The week that Don spent with Charlie thanks to the AD's paranoia was amazing. The brothers took the opportunity to laugh and play games. More importantly they took the time to talk. Not just chat but real heart felt conversations.
The night before Don was set to head back to work Charlie had turned into bed early and Don had stayed up later than he should have to watch the end of the game. Don was making his way up the stairs to head to bed in his old room when he heard Charlie yelling.
"No please, I am begging you don't. Ouch please stop please." Were the words Charlie was yelling and it brought tears to Don's eyes. Don quickly headed into Charlie's room and started to rub his face he said, "Buddy wake up, you are having a bad dream. No one is going to hurt you. Dad and I are here to protect you."
Charlie stopped struggling and he opened his eyes. He looked at Don for a minute and then the tears began to fall. Charlie began to cry those cries that send your whole body into shakes.
Don tried to comfort Charlie the best he new how but it wasn't working. Charlie looked at Don with red-rimmed eyes and said, "Dear God this really happened to me it isn't just a nightmare. I thought I could just not think about it and it would go away but it isn't going to go away is it. He may be dead but I am never going to be free of his attack am I?"
Don was now crying just as hard as Charlie. He tried to speak. He wanted more than anything for some magical words to spring out of his mouth and make it all right but no words would come so he did the only thing he knew how to do he pulled Charlie into a huge hug and held him till they both cried themselves out.
After they couldn't cry anymore Don tilted Charlie's chin up so he was looking him in the eye. He said, "Listen Buddy, what happened to you was one of the worst things that could have happened to a person. But I know that you are strong and you will not go through this alone you have Dad and you have me and we are going to walk with you every step of the way. You are never going to be alone. Do you understand me? Charlie Eppes you are my baby brother and I love you very much."
Charlie looked at his older brother in astonishment over his uncharacteristic show of emotions and smiled. The tears started to flow again but this time they were happy tears. Charlie fell back into a hug and buried his face in his brother's shoulder, "Thank you for always knowing how to kill the monsters."
Charlie eventually fell asleep in his arms and Don carefully laid him back down on the bed and covered him up. Don reached down and gently kissed his baby brother on the forehead and whispered what he used to tell 5-year-old Charlie who woke up with nightmares, "Sweet Dreams Charlie monsters have to go away because Big Brother Donnie is here to stay."
The next morning at breakfast it was all smiles the three Eppes men had managed to get even closer through all that had happened and spending the last week together. They sat and ate French toast and talked about their day. Alan had to work downtown with Stan and today was Don's first day back at work. Then Don remembered, "Colby asked if he could take you for your check up today is that okay with you?"
Charlie smiled and shook his head, "That would be fine, Colby and I have some stuff to chat about." Don got up and gathered his belongings he stopped at the door and looked back at his brother and Dad "Love you guys, have a great day." With that he smiled and headed out to work.
Colby was right on time to pick Charlie up for his appointment and then after the appointment they made their way to the same empty parking lot they went too during the missing reporter case.
Both men sat on picnic tables opposite of each other and it took a minute to get past the pleasantries. Finally Charlie took a deep breath and asked, "Colby man, how are you ever a right man after an attack like this? Of all the horrible things Romero did to me assaulting me in that file room had to be the worst."
Colby gave him a sad smile, "Listen Professor, I am going to give it to you straight. You don't need me blowing sunshine up your skirt you need the truth and here it is. It is really hard to feel like a whole man after an attack like this. When I went overseas I set out to prove to myself that I was still the man that I was before the attack, I slept with every woman that gave me half a glance. I wanted to prove to myself that I could still please a woman."
Charlie looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "Did that help you?"
Colby laughed, "No it didn't do anything but give me 3 doses of antibiotics to fight off whatever those women gave me. I had to eventually come to a place in my own head that I am the one who decided what kind of a man I would be. What happened to me and what happened to you was an event that scared us but that is just it they are scars they don't effect who we are as a person."
Charlie suddenly began to be interested in his shoes but said, "I am so afraid that Amita will think of me as less of a man and I am afraid to even get close to her because I worry that contact with her physically will bring the memories of the attack back and I wont be able to, you know."
Colby got off his table and came over and sat next to Charlie and put his arm around him, "Amita loves you Charlie, she isn't going anywhere because of what happened. You need to be honest with her and tell her what you just told me and together you will be able to work the intimacy thing out. I promise. You are one strong dude. You amazed me, when I finally figured out what had been happening. You amaze me so much. Anyone who is that strong will make it through this just fine. Just remember if you stop fighting the fight for normalcy you let Romero win."
Charlie looked at Colby and smiled, "Thank you doctor Colby for another amazing and therapeutic parking lot session."
Colby busted out laughing and said, "My pleasure, but just wait till you see my bill."
Charlie smiled a wry smile and said, "Send the bill to the AD, I still haven't told him I don't plan to sue the FBI."
Six weeks later,
Amita and Charlie were alone in their bedroom naked and breathlessly resting in each other's arms. Charlie kissed Amita on the top of the head and said, "Thank you for being patient with me."
Amita lifted her head and placed a gentle kiss on his lips and said, "After a night like this it is me that should be thanking you. I love you Charlie."
The next morning they came down and ate breakfast with Alan and Don. Don asked Charlie to help him in the kitchen and when they were alone he smiled at his baby brother and said, "Well, how did it go? You two are both smiles this morning."
Charlie smiled a huge smile at Don, "I am not letting him win anymore." Charlie gave a wink and left. Don followed him out of the kitchen with a huge smile on his face and the orange juice. He looked around at his family and was so happy that the nightmare was finally over and his little brother was going to be okay in every way.