AN: Welcome to the finale of "What I Wouldn't Do For You". It's been a tough ride for everyone, but I am glad to finally have come to its climax. Sad to see it go, but all good things must come to an end. So, sit back, relax, get your favourite snacks and enjoy reading.

Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Kick Buttowski universe, except for my own creations.

Chapter 15: Finale

After everyone gave their statements to the police, they returned home for a very well-deserved rest. All families and children wished one another a very good night and left for their homes. Once home, none of the families spoke with each other, opting to head off to bed. They said their good nights and headed off to their rooms, they climbed in their beds and fell asleep with ease, the kids thinking, "Finally, a good night's rest".

A couple of days later, Kick woke up to the sun's rays creeping over his face, the sounds of birds singing, all of which he wished he could block out. His mother then walked in, "Good morning, honey, had a good sleep". She heard a grunt, a flip and a pillow cover her son's head, all in one motion, "I know you're tired, Kick. But, you're going to have to go to school sooner or later". Kick eventually got up, tired as always, "Besides, you were the one who wanted to go, you begged me to wake you up".

After his mother left, Kick got out of his bed and went about his normal routine to get ready for school. But he wasn't tired anymore, for his mind recollected the events that transpired yesterday. He got out his normal clothes, but decided to wear something different, so he put them back. Instead, he got out a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a red and black checker shirt. After his shower, which surprisingly no one was using, he put on his clothes.

He was however still self-conscious about his hair, so he found himself a flat cap he bought during a vacation somewhere. He plopped that on to his head and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was in the kitchen, mother by the counter making food, brother, sister and father sitting at the table. Kick pulled up a chair between his brother and sister, "Sleep well, son", his father asked. Kick didn't answer, but gestured with a nod.

"That's good, glad you had a good night's sleep", his father said. Quiet time at the table as no one made a move to say anything, until the mother decided too. "You know, honey, you don't have to go to school today. After all that happened, you could use a rest, so if you want to call in sick, it's fine with us", she said. Kick shook his head, "No point trying to avoid school after all that, I have to go sometime. So, may as well be now".

His family was worried, including Brad so that really meant something. They weren't worried about his physical health because of all the usual stunts he does, but his mental health was a different story. Same goes for the other kids, their minds might be a bit broken after all that. "Alright, if you think you're okay, you can go. But, if you really don't feel good, just call me and I'll come pick you up", she said.

Kick gave a small smile and nodded, "Sure thing, mom, thanks". "Well, it's about time I get to work. I'll see you all later", dad said goodbye, hugged his kids, kissed his wife and exited the home. "I'm off too, going to meet the gang by the cinema. They need help moving things", Brad said his farewells and exited the home. "I've got homework to do, so I'm going upstairs", Brianna said and went upstairs.

This left Kick and his mother alone, "Well, it's nearly time for the bus to arrive. I'll see you later, mom". Kick got up and went for the door, "Wait a minute, son". Kick turned to face his mother, receiving a hug instead. Kick, slightly taken back, was surprised about the spontaneous show of affection. "We all love you, Kick, and we're proud of what you did. You're a true hero and we are very proud to have you as our son", she said.

Kick hugged his mom back, "I'm happy to be your son, mom". She released the hug and let Kick be n his merry way, "Have a fun day at school, Kick". Kick waved goodbye, "Not going to be much of a fun day", he thought. He was lost in his thoughts along the way, thinking about nothing except what had happened, making his journey feel long and slow. The sight of the bus stop came into view and the familiar figure of Gunther.

Gunther noticed Kick and greeted him, "Morning, Kick". Kick smiled and nodded, and stood beside his best friend. Silence followed, none of the two saying a word, until, "How are you holding up", Gunther asked. Kick sighed, "As well as anyone else, how about you". Gunther shrugged, "Same here, no one can be the same after that". "How are we going to get past school today", Kick asked. "Just put on a happy face and hope no one asks what happened", Gunther suggested.

