Dear Rumple,

after I discovered your letters yesterday (which I found on the counter in the library), I had to go to Ruby at first. She was the only one who knew about the letters. Of course I didn't tell her what we write, but I was so happy and I just had to tell her. She was more surprised than shocked. She could already imagine that I'll figured something out to get in contact with you. Otherwise, I enjoyed my day off and I relaxed as much as possible.

Today, the meeting took place finally. As I've already written in one of my last letters, Ruby, Granny, Leroy and his friends, Anton, my Father, Mother Superior and Sean were there. I discussed with them the current situation and I also told them where you are. Well, I've also told them that we have contact with each other. However, I think this is my duty as mayor. The reactions were different. Leroy and Granny reacted just like Ruby. Mother Superior and my father were rather shocked. Anton, Sean and the rest saw it more neutral.
I also informed them about the cloaking spell. They asked me if it was a shelter on time or how it might be broken. I couldn't answer, but promised them that I would try to figure out. So, can you tell me more about it? Mother Superior knows this protection spell, by which one can go through and in which you see nothing before you overcome the barrier. However, this wouldn't be very safe. I don't think people from the Home Office would stay away.
Then I talked about the beanstalk, which actually has a good chance. Anton said that they already grow new vines but it would still take a while. The six "dwarfs" help him again.
Leroy, Sean and my father helped me to set up a security plan for Storybrooke. Granny takes care of the call to all residents who want to help. It depends on how many sign up, because afterwards we arrange the troops. In the morning and evening they'll check the entire town line. The "dwarfs", Anton, Sean and Ruby have initially divided into two groups. Thus, it is also ensured that the beans aren't left unattended. While the first half takes care of the beans, the other half runs the town line. I'm curious how many people will take part. Then we all went to dinner and ate something.

And while we ate I asked my father why your "relationship" is so difficult. He spoke openly to me and told me everything. That you've put him under pressure with the rent because he couldn't pay and you've confiscated his van. My father has broken in your house and has stolen everything possible, even our cup. Then you've kidnapped him and beat him up...

You really believed that I had killed me because he let me whip! Why have you believed in Regina's words? I said to him, that I find it not good. But why did you have to necessarily go in such a degree on my father? He hadn't known anything at the moment what he had done 28 years ago...
Well, I forgive you this, but regardless it makes me sad...I can imagine how your feelings and your soul suffered among the lie (your look as we met again for the first time in your looked at me like I was a ghost). But I can now understand why you "relationship" is so difficult. But my father has once again assured me that he prefers a truce because of me, because he doesn't want to lose me. So he begins to accept you.

That you've turned Gaston into a rose, well, it's not pretty, but better than torturing him. Although I was shocked when I read that I've cut off his "legs", but I'm less shocked than about the story with my father. I haven't felt anything for Gaston, except respect and even though I think he doesn't deserve it, I think that this was still one of the best solutions from you.

You know, you're right. I think some things aren't good, you've done, but I stay by your side and I forgive you. Because I know that you're on a good path. You realize what mistakes you have committed, and that's already a good start!
But I don't understand why you don't understand that someone...that I love you. Why is this so hard for you?

In the asylum, there was little alternation. Every day was the same: breakfast, examination, lunch, Regina's view through the door flap, dinner, sleep and in between was time for nothing. I've sat on my bench and stared in front of me, wondering who I am, why they hold me there and I lost myself in daydreams. I had no books or anything else...

When I lost my memories for the second time it was far more traumatic. We were in no time loop, and suddenly there were so many people. I could only remember my time in the hospital and then I was suddenly under the open sky, with two men who fought a battle. My shoulder hurt, you had a fire ball in hand, the car arrived, you're rolling with me to the side. As if that was not bad enough, you've called me continually Belle and I didn't know the name. I just didn't know myself. Then you have healed me, for which I am very grateful and I find it incredibly loving. But for a young woman without memories, this was just too much. I was glad when Emma, Mary Margaret and David were there and helped me. But I was even more confused and scared, when you kissed me in the hospital and then you continued to talk from magic and your castle. I became more angry, because I just wanted to have my peace and I wanted to hear nothing. I've smashed our cup and I'm still so terribly sorry and every time I think of it I might start crying. I looked in your eyes and they were so painful. You looked like I would've beaten you to the wall. But at that moment I was too confused and scared. I wanted to hear nothing and see nothing. I just wanted to be alone, like I was used to.
Your call brought me to thinking and I realized that we had some common past. From then on I had no more fear of you, and I really have liked to see you again. But the whole time was really awful. I felt like I was nothing, nobody, an empty sheet.
The reason why I was so long in the hospital: Mary Margaret and David have requested it. It was safer for me in the hospital until you were back.

I've no idea how I missed this weekend, but I don't forget to eat! I promise! Don't worry too much. I'm fine and I hope you too?

I love you so incredible! Isn't there a way to be able to see you?

Your Belle

P.S. Don't be afraid! I've carefully considered my two deals. Besides, you were the one who brought our deal to burst. :)

A/N: So, the next chapter has arrived. Have fun and as always: let me know what you think and how you liked it. :)


I'm sorry, but I won't be able to write a lot in the next few days. I'm also looking for a beta reader. So, I can't say exactly when the next chapter will be on. I hope you don't have to wait too long and that you read again when there's something new. :)