I'm at school... I suddenly got inspired... You get the results.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters mentioned below.

Julia's Alphabet

A is for Augustus because I go to Emperor Augustus' Public Elementary School and apparently you have to be pretty good to have a school named after you.

B is for battle, like the Battle of Othrys which was really sad even if I'm not super sure why.

C is for Camp which is a mile away and is full of people who wear heavy armour and run all the time and do lots of drills

D is for dragons which Mama says I don't have to worry about since the legionnaires are brave and strong.

E is for elephants, like Hannibal who's huge and is fun to ride and is really funny. One day I saw him shoot water at Bobby's head because he didn't like his food.

F is for Frank who's really nice. He gave me a candy bar once which was nice since I was grounded for colouring on the walls.

G is for Greeks which some people don't like but I like their shirts because orange is nice, so I think they're okay. Besides, Piper's really pretty.

H is for Hazel who gives the best hugs in the whole wide world (even better than Gwen- shh)

I is for infinity because in school that's how long they said the Roman Empire would last

J is for Jason who's the best praetor ever- he lets me look at the maps in the principia and doesn't get annoyed when I ask questions or need help.

K is for karate because I asked Dakota and he said that the legionnaires use something better than that to fight: but I feel bad for it not being good so I gave it a place in my alphabet.

L is for Latin which is what my parents talk like when they don't want me to understand what they're saying.

M is for millennia, because that's apparently how old Camp Jupiter is- I think that that's even older than my Grandma

N is for New Rome which is where I live.

O is for Octavian who told me that he could see the future even if he didn't know when my tooth would fall.

P is for Percy Jackson which I'll be when I grow up

Q is for Quintus which is the name of my dog because my daddy said that he was some man who did a lot of good things

R is for Reyna who's the best praetor ever because she always gives me jelly beans and has a really nice smile when she smiles.

S is for Senate which is something that the praetors don't like and that my dad complains about a lot, but really the building looks nice.

T is for Terminus who's funny, but I don't think anybody's hold him that he doesn't have hands.

U is for Ursinus who was the praetor before, and I didn't like him because he never got my name right so I'm glad that he's gone to Exile wherever that is.

V is for Venus. Apparently she's my grandma but I don't know because she doesn't make cookies and send me birthday cards like the other one, so I'm confused.

W is for Western Civilisation and I don't understand what it is because it's complicated, but it's really important.

X is for xylophone which Jason says can't replace the ugly conch horns in the fort.

Y is for young because sometimes Daddy's reading the newspaper and he just shakes his head and says 'too young, they're too young out there' and looks really sad about something

Z is for zoo which is the only thing that New Rome needs to be the most perfect place in the world.