Chapter 1: Alduin, Bane of Kings

Korra sat upon the top of a cliff. To everyone else in the world; this was just a cliff, but to Korra his was the most sacred spot on earth. "Why" you might ask? Because this was the cliff where she regained her bending from Aang, saw true hope when there was none, and got her second kiss from Mako. Out of all the terrible things in the world, it felt like none of them could touch her here. This was her heaven, and she was about to get a surprise.

"Korra." a voice said in a tempting tone. "Guess Who?"

Korra looked around to see who the voice was. "Come out and show yourself." she could hear a slight laugh before the figure came out from behind a snow bank. The figure had black hair, a fire benders outfit, and a red scarf around his neck. This was no enemy of Korra's, this was her boyfriend, Mako.

Korra was none the less surprised to see her boyfriend visiting her at the south pole. "Mako, what are you doing all the way down here?"

Mako smirked, "Just visiting my girlfriend while she's on vacation." he said whole ruffling her brown hair. "Is there a problem with that?"

Korra quickly shook her head no while telling Mako that she was alright with it. Mako just laughed and motioned for Korra to sit down.

She and Mako sat down and started to talk. Over the conversation, Korra was starting to get over the shock of Mako being there. Until a thought crossed her mind.

"...And Bolin threw up his noodles and the poor Police Officer in front of him got barf all over him." Korra faked a laugh then turned her expression a little bit more serious, "Hey Mako, speaking of police officers. Who is protecting Republic City?" Mako stopped laughing at his joke and replied, "Korra, where's your sense of fun? Bolin and Tenzin are watching over Republic City. We'll be fine. Let's just enjoy this beautiful view and our time together."

She smiled, "Just the two of us? When was the last time THAT happened?"

"When was the last time we weren't fighting equalists or evil benders?" he joked.

"Let me answer your questionable answer to my question with another question. When was the last time we got to sit around and have fun?"

Mako leaned up and hugged her, "Right now." she giggled in return.

Mako leaned back after the hug laughing to. His playful happy face went away when he heard something. He put his hand up as to say be quiet. "Get down." he whispered.

Slowly Mako and Korra slid down to their stomachs and waited. Soon their patience was rewarded when voices could be heard.

"I thought you said that she was supposed to be here?" a voice said in a fast but calm tone. "We need to find her as soon as possible!" Korra glanced over at Mako. She made a face at him signaling that she needed to talk. "What?" he said in a very hushed tone. "We can't stay back here and wait for them to get away. I say we ambush them on three!" Korra readied herself to get up, she was practically in a push up position. "No Korra, we don't even know who they are!" Korra gave him a death stare, "We don't have a choice. Now on three." she readied herself further so she could get up. "One," Mako looked at her franticly, "No Korra!" "Two" Mako gave her a death stare, "Don't you do it." She jumped up, "Three!" She shot up and got in a fire bending position, "HIGHAAAA!" She shot a fire ball at the target. The figure stood there and at the last second air bent the fire away. "There you two are!" Due to the smoke, Korra couldn't see who was speaking to her but she did know that she was going to have quite the opponent. She picked up as much water as she could out of the ocean and prepared to throw it at the air bender. But before she could Mako jumped in front of her, his hands out as if he were about to block the wall of water. "Mako! Move!" she shouted, but to no avail he stayed. Dang it, she thought. I can't bend all of this water around him, so what can I do? A sudden voice broke her thought, "Hey Korra, I know you are mad they broke our moment together, but can you stop and think about who can bend air?"

Korra stopped for a second to think about what he said. Think about my enemies! Think about air bending? Why would...He...OHHHH. Her mouth made a big O.

The dust settled and she harmlessly whistled. The figure stood there for a moment and then ran up to her. Korra shot back because of the sudden advancement. The figure got closer and she shouted, "I AM SORRY TENZIN!" even with her screaming, that wasn't enough to calm him down. He got right up next to her and grabber her wrist. "I said I am sorry." Tenzin started to drag Korra to the sky bison. She had never seen him this mad, but the only weird thing was that he didn't look mad. That would have to mean he had a really good punishment for her. Like cleaning the... "Tenzin! I swear from the bottom of my heart that I am sorry! I was on vacation and you were supposed to be in Republic City helping finish the rebuild. I didn't expect you to be here! Please don't make me clean the children's diapers!" Tenzin quickly turned around to answer the avatars pleas. "Korra, I understand that you thought to quickly..." He paused as if he were thinking. "We can talk about this matter later! Because right now we have more pressing matters to attend to." Korra looked puzzled. Tenzin let go of her wrist and closed his eyes, "I..was hoping that the day would never come that I had to say this.."