"No one's not going to ask", Kick said, Gunther nodding his agreement. "What are we going to do about our group project", Kick asked. "Well, we we're kind of tied up yesterday", Gunther tried to joke, slightly helped the situation. Kick smile, "You might have been, I was thrown out a forty story high building". Gunther shrugged, "And that's something that never usually happens to you". They both laughed, making themselves feel better.

It had been a long time since they felt this happy, to be able to laugh at one another's misfortunes. Few minutes later, the bus pulled up, opening its doors to the two. Kick and Gunther entered the bus, but were surprised at what they saw, it was empty. "Where is everyone, did they call in sick", Gunther asked. They both looked at the conductor, "They're already at school, so no one except you two for now".

Kick and Gunther were very confused, "Come on, grab yourself a seat. Just because there's no one here doesn't mean there's not someone else waiting". Kick and Gunther walked over to the closest seat they saw and sat down. The bus headed off to its next stop, "Wonder why everyone is at school now", Gunther said. "Beats me, hope it's not daylight savings time and we're an hour late", Kick said. "It's not daylight savings time", a voice from behind said.

Kick and Gunther turned around and were greeted by Jackie, "Hey, dudes, feeling well". They both shrugged, "As well as can be", they both answered. Jackie smiled, "Same here". "When did you get on", Kick asked, remembering the driver said only the two of them had boarded. "Sorry about that, forgot the girl that usually disappears from sight when she's on the bus", he said. "Right", they all said before continuing their conversation.

"When I got on the bus, I was really surprised that no one was here", Jackie said. "Who wouldn't be, usually there's about only four seats left on the bus by the time it's picked up Kick, Kendall and I", Gunther said. "Perhaps something happened that we weren't told about", Kick said. "Who knows, we'll probably find out at school", Jackie said. Kick suddenly thought about something that he has meant to ask.

"Say there was something I wanted to ask you two", Kick said. Jackie and Gunther turned to face him, "What is it", Gunther asked. "Do you two happen to be dating", he asked, causing his two friends to blush deep red. "W-what are you saying", Jackie said, hiding her face. "Yeah, nothing's happening", Gunther added. Kick smiled, "You can't fool me, that's exactly the same thing that happened when Kendall and I were on the bus".

"Alright, you've got us", Gunther sighed. "I knew it. So, when did it happen", Kick asked. "When we we're trapped in the cell back at the Industries. But, I happened a little sooner than that", Jackie explained. "It was after you and Jackie started over with a new slate, becoming friends, then one thing lead to another and here we are", Gunther further explained. "I see. Also, what did it feel like to find out your boyfriend nearly gave everyone a heart attack back at the elevator", Kick asked Jackie.

She laughed at that, "When I found out he had just fainted, I gave him the hardest slap to the back of his head for making me worry. Then I apologised and gave him a hug". Gunther frowned, "I can still feel the stinging after that". "Well next time, don't scare us half to death", Kick said. This conversation went on for a while before the bus stopped and opened its doors, welcoming someone Kick has been waiting for.

In came Kendall, wearing her usual attire, pink and green checked sweater, short black skirt and her signature pink hair band. She was equally surprised at the sudden emptiness of the bus, though her expression did change when she saw her group of friends. "What happened to the bus, it's usually full when I get here", she asked, taking a seat beside Kick. Gunther had moved to the back of them, opting to sit next to Jackie.

"No one knows, seems like everyone's early except us", Kick answered. "How's everyone feeling", she asked. "We're okay, how about you", Gunther said. She sighed, "I'm doing as well as I can, but it's still a little traumatizing". Kick slithered his hand between hers and squeezed it, "Don't worry, you'll be fine". She smiled and squeezed in return, "Thanks Kick, I needed that". "Huzzah, we're all still okay", Gunther announced. "Quiet back there", the conductor said.

Gunther slid back down, embarrassed at his sudden outburst. Everyone else, however, found it quite hilarious and started laughing. Gunther later on joined them, laughing at himself. The conductor eyed the group through the rear-view mirror, "Can't blame them for having fun, it's a good thing they are all in high spirits", he said to himself.

