A/N: I'm sorry I didn't finish it before. A lot of things happened. But today it was finally silent and I could go into that world of mine again. I didn't reread or proofread the chapter. Just had to write it down and send it out. I hope you still like it. I just needed some closure.

Thanks for being with me on the ride guys. I love you.

Maura was now patiently waiting for the traffic light to turn green, yet impatiently expecting to remove the mysterious aura surrounding Jane. She hadn't said a word since they started the car ride, and the doctor was getting anxious and restless.

"Jane, where do you want to go?" she asked finally, using a simple insignificant question to start a conversation.

"Wherever." Jane mumbled, still staring out of her side window.

It took all the will power Maura could summon to not think about all the possible reasons why Jane was avoiding looking at her.

"Is my place okay? I can make you a beverage to calm-"

"Sure, Maura." Jane cut her sentence short, reestablishing the silence in the car, while Maura's worried eyes returned to the road in front.

A loud trumpeting noise was racking her brain, inhibiting all of the action it was supposed to be performing. She couldn't think clearly, she didn't rationalize where she was moving, nor could she understand what the blonde was telling her. Not that she usually understood! Now, although she tried, she couldn't process her words.

"Until recently, I would have suggested a glass of warm milk. However, currently there are opposing factions arguing on whether the positive or negative effects of tryptophan in it prevail. Interestingly, there is a rather neutral side asserting that the amino acid has little effect, and copious amounts of it would be required to reach a point where it causes a notable change. Based on this, I would choose green tea, although honestly, I'm not a fan of the taste. Yet the presence of the theanine amino acid makes the experience worthwhile. And while..."

Jane's ears perceived it all, but her head remembered none of it. She found herself in Maura's kitchen, facing her while she was ranting about which beverage would decrease her anxiety and blood pressure. Jane didn't notice how they got there, but didn't miss the growing nervousness in Maura's own voice.

"Maura, stop!" she tried to cut her off again.

The doctor quieted down looking at her, and could obviously not wait any longer.

"Jane, talk to me."

"About what?" she knew how stupid the question sounded, but she voiced it to buy extra time for herself.


"Okay," Jane gave in, "I am astonished by how stupid I am." she admitted, confusing Maura.

"By which I mean, how stupid I almost acted! I can't believe I almost lost something so important!"

"What do you mean you almost lost?"

The fear of Jane changing her mind appeared in Maura's head several times, and was promptly chased away. Now it was slowly threatening to return.

Maura wasn't talking, and therefore, wasn't lying, yet red spots began appearing on her neck. She only closed her eyes trying to remain composed and rational.

"No, no, don't." she heard Jane step forward, and felt long cold fingers on her own cheek.

"Maura, what I meant is you."

Her chin was involuntarily lifted by the strong fingers gently pushing it upwards.

"I meant, I almost lost you!" she blurted, and cleared her throat. "If this didn't happen, between us, I would've said yes! Picket fence, 2.5 children and a dog. Ma would've been thrilled!"

The hand dropped and Maura regretted the loss of skin-to-skin contact, no matter how simple and minute it was.

"But I wouldn't have! I want you!" Jane finished, letting her long held breath out.

"Don't! Please!" Jane whispered, seeing the tear rolling on Maura's cheek. "We've cried too much." she added, before capturing it with her lips. Raising Maura's head higher, she moved her kisses along the cheek, unhurriedly approaching the soft pair of trembling lips. In a quick swift motion the eager impatient lips met hers. It was far from any tenderness they treated each other with. It had an urgency to it, insistence which Jane gladly surrendered to. She felt small hands pressing on her waist, along with a leg pushing hers backwards, crushing her in the kitchen island. Firm teeth attacked her lower lip and the raging hands moved back up to her neck, pulling her down.

"Maur," she managed to say, "Maura, the case!"

The woman pulled away from her, and moved, lips hovering millimeters over Jane's neck.

"I'm done with the autopsy, crime lab results will take a while. As for you, I need you more than Frost and Korsak."

The assertion joined Maura's breath in slowly heating up Jane's body.

Maura's lusty glowing eyes looked up at her, full of want.

"Fair enough!" she needed no further debate.

"When did this happen. How did we get here? What is the probability of this being an illusion?"

Maura wouldn't believe the reality she was facing, but only because it felt too good to be true. "Less than 24 hours ago" she remembered Jane saying, and she smirked, thanking the universe and it's tangled ways for bringing her to this moment, with Jane's body on top of hers, after they hastily maneuvered their way onto the couch, unwilling to detach the lips from each other.