Korra still had that puzzled look on her face, "Say what? What aren't you telling me?"

Tenzin put Korra's hand in his and then closed his hands around it. He took a deep breath then replied, "Avatar Korra, we need your help again. To help the people and restore the peace. For Avatar Korra, Republic City is under attack."


Before the Attack

Tenzin was meditating with his kids outside. His arms out, Index finger and thumb touching together making a circle in his hand, legs crossed and still, but even with all the meditating he did. It couldn't have shown him what was about to happen.

His kids were all in the same position as him, arms out, Index finger and thumb touching together making a circle in their hands, and legs crossed. It seemed as if nothing could touch the world around them.

Far away, near Republic City, a crash could be heard.

"Daddy, what was that?" said one of Tenzin's sons, Meelo. Coming out of his relaxed state.

Tenzin sighed, "Oh nothing son, nothing that our police force can't handle."

Another crash in the distance, "Daddy are you sure? That noise sounded worse than the first."

Tenzin sighed again. He had tried to shrug it off but his kids kept pulling it up. "It was nothing I assure you. Probably some demolition going on in the city."

A third screeching sound could be heard in the distance. Meelo didn't say anything in fear it would anger his dad, but Ikki did. "Dad, that was the third one so far. If something really is attacking then it has already done some damage. The police would have caught anyone who would try and do that much damage, and It isn't a demolition. You and the council would have been told about a demolition job."

Tenzin got up in defeat. "Tell your mother that I am going to check this noise out. If I am not back In twenty minutes then go hide." Tenzin turned around to face open space then called out "Yip Yip!" After a minute or so passed Oogi was their.

He jumped on the sky bison's back, "To Republic City Oogi!" he shouted with one hand on the leather handle and the other hand pointing at Republic City. He doubted that this enemy could do anything to hurt him, for the Equilists were gone, most of the triple threat triad split up or ran during Amon's reign of terror. This underestimation of his enemy almost costs Tenzin his life.


Before the Attack

Tenzin had arrived at Republic City's docks. Everything seemed the same. Big ships coming and going trying to haul cargo. Fishermen fishing from the ocean trying to catch some Bass or Trout. Big industrial factories puffing big clouds of gray smoke through tall towers, and fishermen telling story's of how they caught a 12' inch catfish.

Everything looked normal except for one individual. Everyone else was busy and smelled like fish, but this man wasn't working and definitely wasn't dressed to fish. This man was dressed like a jogger. He had a blue windbreaker, a blue and white stalking cap, some hot red shoes, and black pants with a stripe down the sides of the legs.

Tenzin started to walk towards the man and secretly interrogate him, but he had to think quickly. Tenzin looked around the docks then picked up a nearby crate while nobody was looking. He walked away and nobody noticed him, good. He would return the crate later, but for now it was his prop. He carried the crate in front of him so it would look like he couldn't see what was in front of him. This plan worked a little to well as he "accidentally" crashed into the wrong person.

"Alright buddy watch where you are going." said the sailor as he got back up. The sailor looked at who was carrying the crate and it shocked him. "Councilman Tenzin? What are you doing out here? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Tenzin blinked for a second trying to comprehend all of the sailors questions. "Um..." he rubbed his eyes, "No, I don't need an ambulance, but I could use your help. You see, me and my family were on our island and we heard strange noises coming from Republic City. I, being the head councilman and the father, flew over here to investigate. So by any chances do you know what these noises were?" The sailor rubbed his chin trying to recall any strange noises. "Um...there was that, no. Uh, there were a few crash sounds coming from Cabbage Corp if that helps you at all." Tenzin stood up and patted the dust and dirt off of him, "Oh that does help me, thank you." The sailor looked at him kindly then put a confused face on. "Why don't you just contact the police station?" Tenzin called "Yip Yip!" then turned around to answer the man's question. "Because they will tell me that they have it all under control and that I shouldn't worry about it. My objective here is to find the source of these noises and all they will do is try and stop it. Now before I leave, can you tell me your name sir?" "Talos." Tenzin nodded and jumped on the just arriving Oogi. With the words "Yip Yip!" he was off towards Cabbage Corp.



"So what happened when you got to Cabbage Corp?"

"Calm down and I will tell you. When I got there everything was normal. The people, the buildings, and even Cabbage Corp. The only reason I knew something had happened was because the people and cars were trying to avoid the area around Hammer's Buffet. I landed Oogi on top of Cream of the Crop and walked over to Hammer's Buffet. I opened the doors to find the usually full restaurant empty. I carefully walked through the restaurant till I got to the underground kitchen. Once I entered I saw the strangest thing."

Korra pumped her fists, "What next? What next?"

Mako just laughed at her behavior which resulted in a blast of wind from Korra.

