A/N: Whaddup! I know, I know. I was supposed to update this like in the beginning of summer vacation but what could I do peeps? I was just too excited man ^-^! Oh, and do you like the picture that I've put for this story? Cuz' I'm the one who drew it :D! Yup, I'll just stop being cocky now ;_;! Ahem, this fic is mainly based on two things that I've read, seen and loved: Heart (funny and cute manga) and Rubi (a Mexican drama show that'll leave you in deep shock). I wanna post chappie 1 of this fic and see if I should continue it or not. So the fate of this fic's continuation is in your hands :) Review your opinions about this story... please ;)

Anyway, before we get to story-telling, I need to give you a few heads up. This story will focus on Jazmine and Cindy's friendship. Yes, there will be a lot of Jazmine/Huey love (Trust me, a LOT) :) And this fic is angst. So there will be lots of friendships, betrayals, romance, heartbreaks, drama and tragedies. Now, are you ready to read this fic? If so, then you may enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: I can tell in 2 languages (without google translate, dictionaries and other stuff) to make you understand once and for all. I do not own Boondocks, Rubi and Heart. Malheureusement, Ce n'est pas moi qui a cree Boondocks, Heart et Rubi. There, now do you understand? Avez-vous compris?

Opposites Attract

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Chapter 1: Breathless...

The fresh gust of wind was overtaking the peaceful suburban area of Maryland, swaying soothingly the trees and plants with its' rate of motion. Leaves, leaves and more leaves were floating their green selves, marvelously dancing with the wind. Due to the wind power, particles of fresh vegetation decorated Woodcrest, giving the Maryland's population the impression that their territory was a green wonderland. A peaceful wonderland where there was no such thing as problems. A problem-free wonderland where happiness and bliss enveloped individuals and tied them together in harmony. Girls babbled endlessly, exchanging tips and gossips in enjoyment as boys howled in laughter, shamelessly enjoying their immature-nonetheless funny jokes. Indeed, Woodcrest was a dear wonderland.

Well, it was for this strawberry-haired girl's case.

The girl stood on Edgar J. Hoover High's rooftop, enjoying the view which God had brought upon her, letting her green eyes inhale every one of nature's attributes. Everything about this place was just so...magnificent. She couldn't stop admiring Woodcrest from this height. She could see everything from her spot. She could see her house, Sr. Wuncler's humongous mansion which everyone would kill for, even the willow tree hill, where she'd occasionally spent her time reading. A smile of utter peace graced itself upon the strawberry-blond-headed's face, describing her current tranquil state. A sigh of replenishment escaped from the grasp of her butterscotch lips. Nothing could disrupt the peace of this wonderful vie-

"Hey!" A rough masculine voice, with a drop of mischief and naughtiness, called from behind the girl, stealing her attention. "Yeah beautiful, I'm talking to you."

The level of happiness augmented rapidly in her heart. Could this possibly be it for the girl? Could she have finally found her prince charming after years of searching? She had dreamed for a day when a handsome well-mannered prince would come from out-of-the-blue to confess his yearning secret love for her. Or even better...to ask for a marriage proposal! Oh, don't blame her for her deep naivety. What could she do? After all, she was just a hopeless innocent 16 year-old girl who loved reading literature of romance...especially Twilight.

The excited hopeless dreamer hurriedly turned around, only to come face-to-face with the guy who called her. Her happiness doubled incredulously, going over the roofs. She couldn't believe her innocent virgin eyes. The guy who had been calling her seductively was- there she says it- hawt! His beige face, his muscled-body, his blond hair, his deep-ocean eyes…they were perfect! Maybe he could be her prince-charming that had been waiting for her for a long time. Eeeeh! Just the thought of that made the strawberry-blondette giggle and want to do bad things with him…Bad things like, stay up late and watch T rated movies. That's right people. No more staying up till 1O and watching Max & Ruby. This bad-arse will be staying till' 11 and will be watching Pokemon…uncensored. Ooh, she's a bad girl all right.

