Okay this is an idea my partner made and I like the idea. This has some thinks and moments that some people my find offensive of my apologies if they do, we are simply doing this for fun.

As you may or may not know I have been working together with wolfprackersson09 with several stories we have been working on together, such as this one. If you are interested then check them out, they are on his profile. Also a shout out to any reader who are artist as well. My partner and I are looking for out DevianART for our stories, both the ones we do ourselves and together. Anyone who wants to please let us know. One may even have their art be use as our cover for our stories.

If there are any spelling or grammar errors and if there are please tell me so I can fix them later. Thank you too all those who reviewed, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer; Lets get this over with. I do not own anything Bleach, the manga not the liquid, and I don't even own any Darkstalker games. My partner says he does not own them either and I believe him. Unless he is fooling me to do this for free publicity. He wouldn't would he?

Darkstalker Bleach

Chapter one; Succubi, Hollows and Shinigami

(Story starts)

Ichigo Kurosaki, 15 years old high school student. He would never say he was normal. His hair was a bright color orange and people assume that he dyed it but it was natural. Because of that many people thought he was a trouble maker and he got into more then a few fights.

In fact he was just beating a bunch of punks right now, but he had a good reason. The punks were skateboarding down the ally and knocked over a glass jar that was filled with water and flowers. They were placed there as a way to pay respect to the little girl that die recently. Ichigo glared down at the punks and pointed to the pole where the ghost of a little girl with a broken chain on her chest stood. "Don't apologize to me, say it to her. Or next time those flowers will be for you." He demanded in a dark tone that nearly made them wet themselves.

"We're Sorry!" they cried out before they ran as if the hounds of hell were snapping at their heels.

Ichigo sighed before he walked over and fixed the knocked over bottle. The girl smiled at him, "Thank you nii-chan. Maybe I can move on now."

Ichigo gave her a small smiled and rubbed her head, "I will bring new flower tomorrow. Go on and go to heaven now." He said as he walked out of the ally for home. The girl waved goodbye at him as he moved out of sight.

That was another thing about Ichigo, he was able to see and talk to ghost. He was able to for as long as he could remember. But even then that was not the strangest thing about his family he reminded himself as he walked to his front door. As he went inside he cried out, "I'm home."


"YOUR LATE!" was the sound of his father shout before Ichigo was kicked in the face. Ichigo fell onto his butt holding his sore face as his father Isshen lectured over him. "When I say dinner is at seven it means you are to be home at seven. So where were-"


This time Isshen was hit over the head the head, causing him to land face first into the hard wood floor, by a tall full figure woman with dark hair. "Damn it dad, we are old enough not to have a curfew at seven pm. And to make it worst you hit Ich-nii." She moved so she was kneeing behind Ichigo and moved him so his head was in her lap, "Poor Ich-nii let me make it all better."

Ichigo groaned, "Karin knock it off," he muttered and he moved his had look up at her face, and her breast as they were also in the view.

Another woman with the same figure and much lighter hair wearing an apron, a small tank top and shorts called from the kitchen. "Please don't fight. If we play as sexy nurses I rather it be foreplay rather then really patching up injuries."

Ichigo groaned at his little sisters antics. Yes his eleven year old sisters were these full grown and sexy women. It happen when they were six. They gotten sick for nearly a week and with a high fever and their father had no idea what was wrong with them. At the end of the week they changed into the forms they were in now.

Oh one last bit of info that was left out, both girls had a pair of large leather bat wings coming out from the small of their back and a smaller pair from their heads the same color as their hair. Both girls were now succubi.

Once again, Isshen Kurosaki started attacking Ichigo who was now sitting at the table. "You shouldn't corrupt your little sisters like that!"


Karin countered the attack as Yuzu gave Ichigo a bowel of rice and some food. "Oh, you have another ghost with you again." She commented, as a middle aged sprit with glasses seemed to pass through the threshold, next to Ichigo.

"I don't get why they come to me."

