Author's Notes: Salutations and welcome to my first story entitled, "What I Wouldn't Do For You". My name is John Dusk and I will be your guide through this fictional story. I am completely new here and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I do like to write. I am more used to writing short, quick stories, but I am going to try to lengthen my limit. This is a Kick Buttowski fanfic, which centres around the Kick/Kendall couple, because I'm a sucker for those two. So without further notice, let us begin this glorious journey.

PS: This is my first time doing this, so ease down on the criticism unless it helps me to become a better writer. Thank you and have a good time.

Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Kick Buttowski series, except for original ideas.

Chapter 1: Mutual Feelings

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock…..

The continuous sound of the classroom clock echoed throughout the room, ticking down to the end of the school day. It drove a few student's mad, teasing them at how slow time moves, hindering them from exiting this 'Institute of Learning' and returning to their carefree lives. Another thing to note was that it was the end of the school week, which means two whole days of 'Rest and Relaxation'. To one of the student's, it meant the beginning of creating new and improved stunts.

That student's name was Kick Buttowski, Mellowbrook's suburban daredevil. Dressed in his classic white stunt suit, yellow gloves and boots, and a white helmet with a red line going across the middle, Kick eagerly waits, watching the clock slowly countdown to a fun-filled weekend. To his left sits his trusty sidekick and best friend, Gunther Magnuson, wearing a blue shirt, black shorts and his signature red cap. Kick notices his friend completely focused on a project he is working on.

"Okay, so I was thinking you could go down Dead Man's Drop on a surfboard. Then when you reach the bottom, there will be one of those backyard water slides that leads all the way back to the cul-de-sac", Gunther informed his friend about the stunt. "You got everything Kick…. Kick?", Gunther turned toward his best friend when not receiving a response. Kick was not listening to his buddy's idea, but instead was totally enthralled in the being that sat in front of him.

With her long, straight blonde hair pulled back by a pink hairband while the rest of it covered a bit of the back of her pink and green argyle sweater, also sporting a black skirt, sat Mellowbrook Middle School's resident top student, Kendall Perkins. Now, Kendall and Kick are not the best of friends, claiming each other as their sworn enemy. They are always seen arguing with one another when their paths cross. Usually Kick wouldn't be caught dead staring intently at the girl, but for some reason, deep down inside him, he couldn't help it.

He did not know when this weird feeling started nor did he understand why and yet it did not bother him in the slightest. One minute felt like an eternity when he stared at the blonde beauty. Right now, he could just reach out and touch that golden…

"KICK, EARTH TO KICK", Gunther knocked lightly against Kick's helmet, trying to get the boy's attention. Kick snapped out of his trance, "Huh…what….who?". Kick faced his pal, "What was that for?". "Kick, what's wrong, it's not like you to ignore stunt idea's?", his friend questioned. "What are you talking about, I was giving you my undivided attention", Kick tried to convince his friend. Gunther did not buy it, "No way man, you were in a zone of your own".

"So tell me, what's on your mind?", Gunther inquired. Kick debated on whether to tell his friend about his little daydream or not, but quickly thought against the idea. "Oh…just thinking up some stunts on my own", he informed his friend, hoping this would please him. "Oh, well tell me about your idea's, all I've got is the surfboard one", Gunther asked. 'Aw biscuits….now I've got to think of something fast', Kick quickly tried to think up a stunt and just as he was about to answer…

"Do you two mind, I am trying to finish up some homework here", a voice from in front informed them. Kick and Gunther's attention turned to the front where Kendall was sitting. "Sorry Kendall, but we were discussing an awesome stunt after school to kick-start the weekend", Kick informed Kendall, though not in the nicest way. She scoffed and shot back, "Keep doing these stunts Clarence and you won't have any brain cells to tell right from left". "At least I have fun, instead of the 'no fun' life you seem to live", Kick always liked to push Kendall's buttons when coming face-to-face with her non-stop nagging. "I don't live a 'no fun' life, I'm just working towards getting a good career for my future", Kendall informed them. "I have a career…and that's being the greatest daredevil that the world has yet to see", Kick fired back.

