Hello, readers! Gather 'round, it's time for chapter 2 of "Rightful King"! Now, I'm real sorry I haven't posted anything for two weeks, but I'm back, so yay, rejoice and stuff. So in this chapter one of the two last members of the Ylissean Royal Family reunite with Robin again! Hint: it's an amnesiac! So... Chapter 2!

Chapter 2: Daddy's Little Girl


"Yes, Robin?"

The Royal Family was heading towards the palace, and Robin had noticed Ylisstol looked...different. "Why are the capitol's homes and markets and the palace decorated so oddly?" asked Robin, looking strangely at what looked like the Eyes of the Fell One, although they had red X's crossed over them. His eyes widened. "A-Aren't those G-Grima's eyes?! Is Ylisstol worshiping him now?! Although the X's are quite strange... Chrom, what is going on?!"

Chrom sighed, and began to explain what had happened in the last three years after he calmed Robin down. "...was out of my hands, Robin. I tried, I really did, but they wouldn't leave us alone until I'd say 'yes'."

Robin slowly nodded in understanding. "I see. And the guests? Do the Shep-?"

"Everyone comes, Robin," interrupted Chrom. "All the Shepherds, and even foreign nobles. Tharja's always a bit reluctant, though. Creepy as she may be, she really does care for you. She was devastated when you sacrificed yourself, and disappears on the last day of the Festival of Eye Closing."

The Festival of Eye Closing is the celebration organized by the foreign courts that celebrates Grima's destruction, and lasts a whole weekend, starting the last Friday of February. The first two days are filled with eating, drinking, dancing and telling stories from the war. On the last day, the Ylissean Royal Family call everybody into the palace for a special feast, and then a small memorial is held to remember and reflect on all that lost in the war: homes, belongings, friends and comrades-in-arms. The nobles from every nation are invited, but anyone from the Theocracy of Plegia, excluding Tharja and Henry, are banned. Plegia has been sorting out who was their rightful ruler, with the Feroxi Khans Flavia and Basilio making sure it's not anyone dangerous with intentions to start wars or destroy the world.

Robin shivered. "Don't talk about her, please. It's good that she cares and all, but did you know Tharja asked Gaius to bring her a strand of my hair?! I mean, come on! Why would she need my hair?!"

"That's...unbelievably creepy," Chrom said, who also shivered, but then recovered. "Today is the last chance Sumia and I have to decorate what's left of Ylisstol, so we must finish before anyone gets here. I shall re-introduce you to everyone tomorrow." He smirked. "Coming back from the dead and quickly assuming control of the Shepherds will make people wonder, especially the foreign nobles. Just stay put, and I'll send someone to your room to tell you when it's okay to come down to the festival."

Robin nodded. "Alright."

"Now if you'll excuse us," Sumia said grabbing Chrom's hand, "we still have a capitol to decorate." She began walking to the capitol, dragging her husband with her. Chrom only waved good-bye at his two daughters and best friend.

"Ugh, sure! And leave the pegasi to little ol' me!" Cynthia screamed as her parents got farther, then sticked her tongue out.

"Don't worry!" Lissa said cheerfully, "I'll help you take them down to the stables!"

"As will I, sister," Lucina told Cynthia.


"Yes, Robin?" The future princess turned to her husband.

"You're still here, as is Cynthia. Did the other future children stay?" he asked.

Lucina nodded. "Actually, there was never a way back."

"What?!" Robin blurted.

"Yeah, Naga told us she wouldn't be able to bring us back. She said her powers would be expended in guiding us to and opening the Outrealm Gate," Cynthia nodded sadly. "She also told us that the world would probably be destroyed by the time we get back."

"Of course, she doesn't know what happened to Laurent. We wouldn't want to risk being thrown into a different time. Even so, that's a different Naga, anyway," Lucina said. "Like us, she's different Naga. A future Naga. The Naga that unlocked Falchion's true powers to defeat Grima isn't the same that helped us."

The tactician prince nodded. "I see."

Lucina smiled. "Some of us coupled up with the others."

"Like, got married?"

Cynthia shaked her head while blushing. "No, we did not!"

Robin turned to her, noticing her blush. "Then who's your boyfriend, Cynthia?"

Her face turned more red. "I-It's... Gerome."

"Really?" Robin asked in surprise, "I thought you would-"

"Cynthia, dear? The pegasi?" Lissa interrupted, clearing her throat.

Cynthia blushed. "R-Right."