"It's probably because of your spiritual powers." Karin suggested as she got some of the dinner as well, before glaring at her father, who was tied up with rope. "And Yuzu and I are succubi, eleven is a reasonable age for us to go out and have some fun. By our species standard, we're adults, and should be treated as such."

"But you're only eleven! Even if you have those bodies, you're still my daughters. Oh Masaki, our daughters are being so mean to daddy. How can I get respect from our children?" Isshen said the last part to a large poster of his late wife, Masaki. She had passed on the year before Yuzu and Karin had somehow become succubi.

Karin just gained a tick mark and said, "If you want our respect, then start by getting a normal picture of mom!"

Ichigo was not bothered by this weird action his father as he did things like that all the time. He looked at Yuzu, "You two need to feed tonight?"

Another issue he had to deal with was the fact his sisters had to have sexual activity to stay alive. Isshen was against it at first, Ichigo was as well when he realize what they needed, but when they tried to go a week without feeding they got sick. They were not getting better until Ichigo gave in and helped them out getting them what they needed and since then the girls went out every few day to feed and make sure that never happen again. Although this left problems for Ichigo later.

Yuzu shook her head. "Nope we should be fine. Maybe tomorrow we will."

Ichigo nodded and finish his meal before got up, "I'm heading to my room now, still got some homework to do."

Yuzu nodded as she watched as her twin finally dragged their father away from the poster and was able to gag him. "That's fine. Maybe after you are done we can-"

"No Yuzu I told you this before." Ichigo called down from the stairs.

Yuzu pouted, almost cutely in many people's opinion, before Karin sat down next to her and place her arm around her shoulder, "It's fine Yuzu. We still have our plan for tonight and this time Ichigo will not resist us."

Yuzu smiled widely as they ate and got ready to make their move.

(Scene change)

Ichigo was finally able to finish up his homework, and had taken a bath. "What a day." He said aloud, before putting on a pair of pants and plopping on the bed. It would have been fine if it was just him, but it was only after he plopped down that he realized that figures were in his bed.

"You didn't have to put your clothes on Ichi-nii." Karin had said, and she wasn't alone. Yuzu was with her and they were both wearing some fairly provocative nightwear. Karin had changed into a mostly transparent short gown that had stopped at mid-thighs, and her chest was easily seen. Yuzu was more modest, with a yellow nightgown that wasn't transparent, but it did stop just below her buttocks. In addition it clung to her every curve, and was easy to take off.

"Why are you in my bed!?" Ichigo was somewhat embarrassed, but not quite angry.

"It's because we love you Ichi-nii." Karin started as she set the mood and began caressing his body.

"We want to be with you." Yuzu added, kissing his bare chest and attempting to go downwards but was stopped by Ichigo.

"Yuzu Karin, stop this. We can't be doing this." He said.

Yuzu pouted and her brother pulled her up and Karin was force to slow down her action. "But nii-chan why don't you let us make you feel good?" Yuzu asked.

"Because you two are my sisters we can not be doing this. You girls said you do not need to feed."

Karin pushed her body against him and rubbed up and down, "But you let us feed from you before and we know you like it back then."

Ichigo looked away. It was true there was a few time when the girls were low on energy and could not go anywhere he let them us him to feed. He felt ashamed that it did feel good when they did it but he always knew it was to save them. "It was to help you, this is not needed right now and you girls can still go out to feed."

"We love you nii-chan," Yuzu said as she rubbed her cheek against his chest. "Why do you not believe us?"

"And before you say it is wrong or some other lies," Karin started before Ichigo could open his mouth. "We are not even human anymore, no we are succubi and that mean it does not matter if we are siblings or not."

Ichigo groaned before he sat up and was about to push them off of him. But before he could he notice a chime and black butterfly appeared. Then a girl entered through the window. She wore a black kimono with a white sash and a sword at her waist. She looked around before she notice them.

