Dear Bruno,

It is good to hear from you. In your letter you mentioned not liking your new house. I think you'll adjust to it. It is hard to move somewhere new and feel at home. I hope you end up liking your new house.

Now to answer your question: how can a good father do bad things? First, I want you to know that everyone does bad things. No one is perfect. Your father does both good and bad things. He is a good father to you, but his job is not good.

Your father loves you. He says he is proud of you, he talks to you, and he gives you books you like to read. Yet this is the same man who tells his soldiers to put people in camps with terrible living conditions, and he stands by when the people are beaten.

I don't know if you and your family are religious, but my family believes in Christianity. I looked up some verses in the Bible that are relevant to the subject of this letter. In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible says this, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Father should show you through his actions how to treat others. Now, he is teaching you to treat the Jews as if they are not people at all. He needs to show kindness to both you and to others. If he does not do this, you will probably follow in his ways.

Why does Father do this? My explanation is that your father might have been brainwashed. He simply might not know any better. He loves you because you are his son and he cares about you. As for the Jews, he has been taught that they are not considered people- they are a lower level of society. Someone has taught him to hate all Jews. This could be his family, or his friends, or the Germans. Also, even if he does not believe in discriminating against them, there are reasons he could choose to. If he chooses to hate the Jews, he could become an respected figure in the war, and have enough money to support his children. If he hadn't, you would most likely have to live in a place where there was fear of the Germans taking over. Your family would not have much money, and Father would be just another citizen instead of someone of importance. He might simply want the best for him and his family, so he chose to side with the Germans.

As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Your father should not make his own decisions, but trust in God to help him. God will

These are just my thoughts on the subject. There is no specific answer to your question, but I think this is a reasonable answer. Writing this really made me think about why someone would do this. Thank you for letting me answer your question. I hope this helps, Bruno.

Your friend,