Few minutes later, they finally arrived at school. They got off the bus and saw yet another spectacle, the barren wasteland-like school. Not one student, teacher or even janitor was walking about. "Okay, now I'm thoroughly creeped out, where in the world is everyone", Kendall said. "Did we miss a public holiday or something today", Kick wondered. "Seemed like a normal day on the calendar, maybe school was cancelled", Gunther said.

"This is a real creepy vibe, seeing no one around. Even the animals seem to be missing", Jackie said. "Let's go look around, maybe we could find some information", Kick suggested. Everyone nodded their agreement and followed behind Kick and in to the school. When they got inside, there was not one sign of anybody. It looked like something you would see during an apocalypse, just a ghost town of a place.

"Hello, anybody here, is school still on", Kick called. Only his echo answered him, "Really weird having school seeing the school like this, even the janitors have disappeared", Kick said. The all decided to look in each classroom, hoping to find a single person. "Nothing in this room", Kendall called. "No one in here either", Gunther said. "Empty over here as well", Jackie said. They searched for a bit longer, and then later regrouped.

"This is really weird, it's like everyone just disappeared", Kick said. "There are still other places in school, we should be as thorough as we can be", Gunther said. "Right, you and Jackie check upstairs. Kendall and I will check further on this floor. When we're done, let's meet up at the school gym", Kick said. Everyone nodded, dispersing to their destinations. Gunther and Jackie climbed the staircase and checked every room on the floor.

Kendall and Kick remained on the previous floor and continued to check the other places. Seconds passed, minutes followed, even an hour came and there was still no sign of any soul. They had checked high and low, but to no avail. Everyone met by the doors to the gym, "Any luck", Kick asked. Jackie and Gunther arrived, "Nothing upstairs, but Gunther did find a nice snack in the cafeteria", Jackie said.

Gunther shrugged, "What can I say, searching makes my stomach rumble". "We couldn't find any one on our end either", Kendall said. "There is one place left to check", Gunther said, pointing toward the gym. When everyone turned to look at the gym, Kick noticed something off, literally. "The lock to the gym is gone", Kick said. Everyone saw it as well, "Somebody must be inside there", Kendall said.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go say hello", Jackie said. Kick led them all in to the dark building. The windows were still shut, despite the doors being open, making the gym darker than usual. "Hello, anyone here", Kick called. When he did, the doors to the gym shut, enveloping the group in complete darkness. The lights flashed on, blinding the group for a second. The next thing they saw shocked and awed them.

The whole school was crammed in the gym, party balloons and streamers littered the place. Applause and cheers echoed through the air as everyone greeted the returning heroes. The group was surprised, not really expecting something like this. Not only were the students, teachers and workers in the gym, but the residents of the town as well. The group noticed their parents among the masses of people cheering for them.

"I was wondering when you would arrive", a voice from behind caused the group to turn. Behind them was their head teacher, "Miss Fitzpatrick, what's going on here", the group asked. "What, never heard of a hero's welcome", she asked, metaphorically. "But, how is this all possible", Kendall asked. "Everyone pitched in after hearing of your safe return, it's the least we can do", she answered.

"Enough talking, the principal has something to say", she led the group to the masses. The cheering got louder the closer they got. It felt quite overwhelming, this weird sensation of everyone chanting your name, the vast amount of popularity, it was really weird. Miss Fitzpatrick led the group to an open area in front of a recently constructed stage. On it was the Principal, "Good afternoon to everyone, I am so glad you could make it here on this momentous occasion. Today, we are here to honour those three children for their bravery in this face of danger", he pointed Kick, Gunther and Jackie.

The crowd cheered, making the three feel a bit uncomfortable, "Will you three please come to the stage", the principal asked. They looked at each other, and then proceeded one by one on to the stage, the crowd clapping and cheering. The cheering died down after a bit, causing the room to be silent. "Let it be known that these three children through actions of resolve, dedication, commitment and unflinching bravery, faced evil head on and conquered it", he said.