"Hi," the girl said innocently to the handsome fellow with glee taking a major toll on her, too blind to see the fellow's true inappropriate intentions. "How are you?" She asked in her usual sweet oblivious tone, which was perfect to the boy's ears. Just by hearing the sound of innocence and blindness in her tone, the boy just knew right away that he'd be able to take advantage of the little innocent lamb, in other words, Jazmine Elizabeth DuBois.

"Good," he cooed darkly as he took a step forward towards Jazmine, who didn't seem fazed by the lack of space. She blinked merely to the boy and stood still, with the happy vivid mental image of herself happily skipping along the green field with her supposed 'prince-charming'. As you could see, this girl was too oblivious to notice the look that the Caucasian was sending her. A dark look of pure hunger. He just saw her as a defenseless prey that he'd feast on in a few second. "Just good," he purred in his disproportionate tone, which still surprisingly didn't negatively affect the merry mulatto.

"So, whaccha' doing?" Jazmine asked merely, not minding at all the boy's sudden evasion of her personal space. She was mentally jumping in excitement, probably waiting for the boy to say something sweet and romantic. After reading many- and I mean –many romance (kid-rated) books, the excited girl was mentally prepared for these types of moment. From reading uncountable number of kid rated books, she guessed that the blond would be saying sweet lines such as: You are beautiful or I just wanna kiss you and such.

The blond teenager snickered lowly as he rubbed his hands, as though he was going to do some kind of heavy job that'd require his manly strength. "Oh nothing," he spoke as he licked his lips hungrily, which the 16 year-old girl thought that he was preparing himself to kiss her. Looks like her years of searching for the perfect prince was finally coming to an end. "Hey, have you ever wondered what it feels like to get a bucking-ham in your buns?" the perverted young man smoothly mentioned, making Jazmine blink confusingly, not fully distinguishing his phrase.

She didn't understand what the opposite sex meant with the term 'bucking-ham' and 'buns'. She never expected him to say that in this type of moment. Hm, she had heard other classmates use that term but she had never carried the knowledge to it. So she assumed that the blond wanted to do a picnic with her. So, being innocent and oblivious as she was, Jazmine ignorantly/innocently smiled to the cheesy blond. "Ok. Show me how it feels."

Just as the sick pervert was going to lay a finger on her, a flash of blond appeared in the corner of his emotionless eye and soon enough, he found himself being kicked on the cheek dangerously, possibly causing his teeth to fall out. He slid across the floor, not understanding what just happened. Just a second ago, he was about to do something with the innocent lamb then he finds himself being powned. Who kicked him? He was sure that he was alone with the half-breed on the school rooftop. With pain taking control of his muscled-body, darkness momentarily fell upon him, leaving the biracial girl dumbfounded to the scene.

"Cindy! You just kicked a cute boy!" Jazmine shrieked shockingly to Cindy McPhearson, still not comprehending the reason to her best-friend's harsh action.

Cindy McPhearson was Jazmine's white best-friend. Physically, she was very beautiful. Look at her blond hair flowing freely with the wind, looking all straight and smooth. Her blue eyes that reminded everyone of a deep blue ocean. Finally, her mesmerizing body that represented an hourglass, which could grasp any opposite sex' eyes. Overall, Cindy was gorgeous girl. But mentally, it was another story. Cindy was a chick that doesn't play around with nobody. If you speak to her well, she'll speak nicely to you as well. But, if you disrespect, or worse, call her a wigger…well, let's just hope that there's a hospital near your area.

Cindy was huffing and puffing, tired from the amount of energy she had to place in her heel in order for her kick to be in success. Anger and worry was pooling her eyes as she was slowly getting up from the ground. She was not pleased at all by the fact that her best friend was gonna get hurt by some…Brad Pitt wannabe. Ugh! There was no way in hell she'd let someone hurt her precious homie. Hell to the nah!

