*sobs because i just realized that i haven't updated in almost a year* I am extremely sorry for the delay, guys! I haven't had the time to work on my fanfics for the past two semesters because I just started having my major subjects for Occupational Therapy then, so I had to work my ass of and focus. Fortunately, I survived, and now here I am with the next chapter of This Means War! I got inspired to write again knowing that I have the time because it's currently summer here in the Philippines and my favorite Gruvia fanfics have just been updated recently, so yay! Also, thank you to everyone who reviewed in the previous chapter! As well as those who followed and added This Means War to their Fav. Stories List! That inspired me as well to get my shit together :)

Anyway, here are the results of the votes so far:

Gruvia: 21 | Lyvia: 6

Guest: I'm glad you love the story :) And don't worry, I'll guarantee that Lyon, whatever may happen, will have a happy ending!

Goddess Assassin: I'm glad you love the story and these kinds of AUs! I hope this chapter won't change your mind about that.

Guest: Thank you for your kind words, Guest! I'm so glad you love how the story is going so far :)

gruvia raid: As requested, more dates! And omg, a Hollywood U player! I'm so addicted to that game, even up until now ahahaha Yes, it was Ethan who said that :)

Lexi-nee: You should feel special, because you really motivated me the last time you reviewed! I hope you like this chapter as well :)

Guest: Thank you for pointing out that I had a few mistakes on the previous chapter. Constructive criticism really helps :) And I get what you meant about how Juvia is depicted in some fanfics. It can be quite annoying how some authors over-exaggerate the way they write about Juvia, but I guess it is what it is. I hope the way I write about her isn't too much or OOC, though lol That's been my goal since day 1.

Kyogan-Saori: Aww, you're adorable! Thank you :)

RiverSong5: I have now updated! huhu Please forgive me :(

Disclaimer: I doughnut own Fairy Tail. If I did I would be an amazing artist :( (hashtag my drawings suck but don't forget to check me out on Tumblr ;))

This Means War
Chapter 7: Tonight was…?

"Hello, this is Lyon Vastia. I'm not available at the moment, so just leave your message for me after the beep."

After the beep was heard, Gray started talking. "Hey Lyon, it's Gray. So, I don't know why you're not here right now, but in case you forgot it's movie night tonight at my place with Meredy. So, yeah, just call me when you get this message 'cause we want pizza." He pressed the button to end the call and turned to the pinkette sitting on his couch. "I don't know why that guy is late. I guess we'll just have to order ourselves, kiddo."

"The pizza isn't what's important right now!" Meredy heaved a sigh. "It's just that this might be the last time we'll get to hang out like this before I enter college, and Uncle Lyon's never late for movie night, so what if he might've, you know, forgotten?"

Gray took a seat next to his niece on the couch and put an arm around her. "Meredy, Lyon didn't forget. I'm sure he's just in the bathroom, or something. You know how he takes his time "scrubbing the germs away"." he said, mocking his brother's British accent.

Meredy laughed and leaned on her uncle's shoulder. "I just want us to be complete- the three of us. I'm going to miss you guys so much."

"Hey," Gray turned her around to face him. "What's this drama all about? It's not like we're going anywhere. Besides, if you need me at Crocus, I'm there for you anytime, got it? I'm only a four-hour drive away."

Meredy smiled. "Thanks Uncle Gray."

"Anytime, kiddo." Gray smiled back at her and ruffled her hair. "So what flavor are we getting? I'm calling (1) Big3."

"Four Cheese, please!"

Lyon was a traditional man. He liked to woo his women the old-fashioned way, but it never proved to be effective most of the time, especially since everyone thought they were outdated and, as some of the teenagers call it nowadays, lame. He wondered why most people lost that custom, for it valued respect and more appreciation towards their significant other.

But hey, if Gray had all these girls lining up for him because of these manners, then why the hell not?

But, then again, maybe it was just because those women didn't want that kind of respect anymore, because they didn't respect themselves…

Lyon groaned in frustration. Ever since he and Gray had their little talk about Juvia, he had been formulating all these plans on how to make her choose him over his brother. He lost his confidence on his mission to find love when he found out that his enemy was no other than Gray, the guy who could get any woman he wanted with just a snap of his finger.

But Lyon knew Juvia wasn't that kind of girl. Juvia wasn't easy, and that was a big advantage for him because maybe, maybe she might just choose him; someone who would take it slow, yet reminded the woman that he was eager to have her in his life.

Not someone who would take it too fast only to break up the day after.

So tonight he decided to take Juvia to Blue Pegasus, a bar and lounge that would offer a refreshing experience with a relaxed setting, bottle service, and a world-class experience of good taste and good music. He wanted a place where they could get to know each other even better first and knew that this place was perfect.

