I am just COMPLETELY obsessed about the whole Shepard-Vakarian romance. Hopefully, my bonus this month would be enough to get me an Xbox (harhar) and I can actually play it. But for the meantime, I'll stick to my Youtube… vids. XD

Slightly edited recently to coincide with my other fanfics… which I will release soon… hopefully…. If my internet stops fucking up once in a while. ~_~

Also noticed that the order got fucked up… DAMN IT! Sorry! This one came out of my head first, and then I realized I need to explain stuff a bit more… and then BOOMMMM! A few days later, I now have a series. A very long series.

This is probably the longest series I had ever written… for now at least (mark it, August 1, 2013 XD)

I recommend that you read the first two of this series first:

Part 1 The Vakarian Chronicles: Instinct ( s/9551425/1/The-Vakarian-Chronicles-Instincts)

Part 2 The Vakarian Chronicles: Back To You ( s/9551488/1/The-Vakarian-Chronicles-Back-to-You)

Conditions: Destroy Ending, Garrus LI, Wrex alive, Genophage cured.

Mass Effect and all its characters are the property of BioWare.