The woman blush seeing how they were in the bed before she turned to give them some privacy even if they could not see her. Karin and Yuzu looked at their brother, "Is she some kind of burger?" Yuzu asked

"A dumb one if you asked me," her twin replied.

Ichigo was able to push them off of him and shouted, "Oi what are you doing here?"

"It's close," the girl muttered ignoring them.

Ichigo eyebrow twitch before he lifted his foot and gave the girl a hard kick in the rump, "What is near? You can't just sneak in here to steal anything like this."

The girl blinked from her crumpled form, her sore ass still in the air, "He kicked me," she muttered before she got to her hands and knees and turned to them, "You all can see me?"

"It's hard not to miss the stupidest burglar in the world, especially when she just killed the mood." Karin said, and Yuzu nodded. "We were finally going to do give our beloved some true loving, and you ruined it."

"You're probably just looking for the family safe, and it's not here." Ichigo finished up. The new girl wasn't that shocked at the accusation, but she was angry. "I'm not a burglar!"

"Ichigo! What's going on up here? I heard some noise and-" Isshen had stormed into Ichigo's room after hearing some noise and voices. He never noticed the girl in kimono, but he did notice that Karin and Yuzu were in their sexy nightgowns, with Ichigo shirtless. "ICHIGO! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO NOT CORRUPT THEM!"

Karin leapt into action but tying her father up, gagging him, and then kicking him out of the room with in the matter of seconds. "Great, if the mood wasn't killed before, now it's completely ruined with no chance of getting it back." Karin started before getting a fierce scowl on her face and turned to Rukia. "I'll give you five seconds to explain what you're doing here ghost, and if I don't like or believe it, then I'll strip you down, take your sword, tie you up, and shove things in all your holes before whipping you with a riding crop!"

Rukia blush at the image that popped in her head. She was able to get them to sit down and she explained it all to them. "So let me get this straight, you are from a place called the Soul Society." Ichigo started from his place at the little table where the four were sitting.

"And you are a Shinigami on duty from there." Karin added. "And you are to send the souls of the dead to heaven then."

"As well as kill these 'hollows' that are trying to eat everyone." Yuzu finish.

Rukia nodded as they got the jest of it. Ichigo then glared at her, "And why should we believe that?" he asked. He figure she might not be lying as there were many thing he did not know about other worlds given the fact his sisters were not human anymore.

Rukia blinked, somehow she expect a different reaction, "You all can see ghost so how is it you can not believe me?"

"Well we may have seen ghost but never anyone dress like you before if all Shinigami dress like that." Yuzu stated. "Plus you gave us no reason to believe you."

"Not to mention that you ruined a perfectly good evening! If you don't provide some proof that you're a Shinigami, then I will go through with my threat."

Rukia blushed again, but was more then intimidated by the dark haired beauty in front of her. She then got a smirk and began to speak, "Bakudo 1: Sai!" She focused the incantation on Ichigo, who suddenly felt his body freeze up with his arms crossed across his back.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Ichigo attempted to struggle in the invisible binds, while Rukia explained. "That was part of the demon arts, a high-level spell that can only be learned by Shinigami."

Her proud moment faltered when the two girls just looked at her with less then amused glances. "That was it? There's probably hundreds of spells that restrain in some way. Where'd I put the ropes, riding crop, and large vibrators?" Karin started, but was stopped by Yuzu, "It's true miss, these spells can range from temporary paralysis to enchanted sleeps. You'll need a bit more then that to convince us, and you left your things in the hidden compartment."

"Fine then, how about this?" Rukia then tackled Ichigo, but rather then hurt him with her sword, she brought out the ghost that had haunted him during the day.

The ghost looked scared, "Please, I don't want to go to hell."

Rukia have him a kind smile, "Don't worry, you are destine for a peaceful place."

A large glowing seal appeared under the ghost before he sank into it. The seal vanish and a black butterfly flew up and through the way. Karin looked at the smirking Rukia and decided it needed to be removed, "So you can change ghost into butterflies, whoop-de-do."