"This place looks fancy." Juvia commented, in awe of the sight she was seeing. Not only was she in a place where everyone dressed their best as if all of them were of high status, but it was also located on the deck of one of the tallest buildings in Magnolia, where she could see the busy streets and city lights from above just about everywhere she turned. "The view up here is amazing."

"I agree." Lyon said, not looking at what the bluenette was talking about, but the bluenette herself. His date looked stunning tonight. Her outfit wasn't like anything the rest of the people in the room were wearing, but that was because it was just a denim over denim jacket and dress along with a pair of brown ankle boots. Compared to everyone else, who were wearing different shades of neon and outrageously flashy outfits, Juvia's was pretty simple, and he liked that. "Shall we?"

Juvia followed Lyon as he lead the way to their table. It wasn't too far from the stage or the bar, just right in the middle, and she thought it was perfect. As she took her seat, she asked, "Does Lyon-kun often go to places like these?"

"Only when I want to relax." Lyon answered.

"So these are the types of places that Lyon-kun find relaxing?"

"Well, there's good music and great food. What more could I ask for?" he said, and Juvia couldn't agree more. He then signaled for a waiter to start taking their orders.

A short boy with a slim stature and blonde bowl cut hair, whom they presumed as their waiter, walked over to their table. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and navy blue pants, complementing the tie around his neck, and brown leather shoes, something more casual compared to the rest of the crowd. "What will Sir and Madame be having tonight?"

"Do you drink?" Lyon asked her as he scanned through the menu.

Juvia shook her head. "Juvia prefers not to."

Lyon mentally slapped himself in the face when he heard that. Way to go, Lyon. Take her to a place where the whole point of it is something she doesn't do. "I apologize, Juvia-chan. I didn't know."

Juvia smiled apologetically, feeling bad. "It's okay, Lyon-kun. Even though Juvia doesn't drink, she thinks that these buffalo wings look to die for."

"They are our best seller, Ma'am." The waiter said.

Lyon thanked the heavens that Juvia was a nice woman. With a smile, he said, "Then I guess we'll be having that. Anything else?"

Juvia closed the menu. "That would be fine. Thank you."

"I'll have some cheesy nachos and a bottle of (2) Mule, please, uh, Eve-san." Lyon said, taking note of the boy's name tag.

"Excellent choice, Sir. If you'll excuse me." And with that, he left.

Lyon turned to Juvia. "Juvia-chan, I'm really sorry. I honestly didn't know that you don't drink."

Juvia waved her hands in front of him. "Lyon-kun, it's fine. Juvia knows what you did wasn't intentional. Besides, whether Juvia drinks or not, she would've loved to go here. It looks like so much fun."

Lyon smiled. "It is. Wait 'til the bands start playing."

Juvia raised a brow at him. "Bands? Like a concert?"

Lyon laughed. "Juvia-chan, no. It's not a concert where we stand near the stage and rave to the music. It's more like we stay here and relax while we listen to them play. It's just a bunch of local bands, though, but that's what keeps it interesting."

"Juvia's sorry. She's never been to a lounge before."

"But you've been to a concert?"

Juvia chuckled. "Once. Juvia's ex-boyfriend took her to see this band called, uh, Space Rats (A/N.: It came out randomly lol), was it? It wasn't a pleasant experience. Juvia didn't enjoy it at all."

Ignoring the fact that she just said "ex-boyfriend", Lyon chuckled. "I've never heard of them, and because of what you said I probably wouldn't ever want to."

That made her laugh. "Lyon-kun is funny. Has he ever been to a concert?"

"More like orchestras. I love classical music." Lyon then thought about his first time he went to an orchestra. He was only twelve years of age then, and, with much insistence, Ul took him Onibus Theater. It was the first of the many times he's went to shows with her, and he still thought it was the best.

"Juvia sees. Does Lyon-kun know how to play any instruments?"

"I play violin." Lyon stated. "But I've gotten pretty rusty since I haven't been playing in a while."

Juvia clasped her hands together. "Juvia loves the volin!"

"Do you play?"

She shook her head. "Unfortunately, Juvia doesn't know how to play any instruments, unless unprofessional drumming and the triangle counts?" she said, making Lyon laugh hard. "Juvia would love to hear you play, though."

Lyon took her hand from across the table and gave it a small kiss, which caused her to blush. "One day."

"Hello, this is Lyon Vastia. I'm not available at the mo-"

Gray ended the call before it could finish saying what he had been hearing for the fourteenth time that night. The pizza had already been delivered and he and Meredy were already halfway through the movie, (3) Hachiiko, Meredy decided, and his brother still hadn't arrived nor has he heard from him.

