*Chris' POV*

It was deadly silent

Almost uncomfortable

Okay, it was uncomfortable. I mean. we were at a funeral, why wouldn't it be?

I heard a small sob from my left.

So the tears had started. Just another breakdown

These had become a common thing since his death. His mum crying while his dad tried to calm her down with tears streaming down his own face. They'd lost their son. Of course they were going to act this way.

"I think I'm ready to go…" his mum tried to say as she choked back more tears

"Come on then"

"Can I have a minute?"

They both nodded to my question. His dad wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders and led her to where the car was parked at the bottom of the hill. It was just like last time. Except.

I'm where Phil was.

I sighed softly as I slowly sat down next to the fresh grave. It was so hard to believe he was under there.

"I'm so sorry I never tried to get to know you better. Or even to be a friend to you. Maybe even if I had just tried…" Tears began to cloud my vision as I spoke "Maybe this wouldn't have happened. I feel it's all my fault, you know that Phil? Like, If I have been that one friend you needed. You wouldn't be dead. It's crazy isn't it? I never thought in a millions years you would go this way…"

It hurt so much just to talk to him like this.

"I really wish I had been more nice to you. We could of gotten on. Couldn't we? We wouldn't have just been: That lonely, loser kid and his ultra popular cousin. I'm just…I'm so sorry Phil. I never wanted this to happen.

I wiped away several tears that were making their way down my cheeks. It shouldn't hurt as much as it did. It seriously felt like a physical pain in my chest. What was this feeling?



I had no idea. But it hurt so much.

"You know, your mum's making spaghetti Bolognese tonight in your honour. I don't think I'll be able to eat it. I don't think anyone will…but…of course I won't tell her that…"

"In his honour? …did he like spaghetti Bolognese? Sorry I just over heard what you were saying

I looked up. My eyes meeting with dark brown ones. He was a boy, a little younger than me with brown slightly curly hair. He looked down at me, giving me a small smile. I gave him a hostile look. I really wasn't in the mood for this. He gave me a hurt look. Not even hurt. He looked like his heart had just been shattered. He turned to leave, his gaze fixed on the ground.

"Stop. Sorry, you just took my by surprise…that's all. But yeah. It was Phil's favourite"

I replied, offering him a small smile. He turned around. A matching smile on his own face.

"Really? It's my favourite too. I'm Dan"


"Yeah, What's your name?"


He both grinned at each other

He was just like Phil, He was perfect

************************************************** *******************

It wasn't until later that it occurred to me that it was a strange place to meet someone. I mean, not many people can say that they met their best friend at a funeral. Even so, I knew then, that Dan and I would be friends for life. He was like the relative I never took the time to get to know.

************************************************** *******************

*Dan's POV*

It happened six years ago

We were driving home from the cinema. It was a completely normal drive home. I was in the back with my little brother while mum and dad were in the front. Dad was driving, mum talking to him about how we couldn't afford this months bills. I may have only been eight but I understood we didn't have a lot of money. We were only at the cinema because it was my brothers birthday. Their conversation soon turned into an argument. Them screaming at each other.

You don't look at the road while you're arguing.

That's how accidents happen

That's how our accident happened

I don't remember much, only that

I was the last to die

Mum and dad had both died on impact. Their skulls shattered against the dashboard. There was so much blood, it was everywhere. I could hardly breathe. I didn't want to open my eyes again.

But then I heard the cry

My brother. My precious brother. He was dying. I opened my eyes to see him barely breathing, whimpering softly. I tried to move my hand. It was surely broken but I managed to somehow. I held him in my arms as his heartbeat slowly began to fade. He was now just a corpse like mum and dad. I remember my eyes feeling heavy. I knew you weren't supposed to go to sleep

But I had to

I couldn't stay awake

That's how I died

I was left to just wonder around. I knew I was dead, yet. Where was everyone? There were a lot of people, of course there were. A lot of people who were alive and happy. I tried to ask for help but no one heard me.

Then there was Phil

I had not been heard by so many people I had given up on all means of actually having a conversation. But I liked to talk. I wanted to make friends. So when I saw him sitting there. I knew I wanted to try talk.

When he actually responded I was so happy. I finally had someone. I wouldn't wonder through this life alone anymore. I found out I could take his place and become human again if I killed him. At the start I was completely for it. I gained his trust completely by becoming his best friend.

But then I fell in love

I fell in love with him. I fell in love with everything about him. His amazing personality, his gorgeous smile. Just everything. So when I told him this and he loved me back. It was the best thing for me

But things couldn't be perfect forever

I knew I still had to kill him

I knew I couldn't do it myself. I could never hurt my Phil like that


So I made him do it himself. He did everything I told him too. It terrified me that I had caused him to do this.

It was tearing him apart

Yet I continued

It was the night of the disco when I realized what I had done. He was so close to dying.

I couldn't take it

After that argument with those boys I left. I couldn't bear to watch Phil die like that. I loved him so much. It hurt. It really hurt.

I eventually went back to see how he was. But it was too late

He was already dead.

I slowly began to feel again after that. Slowly becoming more and more human. By the time of his funeral I was normal teenage boy. I spoke to Chris, he seemed lovely now. Nothing like he used to be. I guess it took Phil dying to actually change him.

We're best friends now Chris and I. I see Phil's mum and dad everyday. We're honestly like one big happy family

The happy family I never had