The first few weeks after Bala's birth were spent in near seclusion as the trio got to know the new addition to their family. Kya made it very clear from the beginning that she expected her husbands to share in the care of their baby. While the feeding of the babe naturally was something only she could do, the brothers were perfectly capable of changing diapers and she made sure they did so often.

Fili learned quite quickly that leaving male babies uncovered for too long sometimes resulted in an unpleasant shower directly in one's face. On the other hand, Kili could not understand why newborn diapers were so disgustingly smelly.

"How can milk transform to such a smelly nasty mess inside that little body? It defies all logic." he complained.

"It's magic." Kya replied through her giggles at the face Kili was making as he changed Bala's diaper.

"Nasty evil magic." he grumbled.

At last Kya was declared healed from the birth and Bala was as healthy as could be. It was time for the presentation ceremony.

The great hall was filled with happy dwarves as Fili and Kili escorted Kya, with Bala in her arms down the center aisle to join Thorin. They stood at the king's side as he addressed the waiting crowd.

"It is with great pleasure I announce the birth of Crown Prince Fili's heir. All hail Prince Bala."

The crowd erupted in cheers as Thorin took the baby from Kya, uncovering him for all to see. The child let out a lusty cry as the cool air touched his skin, letting his displeasure be known. After a few moments, Thorin returned the babe to Kya who quickly rewrapped him and held him close to warm him.

The ceremony complete, it was time for the feast, which went on for most of the night. There was dancing and music. The brothers coaxed Kya out onto the dance floor, leaving Bala in the care of her mother while they whirled and laughed, returning breathless to reclaim their child. They accepted the congratulations of many friends and acquaintances and Kya was always happy to show off her son to any who asked to see him. Finally they returned to their rooms, exhausted.

"Are you sure you can handle him, Uncle?" Kya asked as she handed Bala to Thorin.

"Lass, I helped raise both your husbands from the moment they were born. I can certainly care for my great-nephew for a few hours." Thorin replied. "Now go, have fun and don't worry."

Kya left with her husbands for the promised picnic and sparring outside the mountain. They did not venture far, staying within sight of the gates. They found a nice spot, spread out a blanket and set the basket of food on it.

"First, let's spar." suggested Fili. They took their places and began, the brothers going gently on her due to her lack of practice during her pregnancy. It did not take long for her skills to come back, forcing them to step up their game, although she tired quickly and had to call a halt.

"Enough." she panted. "Maybe we can do more late but I need a break now." She collapsed onto the blanket.

"That was good." Fili commented as he sat next to her. "Aye, you just need to build up your stamina again" agreed Kili as he flopped down on her other side.

"I know. I'll have to fit practice into my schedule a couple of times a week. Perhaps with Arna, if she has the time." she replied as she caught her breath.

"Aye, that would be good and we should be able to free up some time to help you as well." Fili said, leaning over to kiss her, trying to distract her from Kili, who was stealthily trying to slip a hand up her skirt.

He failed as she swatted at Kili, pulling away from Fili's kisses to object. "Stop it. Not here. Anyone could see us."

"So? What's wrong with them seeing their princes loving their princess?" Kili asked with a mischievous grin.

"Quite a lot is wrong with that, actually." she retorted.

"I have a solution." Fili said as he got up. Kili joined him as he pulled a bundle out from some nearby bushes. Within minutes the two set up a crude tent, shielding them from view.

"There, now no one can see." Fili grinned.

"But they'll be able to hear." she protested feebly, seeing that they had planned this out and not really wanting to object anymore.

Kili looked up at the gate, more than a half mile away. "If they hear us at this distance then we'll know we're doing it right." he laughed.

Kya had to laugh as well. "Fine, since you're being so persistent, I guess I can allow it. But you'd better make it worth it." she challenged.

"Oh, we will." Fili promised as he held out a hand to help her up.

He led her to the tent. He began kissing her as Kili slipped up behind her. Fili kept her lips occupied as they undressed her. Once her clothing was pooled around her feet, he let her go as Kili turned her to claim her lips for himself. Fili gathered up her clothing and set it aside, removing her boots and stockings while he was down there. He stripped off his own clothing and boots and pulled her away from Kili, caressing her nude body as he began kissing her again. Fili guided her down to the blanket, his kisses moving from her lips down her neck. Kili removed his own clothing and joined them, kissing and caressing his way up her legs.

Kili gently spread her legs as he went, crawling between them as he reached his goal. He ran his tongue between her folds, eliciting a gasp from her lips. He grinned and went to work with fingers and tongue, finding her nub to flick while he gently slipped a finger inside her. Meanwhile, Fili was surprised to feel a hand slip between his legs to grasp him firmly and looked up to see Kya smirking lustfully at him.