The praises went on for a while, the crowd applauding for every good thing that the principal called the three. While Jackie and Gunther stood and listened to the praises that came, Kick's attention was focused on Kendall, standing at the foot of the stage. They stared at each other, completely in their own little world. It just felt so good, after all this time apart, they were together again. They stayed like that until, "I would like to present these medals of bravery to our three young heroes".

His secretary came out and handed him a box containing three shiny, gold medals. Just as he was about to present them, Kendall ran up on to the stage. She rushed over to the principal and whispered something into his ear. The principal smiled and stood up again, "On behalf of me, our young Miss Kendall will present the medals". She and the principal walked over to the three, starting with the closest, Gunther. "For standing tall and brave in the face of danger, the town awards Gunther Magnuson this medal of bravery".

Kendall took the medal out of the box and placed it around the neck of Gunther. Gunther smiled, not knowing what he should do. Next up was Jackie, "For standing tall and brave in the face of danger, the town awards Jackie Wackerman this medal of bravery". Kendall took the medal and placed it around Jackie's neck. Jackie, feeling giddy, hugged Kendall which Kendall returned. After they broke the embrace was the next recipients turn.

Neither of the two could stop the smiles that spread across their faces. As they continued to stare at each other, the principal resumed. "For standing tall and brave in the face of danger, the town awards Kick Buttowski this medal of bravery", Kendall took the remaining medal and placed it around Kick's, neck. But, he did receive a little something special in the form of a quick peck on his lips from her.

"These three kids show us what it means to be a hero, to sacrifice for the greater good and stand tall in the face of danger. Some of us may have forgotten that feeling, but thankfully we have people such of Kick, Jackie and Gunther, proving that it doesn't matter who you, anybody can be a hero", he said, leading the crowd into a round of applause. Cheering and chanting followed, praising the greatness of the three.

After that, the after-party began, a little something extra for everyone to relax and have fun. Singing, dancing, food, friends and family, what more could someone ask for. The group of four separated, going about their own routines. Gunther proceeded to the snack table, stacking his plate as high as the eye can see. Jackie was on the dance floor, making moves and heating up the dance floor. Now then, where has Kick and Kendall disappeared off too?

Simple enough, they had managed to sneak away from the party. It's not that they weren't having fun; they just wanted a rest from mingling with people and a little alone time with each other. Once outside, they proceeded to the roof of the school, somewhere that was a little more private. Luckily the lock wasn't locked, so they easily got out on to the roof. The sat down beside the entrance and sighed with relief.

"So, crazy party, huh", Kick said. "Yeah, it was fun", Kendall said. They sat in silence, not awkwardness, enjoyment of each other's presence. Their hands slid into one another's, intertwining. "You remember everything I said back at the office", Kick asked. "Yeah, I remember, word for word", she answered. Kick turned to her, "I meant every word I said and I wouldn't ever think to take them back", Kick said, serious.

Kendall turned to face him, smiling, "I know, I feel the same way too". "I just want to say, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you", Kick said. Kendall pulled him into a hug, "Same goes for me". They looked at each other, still in their embrace. Slowly, not wanting to ruin the moment, their faces came close together until their lips met with one another. So much passion and emotion could be felt through that one moment and they both savoured every minute.

They pulled apart, breathing in air, locked in each other's gaze. They turned their heads to the sky, Kendall leaning hers on Kicks shoulder. "Should have expected to find you two here", a voice said. They both turned to see Jackie and Gunther standing by the entrance. "Needed some privacy, party was getting a bit loud", Kick answered. "Mind if we join, the party's getting a bit repetitive", Gunther asked.

Kick and Kendall patted their sides, gesturing for their friends to join. Jackie and Gunther sat beside them, all staring at the sky, taking in its unknown beauty. All's well that ends well with our young heroes, nevermore will they ever forget what they wouldn't do for their loved ones. No danger too perilous and no foe too strong would ever keep them away from saving those they care about.


