20 = Jake Muller

Disclaimer: I don`t own Resident Evil

"Ok, everyone please prepare to leave the camp. Pack your things and when you're done take care of the tents." Lisa was walking through the camp, supervising everything.

"You girls need any help?" Claire, Ada and Jill turned around to look at the teacher.

"No thanks, we're good."

"Then I'll go see if the others need help." Lisa moved on and the girls continued packing up.

"So you and Rain broke up?" Ada asked innocently. Jill chuckled darkly and walked away. Claire growled and slapped the asian girl's arm.

"Ada! This entire mess is you fault, how about you just shut up?" The pyro ran after Jill, leaving behind a very stunned Ada.

"Jill wait up!" The water bender walked a bit slower so Claire could catch up.

"Come on Jill, that was just Ada being herself."

"I know."

"Was she right?" Jill stopped and hung her head.

"I honestly don't know..." The girl chuckled bitterly.

"Technically we were never a couple. But... yes, I think Rain and I will avoid one another for some time."

"What exactly happened?"

"I asked her about her feelings for Alice."

"What did she say?"

"Nothing." Claire raised her eyebrow.


"Yes. Take my advice Claire and keep an eye on Alice."


"What if she still has feelings for Rain?" Jill walked away and Claire stayed behind, reflecting on what the other girl had said.


The tension that hung in the air during the trip back to raccoon City was even worse than during the previous day. Jill was ignoring everyone, Claire was sitting next to her and was permanently deep in thoughts. Ada was sitting alone and rather far away from the other two girls. Rain was sitting next to Alice and kept on taking a glance at the blond, wich Alice found extremely odd.

"Rain? What is wrong with everyone and why do you keep staring at me?" The latina only shrugged.

"I thought you talked to Jill."

"I did." Alice waited for a little more information, but Rain only looked out of the window and Alice raised her eyebrow.


"And what?"

"And what happened?" The blonde asked with a growl.

"We talked, she was mad and then she stormed off." Alice sighed.

"And what did you do to make her mad?"

"Nothing, she was mad from the start. If you don't mind, I would be happy if we could stop talking about it."


"Claire!" K-Mart jumped into Claire's arms and the redhead chuckled.

"Hey Dahlia." Angela also walked to them and grinned at the pyro.

"You will never guess who missed you." Claire also grinned and kissed the girl's cheek.

"You missed me? That is really cute." K-Mart blushed a little and pushed away from Claire as she saw Alice walking towards them.

"Well it's great that you are back, maybe we could meet this evening and you can tell me how your trip was." K-Mart started to walk away and Claire yelled after her.

"Sure and you can tell us how your three lovely days with Wesker were!" The pyro turned around and Alice stood right in front of her.

"Hey, could I have a talk with you miss Redfield?"

"Uhm... sorry miss Abernathy, I got to go... uhh... home." Claire took her bags and walked away.

"What was that?" Angela was standing next to Alice and the teacher sighed.

"I don't know, but I have an idea what caused it." The older blonde shook her head, smiled at Angela and went to the parking lot. She slapped the back of Rain's head.

"Ouch, what did I do?"

"Your dammed conflict with Jill now caused a conflict between Claire and me." Rain rubbed the back part of her head.


"I don't have the slightest idea but her behaviour is surely caused by it."

"Well I'm sorry, but I can't just get rid of the problem like that. It's not like I wanted this to happen."

"Would you please just tell me what happened?" Rain sighed and shook her head.

"I can't. Please, just let me think everything through." Alice wanted to object, but she didn't.

"Okay." She packed her bags into the car and then got in herself. Claire and Jill watched them leave.

"I'm sorry Claire."

"What for?"

"I was mad and it wasn't fair for me to say these things to you."

"Doesn't change the fact that you had a point."


"That would defiantly explain that weird atmosphere during your arrival." K-Mart stood up and went over to the couch. She sat down onto Claire's lap and laid her arms around the pyro's waist.

"Well, if it comes down to it you still got me." The girl chuckled and Claire smiled. The pyro looked into the girl's eyes and then slightly frowned.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Is there someone you are interested in?" K-Mart raised her eyebrow and had a slightly puzzled expression.


"I'm just interested."