"Girl, da fuck was you doin' standing there like a wall?" Cindy asked frantically as she approached to her casual friend, checking if she received any injuries. "Yo' ass could've gotten hurt!" The braided-blondette couldn't believe that Jazmine hadn't done anything to defend herself. She had always told her butterscotch-skinned friend to not trust any type of dudes of Edgar J. Hoover. Hell, she even taught her the number one trick to use when a guy was about to harass her…stomp him in the nuts. Just like Thugnificient would've told her.

Once again, Jazmine blinked as she tilted lightly her head, curious as to why Cindy was acting so worried. She was just about to have some nice picnic with her future husband. Sheesh, it was not like he was going to go all 'Swipper the Fox' on her. He was even about to kiss her! She was gonna get her first kiss…Well, in this case, she thought that she was gonna get her first kiss. "Because he said something that had to do with the words bucking-ham and buns," Jazmine explained cutely as she nervously twirled one of her kinky curls that were hanging freely in piggy-tails. "So I just assumed that he wanted to have picnic with me."

Sincerity illuminated Jazmine's eyes, making Cindy sigh in defeat. She just couldn't stay mad at her cute buddy forever. It ain't Jazmine's fault that she didn't understand the true meaning of bucking-ham and buns. She was the type of girls that got no freaking side, if you know what I mean? That, oddly enough, was strange. Constantly gaining straight As in her report card, she didn't know anything that was perverted. Y'know, she didn't know what masturbation was, what anal rape meant, which again, was awfully odd since her dad kept screaming anal rape each time someone mentioned something about jail and crimes.

"It's aight Jazzy but please be careful next time," Cindy warned cautiously to her adorable best-friend as they both started walking back inside the school establishment, stepping onto the momentarily-knocked-out pervert in the process, leaving footprints on his white shirt. "Can't be trustin' niggas wit' they sick minds," Cindy narrowed her eyes to the last part of her sentence, which got Jazmine arching an eyebrow.

"What do you mean Cin?" Jazmine questioned as curiosity took its' peak. She could never believe that such thing existed in this tranquil neighborhood. She had always believed that good guys would always win as the bad guys would lose and pouf away, with the help of the authorities of course. So hearing Cindy's previous sentence had shocked Jazmine a bit.

The two girls walked casually in the busy school cafeteria, bustling through many crowd. The school cafeteria was so heavily packed that tables and seats were hard to find these days. So big number of students had to stand up to eat, much to the girls' disliking. Still walking through the cafeteria to find a table to use, Cindy answered Jazmine's previous question with her usual ghetto accent. "In this school, dudes is thinkin' dat girls is simple-minded cuz' of they's generosity, politeness and all dat fancy shit. So they playin' with girls as if they's sum Barbie doll they could just throw away in the garbage can."

Despite the fact that Cindy's sentence carried numerous grammatical errors, Jazmine understood her sentence. She nodded in understanding to her bff, with her unmanageable curls following every one of her head movement. But there was still one thing that tickled the DuBois' curiosity. "Euh…Cin, what's bucking-ham and buns since they're not exactly food?"

Jazmine's question made Cindy stop her tracks and swiftly turn around to face her slow childhood friend. At first, she carried this awkward silence that was telling Jazmine that the answer was obvious, and then it rapidly turned into spurts of laughter. She couldn't believe that Jazmine didn't know what those two words meant. That was like the classic yo. "Shit Jazzy, why you's silly?" Cindy asked as she was still in spurts of laughter, finding her buddy's obsessive innocence utterly funny and adorable. "You's already a junior in high school. Is you innocent o' dumb? Girl, I really give up on you!"

Jazmine tilted a bit her head and blinked naively, still not getting at all the funniness of her question. She honestly didn't understand why her friend was laughing hard like that. I mean, the answer to that question couldn't be that harmless right? "Seriously Cin, what is it?" she repeated her question as she puffed her cheeks and pouted childishly to Cindy, a bit intimidated by her laughter.