During all of that Tenzin was just flying Oogi. "Ahem." he said trying to get their attention again. After one more blast of air, they were ready. "Anyways, as I was saying."


Before the Attack, Now revealed as a Flashback

As Tenzin cautiously walked through the kitchen. He was in a prebending pose so he could attack anything that threatened him. He heard a noise coming from the side of the room. He quietly made his way across the room where he saw the same man from the docks. The jogger with the blue windbreaker, the blue and white stalking cap, the hot red shoes, and the black pants with a stripe down the sides of the legs, but their was something different about him. Something very noticeable. He had an oven on top of his legs. "Hey, dude can you help me?" Tenzin didn't wait a second he ran up to him and airbent the metal off of him. After Tenzin got the metal off he offered a hand to help him up. The man just shook his head no and leaned his head up against the wall. "Whoever you are...I can't move my legs. If you could airbend me to my legs I could get into an earth bending stance." Tenzin looked at him for a second and thought about asking a question, but he decided not to ask his question because he would most likely see it in a minute. Tenzin got into an airbending stance and slowly picked the man up. The man showed obvious signs of pain, but he didn't say anything. Once Tenzin had him high enough he shook his head to show that he was ready to do his part. The man got into the best earthbending pose he could manage, and then he was ready. He picked up thousands of tiny pieces of rock off of the ground. He then put all of the tiny pieces around his legs. With the lift of his hands he smoothed out all of the rocks on his legs. Tenzin was surprised, for the man had just made two leg cast out of rock. But the man wasn't done yet. The man picked up two large boulders and turned them into crutches. Tenzin slowly put the man back on the ground. The man didn't appear to have any problem with his rock legs. If fact he smiled once he hit the ground. "Thank you kind sir. If you are looking for the source of these noises, then you are in the wrong place. I have been investigating the noises myself. I got here only fifteen minutes before you, but I am sure that whatever made these noises is gone." Tenzin eyed him cautiously, "What makes you so sure?" the man motioned towards the only other part of the kitchen Tenzin hadn't seen. Tenzin looked over in that direction and saw a massive hole in the wall. The hole was slanted at a 10 degree angle and was about ten miles long. Suddenly it reached an abrupt stop. "What's behind the stopping point?" Tenzin said, still eying the man behind him. "The ocean. The ocean is whats above. It from here to the ocean without hitting a single pipe." Tenzin stared in awe. "That's Remarkable." Tenzin took a good look at the hole then turned around and started walking to the exit. The man held his hand up in protest but Tenzin already knew what he had to do. "What is your name kind sir?" the man stood in place thinking, like he couldn't remember his name. "Asdam, it's Asdam." Tenzin nodded and made his way towards the exit. He then rather abruptly stopped and turned around, for he had almost forgotten to pick up Asdam. Tenzin bent over so he could grab Asdams waist. Asdam used his hands to shove Tenzin away, for when Tenzin looked up he saw Asdam with a finger over his mouth. Signaling him to be quiet. He cupped his ear as to tell Tenzin to listen. As they listened they could hear screaming and panic overhead. Something was terribly wrong. Tenzin stopped listening and proceeded to lift Asdam up. "No Tenzin. If that creature is attacking the city they will need you. I will be okay down here, honestly. Now go!" Tenzin thought about his offer. Leave him and protect the city or take him and not be able to save as many people. After a few second debate he came up with his answer. "Korras boyfriend and the police are watching over the city. Now come on we don't have time to lollygag!" Tenzin airbent Asdam off of the ground. "Let's go!" The two men made their way out of the underground kitchen and towards the open world. Soon they would be wishing they had stayed in the safe kitchen.



Tenzin and Asdam pushed open the door to have their fears came true. Buildings were on fire, fire hydrants were spraying water everywhere, people were screaming for their dear lives, and the worst part was the sight of the once tall and proud Cabbage Corp laying on the ground.

"Tenzin, you have to get the people to safety! If you are concerned about me, put me on that ambulance over their." Tenzin showed no hesitation and ran over to the ambulance while still airbending Asdam. "Look I need this man to be healed. Go, now." the medics showed shock that an old man was giving orders. In a very commanding voice too, but since their was war going on around them. They decided to follow orders. They put Asdam on the stretcher and shoved him in the ambulance. Just as quick as they put him in. they were out. Tenzin looked at the ruins of the city. "Now for the real job."



Tenzin was exhausted, but he knew he had to keep going. People were waiting for a savior. Someone to bring hope that this crisis would end. That's why he couldn't stop. He needed to help these people get out of the bus.