"Well, I do like Angela a lot and she also seems to be interested in me, so..." Claire wiggled her eyebrows and K-Mart laughed.

"We never did anything apart from holding hands and cuddle ever now and then."

"And I though you would only belong to me." K-Mart laughed and kissed Claire's cheek.

"You're the main reason why we haven't tried going out yet. But now that you have Alice, we might try it." The girl looked into Claire's eyes and tugged a loose strain of red hair behind the pyro's ear. They just stared at each other for a while and then K-Mart leaned in, softly touching Claire's nose with her own. The pyro raised her eyebrow and chuckled.

"What was that?"

"I just wanted to see if I'm over you." The girl stood up and turned on the TV.

"Want to watch Final Destination?" Claire laughed.

"You really love that Movie right?"

"I can't help it, that Ali Larter chick is just so fucking hot."


Ada and Leon were sitting on their couch, watching a movie.

"Am I a bad person?" Leon just stared at his girlfriend with a shocked expression.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Because I love to cause drama for everyone around and now that probably destroyed the relationships from my two best friends." Leon had never seen Ada so filled with regret.

"Ada, come here." He held his arms open and Ada snuggled up to him.

"You are not, I repeat, not a bad person. You are very curious, additionally to that you have an ability with wich you can get a lot of information and sometimes you just don't know when to stop." Leon stroked Ada's hair and the girl sighed.

"What if I lost them forever?" The asian girl's voice was filled with fear and Leon smiled.

"Don't worry, they will forgive you. Just apologize and show them that you are truly sorry for what happened." Ada nodded and kissed Leon's neck, wich was her way of saying 'thank you'.

"I don't deserve you. Why do you even love me?" Leon chuckled and kissed Ada tenderly.

"It's true that you might be a little nosy, but you are also a very intelligent girl, not to mention that you are beautiful and that you would walk through fire if it meant saving your friends from any harm. How can I not love you?"


Jill and Claire were sitting on a bench, eating their lunch.

"Uhm... hey guys." Ada had walked over to them, obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hey Ada, what's up?" Claire asked, smiling and it calmed Ada's nerves a bit.

"Listen up, I need to tell you guys something-" She was cut off by a slightly annoyed Jill.

"Ada please, I can't take any more gossip." The water bender stood up and wanted to leave, but the asian girl grabbed her wrist.

"No, wait. It's no gossip what-so-ever." Jill though for a moment and then sat back down.

"Listen, I know I caused a lot of trouble for you guys and I'm really sorry for that. I didn't mean to drive a wedge between you guys, Rain and Alice. I'm sorry for all the times I just didn't manage to shut myself up and I'm sorry for causing all that drama in the past. Can you guys imagine that you at some point forgive me?" Jill and Claire had both raised their eyebrows during Ada talk. Neither of them had ever hear Ada apologize, at least not with her being serious about it. The asian girl waited for a little while and then started to leave, taking the other girls silence as a rejection.

"Woah, Ada wait." Claire was the first who snapped out of the 'WTF?!' state.

"I don't know about Jill, but I-" She grabbed Ada's wrist and pulled her in for a hug.

"Forgive you. This entire fight would have started with or without you and even if it hadn't started without you, I couldn't imagine my life without you around anymore." Ada chuckled and Claire let go of the girl. They both turned to Jill and waited for her answer. Ada swallowed at the dark look Jill was sending her way and the asian girl got more nervous with each passing second. Both Ada and Claire jumped, as Jill suddenly stood up and laughed.

"You should see the look on your face." She also walked over and hugged the asian girl.

"Claire is right. I also forgive you, but only under one condition. If you ever feel the need to cause drama for someone, don't choose me."

"Hey guys." K-Mart walked towards them with a blushing Angela by her side. The two girls were holding hands and Claire smiled at the scene.

"Not that I'm nosy or anything, but what exactly happened for you, Angela Ashford, one of the most calm persons on the planet to turn bright red?" K-Mat chuckled and Angela blushed in an even darker shade of red.

"Nothing, I just asked her if she wanted to go out with me and then kissed her." K-Mart grinned and Ada pointed at Claire.

"What about Red?"

"We talked about it and Dahlia came to the conclusion that I'm only a very good friend that is extremely hot." Claire shrugged and Ada crossed her arms.