Calming down her laughter, Cindy walked up to Jazmine and whispered the true definitions of those words, getting her to slip an undignified gasp and her eyes to widen in shock. She couldn't believe her little ears. Just by hearing that…inappropriate content made Jazmine feel like a bad-ass. "C-Cindy…don't say that word. That's…dirty," she blushed as she pronounced embarrassingly the last part of her sentence, not really used to saying it.

Rotating her blue eyes to the goody two-shoes' sentence, Cindy patted sisterly Jazmine's head at the same time as she ruffled her hair, messing up a bit her enormous curly piggy-tails. "I'm worried that yo' ass might get cheated by bad niggas yo," Cindy formed a smile of pure determination to her petite Jazmine as she continued speaking, "That's why Imma be all Jet Li and Jackie Chan on niggas who'll dare to try to hurt ya!" She randomly threw a couple of weak kung-fu hits with the following 'ah-yahs', trying to demonstrate her point of going all Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Hell, she'll even do the Kumate (Ah-yah!) if a nigga makes Jazmine cry and breaks her heart.

Jazmine giggled sweetly, enjoying Cindy's wild and stupid actions. That was what she loved about her best-friend. Cindy would always stay by Jazmine's side, defending her without hesitation and such. It had always been like that since elementary school. Bullies tended to bully her because of her abnormal hair and skin complexion but Cindy butt-whipped them with fury. She had always told her to embrace the look that God had given her and to ignore what 'em stupid niggas say about her race. I guess you could say that the two best-friends see each other as sisters. "Cindy, let's go find a table. I'm hungry," Jazmine suggested as the two good fellows surfed through the lunchroom, still in search of a table to use.

As they were both looking, Jazmine couldn't help but hear a few girls talking about a certain thing that had caught her hearing. "Oh yeah! Have you heard that a guy from a gang in Chicago has transferred in this exact school?" "Yup, I know! Apparently, he was involved in some violent crimes…So as punishment, he was put on probation and was transferred here." Jazmine's eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't believe that a gangster would be enrolling in Edgar J. Hoover. This would be bad. The school's reputation might descend because of this. Jazmine continued listening to some girls' conversation.

"His nickname was rumored to be Black Dragon…" "Ouh, he sounds scary!" Jazmine heard their sentences, making her furrow her eyebrows in worry. She didn't know who this 'Black Dragon' dude could be. He could be some scary monster that- oh I don't know- loves dragons? An image of a muscle-built monster, who was pounding his chest like a gorilla, played in Jazmine's mind, making chills curl up on her spine. Just by looking at this mysterious gang member, Jazmine knew that she'd be so frightened that she'd want to flee for her dear life.

She hoped that this new student would be –at least- nice.

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Look at all those children laughing and smiling to their friends. Look at them playing without a single care in the world. They thought that their pretty little lives were perfect with their little perfect houses with those picket white fences and their perfect happy parents. They were probably thinking that the world was a safe place for everyone to live in. Well, they were wrong. They didn't know a damn thing about the real world. They were probably too ignorant to know that right now, people were suffering and struggling for their lives in this world. In this world that we so call 'home', there were children who lived in the street with no parents and no food and yet they fought for their lives. There were parents who have to waste their lives in war, abandoning their family in the dust. And yet, kids these days act all happy as if not a speck of misery existed in this world.

He scoffed as he drove his Black BMW, observing teens minding their own business from afar.

Teens, especially the ones in this white-washed neighborhood, needed to know that they were just living in deep shitty illusions…which the government created. But he couldn't do anything about it. Huey Freeman was a retired revolutionist, remember? And anyway, no one would listen to his words. Every time he'd say a word, they would either turn their eyes away from him or just flip their hands in the air, hand-gesturing to everyone else that he was crazy. Which, obviously, annoyed Huey to the pit of his heart.