"When we're done with the pegasi, I'll take you to someone who I bet would really like to see you, and I think you want to see her, too," said Lucina, mounting Cordelia's pegasi after petting her muzzle. Robin nodded, excited to see the girl his wife was talking about, as he knew already who it was.

Morgan was lying on her bed, reading one of her father's tactic books that'd display pictures with different situations for each one. The blue-haired was mumbling tactics to herself to solve one of the situations. "So if the thief grabbed the apple...here," she told herself, pointing at the side of a table in a picture, "the vendor wouldn't notice him. However-" She looked up when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in!"

Lucina entered her daughter's room. "Hello, darling." She noticed Morgan was reading one of Robin's tactic books, which she had seen him reading in his tent in the Ylisse-Valm War. "Going over some tactics, I see," she said smiling. Her smile turned into a frown when she noticed two stacks of books behind her daughter, but quickly changed back before Morgan noticed.

"Yep!" she replied cheerfully. "If I'm to become a great tactician like Father, then I must learn all I can!"

Lucina smiled warmly, then became serious. "Speaking of which, do you miss your father, Morgan?"

"Of course, Mother! Not a day goes by that I don't think of him!" Morgan noticed her mother's mouth had turned into the hugest grin she'd ever seen. "Why are you smiling like that?"

Lucina grabbed her daughter's hand. "There's someone I'd like you to see." She ran out of the room, dragging the poor tactician-in-training along with her.

"Mother, what is it that-?!" Morgan's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she stared at the man in front of her. Her mother had let go of her hand and walked to the side of the white-haired tactician, then turned to her daughter. Morgan walked slowly towards the man while her eyes began to moisten. She poked him to make sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, that he really was there. "F-Father?!" she asked in shock.

"It's me, Morgan," Robin confirmed smiling, happy to finally see his daughter after so many years.

Morgan couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she threw her arms around the tactician prince. "Father! ...Father. Don't you ever-ever-do that again!"

Robin smiled, brushing his daughter's hair with his hand. "Never, Morgan. Never again." They hold onto each other before Morgan let go. "Better?"

She nodded. "Yes." Morgan smiled.

Déjà vu, Lucina thought while shaking her head. It's probably nothing.

"On the bright side," Morgan began, "your sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Her mother nodded. "Yes, you've given hope to those who came here with me." She got closer to Robin. "I thank you for that." Lucina kissed Robin...deeply.

A the beginning, Morgan thought their kiss was cute and smiled as she stared at her parents. However, she got grossed out after a while and went into her room, saying she needed to return something. Lucina broke their kiss, and led her husband to their daughter's room, finding her struggling to carry a stack of books and remain standing at the same time. "H-Hey, guys, I-I was just g-going to get your books, F-Father," Morgan said as she slowly sank down to the floor. Robin quickly grabbed about half of the books she was carrying and Lucina took the rest. Morgan fell to her knees, exhausted. "T-Thanks..." Her parents put the books on the floor beside them. "So, Father," Morgan said after catching her breath, "what was it like 'being dead'?" she said, air-quoting the last two words. "Was your body floating around until your soul found it? Or maybe-?"

"I'd rather just explain it once, maybe when there's a lot of people gathered around that are interested," Robin interrupted. He turned to his wife. "'The Festival of Eye Closing', when is it again?"

"My parents finish decorating today, and the festival begins tomorrow," she said, trying to figure out where this would be going.

"And all the Shepherds come, yes?" he asked.

"All except Gangrel and Aversa. The Ylisseans still think them evil, and bringing them here would just be sending them to their deaths," Lucina informed him.

"If Grandfather would say that they've changed, if he even mentioned Gangrel was still alive, the people would go mad!" Morgan added. "And Aunt Aversa, she served both Gangrel and Grandfa-er, Validar, and was openly Grimleal. Although she was brainwashed, people don't know that about her. They just see her as the kings' right-hand man-woman."

Robin was sad he wouldn't see two of his comrades-in-arms, one of them being his adopted sister, but nodded in understanding. "Of course."

"Something the matter?" his wife questioned him.

"Nothing. The problem is her," he said, pointing at Morgan, who raised her hands in defense. "You won't know what happened to me until tomorrow." She smiled, excited to hear his story.

Hm, what did you think? I personally didn't like it in some ways, but did like it in other ways....
Yeah. The news that Robin is rightful ruler of Plegia will probably given to the Ylissean League next chapter! So read, review, and I will see you next chapter! And thanks to meteorce for the name suggestions, from which I obviously chose "Festival of Eye Closing."