Rukia glared at her before Yuzu asked, "So what are these hollows things about?"

Rukia then explained how hollows were evil soul that fell into darkness and they attack the soul Shinigami try to protect. "Any question?" she asked while sitting behind her drawing pad which she uses to draw and help them understand it better.

Karin gave her a deadpan look, "Yeah you do know that kindergarteners have better art skill then you do right?"

It was true the drawing looked like something a child would have made. Rukia got a tick mark on her head for that remark.

Unfortunately, before Karin and Yuzu could try anymore jabs at Rukia's lack of artistic talent, they heard a weird voice, one that shook the three of them down at the core. 'What the hell was that?' Ichigo thought, and the two girls were somewhat scared. "I cannot seem to find the hollow. It is as if there is a great power hindering my senses."

"Didn't you hear that voice? I'm going to check it out." Karin said, and Yuzu got up as well, "I'm going with you. It's definitely not like anything we read about."

"How did they hear?" Rukia asked, as Ichigo was struggling to get out of the mystical binding, "Dammit, I need to make sure they're safe! Let me out of here!" The sounds of a great crash, and a few pained screams were heard.

Ichigo was alert at that. It sounded like his sisters, "Karin! Yuzu!" he shouted and he was able to get up and headed for the door. Rukia was able to get in front and out the door into the hallway. She was force to stop as she felt a huge wave of spiritual pressure washed over her. 'What? Why did I not feel this before? What could have been blocking it from me?'

Ichigo was finally able to get out the door and ran pass Rukia. He made it down the stair and found that one wall of the kitchen was broken through. Karin was leaning against the wall holding her arm. She glared up at the hollow that was holding her sister in his massive hands. It got the drop on them and she was knocked aside before Yuzu was grabbed.

Ichigo stared as Yuzu struggled but her body was pinned in the hand and she could not move her arm or bring out her wings to attack and set herself free.

Ichigo noticed an aluminum bat nearby, and with great strength, he broke the invisible binds that held him tight. Rukia was astonished at this fact and realized why she didn't feel the hollow before, 'It's them, they have such strong spiritual powers that it blocked my senses. I have to save them.'

She drew her sword as Ichigo grabbed the bat. The hollow dropped Yuzu and decided to focus on Ichigo. Karin tried to rush, but she was so badly injured that she fell on the ground. "Ichigo, be careful. Live." She mumbled, but it didn't get through as the hollow rushed Ichigo.

"Leave my sisters alone freak!" He screamed, but was knocked by the hollow.

Rukia attempted a slash, but hollow jumped slightly back and rushed Ichigo. Instead of devouring the orange haired boy, Rukia managed to jump in front of it and received the injury to herself. "Hollows are attracted to strong souls, the more spiritual power a soul has, the more likely it will draw a hollow. Once it eats you, it'll target those girls."

Ichigo stared at her as Rukia leans against a lamp post as the hollow staggered back recovering from Rukia's attack. "How can I stop it?" Ichigo asked.

Rukia pants before she held up her sword. My sword is able to defeat it but I am too injured to fight. You should be able too help though. You have a strong spiritual energy. Take my sword and stab it into your chest. I will transfer some of my spiritual energy into you. With it you can fight it on equal terms."

Ichigo then grab the end of the sword pointed at him and place it at his chest. The hollow recovered and started for them again. "Thank you, Shinigami."

"My name is not Shinigami, it is Kuchiki, Rukia." Rukia said.

Ichigo smirked, "Kurosaki Ichigo." He said before stab the sword into his chest.

There was a bright blinding light and even the hollow covered his eyes to protect itself. When it cleared Rukia found herself out of her uniform and in a white robe. Ichigo was now wearing Shinigami robes like Rukia had before carrying a large sword. "What? He took it all? And I have never seen a zanpaktou that big before." She muttered to herself.

