Okaaaaaay, so this is my first fanfic so be gentle. I adore Bonnie and Damon together so I thought I would try my hand and writing my own story for them.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Oh, boy.

Damon sat in the living room swirling his bourbon. He should have known this was going to happen. After spending so much time around her, he should have realised how strong his feelings would become. Usually he could avoid this kind of thing; intimate feelings. All those gooey, lovey dovey emotions. There had been only one exception after Katherine where he had decided to risk his heart for a woman: Elena.

But since she had become human again and made the decision to go back to Stefan, Stefan had readily accepted and they'd ridden off into the sunset… Well, they'd ridden off to college, two hours away. So Damon gave them his best wishes, shut his heart off, and remained in Mystic Falls living the life of a bachelor.

Until he'd begun spending more time around a certain witch. He couldn't even pinpoint when he'd actually realised his developing feelings for her. Maybe it had been when she kissed him for the first time. Or when he had kissed her the time after that. He didn't know, but he did know he loved Bonnie, and he wanted her. Bad. He had never felt this way about about anyone. Even with Elena, it wasn't like this; it hadn't felt this intense. He couldn't stop thinking about their first kiss. Her lips on his, his immediate reply. The way that for once he wasn't the one to make the first move. And then the kiss that triggered all sorts of feelings between them-the kiss that he had initiated. It had been incredible. If they hadn't been interrupted, who knows what would have happened…

Damon smirked. Oh, he knew what would have happened. He would have shown her the time of her life. Immediately he pushed the thought aside. He didn't want Bonnie to be like all the others. He wanted her to be the very last woman he slept with, his one and only. He was only thinking like a tool because she'd rejected him.

Really dude? What is wrong with you?

He groaned inwardly. A witch, seriously? He had feelings for a witch? And a Bennett witch at that? Yeah, there had been the witch he'd dated back in the nineties, but that was merely fascination. Curiosity. After that Damon decided he'd rather stick to humans; much less complicated and far safer. But after spending so much time with her, dealing with the witch business she needed help with and seeing her power, he began to open his eyes to who Bonnie really was.

He tried to think, tried to remember when his feelings for her started to change. He had begun to suspect that she had developed some kind of feeling for him, which was made evident when she made the first move. After that night, all he could think about was that kiss. But then when he admitted to her he felt something for her, she had turned cold and told him to leave her alone.

Women. When will you ever learn?

He should have just kicked her out of his house that first day this all started: the day she came running to him for help.

I plan on writing a whole story but I've decided to test out the first couple of chapters. If people like it then I'll continue. So read and review away! Thanks :)