Staring up at the white ceiling did nothing to improve his boredom as he continued to lay there on his soft bed. John had been there for about two days, recuperating after the events. He told the doctors that he was better now and asked for early release. They disagreed, stating that he was not medically clear and wanted to run more test to make sure no serious injury would cause discomfort. So, he's stuck there until further notice.

His boredom would have continued until he heard the door open, "Here to give me my pills again, nurse. Just drop them on the table and I'll take them later". "John, are you alright", a voice asked. John sat up a bit, wanting to make sure he was hearing correctly. The image of the girl did not disappoint him, "As good as ever now that you're here". She walked in slowly, taking a seat by his bedside.

They stayed silent for a bit, not really knowing what to say. John opted to go first, "How have you been these days". She stayed silent still, "You okay, you seem a bit-". "Did you do it", she asked. John was taken back a bit, but knew this was coming eventually. So, he decided to just face the music and confess, "I've done a lot of things I regret, all for the sake of survival". She looked up at John, waiting for his explanation.

"I don't expect you to understand why I did it, just know that when you've got nothing to lose, not much harm in tempting fate", John said. "I'll understand if you don't want to see me again, even I wouldn't", John continued. He waited for the angry remark, then the inevitable walk out. Surprising enough, it didn't happen. Instead, a small hand slide into his and squeezed lightly. John turned to face Evelynn, not knowing what to say.

"I don't understand completely, but I can guess what you've been through", she said, giving a small smile. John lightly smiled back, "You sure you want to do this". She continued to smile, "You owe me a missed date and I intend to have it". They laughed, and then continued to talk for a while until she had to go home. She waved goodbye and left, leaving John to himself, "Never expected a happy ending", he said before falling asleep.

AN: And that, ladies and gentleman, was the finale to this story. It wasn't as long as the usual chapters, but I ran out of ideas, so all you got was a cliché ending (But I have a feeling you enjoyed it none the less). Anyway, thank you all so much for sticking through and being patient, I have a new project which will come sooner or later so look forward to it. Let's end this on a high note, thank you all so much for reading, tell people about it if you enjoyed, come back later for more stories, and have a wonderful day. Bye bye.

May the-bzzzbzzbzbzbbbzbzzbzbzbzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbbbzbzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzbbzbbbbbzbzbbbzbzbzbbzbzbzzbzbztttbbbbzzzttbb-

"Do you really think you have been rid of me", a voice said, echoing through the dilapidated building. He sat down in front of a mirror, staring at his complexion, loathing the humanity that he saw. "I am never one to forgive, let alone forget", he opened his bag, reached inside and grabbed a white mask. Slowly, he slipped the mask over his face, completely hiding his face that he so rightly despised.

He looked into the mirror, vaguely seeing through the white fabric, but was happy to see only a white face in the mirror. "I have already said that this world should be purged of the corrupt and be ravished by the flames of Hades", he got up and walked over to the closet. He opened it up, revealing a black suit, slightly burned on one side along with a red tie. He took the clothes out and adorned the costume. "Fear is what makes a man powerful, and it is that which will control people", he paced the room.

"Humanity wants to see the true monster, well that is what they are going to get", he walked back to his seat and sat down. He stared at the man in the mirror, a former shell of a once foolish human being, "I have transcended the boundaries of mortals and demons and have been reborn anew". In the mirror was a figure wearing a black suit and red tie, with a white mask that covered all facial features.

He looked at pictures, the ones that reminded him of his defeat, "Enjoy whatever time you have left, for when the clock strikes midnight, this fairy tale will end and the sweet taste of revenge will fill my hunger". He took out a lighter and burned the pictures, watching the flames play and eat away at the photo, "The man inside is dead, the fire and fall purged him and released me. I am no longer Lawrence Knight; I am now...the Slenderman".

To Be Continued?