Ichigo then charged at the hollow. Within a flash of incredible speed, he hacked the hollow's arm off, before placing the large zanpaktou on his shoulder. 'Now I understand, that filter might've been him, and those girls. They could see and touch me as a Shinigami, and the spiritual powers they posses was leaking out into the room, diluting my senses. I've never seen humans who could see Shinigami, nor one that could defeat Kido, the demon art, and his zanpaktou is so large.' Rukia thought as Ichigo sliced off the hollow's leg. The monstrous soul screamed in agony as it was being hacked; it leapt for one desperate strike at the orange haired Shinigami.

"Realize the mistake of messing with my family!" Ichigo finished the hollow off with one last strike, cleaving the mask in two. "Ichi-nii, you did great." Karin said, before fully passing out on the ground, getting Rukia's attention as well.

Ichigo turned to Rukia as he fell to his knees. "Thanks Rukia," he said before he fell and pass out.

(scene change)

"GGGOOOODDDDD MOOORRRNNNIIINNGGG IIICCCHHHIIGGOO!" was the sound Ichigo woke up to as his father did a jumping kick and planted both of his feet into Ichigo's face. Isshen was knocked away by his son. "About time you woke up. I will never know how you slept through that truck running through our house."

Ichigo blinked as this, "What?" he asked. 'A truck? Was it all a dream?'

He walked down the stair and gaped at the large hole just like the one last night made by the hollow. He spotted his sisters, both in their illusion form where they looked like there real age of eleven as they were both outside where people would see them. "What happen?" he asked them.

Karin looked at him before glancing at her ranting father who had Yuzu commenting and trying to calm him down. She then whispered so Isshen would not hear. "That Shinigami tried to pull a Men in Black on us. She brought us into the house and laid me and Yuzu on the couch before she used some device and I think it was to make us forget what happen. That is why the old goat thinks a truck did this. No idea where that little brat went too."

Ichigo nodded wondering if he was going to see Rukia again or did she go back to the Soul Society.

(scene change)

Ichigo walked into his class where everything seemed normal. At the moment Orihime was getting her breast groped from behind by the school's loud and proud lesbian, Chizuru Honsho. Ichigo did not even blink at this as he had seen more pervert things from his sisters. 'Well, Orihime's problem is Karin's and Yuzu's fault.' Ichigo reminded himself. 'The first time they went and fed from a female, Chizuru was the one they went to. Because their figures are like Orihime's the girl figure she was 'dreaming' of her instead. The fact they sometimes go back to Chizuru to fed sometimes not help.'

"Ichigo! I heard a truck crashed into your house last night, are you ok?" A girl came up to him and asked.

She had black hair that was short and semi-spiky, and her body was streamlined, although it wasn't as developed in the chest, but she was very attractive. This was Tatsuki Arisawa, and she was considered the 'cool beauty' by some, especially since she gave the vibe of a wolf.

Ichigo nodded and answered, "I'm okay, slept through the whole thing, same with Karin and Yuzu. I think my old man was the only one that wound up waking up for it."

That was surprising, but she nodded, then quickly stopped Chizuru from groping Orihime by hitting her hard and scaring her off. The teacher then stepped in the classroom, "I know it's weird, but we have a transfer student. Her name is Kuchiki Rukia-san, so please treat her well. Oh, Kuchiki-san, your seat is next to Kurosaki Ichigo-san."

That name got Ichigo's undivided attention, and he looked at the girl that appeared from last night. 'What the hell she doing here?!'

Rukia passed by the group and looked at Ichigo with a bright smile, "I'm Kuchiki Rukia-san, I hope to get along with you." She offered her hand to Ichigo, and he shook it. After he shook her hand, he noticed she slipped note in his hand that said: If you tell anyone about last night, I'll kill you.

'That's actually somewhat scary, adding in the smiley face at the end. Is that supposed to be a rabbit?'

Rukia simple sat in her seat with a cuteish smile that did not fool Ichigo. He waited till later during break before he found himself pulled through the hallway and outside out of sight from everyone else. Ichigo pulled his arm free and glared at Rukia. "Alright Rukia, what is the deal? I thought you already went back to the Soul Society."

