The Truth about Ohana

Chapter Twelve


Disclaimer: They do not belong to me. I would love to write for them though.

Author Notes: So didn't get the chapter done before vacation like I wanted, sorry. Also, sorry you may have to reread to remember the story. That is totally not like me to go so long. I am thinking about taking a break from Hawaii Five-0. The lack of reviews tells me there isn't that much interest in my work right now. Thanks for those of you who are always faithful to review. I am wrapping this up with this chapter.

That night as Steve sat in the jeep with Kono driving to the raid he thought about his mother and how impossible the idea of healing their relationship at this point was. Steve had never been good with his feelings. That was something he knew he learned from her.

He looked over at Kono and realized he wanted a different relationship with her. She had helped him to open up after their time together on Molokai. He didn't want to shut her out ever again. She grounded him and she promised she would never leave him. Everyone else in his life had done that.

His heart suddenly felt tight as he thought about her strength, her beauty, her intelligence and her love. She was so special and he was so lucky to have her in his life.

Could he be the man she deserved? He had already made her take the brunt of his anger more times than he wanted to count. Maybe he would ruin her with his messed up emotions and messed up life. She definitely deserve better than him.

Could he, for Kono, forgive his mother? Could he keep himself from killing Wo Fat during the raid? The man had played with him like some kind of mouse for several years now and he was done. If his mother couldn't put a muzzle on him, Steve would lose it. Every time he thought of his brother killing his father he saw red.

Glancing to his left he looked into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. They were softened and full of concern for him. He brought her hand to his mouth and gently kissed each knuckle.

Kono held his gaze and he did it.

"I'm here Steve and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"I know."

The jeep rambled to a stop and they hopped out as SWAT Team members poured out of the other vehicles.

The well-planned attack began to unfold as each of the team took up their posts, sneaking into place. From her position high on the hill above the beautiful beachfront property she watched Doris and Wo Fat arrive. They stepped out of the limo they came in and she saw Doris adjust her earpiece.

Wo Fat looked around nervously before placing his hand at her back and guiding her out to the backyard. It wasn't long until more cars arrived and soon a small crowd was meandering around with drinks and appetizers. It was going to be tricky trying to avoid the servers who were just there to deliver food and drinks.

She waited for the signal as she nervously watched Steve and a group of SWAT circle down the hill and cross quietly in between the cars.

There was only one lookout and she smiled to herself as Steve quietly took him out and three more teams moved in.

It was then that her heart dropped into her stomach. The front door opened and men began to pour out. She moved her scope over and searched for Doris. The leaders turned at the sound of gunfire and Kono watched in horror as one of them grabbed Doris and began dragging her away.

As Doris went limp in his arms forcing him to slow down, Kono took him out with one shot right between the eyes.

Doris looked briefly up to where she was perched and nodded at her. She pulled a revolver out of the back of her slacks and looked around for Wo Fat.

Kono swept her scope over to where she had last seen Steve and saw that he was pinned down. She offered her assistance and took out five of the men before a few of them started to return fire in her direction.

She pulled her rifle up and moved from her current position to a new one, all the time continuing to take out the Yakusa members. SWAT members were pouring into the property, but Kono could no longer see Doris or Wo Fat.

After about five minutes of constant gunfire it was silent.

Kono stood up and sprinted down the hill searching for Steve. She found Chin first where he was crouched down applying pressure to a SWAT guy with a gunshot wound in his leg.

Danny was next. He was cuffing a guy. She looked at him questioningly.


"Not sure Kono. I lost track of him once we entered the house."

Kono made a methodical search from room to room, but turned up nothing. She was trying to keep herself under control, but by the time she stepped into the backyard she was close to a panic attack.

That's when she spotted Steve pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair. He was looking down at his mother's earpiece in his hands.


He stopped and looked up at her as she closed the distance between them and threw herself into his arms. He wrapped her up tightly and pressed his mouth into her neck.

"They're gone."

Kono pulled back and pulled Steve's face up to look into his eyes.


"Doris and Wo Fat are gone. All members are accounted for except for the two of them. They just disappeared. I could kill her right now."

"Let's just give her a chance to turn herself in Steve."

"Yeah, like that's gonna happen. No, she used this to help him escape. I was right not to trust her. She's not the woman who raised me when I was little. I don't know this person. Maybe she was always like this and I just couldn't see it as a child. She's a great actress…my mom."

