Star Trek Half: Movie Edition! – By Ocramed
Disclaimer: "Ranma ½" and "Star Trek" belong to their respective owners.
Note: This is a crossover/fusion story. C&C are welcomed.
Special Note: This story strictly deals with the characters of both "Ranma ½" and from the Star Trek Franchise.
Part 5: More "Nemesis!"
Upon touching down on the planet, Captain Ranma Saotome turned towards his future "First Officer" for advice…
"Alright, we're here, and the 'natives' haven't spotted us yet," Ranma said, as he held the Enterprise-E's shuttle at station. "Any suggestions before we proceed?"
"We could use 'The Argo' to help further our reconnaissance capabilities," Data offered.
"Uh, no," Ranma replied. "Why would we use the ATV if we have a shuttle? Like something out of a bad plot device…"
"Ranma, Commander Data could be right to suggest the use of your ATV," Akane interjected.
"And why is that?"
"Don't talk to me like that!"
"I'm just asking, you know! SHEESH!"
"I think I know what Mrs. Tendo is inferring," Worf said. "While half the Away Team is search for the source of the positronic signal, the other half will keep an eye on the locals, providing a distraction if need be."
"You got a point there, Ambassador Worf," Ranma said thoughtfully. "Okay, Data and I will search for the source of the signals, while you and Akane will keep an on the locals."
"Humph!" Akane fumed.
Once the plan of action was finalized, the Away Team split into pairs, with Akane and Worf using the shuttle as a spotting vehicle, while Ranma and Data utilize the Argo.
"Captain, I had thought that using the Argo was not the correct course of action," Data said.
"I'm not thrilled using this…impractical thing, but I rather have Akane up there with Worf than down here with us and the locals," Ranma said, as he drove through a box canyon. "Anyway, how far do we have to go before we hit paydirt?"
"We have five more kilometers to go before we are upon the source of the positronic signal," Data said, as he utilized his Tricorder for a complete sensor sweep of the immediate area.
"Good," Ranma replied. "The sooner we're done with the planet, the better…"
Upon their arrival to the source of the positronic signal, Ranma and Data make a startling discovery…
"Look at this," Ranma said, as he picks up the head of what appeared to be a head similar to his android officer's. "What do you think?"
Data scans the head facsimile with his Tricorder, and frowns…
"I believe that this is a Soong-type construct," Data said, as he begins to scans the surrounding area. "And I also believe that we will find other such constructs as well."
"If that's the case, how did these android parts get here?" Ranma said.
"I do not know, but I do think that we should collect these parts for further study-"
"Ranma!" said Akane over the communications link.
"Go ahead," Ranma replied. "And you don't have to yell, you know."
"Whatever. We have locals heading in your direction."
"You don't say," Ranma said with a smirk.
"I'm just trying to be helpful, you jerk!"
"Alright, already. Sheesh. Tell Ambassador Worf to provide a distraction, while we conclude our business here."
"Okay, let's go treasure hunting, Mr. Data," Ranma said.
"I do believe that we are looking for pieces, not 'treasure', sir," Data said.
"It's just a figure of speech, Data."
"Ah. I will remember that, sir."
Ranma merely rolled his eyes in reply.
Back on the Enterprise-E, in the Engineering Auxiliary, Chief Engineer LaForge makes an astounding discovery…
"Yep, this is Soong-type android, and not a phony replica," LaForge said, as he and his technical staff go over the part. "And it is working order."
"How did this android get to this planet?" Dr. Crusher asked. "Could it have been stolen from Dr. Soong's archival storage facility?"
"We're checking on that now," said Commander William Riker. "So far, there has no indication of anything of Dr. Soong has been stolen or duplicate."
"I see," Ranma said, as he nods his head. He then turned to LaForge.
"Commander, keep me apprised of the situation," Ranma said, as he begins to turn away. "Meanwhile, I have a meeting to prepare for shortly."
"Aye, sir," LaForge said.