"I want to taste you." she growled. Fili's eyes widened but he quickly moved so that she could reach him with her mouth. This required Kili to shift position a bit as she rolled to her side but he quickly adjusted and got back to work. Fili groaned as he felt her mouth envelop him, her hand gently cupping his balls. She released him and began sucking and licking up and down his shaft, pausing now and then to moan as Kili did something particularly pleasurable to her.

It became something of a game as she was determined to pleasure Fili and Kili was determined to distract her from her efforts. He slipped a second finger inside her while working her nub hard and she lost her concentration as she panted and moaned. She rallied, taking Fili into her mouth once more, swirling her tongue around the tip to make him moan and thrust slightly. Kili countered this by slipping a third finger inside and pumping them in and out. She thrust against his hand, letting Fili fall from her lips as she moaned loudly. Kili's tongue went back to her nub and within a minute she came hard, crying out her pleasure. After a moment Fili shifted to get up and she grabbed him.

"Don't move, I'm not done with you yet." she panted. Kili slipped from between her legs looking smug. She looked up at him and smirked. "Gloat now, you'll get yours soon enough." she promised. She rolled onto her knees, pushing Fili over so she was between his legs.

She looked back at Kili and wiggled her arse. "Do you need a written invitation, love?" she asked. Both dwarves eyes widened. Who was this vixen that had replaced their wife? Not that they were complaining. It had been many many months since they'd been intimate like this. She must have missed it as much as they had.

She brought her attention back to Fili's shaft as Kili took his place behind her. She licked and kissed and sucked up and down and around cause Fili to gasp and moan. Kili carefully positioned himself before sliding into her slick opening. Her groans mixed with his as he filled her. He trust into her gently and slowly, no games this time, as he wanted to enjoy the feel of her around him. She continued working on Fili, bringing him closer and closer to completion. He tried to pull away, warning her that his end was near but she held him still, increasing her efforts until he could no longer hold back, spilling down her throat as she swallowed rapidly. She licked him clean and then grinned up at him before turning to look at Kili over her shoulder.

"Harder and faster." she ordered. Kili obeyed, grasping her hips as he thrust into her. She thrust back at him as she began to pant and gasp. Kili's breath quickened as well. Fili moved out of the way and positioned himself so he could watch her face in fascination. Her eyes closed and moans fell from her lips as Kili took her hard and fast as requested. He winced a bit at the force involved but he could tell by the look on her face that she felt nothing but pleasure. It wasn't long before both Kya and Kili were crying out in pleasure. Kili nearly collapsed on top of her as she shuddered beneath him. After a few moments Kili withdrew, falling to the blanket beside her.

She rolled onto her back and sighed happily. "That felt so good." She looked over at Fili. "I want you to do that to me next." she told him.

"It'd be my pleasure but I think you need a break first and maybe some food." he answered.

"Oh aye. I'm very hungry." she agreed. Fili fetched the basket and they dove into it's contents. After they finished they packed up the leftovers and moved the basket out of the way.

"Now it's time for my dessert." Kya said with a grin as she motioned Kili over.

"Dessert?" he asked, puzzled. "I didn't see any dessert." He sat down where she pointed.

Sometimes he was so clueless. "You're my dessert, Kili." she told him as she crawled between his legs. She picked up the jar that she had held back from the food cleanup. Opening it, she drizzled part of the contents over Kili's body. "Oops, how careless of me. I've spilled honey all over you. Let me clean it up."

Fili nearly fell over laughing as Kili continued to be clueless. "Why'd you do that, Kya? Now I'm all sticky. How are you going to clean…" he broke off as she ran her tongue over his skin, licking up the honey. "Oh." Kili half moaned, half exclaimed as realization dawned. He lay back as she moved over him seeking out and lapping up all the honey from his chest and stomach. She continued down, drizzling a bit more honey on his now hardened shaft before licking it clean. Kili moaned and shuddered as her tongue sought out every bit of honey.

She turned to look at Fili and with a wiggle of her upturned arse invited him over. She continued her search for honey on Kili as Fili slipped a hand between her thighs. He played with her for a few minutes until she was thrusting gently back at him, then positioned himself to slide all the way into her with one thrust. They moaned together as he filled her. He thrust in and out of her slowly as she turned her attention back to Kili's shaft. Kili was already close and it was just a few more minutes before she swallowed him, just as she had Fili. Releasing Kili, who moved to the side, she looked back at Fili and smiled. He grinned back and took her hard. She cried out, causing Kili to look at her in concern and Fili to pause but her next words reassured them both.

"Oh that's perfect. Don't stop."

She braced herself on her arms and thrust back at Fili, moaning and panting. Fili gripped her hips, slamming into her hard and fast. She cried out with pleasure for every thrust and Kili was sure that they could hear her up at the gates, she was that loud. With a throaty scream she found her release, Fili following a minute later with a cry of his own.