Kono pulled him close and ran her hands through his hair.

"It's okay Steve. We're both okay and we're home. Let's just enjoy that for now."

Steve gripped her tightly.

"God I love you."

That night the team sat at Duke's catching up with each other.

Kono was sitting in Steve's lap as the four of them all responded to the gentle sea breeze washing over them. At one point silence settled over the four friends and they just marveled at the fact that the family was back together. It was surreal to be home again.

Steve ran his hand up and down Kono's arm and then up into her hair as he stared out at the white caps in the darkness.

Finally Chin broke the silence.

"I'm beat you guys. I'm heading home for some much missed rest. I have a date tomorrow with Leilani and that woman is hard to keep up with."

"You like her, don't you Cousin?"

Chin smiled at Kono.

"Very much. A lot has happened while you were gone and things are getting pretty serious."

Kono slipped out of Steve's lap and embraced him.

"I'm glad Chin."

"So glad you are back. See you guys tomorrow."

Danny was next to go.

"Seems I have a certain lovely woman waiting for me at my apartment, so I better go before she gets really mad."

Steve grinned.

"So Gabby's back?"

"And then some. Gotta go guys, but I am so glad you're home."

He hugged Kono and then grabbed Steve in a man hug and was gone.

Steve held his hand out to Kono.

"Let's go home."

Even though they were both bone tired, Steve scooped Kono up and climbed the stairs to his bedroom with her cradled in his arms.

He laid her down in the center of the bed and pulled his t-shirt over his head as he kicked his shoes off and toed his socks off. He dropped the rest of his clothes and crossed to her naked in the moonlight. It didn't take him long to divest her of her clothes. She knew it was one of his favorite things to do so she laid back and enjoyed it. Once they were both naked he settled on top of her and kissed her deeply.

As he made love to her he whispered I love you several times. The way he was with her felt protective and possessive and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Why were those he loved always hurting him? She vowed never to do that to him if it was at all possible. She would love him the way he deserved.

The next morning Kono woke up to an empty bed and slipped one of Steve's t-shirts over her head to go in search of him.

He was sitting at the kitchen counter with a piece of paper in his hand and it looked like he had been crying.


One look and she was across the room and pulling him into her arms.

"What is it?"

Once they pulled back, Steve couldn't talk. He just handed the piece of paper to her.

It was just one sentence.

Try to understand, Mom.

Kono was livid.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I have no idea, but she was in here last night. I found it on the counter this morning. It's never going to be over is it?"

Kono pulled him back into her embrace.

"Someday Babe. Someday."

Four months later Steve and Kono were married on the beach in back of Steve's house. Komekona catered and all of their family and friends were there with the glaring absence of Doris.

Steve's heart swelled and his eyes got moist as he watched an absolutely radiant Kono walk towards him across the grass.

A year later their first child was born. They named her Ani, which means beautiful in Hawaiian and she was. She had her mother's dimples and her father's beautiful eyes and long lashes. Her hair was dark and curly. Their entire Ohana fell madly in love with her.

Steve swung back and forth in the hammock rubbing her back so she would go to sleep as Kono snuggled into his side.

"Did you ever think we'd be here like this?"

Steve looked down as Kono's sweet face.

"Honestly? Never in a million years. I was afraid of a relationship like this. I didn't think I'd make a very good father."

"Silly man. You're a wonderful father and your daughter loves her daddy."

"I hope some day I can teach her about Ohana and the truth about what true family looks like. I love you Kono and I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are my Ohana: You and Ani. I just wish…"

Kono knew where his thoughts were.

"That she could have known her grandmother?"

"No. Your mom is great with her. My mom was never the nurturing type. No thank you."

"You know what? I think your mom does know about her. I can't imagine her not."

"Maybe, but I don't care. All I need is right here in my arms."

He kissed Kono passionately and cuddled the now sleeping Ani close as all three drifted off to sleep.

From her spot high on the hill above Steve's house Doris watched the little family with her binoculars. She sighed and wiped away an errant tear before she packed up her things to leave.

Steve was right. She never understood the meaning of Ohana, but she was content to know her son finally did.

A/N: That's a wrap. Not sure I like the end, but that's what came to me. I know it's weird to leave things unfinished between Steve and his mom. Maybe someday I'll write one about her coming back into his life, but I think Doris is better out of her son's life for now. Take care everyone.