"Where the hell is he?" Gray hissed as he typed his nth text message for him.

[To Lyon Vastia (8:58 PM)]

For real, where the hell are you? We can't keep waiting for you, asshole.

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

"He's not coming, is he?"

Gray averted his gaze from his phone to look at his niece, who was staring mindlessly at the television screen in front of her. The movie was at the part where the dog's master just died without the dog knowing. Surely that would have been a tear-jerker for Meredy, but not tonight, he assumed. "I don't know, kiddo. I'm sorry."

Meredy sighed deeply and turned the movie off. "I'm not really enjoying this. Sorry if I had to spoil the mood, Uncle Gray."

"Don't worry, kid, it was getting sappy anyways." Gray said. "Are you up for anything else?"

Meredy shrugged. (4) "Black Ops II?"

Gray smirked. "Now you're talking."

"Water. I need water." Lyon said almost desperately, coughing after taking a bite of the buffalo wings Juvia ordered without realizing that it was blazing hot. She, on the other hand, was just sitting there and clutching her stomach as she laughed at him. She felt bad for doing so, but she enjoyed watching her date's face turn as red as a tomato. "Juvia-chan, please!"

Juvia rolled her eyes and handed him her glass of water, which he downed immediately followed by his first bottle of beer. "You could've given it to me earlier."

"Lyon-kun is overreacting. It really isn't that spicy."

"What the hell, Juvia-chan? I could feel the steam blowing off of my ears!"

Again, Juvia laughed. "Whatever you say, Lyon-kun."

A few minutes after finishing their dinner along with small talks that enabled them to learn more about each other, it was time for the local bands to play.

"Good Evening, everyone. We are Jazzup (A/N.: Again, a random thought lol) and we hope you're having a great night." And so they played their music. Their genre was Jazz, evidently heard by the trumpets being played in the background.

"Juvia loves this kind of music." Juvia pointed out.

Lyon smiled. "It's very relaxing, is it not?"

"The singer is pretty good as well." she said as she admired the woman holding the mic. It amazed her how Jazz singers could do so much with their voice. It felt like they entered her soul and gave her soul. "Juvia loves it."

"Well, I'm happy to see that you two are enjoying yourselves." Just then, an elderly bald man wearing a purple spaghetti-strap shirt accessorized by a gold and fuchsia hoop necklace and purple and pink-striped shorts walked over to their table and introduced himself as the owner of Blue Pegasus.

Lyon didn't know how to react, bothered by the man's get-up. Aside from the outrageous outfit he was wearing, he also had makeup on and small angel wings at the back of his shirt. "Um, yes. You have a great place here, Mr., uh…"

"It's Bob."

"Mr. Bob. It's all really great."

Juvia, on the other hand, nodded in agreement without judging the cross-dressing man. "Juvia agrees. She is having the best time."

"You two are such a cute couple! How long have you two been together?" Bob asked.

"Uh, well…" Lyon scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly at Juvia. "This only our second date, actually."

"Well, you took her to the perfect place my boy." Bob said as he patted Lyon's shoulder. "I hope the lady approves of the place and agrees on a third date, hm?" He said as he gave Juvia a mischievous look.

"Like Juvia said, Mr. Bob, she is having the best time here, and also, she would love a third date with Lyon-kun." Juvia smiled at Lyon, who smiled at her brightly in return.

"Well, that's good to hear. Make sure to stay long enough for all the bands to finish. Most of them are going to play original songs, and I personally love this band's next song." Bob said as he looked at the stage. Indeed, the current band playing wasn't disappointing them so far with their music, and the pair as well looked forward to their upcoming songs. "Anyway, I have to go check on my other customers. You two have a great night!" Bob then walked to another table, but not before taking Juvia's hand and placing a small kiss on it.

Juvia giggled as she watched the bald man walking away from them. "Well, that was interesting. Don't you think so, too, Lyon-kun?"

Lyon smiled at the bluenette in front of him. He was fascinated with the way Juvia handled herself in front of strangers. She was a natural charmer, and Lyon guessed that was one of the many reasons he was so drawn to her.

Maybe that's what got Gray to like her as well?

Lyon brushed off the thought and decided that he wasn't going to let that bother him. There was no way he was going to let his brother have the woman in front of him for himself.

Juvia is mine, and I don't plan on sharing her.

After a few bands and a couple more beers for Lyon, he and Juvia had hit the dance floor. It was awkward at first, considering that it was party music playing and the two were surrounded by people a few years younger than them, but eventually they just blended in with the crowd.

Juvia was having the time of her life jumping to the music playing. The last time she did this was way back in college on parties, only a little less wild. She grabbed Lyon's and swayed them along with hers. "This is so much fun, Lyon-kun!"

