Hey you guys! So, I'm in big trouble for not updating in so long, I get that, and feel free to hunt me down in the night and end my life for it. But, I just wanted you all to know how much I love you, and how much I'm looking forward to your reactions to the re-writes of my stories. A Fate Worth Dying For is now officially off hiatus, and I will be updating with new chapters as well as re-vamping and improving the old ones. Please let me know what you think, whether I should scrap the new ones or keep them in. I also wanted to let you guys know that The Five Below Ground is also coming off hiatus and parts of it are being re-written as well. For fans of Spangled, a new chapter of THAT is on the way, and overall, I'm just back from the dead! I had a lot of family shit to deal with in the last few months, and these stories were ones that I wasn't really sure I was going to continue. But thanks to all of you and your amazing support, I've decided to start writing them again.

I love you all with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns.

- Mikki