Just before the argument could continue, Miss Fitzpatrick came to silence the bickering. "In case you two have forgotten, this is a quiet, free study period", she informed the pair."And if you two want to continue your argument, you best be ready to stay after school and clean the classroom by yourselves". Kick and Kendall didn't need any more encouraging and quickly put the argument to rest.

Ironic enough, at the same time, the last bell to signal the coming of the weekend rang and a horde of student's rushed out of the classroom. Just as they were exiting the classroom, the bickering pair saw fit to continue their argument. "Nice job Clarence, you nearly got us in trouble", Kendall said, annoyed. "Well, if you hadn't of bothered us, we wouldn't have been in that situation", Kick shot back, equally annoyed. As they exited the school, they scowled at each other one last time before wishing each other a good weekend, although not in the friendliest way.

While Kick started his journey home, Gunther finally caught up to him. "Geez Kick, you ever thought of being nicer to Kendall", Gunther said, trying to reason with his best friend. "Hey, she started it", Kick informed. "But that doesn't mean you have to continue it". Gunther always tried to reason with his friend, "Look, I'm just saying you don't have to act like that towards her all the time".

"Maybe if you got to know her, perhaps you could be friends", Gunther suggested. "Sorry Gunther, but opposites don't exactly work well together", Kick said. "Just give it a chance", Gunther tried to reason, "Next time you see her, try to get along". "Maybe some other time", Kick answered, "Right now, you have to tell me about our stunt to kick of the weekend. Gunther sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get through to his friend."All right, here's the plan…", Gunther explained to Kick about the plan he thought up during free period as they continued on their way home.

Little did they know, a foreign entity was quietly watching from a distance. Clad in black cargo trousers with a red coloured claw mark going across the right side, a black and grey long-sleeved shirt and a pair of spectacles, observed the duo as they discussed their plans. "Poor naïve children, they know little of what is to come. Their roles are potent in the upcoming events", the figure said to himself before turning to leave.

"Hey mister", a little girl dressed in a scout uniform called to the older man. He turned to face the child. "Would you like to buy some cookies", she asked. The older gentleman kneeled down and looked at the kid. "Sure little one, how much for a box?", he asked. The little girl held out a box and the man paid for it. Just as he was about to leave, the little girl informed him of something. "Mister, you have very weird eyes", she said, " Like a cat".He turned his head in the girl's direction with a grin on his face and said, "Well little one, I'm a very weird person", before disappearing from her sight.

(Let's see how Kendall's doing)

After her and Buttowski's 'good-bye', she walked home in the opposite direction of the school. Another day gone, another argument between Clarence Buttowski. It was a continuous loop, when they came across each other, bickering was not an avoidable option. No matter where or when, if these two came together, arguments will going be made. "I can't believe Clarence almost got me in trouble….again", she said to herself.

She continued to talk to herself about the events during the last period of school. In the back of her mind, she wondered 'Why can't we have a normal conversation that doesn't lead to fighting'. As she reached the front gate to her house, she ceased talking and thinking about the events at school and turned her attention toward a different matter, studying.

As she entered the gate to her house, a black car observed the situation. Studying the small mansion, the security system and of course, the girl, the two men in the vehicle took everything into account. During their silent note-taking, one of the men received a call. "Hello", he said. "How goes the observation", the voice on the other end asked. "Target located and residence analyzed, shall we undergo the operation", the man asked.

"Negative, report back to HQ", the voice said. "We have much preparation to attend to". "Acknowledged, leaving right away", the call ended and the black car left the Perkins residence to returns to headquarters. "Whatever happened to regrouping with you know who", the other man asked his comrade. "Forget about him, he's probably off buying cookies from girl scouts or something", the second man answered and there after continued their journey in complete silence.

Authors Notes: End of chapter one, I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review and tell me what you thought of it. Expect more chapters in the future. I am going for a slow but interesting story, so if you feel a bit bored, know that it is essential for the story. But it will get interesting, you have my word. Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope to see you again next time. May the night watch over you.