A Shinigami's Reason for Life

A Ryuk x Apple Fanfiction

Ahaha! I bet you thought that you'd never see one of these, huh? Well, here it is in all it's glory! Oh my god, you have no idea how hilarious it was for me to write this. I had to edit this over a few times because my hands were shaking from laughter as I was writing the most part of this. XD Well, enjoy, at least.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Death Note. God, would Tsugumi Ohba really be writing this? Are you even serious? (sighs...) These disclaimers are so pointless...

His Reason for Life

People, that is, Light Yagami and Misa Amane, seemed to assume that Shinigami knew everything. Really, Ryuk knew less than Light or Misa might have known on most points. Sure, he knew people's lifespans. However, any human possessing a Death Note and chose the Shinigami eyes could know the same just as easily. Also, he knew all the rules and complications of the Death Note, but, then again, any human possessor of the Note could know the same.

So, even though Ryuk technically was a Death God, he didn't know much more than any stereotypical human would. It was depressing, yes, but true nevertheless. And so knowing this, what was the purpose of his life? Now, really, he had no life. Literally. He could move, talk, walk, but he had no soul. Similar to the strange human idea of the "zombie." The notion of reanimated human bodies that had already felt Death's touch.

Now he killed humans, yes. But the point? There were other Shinigami- thousands upon thousands to replace him! Any anyways, humans did not need for a Shinigami to write their name in the Note for them to die. All humans already possessed their set lifespans.

So for what reason did Ryuk- all Shinigami exist?

Now for the other Shinigami, Ryuk had not an idea, but for him, his world revolved around, for him, his purpose of life was for that one sweet bite, that savory taste of red-flushed tender skin that could break so easily... His every sweet dream, his thoughts of when they would meet again, his mistress, his lover, his one and only woman, the beautiful lady,


He longed for her, to run his long black tongue over her sweet red contours, to feel the smooth consistency over his cracked lips, and with a loving prick of his sharp teeth he would damage her fine skin, but it was love, and he knew she cared not, and she enjoyed the pleasure through her pain. Then, with a scream and his heartful goodbye, he would put an end to his sweet lady in the most intimate way, piercing her lovely red skin and swallowing her whole.

He would do anything for an apple, his reason for existence, his love, his life, his heart. His sweet, sweet apple.

Yes, I know your reaction. "Wait, so... What?!" XD Right, well, you know. I just had the thought. There's definitely weirder pairings out there for sure. Well, if you like it, I'd appreciate reviews, if you will. Well, I'm out.

Hentai... AWAY!