Hi Everybody! I know this is a pretty common topic, but I felt like writing a story about it. I obviously don't own PJO, because if I did, I probably would have given up a long time ago with all that pressure. I also don't own any of these songs.

Day One

Percy's POV

We were at Camp Half Blood eating dinner when a bright yellow flash appeared. (I meant we as in Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Thalia, Katie, Clarisse, Jason, Leo, Frank, Nico, Chris, the Stolls, and I). Apollo appeared out of the flash and gave everybody a bright smile.

Chiron looked surprised. "My lord Apollo, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Apollo smiled again. "The gods and I have decided to have a singing contest. We want each cabin counselor to pick another camper from their cabin to enter the contest. This will be all solo singing, so no duets. And I will be personally be picking the song that you will sing. The song that you sing will be emotional and/or connected to your past. Please come to me wirth your partner after dinner (If you have one) and I will pick your songs. Learn them by tonight! And DO NOT whatsoever tell anybody what your song is. Zeus wants the effect to be dramatic."

He sat down at the Apollo table while everybody applauded. For the rest of the dinner everybody was talking about the contest. I wasn't very happy that I had to do it without a partner.

At the end of dinner the counselors chose their partners and walked over to Apollo. Only I didn't have a partner. My fellow Big Three cousins each had a sibling. Jason had Thalia and Nico had Hazel.

Annabeth had chosen Malcolm and the Stoll brothers had chosen themselves. Piper had chosen a girl named Lacy, Clarisse had chosen some guy named Shane, Katie had chosen a girl named Quinn, and obviously Jason and Nico had their only siblings.

When it was finally my turn to get my song, the gods had already shown up to help set up the stage and help their kids with their songs. Apollo whispered the song in my ear. Irt didn't take a genius to figure out which part of my past this was from.

Piper's POV

In the arena Apollo announced that the Aphrodite cabin would be going first, then the Hephaestus cabin, then the Athena cabin, then the Demeter cabin. I was feeling queasy. I really didn't want to sing the song that Apollo had given me. It brought back way too many memories.

I was sitting backstage watching Lacey sing the song Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. I wanted to turn around and run while I still had the chance, but the gods(more like Athena), had thought of everything. There was two guards standing by each exit so that you couldn't leave until you had sung.

Suddenly, Lacey's music stopped. Everyone applauded her. It was my turn now.

Annabeth's POV

We watched as Piper walked up the steps looking pale as Apollo handed her the microphone. She announced that she would be singing the song For The Love of a Daughter by Demi Lovato. She sat down on a stool in the middle of the stage. And judging by the music, this was going to be a sad song.

Four years old with my back to the door

All I could hear was the family war

Your selfish hands always expecting more

Am I your child, or a charity ward?

You have a hollowed out heart

But it's heavy in your chest

I try so hard to fight it

But it's hopeless


You're Hopeless

Oh father

Please father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh father

Please father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter


It's been five years

Since we've talked last

And you can't take back

What we never had

Oh, I can be manipulated

Only so many times

Before even I love you

Starts to sound like a lie

You have a hollowed out heart

But it's heavy in your chest

I try so hard to fight it

But it's hopeless


You're hopeless

Oh father

Please father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl

How could you push me out of your world

Lie to your flesh and your blood

Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl

How could you throw me right out of your world

So young when the pain had begun

Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh father

Please father

I'd love to leave you alone

But I can't let you go

Oh father

Please father

Oh father

Please father

Put the bottle down

For the love of a daughter

For the love of a daughter

She stopped singing. The entire audience, including the gods, was silent. Then slowly, the applause started until it was ear splitting. Piper ran off the stage, handed a shocked Apollo the microphone, and ran off into the night.

Apollo announced that we had a break in between each cabin's performance, so we took off to find Piper.

We found her sobbing under Thalia's tree. Jason put his arm around her protectively and she sobbed into his chest. We stood there for a few minutes listening to Piper's heartbreaking cries. Her cries became quieter after awhile. "Pipes, are you okay? Did your father abuse you?" Jason asked tentatively. She just nodded her head and whispered, "I'm sorry." We all looked at her. "What do you mean your sorry?" Jason asked her gently. She took a deep ragged breath and answered, "Because you were going to ask why I didn't tell you and I just wanted to apologize beforehand." Leo chuckled. "Only Piper would be able to know what Jason was going to say before he says it," he said while shaking his head. She managed a shaky smile as she stood up. "We better get back before the break is over." We all nodded and headed back to the arena.

Leo's POV

Hooray! How it was my turn! I was singing. Next. In front of the whole camp. Me. Singing. Never thought that would happen again. Don't ask how, when, or why I sang in front of an audience before. At least I had dragged Nyssa into this. She kept shooting glares at me while she was singing her song Blown Away by Carrie Underwood. Finally her song ended and she practically threw the microphone at me. I walked up to the stage and saw everyone staring at me. "Umm, hi everybody. I just want to say bye before Nyssa kills me after this song. So... Bye." A lot of people laughed, mainly because it was probably true that Nyssa was going to come after me. I cracked a smile. "So tonight I'm going to be singing a song called Titanium by David Guetta. Ok then, let's get this over with."

The music started playing and I started singing.

You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud, not saying much

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, Fire away

Ricochet, you tale your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down, but I won't fall,

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall,

I am titanium

Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall

Ghost town and haunted love

Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones

I'm talking loud, not saying much

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

I am tianium

Stone hard, machine gun

Fired at the ones who run

Stone hard, as bulletproof glass

You shoot me down, but I won't fall,

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

Everybody was cheering for me by the time I had ended. I walked off the stage and headed to hang out with my friends during the break.