"Captain, wait," Data said, as he turned to walk towards Ranma.
"Yes?" Ranma replied.
"I would like to have your permission to reassemble this android," Data said. "Perhaps, we can learn as to the reason the Soong android was here in its logs?"
"Mr. Data, right now, the Romulans are a priority," Ranma said. "Secondly, from what I recall from the Enterprise-D's mission logs, didn't you have a brother named 'Lore' who was, shall we say, problematic?"
"Are you implying that putting together the android will pose a danger to this ship, sir?" Data asked.
"I am implying is that we do not know why a Soong-type android is in the Neutral Zone emitting a positronic signals," Ranma said. "Besides, can't you find out what is in the android's memory banks or whatever without the need for full assembly, or are your sentiments over discovering a possible brother overriding your judgment?"
"My 'feelings' are no different than yours, when you were willing to take risks to save your family from the So'na," Data said.
"I see," Ranma said. "Okay, then, consult with LaForge on this…assembly project of yours. And I want full documentation of each and every step you will be undertaking to assemble your…brother."
"Thank you, sir," Data replied, as he turned around to go back to LaForge and his team, and where the pieces of the Soong-type were lying…
"Sir?" Riker said to Ranma, concerned about what just took place.
"Nothing," Ranma replied. "I'm just reminded of the arguments I used to have with my science officer back on the first Enterprise."
"You mean, with Ambassador Spock," Riker said.
"Of course I mean him," Ranma said with a scoff. He then turned towards Dr. Crusher.
"Doc, if you're not too busy, I need to have a physical."
"You're not scheduled to have one until next month," Dr. Crusher replied.
"Yeah, I know. But I want one."
"Fine, let's go," Dr. Crusher said with a frustrated sigh. "Let's go…"
"Sir?" Riker asked.
"Yeah, the missus is still, well, ticked off at me, supposedly for yelling at her down on the planet, and the last thing I want is to be back in my quarters right now," Ranma said.
"Ah," Riker said with a smile.
"Hey, don't get so smug, Number One," Ranma said. "You being a newly-wed is nice and fine, but get your woman upset at you, and you'll feel like a 'number two', too."
"I see," Riker said with a nod. "I'll keep that in mind…"
Soon, the Enterprise-E arrives at the meeting site, where the crew's escort is waiting.
"Welcome to Romulus space, Captain Saotome," said a Romulan female, who appeared on screen. "I am Commander Donatra, and I will be your escort to the Romulan homeworld."
"Hello, commander," Ranma replied with a nod. "I must say that it is an honor to meet the new praetor so soon, after, um, the change of government."
"Well, we all have to adapt to new circumstances, I suppose," Donatra replied. "Once we reach the homeworld, you will be met with Ambassador Spock, who will brief you on the situation."
"Good," Ranma said. "And when we will meet with the new praetor?"
"Ambassador Spock will give you the details on that," Donatra replied. "Nevertheless, until we reach Romulus, please stay on the designated flight plan. I would hate to see anything be misconstrued if there was a misunderstanding of your instructions."
"Me, too," Ranma replied.
With that, the lines of communications were severed.
"She seemed nice," Riker said sarcastically.
"Nice is not the word I would describe," Ranma said.
"Captain!" Counselor Troi said in alarm, having read Ranma's surface thoughts.
"What?" Ranma said defensively. "And by the way, I don't appreciate you reading my mind, you know."
"Sir, I do not read minds, but your emotions were too 'hot' to ignore."
"Whatever," Ranma replied. "I know who I am, and I know where WE are going…"
Ranma turned towards Lt. Wesley Crusher, who was at the Conn Panel.
"Mr. Crusher, you know what to do," Ranma said.
"Aye, sir," Wesley replied, as his fingers danced over the Conn Panel. "Course and speed established."
"Okay," Ranma said. "Let's move."
And, with the Romulan ship serving as escort, the Enterprise-E heads for Romulus, not knowing that its starship commander is about to face the fruits of his past…