A/N: I know it's been a long time and I have no excuses, but I do have a new chapter of The Strawberry Decimo, so please don't kill me.

Oh I don't own Bleach or Reborn.

Chapter 2: With My Dying Will

Ichigo was in bed. It was early in the morning and he was just lying there. Wanting the comfort of sleep again, seeing as he hadn't been able to sleep the entire night. How could he not though, was given a chance to maybe get his shinigami powers back and use a power called the Dying Will Flame! He was ecstatic about the news.

That was until he felt the air shift. Just had to go ruin my day didn't you, He thought to himself.

"GOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOORRRRNNNNIIIIINNNNGGG IIIIIIIIICHIIIIIIGGOOOOOO!" His father, Isshin roared cheerfully… While trying to drop kick his son.

Ichigo quickly rolled off the bed and landed on the floor. He got into a crouch and waited about three nanoseconds and made his move. "SHORYUKEN!" Ichigo shouted out as he punched his father in the chin, sending Isshin into the ceiling. Ichigo scowled at his father, and then ducked to dodge an attack from his new tutor, well Spartan Tutor that is.

"What the hell Reborn?!" He yelled out at the infant hitman aiming to drop kick him as well.

"You woke me up, and it's good practice." Reborn stated calmly.

Ichigo's left eyebrow twitched in annoyance and was about to yell again at the hitman, but was cut off by his sister Yuzu calling out to them. "Onii-chan, Reborn-chan, Tou-san! Breakfast is ready!" With that Ichigo let go of it and went to get ready for school muttering under his breath.

"This will be an interesting day today." Reborn said.

"Yep it will!" Isshin exclaimed in his usual jovial character.

Ichigo went down stairs to where everyone had gathered at to eat breakfast. He looked over to his father to see him in his white coat, reading the newspaper, and sipping on coffee. He turned his head slightly to the left to see Reborn chowing down on Yuzu's cooking. In front of Reborn he saw Karin eating on some rice, and Yuzu was beside her giggling at Reborn.

Ichigo let a small smirk grace his features as he saw his family and his tutor eating together. I wish you guys were here, even you would like this, He thought to himself as he sat down at his place to eat, but saw that there was hardly any food. He blinked a few times before he saw Reborn go for the last pieces of bacon. He grabbed his knife and stabbed the space between his tutor's middle and ring fingers.

Rborn looked up at him with amusement. "Hell. No." Ichigo told the infant hitman and grabbed the bacon, rice, eggs, and the last…wait a damn second. "WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THE FISH?!" Ichigo screamed out in rage.

Ichigo was walking down the street with his bag over his shoulder. He couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. He turned his head to look behind him, but to his surprise nothing was there. He made a quick scan of the area just make sure of himself, but again he found nothing. Ichigo sighed and went on his way to school.

Coming from around a dark corner a teenage male around Ichigo's age came out of the shadows. "So that's the Vongola Decimo, huh?"

Ichigo entered the classroom with a sigh. He looked around and saw his friends had all gathered around his desk. His eyes, which had taken a cold look since after the Winter War, softened at the sight.

Orihime must have spotted him and waved him over. He walked over and placed his bag down at his seat. "What's up?"

Ishida Uryu noticed the old look of confidence and power in his eye, like he had gained his powers back, but that should be impossible. He decided to ask his rival later about it. "Kurosaki." Ishida greeted in his calm and collected voice.

Chad had seen the same thing Ishida had seen and unknowingly to anyone smirked at his friend. Chad knew Ichigo hadn't been the same since the end of the war; he had even avoided them for the longest time. Chad knew exactly why, and for that he couldn't blame his friend. The reason Ichigo avoided them…

Ichigo didn't want to be reminded of his weakness.

Chad gave his friend a nod of acknowledgement, which in return he got a look from Ichigo that held the resolve that his friend once held, only now it was back ten times that from before, as if to say: I'm back and I ain't going anywhere!