Maura didn't even try to stop the elicited moan as Jane began hungrily devouring her neck. Her hands no longer roamed in their former boundaries. She slid under Jane's top and across her back. There was firmness underneath her palms, a strength she found incredibly sexy.

"It's in the way." Jane murmured, rising up on her knees and throwing the "BPD" signed piece of fabric on the floor. "Yours too!"

It made her giggly, and warm and eager. Her skin was on fire, her lips hasty. She rose up slightly to discard her top and land it next to Jane's.

"I should warn you, though." she mumbled through a wide grin, tugging on Jane's lip again, as she sank back down, still gazing at the dark lusty dilated pupils.

"You're not the only one who gets feisty, Jane."

"No worries, Jane, we got this covered!" Frost's answered calmly.

"Thanks." she said, ending the call and automatically moving her hands to her waist to place the cell-phone in its holder on her belt. Her lips curved up as she realized she's in her underwear.

"All fine?" a messy-haired Maura called from behind her, offering her a glass of water.

"Yes. I don't know if they can replace you, though." she smirked before downing the cold liquid.

"I should go back into the station."

"You should go back into your clothes first."

It made the doctor chuckle, her face lit up and Jane felt a sudden rush of happiness shake her body.

Things went so easy. There was no tension. No awkward talks.

And most importantly, there wasn't even need for words.

She saw two figures as she was closing the door on her way out of the ME's office.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Did they fix you?" she asked Frankie who was exiting the crime lab with sergeant Korsak.

"It was just a nosebleed."

"I know. I know. What about, um..." she stopped nervously.

"He's gone. No charges."

Jane took a deep breath, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Figured you wouldn't wanna deal with any of it." Frankie added as he saw her reaction.

"Yeah, yeah."

"He said... he said he'll be out of the apartment by tomorrow."

"Okay, um," Jane shook her head, drawing the conversation to the case. "What were you doing in the crime lab?"

"Your brother just brought the murder weapon in." Korsak spoke for him.


"I got a guy in an antiques store. They sold him a blade. Later he noticed there was some blood smudge that didn't get cleaned properly."

"And how'dya know it's our weapon?"

"Lab said the blood matches the victim's."

"Frost's trying to track the guy down." the older man jumped in again.

"Wow. Well done!" Jane was taken aback. Her face brightened with the display of pride. "And since when do you "got guys around". What, you CIs?" she teased her little brother, although she was also genuinely curious.

"Well..." he shrugged with a content smile that he couldn't repress, before moving towards the elevator behind her.

"He might need some." Korsak added in a low voice once Frankie was far enough. "Word around is he'll fill the detective spot in the drug unit."

And with a fatherly tap on her shoulder he moved to leave her.

"Korsak, wait!" she turned. "I-I'm sorry! About few days ago. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay. Just take care." he said warmly before following Frankie in the elevator.

"You went to your brother, didn't you?" Maura asked her with a gentle tilt of her head, interrupting the pleasant silence that reigned the room as they were eating dinner.

"What?" Jane mumbled, her mouth full.

"When you ran out my house yesterday."

"Oh," Jane looked down, remembering, with a gentle, slightly embarrassed smile. "Yeah."

"What did he say to you?" she persisted. The soft light was reaching Jane's face, gently accenting her features. The line of her jaw darkened as she swallowed. Maura was happy to note that the movements were smooth and unrestrained. Jane's muscles seemed relaxed. She wasn't pondering whether to say. She was just settling her words together.

"He..." she looked up at her. "He asked whose arms would I rather fall asleep in."

"You're welcome to try your options." she teased, reaching for Jane's hand. The other woman placed it in her palm, without hesitation but with a squeeze, as if rewarding her.

"Oh, I know I'm gonna like my choice." Jane assured her.

They've stared at each like this other countless times.

Maura has seen it. It has been there before. That glow. The spark. The love in Jane's eyes. It wasn't something the doctor made herself believe. It wasn't a guess or a hunch, but a rather irrefutable evidence.

Jane was there.

She has come back to her.

So, I forgot to say this. I'll be marking the fic as complete. I had more things in mind, but I just can't write here at home. I hope I'll suck it up and continue with all that could be.

Again, thanks for being with me on the ride guys. I love you.