Rukia glare up at him with her hands on her hips. "Unfortunately I can only go back to the Soul Society as a Shinigami. But you took all my powers."

Ichigo blinked, "No I did not. I don't have your powers anymore. Beside how is it that everyone can see you now?"

"Oh this is a gigi or flux body. They are used by Shinigami on long term mission. But back to the important matter. You are in your body again but you still have my powers. So you will have to do my duty for me."

Ichigo blinked before he answered with something Rukia did not expect, "Forget it!"


"Why should I risk my life for some strangers?" Ichigo started to walk away when Rukia jumped in front of him. She wore a red fingerless leather glove with a skull inside a blue flame on the palm before she pushed him right in the face.

Ichigo was then pushed, but not in the way most people would be pushed. When he noticed himself, he was once again wearing the clothing that Rukia was wearing, and that he wore when he became a Shinigami. That wasn't the only thing that he noticed. "What the hell did you do to me?"

"I pushed your soul out of your body, and thus forcing you to become a Shinigami again. I'll put you back in your body later, but for now we have to go." Rukia said as she then started dragging him elsewhere. Ichigo probably could overpower the petite girl, but he didn't want to hurt her. "What about school? Are you even listening to me!?"

(Scene Change)

Rukia had dragged Ichigo to a park that wasn't too far. The two had waited, and Rukia was insistent that he stick around. "It should be soon."

"What's 'soon'? We've been here for twenty minutes!" Ichigo mentioned, annoyed that he was being forced to skip class for something that wasn't his problem, but Rukia didn't answer immediately. "Does a ghost show up here often?"

Ichigo wasn't sure what brought that question on, but he answered all the same. "Yeah, it's a five year old kid that comes by every day at noon."

Almost on queue there was the cry of a scared kid was heard. The jungle gym was then crushed in a ball of dust as the little boy ran out of it. A new hollow came right after the boy trying to catch him. This hollow had a roundish body with eight jagged spider like legs and a long mask with a square chin.

Seeing this Ichigo grabs the hilt of his zanpaktou and was about to jump in there. Rukia stopped him, "Leave him." Ichigo looked at her. She smirked at him, "He is but a stranger to you, why should you risk your life for him."

Ichigo stared at her before turning his eyes to the chase as the boy ran from the speeding hollow. Rukia went on, "We can not leave any soul alone. It is our duty to defend and guild the souls to the Soul Society and kill the hollows. We can not slack in our duty for it is-"

"Oh shut up already," growled Ichigo before he sprang into action.

The hollow was nearly on top of the boy. It lunge forward and crash to the ground…and got nothing but a mouth full of dirt and a slash to the leg, severing it from its body. It howled and spotted the boy being held in Ichigo's arms. It narrowed its eyes before it charged at the pair. Ichigo was clam as he glared and slashed his zanpaktou at the hollow. The hollow speed past the pair, spilt down the middle from Ichigo's attack.

The hollow vanish into black particles as Ichigo places the boy on the ground. The boy has tears in his eyes. Ichigo gave him a smiled and comforted the boy before sending in to the Soul Society.

Ichigo walked back to Rukia who had a smirk on her face. He glared, "Knock that smirk of your face right now. I save him because I chose to. It wasn't duty or anything like that." Ichigo started to walked pass her before he added, "You go on about duty but last night when you help save my family…duty was the last thing on your mind."

Rukia was surprise at this. She thought he had him see things her way but it turns out Ichigo made her realizes that he was right. Ichigo sighed, "C'mon if you are going to teach me how to be a Shinigami then I suggest we get started. But we need to get back to class first."

Rukia followed him still thinking that there was more to Ichigo then she may have thought.

Hope you all enjoy this. If you like this story, then check out some of my other ones. Make sure you check out the one me and my partner worked on, they are on his profile. Please review