Lyon laughed at how Juvia was behaving. The woman he was with an hour ago was completely refined and sophisticated, and now here she was, crazy on the dance floor. He just couldn't seem to keep up with her, but he sure was having a good time seeing this side of her. "Calm down, Juvia-chan!" he shouted at her over the music.

"Okay, Juvia will calm down." she said with a laugh. "Juvia will just go to the restroom, alright?"

Lyon nodded and watched his date walk to the elevator. The restroom was on the floor below them, and he figured that she might take a while because she probably wanted to freshen up after all that dancing.

He walked back to their table and leaned on it. He sighed in content. Tonight was a good night., he thought. He definitely made the right decision bringing Juvia here, and he was glad that she was having a good time. He as well felt the same, knowing that there would be no time for him to relax once he was back at the office where a stack of paperwork was waiting for him.

He suddenly felt his phone vibrate on his pocket and took it. His raised a brow when he saw that he had twenty-one missed calls from his brother, five from his niece, and thirty-two text messages. He then went to his contacts and called Meredy.

"The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try again later."

"I wonder what this is about." He said as he went through some of his messages.

[To: Lyon Vastia (5:43 PM)]

Lyon, it's almost 6 o'clock and Meredy just arrived. What time will you get here?

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

[To: Lyon Vastia (6:03)]

Uncle Lyon, it's 6 o'clock already! Where are you? And what movie do you want to watch?

[From: Meredy Milkovich]

[To: Lyon Vastia (6:30 PM)]

I think I wanna watch Hachiiko. What do you think? :)

[From: Meredy Milkovich]

[To: Lyon Vastia (6:45 PM)]

It's almost 7 o'clock. Where the hell are you? Also, we want pizza, so you better get here with some.

[From Gray Fullbuster]

[To: Lyon Vastia (6:59 PM)]

That's it, we're starting the movie without you. We already ordered pizza, by the way, but if you already bought some that would be great, too.

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

[To: Lyon Vastia (7:32 PM)]

You better be in the bathroom shitting or something this whole time, asshole. I'm going to kill you when you get here.

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

[To: Lyon Vastia (8:58 PM)]

For real, where the hell are you? We can't keep waiting for you, asshole.

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

[To: Lyon Vastia (9:00 PM)]

Guess weren't gonna show after all :'(

[From: Meredy Milkovich]

[To: Lyon Vastia (10:03 PM)]

Nice going, Lyon. Meredy officially hates you.

[From: Gray Fullbuster]

"Shit." Lyon cursed as he ran a hand along his face. He completely forgot that tonight was their usual movie night, and not only that, it was their last movie night before Meredy was off to college. He glanced at the time and saw that it was almost eleven o'clock. He quickly dialed Gray's number and placed his phone on his ear. "Hello?"

"Well, look who finally decided to call." Lyon heard his brother's voice on the other end and noticed that it didn't sound friendly at all. "What do you want?"

"Please put Meredy on the phone."

"No can do, Lyon. She and I are-"

"Gray, please." Lyon pleaded.

"Look, it's too late, asshole. She's asleep." Gray said, cutting him off. "She also officially hates you now, by the way."

Lyon groaned in frustration. "How could I have forgotten?"

"You tell me. Usually I'm the one you have to remind for this."

Lyon sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, Gray. I was-"

"I don't care, Lyon. And don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Meredy." And with that, Gray hung up.

Lyon's face paled at what he had just found out. Meredy was his one and only neice, and now she hated him, officially, and that was because he was so ignorant. He was so busy planning his and Juvia's date that he completely forgot about movie night.

Lyon let out another sigh and put his phone back on his pocket. He was disappointed in himself for letting something as simple as that slip his mind, but then again he knew that if that hadn't happened Juvia wouldn't be enjoying herself as much as she did right now. Family was his main priority, but he had to do this for himself, knowing that this was one of the few lucky chances he would get at having love again.

Lyon took Juvia's jacket and decided to meet her downstairs. It was getting late, so he should take the girl home. He also had work the next day, so he wouldn't want to be too tired for that.

Tonight was a good night, but it just didn't end well.

(1) Big3 was a pizza place located here in Balibago, Angeles City, Philippines. Unfortuantely, it had to close down for some unknown reasons, but damn their food was good!

(2) Mule is like a beer or vodka? It tastes pretty good, and my friends and I haven't been partying without it lately (I don't drink, though).


(4) Call of Duty: Black Ops II is one of my favorite ps3 games. My cousins and I used to play it all the time every summer. Any players here?

If there were any grammatical errors or facts written on this chapter that I got wrong, please correct me! Constructive criticism is well appreciated, and forgive my writing if it has gone poor. I'm a little rusty :(

Review ^^