"One little drama goes overboard and you won't tell me anything anymore."


The teachers where once again sitting together, discussing the past three days. They were all looking at a young man.

"My name is Jake Muller and I'm the minister of education. I'm here to give you the results from the investigation of the past few days." He took out an envelope, handing it to Wesker.

"After taking a good look at the school, the investigator came to the conclusion that this is a normal school." The teachers faces were all filled with relief and Jake smiled.

"He stated that the incident with..." He looked into the folder in front of him.

"With miss Redfield was only an unfortunate accident with a broke gas pipe." Wesker stood up and folded his arms behind his back.

"You can all leave now and go home. In celebration of these good news and as a reward for the good behaviour of the students, I decided to free everyone from the afternoon lessons." The teachers grinned and thanked Wesker before leaving the room. The man was now alone with Jake.

"Well, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking."

"I never told you this, but I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks dad." Wesker went into his office and made the announcement.

"Students, since you all showed good behaviour during the investigation, I decided to let you go home. Have a nice day." He let go off the talk button and smiled seconds later, as he was able to hear the cheering that hollered through the school.


Alice was in the kitchen, chopping some vegetables for a salad and Rain was watching her.

"Can I ask you something?" The latina's voice was full of concern.

"Hm?" Alice stopped chopping and looked at Rain.

"Was it a mistake to break up?" The dark-skinned woman had a sad face and the blonde frowned.

"What?" Alice crossed her arms.

"Is this about Jill?"

"Kinda. She made me think a lot... about... us."

"Okay... what was the result of it?" Rain moved to Alice and stopped right in front of her.

"Let me first ask you something. I realized we never talked about it after we broke up and up until now I never actually though about it, but now I made up my mind." Rain took a deep breath and then her eyes drilled into the blonde's.

"Alice... Was it the right decision to break up? And more importantly, do you still have any feeling left for me?" Alice broke eye contact and started to think. Rain didn't urge her, the latina had taken days to figure out what it was that she wants. After minutes that felt like hours, Alice finally looked back at Rain. The blonde leaned forward, hugged the latina and kissed her cheek.

"Yes. It was the right decision to break up." Alice smiled at the dark-skinned woman and Rain returned a smile herself.

"I agree. Don't get me wrong, you and I were great, but we weren't meant to be together."

"I know. That's why we broke up in the first place, we were only meant to be friends." Rain chuckled.

"God, I don't know what I would have done if you said you still loved me." Alice also grinned.

"I do love you, but as a friend." Rain kissed Alice cheek.

"Please excuse me my sweet ice-queen, I gotta go talk to my soon-to-be-girlfriend."

"Yeah, I also have to go wash a certain pyro's head."



"What is it Chris?!"

"Sheva and I are going on our date now! I'll stay over at her place for the night!"


"And Claire?!"


"Miss Abernathy is here!"


"Bye!" Claire heard him laugh and she growled, making a mental note to hit her brother when he's back.

"Claire?" Alice was standing in the doorway and the pyro sighed.

"Hey Alice..." The redhead scratched her neck.

"Listen... I'm sorry for my behaviour." Alice smiled and sat down on the girls bed, patting the empty spot besides her. Claire walked over and also sat down, resting her hand on the blonde's thigh.

"It's ok, but why exactly were you so distant?"

"Jill told me what happened between her and Rain. She was worried that Rain is still in love with you."

"Yeah, I know. But she isn't. We talked about it and neither of us has romantic feeling for the other." Alice took Claire's chin with her hand and turned the pyro's head towards her.

"I love Rain, but she is my friend and being with you has made me incredible happy, far more than I was with her." She placed a soft kiss on Claire's lips.

"You're the only one I want to be with."


"Jill, come on open the door." Rain stood outside, in front of Jill's place.

"I don't want to talk to you, just go home." Jill was sitting on the other side of the entrance, with her back up against the door.

"Last warning Jill, either you freely open the door or I will come in with my methods." Jill stood up and chuckled.

"What are you gonna do? Break open the front door?" She walked down the hallway, but abruptly stopped as she heard a loud breaking sound. She turned towards the kitchen and walked into it.

"Nope." Rain put the door back in its place.

"I will break open the back door."

"Oh my god are you completely nuts?"