The bus he was trying to flip over was no ordinary bus. It was the condor bus. A new line of buses meant to dispatch police units. They were bullet proof, had tinted windows, and lots of metal objects meant for throwing. The only catch was the fact that it was the size of three normal buses, made from water/fireproof steel that for some reason couldn't be metal bent, and was VERY heavy. It was so heavy in fact. Tenzin couldn't push it with his airbending. All Tenzin could do was get people nearby to try and help lift the bus.

"Push!" He yelled at the top of his to encourage the people around him to give it their all. All of their hard work was starting to pay of because the bus was starting to rise. The people around him noticed it too, for they were using any leftover breath to cheer with. The bus continued to go up. The bus went from on it's side to almost back on wheels, but all hope was shattered when an ear shattering raor was heard. Tenzin looked over his shoulder to have his worst fears confirmed. The enemy was coming straight at them. No one could run because if they did they would have a giant bus on their backs. All they could do was stand their and pray to the spirits that the enemy changed his mind.

A booming "CRACK!" could be heard all around the city as the enemy landed. The sheer weight of the enemy cracked the road. Tenzin swallowed hard as he thought about his family at home. Would they be all right? Would the dragon attack the island? Would... they know about his death? Lots of other questions entered Tenzins mind but all of his thoughts were stopped when the enemy spoke. "JOORRE HIM FENT DIR AAN BEIN DINOK!" (Mortals you shall die a foul death!) the enemy then took a deep breath and shouted. "FUS RO DAH!"

Tenzin and all of the other people were blown off of their feet along with the bus till they hit a wall. Tenzins sight was blurry but he was still able to get back up to his feet. The people around him were okay but they still needed to escape the beast that was attacking them. He didn't have to think for long, for he called "Yip Yip!" to get his escape rout. To be here you must be truly desperate. Sadly, you are however lost. Gaster awaits another crossed reality.

The enemy was crawling on the ground making his way towards the destroyed bus. This was the first time Tenzin got a good look at his opponent. He had red wings that slowly faded to grey as it got close to the body of the dragon, big sharp skin covered bones all over his back, tail, and top of his head, and blood stained teeth. This enemy was a dragon.

Someone next to Tenzin told him that Oogi was there. Tenzin nodded his head and told everyone to board Oogi. No one said no to the command, for they wanted to get the heck out of there.

"Yip Yip!" he yelled. Signaling the sky bison to take off. As the sky bison climbed up into the air people started to cheer and cry. (Tears of happiness)

Tenzin, however, did not celebrate. The people in the bus did not get saved. They were left to die by the claws of the dragon. He did not let this thought get in his way though. In the time it took to get Oogi from the ground to the clouds he had already decided what to do.

He flew Oogi to the Police Station. The location he had chosen to drop the civilians off at. After a short talk with the police task force he headed towards the water tribe. The only place he might find Korra.


Still on Oogi in the present

"So basically what you said was that a big dragon is attacking Republic City, correct?'

Tenzin nodded, "Mostly, the dragon might be gone by now."

"But it's only been thirty minutes since you left! If I were a dragon attacking a giant city I wouldn't stop until the job was done."

Tenzin sighed, "Korra, I said might. A very BIG might. He is most likely still tearing up Republic City."

Korra sat in silence until a thought crossed her mind. Without thinking she blurted out what question was on her mind "Tenzin what about your family?"

Tenzin froze, he hadn't thought about his family since the bus attack. Were they okay? Is the island safe? Tenzin pushed all of these thoughts out of his head and regained his composure then calmly replied, "My family is strong and on a very well protected island. I have no doubt that they are perfectly safe. Besides, Republic City needs it's avatar as fast as possible."

Mako got up and pointed out at the sky. "Look! There's Republic City!" he saw fires coming from all over the city and collapsed buildings everywhere. Suddenly it dawned on him, "Oh my god. Bolin's down there!" he shouted.

Korra looked around only to see the worst thing she could have imagined. "Tenzin, look!"

Tenzin looked out at the city. It looked just as destroyed as it was when he left, but one thing caught his eye. A big ball of fire off the coast of Republic City. After a few seconds of thought. Horror struck. That was no big ball of fire, that was Air Temple Island.


Authors Rant: How Did You Like Chapter Number 1? This Was A Little Side Project I Have Been Working On For A While Now. If You Like The Story, Please Leave A Comment. I Write Faster When I Get Reviews. Reviews Are Priceless. EX) Reviews = :)

Bless Your Face! If You Sneezed While Reading This Bless You. Peace Off. BOOP!

Toby Quote of the Day: Hunger Games Literal!

Katniss: If You Sneeze On Me I'll Take A Bath With You.

Haymitch: Achoo, BOOYAH!

Katniss: [Hot Gasp]

Peta: No I Won't Let You.