Still cruising around the streets of Woodcrest, Huey continued observing his new neighborhood. Yup, he just knew right away that he was going to hate this place. The air of this happy (well, more like lost in Huey's case) was 100% purely made of ignorance.

Then, he absentmindedly laid his crimson eyes upon his black dragon tattoo that was painfully engraved on his right mocha-skinned arm. But unfortunately, he had no choice but to live in this fake town. He had to live here…in order for him to let go of his horrible past.

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The end of the day had finally arrived, much to Edgar J. Hoover's students' relief. Eager/Tired teens bustled themselves out of their school establishment, obviously wanting to go back home and to not waste any more time in their high school. Teachers walked graciously in the parking lot, searching for their beloved cars. But as for Jazmine DuBois, she was patiently sitting on a sidewalk, waiting calmly for Cindy to come out and walk with her home. The mixed American was already used to her blond bff's lateness, so she had brought her favorite Disney book to occupy herself.

Jazmine was currently reading Cinderella, her favorite Disney. She didn't know why but she just loved that princess. She loved how Cinderella was a hard-working girl who had to obey her relative's orders and looked to the bright side of tough situations. She loved how she'd always smile and act nice to others, despite the fact that her life was horrible. And finally, Jazmine loved how Cinderella found her prince-charming. It was beautiful and heart-warming.

Jazmine sighed dreamily as she turned the next page of the kid-rated literature. Would Jazmine ever be able to find her prince-charming just like Cinderella? I mean, yeah her life wasn't exactly similar as hers. I mean, she wasn't an orphan. Oh, on the contrary. Jazmine has wonderful parents and best-friend who always feed her love. Jazmine isn't poor. Her parents are both successful lawyers with good job wages. So, everyday money always fed her wallet. All she was missing was a wonderful boyfriend.

Closing her book and putting it away in her bag, Jazmine couldn't help but let her eyes water a bit. Even though she had read the book like for like the billionth time, it still made her want to cry in happiness. This book warmed her heart. It made her wonder if one day, she'd find the one. Her chain of thoughts shattered as a black BMW paused in front of the stop sign, which so happened to be not far from Jazmine.

Jazmine's teary-eyes slowly trailed to the driver of the magnificent expensive car, making her heart freeze in shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. His dark-brown afro flowed proudly through the wind, making the dazed biracial think of a lion's mane. His mocha skin complexion looked smooth, giving Jazmine the sudden need to touch it.

Suddenly, the driver turned to Jazmine's direction, giving the admirer the full view of his face. The driver's scowl seemed to be permanent. Nonetheless, he was gorgeous. His crimson eyes couldn't stop looking at Jazmine, which made her immediately wipe the tears out of her eyes. Still feeling watched by the Afro-haired boy, Jazmine consciously lowered her head as blush blossomed on her cheeks. She didn't know what to do in these types of situations. She didn't like the feeling of being watched…especially by such a handsome boy. It made her heart rate triple dangerously. It made sweat appear faintly on her forehead. Silence capacitated the two, making Jazmine go mentally crazy. The urge of breaking the silence was killing her. So, loud words unexpectedly flew from the grasp of her mouth, making awkwardness flutter by the duo.

"Your bucking-ham in my buns," Jazmine's eyes widened and slapped her hand over her mouth, embarrassed to death of what she just said. She couldn't believe that she just said that in front him.

The good-looking African-American widened his eyes in shock, turning awkwardly his attention back on the road. He couldn't believe that the girl just spurted that perverted sentence. Seconds later, his permanent scowl returned and he drove away, leaving Jazmine DuBois embarrassed (probably for the rest of her innocent life) and…breathless.

A/N II: Here's the prologue of Opposites Attract ^-^! In this fic, Jazmine is the innocent lamb, Cindy's her best-friend and Huey is the mysterious ex-gangster ;) Oh yeah, the story may start out peaceful and stuff but trust me y'all. It'll get dark soon. Ahem, anyway, please review. The fate of this fic's continuation is in your hands :3! Review y'all.