"I warned you didn't I?"

"What do you even want from me?"

"I just want to talk with you, but not though a closed-door." Jill shook her head.

"But I don't want to talk to you. Rain... you broke my heart and now you want to tell me you're sorry for it?" Rain smiled and stepped close to the girl.

"Stop jumping to conclusions without knowing all the facts. Although I do want to apologize for hurting you. I needed time to think and I now know for sure that I don't feel anything for Alice anymore. She is only my friend and you are the one that owns my heart." She reached out and grabbed Jill's wrist, planting a soft kiss on the backside of the girl's hand. The water wander forcefully pulled her hand back.

"You think I will just trust you like that? Forgive you for hurting me like that? Just fuck off Rain." She turned around and wanted to walk away, but Rain grabbed her wrist once again.

"Jill Valentine, you are probably one of the most stubborn person on this entire planet."

"And you are the biggest idiot this planet has ever seen, now let me go." She tried to break loose, but Rain didn't let her go.

"Either you belive me that I mean it or I have to show you." Rain also grabbed the other wrist and pushed Jill against a wall. With both of her hands pinned next to her against the wall, Jill could only glare at Rain.

"What are you gonna do? Violate-" She stopped talking and Rain grinned.

"At least you learned, but you are right, that's part of what I planned to do." Rain leaned forward and kissed Jill's neck.

"Rain, let me go and get out." The girl's voice was filled with poison, but that didn't bother Rain one bit. She continued her assault on the girl's neck.

"Rain I swear if you don't let me go this instant I will scream." Rain's face was blank as she spoke.

"Then I will just have to keep your mouth busy." The latina kissed Jill forcefully and the girl struggled to get free. Rain rearranged Jill's hands so that she held both of the girl's wrist with one hand. Her other hand moved beneath the girls shirt and under her bra. She roughly kneaded Jill's breast and the water bender whimpered. Rain broke the kiss as air became necessary and kissed the spot beneath Jill's ear. The girl felt Rain's hot breath against her ear and then she felt the latina tongue slide along her outer ear. Rain stopped the not so gentle massage and talked directly into the girls ear.

"Jill Valentine. I, Rain Ocampo, am deeply in love with you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Jill stopped her struggling and turned her head so she could look at Rain. The latina's eyes were filled with honesty and Jill's heart quickened.


"Yes. I love you with all my heart and soul." She then continued her massage, but this time it was more gentle, as was the kiss that followed. Rain let go of Jill's wrist and the girl immediately pushed the latina away.

"Upstairs, now." Jill grabbed Rain's hand and leaded the woman to her room.


Jill was lying on her back, completely undressed and Rain's head was between her thighs. Her hands were above her head, holding onto the blanket. She was moaning and her entire body was twitching. The latina was sucking on her arching clit and it send electrical waves through the girls body.

"Ohh- g- god Rain I- I ca- can't take it." The latina's fingers pushed in and out more forcefully, sending Jill over the edge. Rain waited for he girl to calm down and then chuckled.

"Had enough?" Jill grinned.

"Yeah three is enough, how about you?"

"I'm good." Rain laid herself next to the girl, pulling the blanked over their naked bodies.

"God, I waited so long for this." She kissed Jill's forehead.

"I love you Jill."

"I love you to." They kissed and Rain grabbed the remote.

"Mind if we watch a bit?" Jill chuckled and cuddled into Rain's front.

"No, go ahead." Rain turned on the TV.

"And now the newest video of the mysterious SI." Rain sighed.

"Great another one?" Rain made a mock annoyed face and Jill chuckled.

"Let him do what he wants."

"Hello my friends." Rain's face instantly went pale and her voice wasn't above a whisper.

"That voice..." Her eyes went wide as she saw the man shown on the TV.

"As I already showed you, there are people out there who are special. They received a gift from god and for so long, I thought that only they were the future. But I was wrong." His skin turned to stone, then into iron and he grinned devilish.

"Guess what. There's a new god. I, Sam Isaacs, will change this entire World forever."

The End

Hope you enjoyed the last chapter of 'Gifted' :)

I originally planned a lot of X-Men like Good VS Evil fighting, but since my vocational education started I just don't have time to write anymore, so I ended it there ^^