Orihime noticed Ichigo's behavior and smiled. She had seen how depressed Ichigo had become and couldn't bear to stand it, but knew that if she were try to help him he would tell her he was fine and walk away from it all.

She now looked at him and saw the man she fell in love with, the man that would use his own body to shield those he cared for.

They heard the door open up at the front and looked to see the teacher, Ms. Ochi, walk in. Ichigo's friends all left for their seats at that moment.

Ichigo gave a bored look, but was eager to learn about the powers that his mother passed on to him. He didn't pay attention to what was happening, until the teacher said something about a new student was to join the class.

He shifted his eyes over to the side to see a guy about his age with silver and gray hair. He wore the school uniform of Karakura High, but the tie was very loose and his shirt wasn't tucked in. He merely shrugged until he noticed the kid was assigned to the seat behind him. Again he didn't care as the student walked down the aisle, but that all came to an end as the kid kicked over his desk.

Everyone in the room looked at the student as if he were crazy, well except for Chad and Ishida; the corners of their lips were tugged into slight smirks.

Ichigo got up and grabbed the kid by the shirt and hauled him out of the classroom and outside into the courtyard. As they went by they bumped into a few seniors. "Ow, I think I-" They didn't get to finish as Ichigo gave them a glare and moved on as they ran off to class realizing who he was.

He tossed the kid into the wall. "I'm pretty sure I don't know you, so why don't you get it out of your system and tell me what you want asshole." Ichigo demanded in a cold voice.

"He's here to take your new title Ichigo, Ciaossu."

Ichigo knew the voice of Reborn already and turned to face the infant hitman. "Oh he is, is he? Well I'll just have to- EHHH!"

Ichigo saw the kid with several cigarette's in his mouth and several dynamite in hand. Ichigo's eyes widen, but quickly narrowed.

"What are you going to do? Blow me up?" Ichigo asked.

"Nope, just every one you care about along with the school." The kid stated.

Ichigo gritted his teeth in anger. "Do it and I'll make sure your body is never found." He stated in a very murderous tone.

The kid smirked and threw the dynamite at the build. Ichigo watched in horror as the event unfolded in slow motion.

He had to move, he had to save them.

As my dying will, I WILL SAVE THEM!

In that very instant an orange flame erupted from Ichigo's forehead and his eyes changed to a fiery orange.

Reborn watched in fascination as Ichigo unlocked his powers without him even using a dying will bullet and in only a day of knowing about them as well. To say the hitman was impressed was an understatement.

Ichigo, with speed he didn't know he had, jumped toward the flying explosives and caught them by the wick and stopped them from exploding.

The kid looked at Ichigo in awe.

Ichigo stood with his back facing the kid. "I told you, now face the consequences!" Ichigo roared and turned on the ball of his foot and sped like a bullet toward the new student and buried his fist in the kids gut, knocking the breath from him.

The kid flew backwards and hit a wall that was connected to the school about twenty feet away causing the wall to have a human size crater in it.

Reborn clapped and went up to Ichigo. "Good job Ichigo, now do you want to know who you just beat?" He got no response. He shook his head and sighed. "That would be one of your new Guardians, Gokudera Hayato or better known as The Smoking Bomb!"

Ichigo looked at the infant and narrowed his eyes. "You want me to work with that pathetic piece of garbage? Not a damn chance in Hell!"

"Just so you know I arranged it, it was meant to be a test and you passed." Reborn informed him.

But instead of this calming him down it only made him angrier, he grabbed the baby and brought Reborn's face to his own. "You had no right to endanger innocent lives like that!"

"He only did it because he knew you'd save them Ichigo."

Ichigo turned his head to see his dad, Isshin, standing there helping Gokudera up. The kid was grinning like a madman. "That was awesome Judaime!"

Ichigo could stay mad. His tutor and Gokudera only wanted to know his strength and now they knew it.

"Oh by the way did you know that you just went straight into Hyper Dying Will Mode."