Kirkwall – Hawke Estate – 9:40

The Seeker and the Liar

"Word of the slaughter spread quickly," he whispers, leaning back in the chair. His muscles protest, but he ignores them. "The Champion's name became a rallying cry, a reminder that the mighty templars could be defied, and that the people would trust a good mage over a rotten templar." And that they are willing to let a mage rule, if she was a good person. "She had defended the mages against a brutal injustice, and many lived to tell the tale." He sighs, looking the Seeker in the face. "You know the rest. Eventually, the Circles rose up and set the world on fire." He laughs a little. "Now, in Kirkwall, things were all right. Templars from other citystates came to help, and Hawke ruled over the city with such skill, the guard actually started to get paid vacations from the lack of work and Kirkwall slowly healed." He smiles slightly, clearly nostalgic for home. "For one reason or another, we all left the Champion's side. Isabela and Fenris were the last ones, and I knew they stayed by her side for a long while." He shrugs, suddenly grinning. "Who knows? Maybe Isabela joined in for some polyamory. I haven't asked. Wasn't quite the right time, last time I saw her." His grin softens into a proud smile. "Of course, you still hear the stories. With each telling, they grow, even if, at the core, remains the truth. A new legend had been born, and all because Hawke was a strong fighter, with an even stronger heart." He feels a certain amount of glee at that. The Hero of Fereldan couldn't claim that, nor could the Queen. "So, that's it." He smiles, shifting in his seat. "That's the whole story."

"Then Meredith provoked the Circle," the Seeker murmured, looking at the book in her hand. "She was to blame."

"Or that damned idol." Blight take the thing. "Or Anders. Or… well… me, for organizing the expedition in the first place." He smiles bitterly. "Take your pick."

"Even so, if the Champion had not been there…"

"Things may have never happened the way they did." She narrows her eyes in a glare, but he ignores it. "So, how is hearing this going to help you? You've already lost all the Circles." Some to rebellion, some to annulment. "Templars have rebelled as well, abandoning the Chantry."

"Not all of us desire war, Varric." Her words are firm, certain. Powerful, because they come from someone who had doubted, but then found her own path. "Please, if you know where the Champion is, you must tell me." She clutches the book tightly, and he sees she is carrying another book as well. A book with the Eye of the Seekers emblazoned on the Sword of the Templars. He'd never seen them combined like that before. "She can stop this madness, make them listen as the Divine works on compromises and peace."

"And you wanted to hear the whole story to make sure she was who you thought." She nods, completely unashamed. He looks down, thinking, before sighing. "Sorry, I wish I could help, but…"

"Is she dead?" He stiffens at the thought, but he can appreciate how hesitant she sounds over it. "She's not, right?"

"No, she's not." He makes himself smile, as if the mere thought hadn't been enough to send him into tears.

"Good." She bows to him. "Thank you, Varric. May the Maker watch over you during the dark times ahead."

"Same to you, Seeker," he says to her back as she walks away. "Same to you."

He watches her leave and, when the door slams shut, he relaxes, breathing a sigh of relief. It had worked. She'd been so caught up in the story that she'd forgotten a very basic interrogation technique: searching the body.

Carefully, he pulls out the letter he'd tucked into his sleeve, unfolding it with a small smile. He'd lied. Oh, not about the tale. No, that was the truth, as close to it as he'd ever tell anyone. He also hadn't been lying when he'd told Seeker that he had wanted this version known.

But he'd lied about not knowing where Hawke was. Or not being able to contact her.

'And how is my favorite dwarf doing?' the letter reads, in writing he knows so well. He'd seen it in her journal often enough. 'Stroud and I found a lead into that matter I wrote about before, so it might be a bit before my next letter. Thanks for forwarding messages to everyone as normal. Oh, and I heard something about a Conclave? Seems like the Divine took advantage of the confusion following my disappearance to shut down the talks of an Exalted March and set up a peace meeting. Who know? Maybe this one will work? Yeah, I know. Not counting on it either. Send a note if it becomes something you think I need to get involved with. Otherwise, I think I will just keep pursuing this little mission for now. Stay safe, Varric. I intend for all of us to meet at the Hanged Man at some point for a round of drinks.


Author's Note: And there we go. Champion's Tale is over. It's been a long, but fun ride to write this. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. The series continues with The Inquisitions' Tale.