(( OK so a bunch of people asked me to continue... Il be honest I had no idea how but then I thought why not do Germany's POV and add stuff so I hope this is ok and you all like, Gratzi for all the sweet replies they made me very contento. Warning! There will be hints of JapAmerica PruCan RusCan and other's...))
Wake Up
Germany looked up and his blue eyes rested on Italy. Germany had never expected something like this to happen. He would admit that from day one Italy had turned his life upside down. The Italian was always doing new things and they were always living through new incidents and moments... To be honest the realization about a month ago about who he had been and Italy was had been enough to nearly knock the German off his feet... But then... Then this happened.
"Stupid Italia..." Germany tried to hold back tears but like the 5 times before they spilled out of his swollen burning eyes. He, HE was meant to protect Italia, to defend him, to make him happy. Italy was never suppose to... To... To take a bullet for him... To end up in a coma... For 3 days... 3 days of Romano coming in and nearly breaking down... 3 days of nations slipping in and out. America had to accompany Japan when he came for a visit because the little Japanese kept on breaking down... Germany had never realized how sensitive Japan was until then... But through all the 3 days of visits... Germany had been there! He'd not left his Italia's side and he would not any time soon... Nyet, Italy... Italy needed him
Yes, Italia... Italia... Germany fell into a deep and dark sleep. Inside his dreams his past as Holy Roman Empire came back swift as a current. It had been doing this allot lately and his memories were slowly becoming complete, last night he'd dreamt of saying goodbye and on this night he dreamed of his death. He woke up with a start. Sweat made his hair cling to his forehead. But ignoring his own lack of sleep and the weakness his body felt the blonde immediately checked on his bed ridden companion. No change... Not one... Germany hated himself for the millionth time. After he figured out who he had been, he had been so cruel to Italy... He kept on yelling, the confusion causing him to lash out of everyone but particularly the one who held his heart so dear... Even the night of the shooting instead of leaping into action he'd taunted the shooter because he was angry and frustrated... and look where that got him! His Italia was in a coma... And Germany had never even told Italy... Not once how he loved him... Not only as HRE but as Germany...
Standing the German made his way to the window. He opened it and allowed a gentle breeze to blow into the room. He felt cool and refreshed but still just as miserable. Watching the stars Germany began to mumble. "Italy..." Up in the sky he saw the stars and he was reminded of Italy wishing on them... But that was silly, silly and just like Italy. Germany felt his knees go weak and he fell to them. Tears streamed down his face and before him. "Italy... Italy please wake up..."
A star shot past him and tears fell harder now. "I wish Italy would wake up... Please let him wake up... You can't take him away now... Not when I've just realized...Please bring him back to me" He choked on his tears and continued to cry. His whole frame was shaking and Germany did not even care if they saw him, the powerful Germany reduced to a shaking crying mess of tears and wishes.
Hour's might have passed Germany did not know, but tears streamed down his face all the time. Germany dragged himself back to sit next to Italy. He grabbed onto his love's hand and held it tight. The once gentle tan seemed gone, Italy was like a white ghost... Already dead... Germany just prayed that whatever was keeping Italy here would indeed succeed. Finally Germany closed his eyes and fell asleep again. This dream unlike the others was black... It was a dreamless dream... Or was it... He could hear every once and awhile his own voice and Italia's... But it all made no sense yet it did... Yet...
The German snapped awake once more. Had he been dreaming that he was trying to make Italy come back? He... No it was impossible. Looking over at his friend weakly Germany began to cry once more. His eyes would be swollen shut if he continued. But none of that mattered without his precious Italia. Outside it was still dark and Germany guessed that it was 1 in the morning but he could care less about time...
"Italy... You have to wake up..."
Germany's voice was soft it sounded calm.
"Italy... Italy you h-have to wake up..."
His voice was cracking and his body shaking.
"Italy... Italy please wake up..."
More tears, he laid his head down and clutched Italy's hand while he sobbed.
"J-Just wake up..."
He cried harder now so hard that when he felt a squeeze he did not react. He felt it but part of him refused to believe.
"Holy Rome... Or well Germany now..."
Germany froze. He swear he heard a small "Ve~" Coming from the person next to him. His breath hitched and Germany slowly lifted his head. Warmth bloomed in his heart.
There was a silence and Italy only smiled at him. A soft gentle smile. Thousands of questions raced through his mind but the German ignored them. Italia knew who he was, Italy, was awake, Italy was smiling at him. These things combined made Germany melt and he launched himself suddenly at Italy and wrapped his arms tight around the Italian.
"I-ITALIA! I-ITALIA! ich liebe dich! ICH LIEBE DICH!" Germany was crying again but this time in joy. His Italy was ok and awake and he knew... He wanted to tell Italy he loved him a thousand times in every language he knew... Particularly German and Italian but at the moment he was in such joy that German was all he knew. Burrying his face into Italy's chest Germany continued to cry and repeat. "Ich lieve dich." To his love over and over.
Italy laughed. "Veeee!~ I love you to Germany~" Germany's heart could have stopped right there, but the pure shock jolted it into life again. He looked up and saw Italy smiling, his warm gold eyes full of there honey sweetness and love and his skin back to it's healthy tan with even a faint blush running across his cheeks.
Germany smiled and leaned in stealing a kiss from his love's lips... Then another, and another. Before even a minute had passed the two were curled together kissing and repeating there love for one another. They spent the rest of the night and well into the not so distant morning like this. A nurse came in at one point and was happy to have some good news to tell the long list of people who asked for immediate news of Italy if there was any change. Germany could have stayed curled up with his Italian forever and he planned on it but...
The door was kicked open by a furious, but very relieved looking Romano. Soon Spain and everyone else filtered in. Germany could have sworn nearly every country was there. All of them were checking on Italy and asking about why the German and Italian were in each others arms and such. There was laughter and celebrating and other romances in the rooms. Spain who was touched by the scene of Germany and Italy threw his arms around Romano and cuddled him forcibly. Japan was crying tears of relief into America's chest, much to the great annoyance of Greece and Turkey who both realized there was a new rival on the playing field. Canada was talking with Italy happily as it turns out they were great friends, and Germany was more then amused to see that the quiet blonde had no idea that several countries including Russia and Prussia and others were all glaring at one another when one of them dared to glance at the second largest country. Austria was watching Italy and smiling like a father while Hungary whispered to him who knows what... That woman knew everything...
Germany smiled and pulled Italy closer.
He would never leave his Italia's side again.
(( FEELS SO MANY FEELS! Was it any good? ))