Piper's POV

They were all acting as if I hadn't sung my song, but I knew that eventually Jason or Annabeth would ask, and I would have to answer. Leo had just sung the song Titanium, and he had rocked it.

I could see Annabeth getting antsy while waiting for the break was over, because she was the next singer. I figured that she would be okay with all of the attention since she was practically the leader of camp.

Finally, Apollo announced theat it was time for the Athena cabin to go backstage. Annabeth got up and walked calmly down the stands to the stage.

I wondered how she did everything so calmly. She seemed to have a temper sometimes, but she almost never let it get the best of her. Maybe it just had something to do with having to be calm for others. One of those things Piper could never figure out.

Malcolm was the first to sing. He was singing the song Grenade by Bruno looked like he just wanted the deed done, so he took the microphone, announced the song, sang the song, and gave the microphone back to Apollo. Then it was Annabeth's turn.

She walked onto the stage, took the microphone from Apollo, sat down on the stool on the stage, and began singing. She was singing the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.

I remember tears streaming down your face

When I said I'll never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, Don't leave me here alone

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes

The sun is burning out

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window darling

Everything's on fire

The war outside our door keeps raging on

Hold on to this lullaby

Even when the music's gone

Just close your eyes

The sun is burning out

You'll be alright

No on can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

Just close your eyes

You'll be alright

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound







She walked back towards us while the whole camp cheered for her. She sat down next to Percy, who gave her a peck on the cheek. Then Apollo announced that we were going to have an hour intermission. Yippee. More time for my friends to interrogate me. Just then, as if right on cue, they all turned towards me. Looks like I was right.

Jason's POV

I stood up after Apollo's announcement and motioned for Piper to come with me. She hesitated first, but stood up and walked out of the arena with me.

We walked hand in hand down to the canoe lake and sat on the dock. "Pipes, are you okay?" I asked her again. She sighed. "Jason, I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you before. I just... I didn't know what to do most of the time. I didn't want to tell anyone in case my dad was arrested, got out of jail, and came after me. I never want to see him again. But I still love him because he kept me and didn't just throw me out. We had some fun times before I went to the Wilderness school. I'm sorry."

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Piper, you don't have to be sorry for anything," I whispered. She giggled and looked up at me. "So... I don't have to be sorry for this?" And then she pushed me into the lake.

Thalia's POV

We were just sitting in the arena talking about Zeus knows what, when Piper comes running into the arena with a soaking wet Jason three feet behind her. She ran up to us and hid behind Hazel. Jason stopped and glared at her. "Uhh, Jason? Why are you all wet?" Frank asked. "Piper thought it would be funny to push me into the canoe lake."

I burst out laughing and reached around Hazel for a high five from Piper. Jason glared at everyone else. They were laughing right along side me. He grumbled soemthing incoherent and stomped off to the Zeus cabin to change. It took us a while to calm down, but it eventually lost its charm and we sat in silence until the other campers started filing in.

Jason walked in with dry clothes on and sat next to Piper, grumbling about how unfair we all were. Hazel, hearing some of the more extreme mumbles, slapped his arm as a warning. He smiled sheepishly and mumbled a quiet, "Sorry," to her. Hazel just rolled her eyes and gave a smile at his antics.

I noticed Katie becoming noticably paler. I thought that maybe she was coming down with something, but then Apollo announced that the Demeter cabin was going next. That sort of answered my question.

Soon after that, Apollo called for the Demeter cabin to go backstage and our group cheered Katie on, especially Travis. She seemed to stand up straighter after that, but it was short lived. We clapped politely at her sister's performance of Battlefield, and screamed loudly as Katie walked out and announced that she would be singing the song Walking on Air by Kerli. She sat on the stool like Annabeth had and started singing.

There's a little creepy house

In a little creepy place

Little creepy town

In a little creepy world

Little creepy girl with her little creepy face

Saying funny things

That you have never heard

Do you know what it's all about?

Are you strong enough to figure out?

Know that you could set the world on fire

If you are strong enough to leave your doubts

Feel it and breathe it, believe it

And you'll be walking on air

Go try, go fly so high

And you'll be walking on air

You feel this, unless you kill this

Go on, and you're forgiven

I knew that, I could feel that

I feel like I am walking on air

She has a little creepy cat

And a little creepy bat

Little rocking chair

And an old blue hat

Little creepy girl

Oh, she loves to sing

She has a little gift

An amazing thing

With her little funny eyes of hazel

With her little funny old blue hat

She will go and set the world on fire

No one ever thought she could do that

Feel it and breathe it, believe it

And you'll be walking on air

Go try, go fly so high

And you'll be walking on air

You feel this, unless you kill this

Go on, and you're forgiven

I knew that, I could feel that

I feel like I am walking on air

Flitter up and hover down

Be all around, be all around

You know that I love you, go on

Feel it and breathe it, believe it

And you'll be walking on air

Go try, go fly so high

And you'll be walking on air

You can feel this, unless you kill this

Go on, and you're forgiven

I knew that, I could feel that

I feel like I am walking on air

I am walking on air

I am walking on air

I am walking on air

She stood up and took a bow towards the gods and the audience. She handed a cheering Apollo the microphone and walked back over to us, the loudest out of the whole audience. "You guys, shut up. Apollo is trying to make an announcement." And that he was.

"Thank you, campers, for an amazing day one! But now, it is getting late, so we'll have to stop ad pick up from here tomorrow. Goodnight!" We all stood up and walked towards the cabins, saying goodnight to each other.

End of Day one! I wanrt to know if you guys think I should bring Reyna in or not. I'm not a Jeyna fan, so obviously I'm a Leyna fan. You don't like that, don't say anything. I'll try to update soon!

-Brook, Brielle, but mainly AJ