They rested awhile then dressed and packed up. It was time to head back into the mountain.

They stopped by Thorin's rooms to pick up their son. Thorin chuckled as they entered, taking in their disheveled appearances. "Looks like you had fun."

Kya blushed as Fili answered for them. "Aye. It was good to get out in the fresh air."

"Did he give you any trouble?" she asked as she reached to take the baby. That's when they discovered that Bala had a firm grip on a lock of Thorin's hair.

"No. He was very good. Ouch." Thorin replied as he reached up to try to untangle the little hand from his hair. Kili came over to help and between them managed to do it. "Amazing grip the little fellow has." Thorin commented. They all chuckled. They talked for a few minutes more.

"I don't mean to be rude but I'd really like to get home. I'm still a bit sticky and I'd like a bath." Kili said.

Thorin raised an eyebrow. "I don't want to know." he said, picking up the bag of baby things and handing it to a chuckling Fili as they left.

Time passed and Bala grew, hitting all the milestones at all the right times. He was a quite typical dwarfling, except for the mischievous streak that emerged just about the time he learned to crawl.

Kya was playing on the floor with her son, encouraging him to crawl to her. After a few false starts, he did so, crawling right to her lap. She scooped him up, cuddling him close, praising him warmly.

"That's my good boy. I knew you could do it." she cooed at him. She put him back down and he promptly crawled away from her, off the blanket and towards the door. She quickly got up and turned him around, only for him to turn and crawl around her, heading for the door again. She picked him up and put him back on the blanket and distracted him with some toys.

Fili and Kili arrived home not much later and Kya called them into the sitting room. They no sooner entered the room when Bala let out a giggle and crawled right towards them. He stopped at their feet and held up his arms "Daddy." he said.

The adults all grinned. "Crawling and first word, all in the same day." Fili said bending to pick up the babe. "You're such a smart one, my son." he finished cuddling the child to him.

However Bala was not pleased and struggled to get away, reaching his arms out towards Kili. "Daddy" he said again.

Kili took the child from his brother, "Am I your daddy, Bala?" he asked.

"Daddy" Bala said again, snuggling into Kili's arms and yawning. Getting comfortable, he closed his eyes and went to sleep in Kili's arms.

Fili just looked at them, half proud, half upset. "How come you're daddy and I'm not?" he asked.

Kili shrugged and carefully sat in a chair, shifting the sleeping child to his chest, fully prepared to be a bed for as long as Bala would sleep.

Kya got up and hugged Fili in comfort. "He's not called me Mama yet. Just be patient, he'll call you Papa soon"

Bala did name them soon after but Kili, his daddy, remained his favorite. Whenever Kili was home, Bala would only want to play with him, crawling after him and sleeping on him.

But when mealtimes came, woe to anyone who came between him and his Mama.

Kya and Fili were taking advantage of Bala's obsession with Kili by spending some time together. They had gotten rather involved and lost track of time when Bala's cries rang out from the other room.

"Mama, Mama, MaaaaMaaaa." he cried, the last one coming out in a wail. Kili tried in vain to quiet him.

"Mama will be here soon, little one." he soothed. "It won't be long." Bala just struggled in his arms and cried until Kya appeared from the bedroom with a robe hastily thrown over her shoulders, hurrying to take the child and put him to her breast.

Fili entered the room a moment later, disheveled and grumpy. "You have the worst timing, my son." he grumbled.

Kili raised an eyebrow and stifled his laughter at the look on his brother's face. "So how close…" he trailed off.

"Nearly there and then he cried and she nearly threw me off the bed as she got up." Fili replied.

Kili could no longer hold it in and laughed until he collapsed on the floor.

"Laugh now, brother," Fili warned. "It'll happen to you eventually."

"And you'll laugh just as hard at me." retorted Kili through his laughter.

Before long Balin was walking and Kya was at her wit's end. She could not take her eye off of him for a second or he was into something he shouldn't.

"Bala, no. Don't play with Mama's yarn." she cried as she untangled him from her now ruined knitting. She put him into the playpen.

"Behave while Mama makes lunch." she told him. A few minutes later a crash had her running back into the room where she found the child had somehow climbed out of his pen and was now happily tangled in her yarn again. Her yarn box was knocked over and how he'd managed that, she'd never know since the thing weighed more than he did.

"Bala, no." she scolded as she untangled him once again. "When your fathers get home, they are baby proofing this place better."

After hearing the story of her day, Fili and Kili did just that. Kili going so far as to crawl around the floor at Bala's level to find anything they missed. Her yarn box was moved to her workroom, which was kept locked and she insisted that they start building a locking cabinet for their weapons.

"He can't reach them now but at the rate he's going it won't be long." she told them.